Rating:  Summary: Very Enjoyable Review: I'm a huge fan of Peter & Bobby Farrelly (except for Osmosis Jones that was trash) and I was satisfied with this new movie. Bob and Walt Tenor(Matt Damon & Greg Kinnear) are two brothers who own a restraunt in Marthas Vineyard and are happy with their life of being conjoined twins,but when Walt wants to be an actor and go to Hollywood,things change a little bit.After going to Hollywood and finding no luck,Walt is spotted by Cher who has a contract with a show that she hates called "Honey and the Beaze" and hires Walt as the co-star in order to drop ratings,however her plan backfires and the ratings just go up.However,Bob doesn't enjoy the Hollywood lifestyle and would rather be back at Marthas Vineyard at the restraunt.But by now Walt has become a star and "Honey and the Beaze" is a hit.The movie which is funny but not terrific also has some heart,the movie is not just a comedy but also a look at a bond between two brothers.Although Matt Damon and Greg Kinnear obviously look nothing alike they are cast perfectly in the role of Bob and Walt.I really enjoyed the film and I hope you do as well.
Rating:  Summary: Promising talent wasted on a BORING film Review: For a while there, I didn't think that the Farrelly brothers (Dumb and Dumber, There's Something About Mary) had the capacity to direct a geniunely bad movie. Their deft blend of gross-out humor, 'dumb' comedy, and outrageous situations always seems to come out looking smart after all, and that takes talent. Well, after the first 15 minutes of Stuck On You, I realized that my hopes were dashed. Their latest effort, starring Matt Damon and Greg Kinnear as conjoined twins who go to California where one (Kinnear) can pursue an acting career, is geniunely bad - and not in the Plan 9 From Outer Space sense, either. It's boring, unfunny, and simply painful to watch at certain moments. I never thought I'd say this in all my years on earth, but Stuck left me wishing the movie were grosser, dumber, and more outrageous. The Farrelly brothers have tried to craft something that has heart, but it's played too straight - gone is their astonishing toilet humor and knack for hilarious sight gags. The movie just seems bare and lifeless, and except for an inspired turn by Kinnear during a few scenes on a fictional sitcom and a great cameo by Meryl Streep, it's overlong and underplayed. Exception: the third act picks up some steam and the sun seems to break through the clouds, but it gets old and tired like the rest of the movie and loses its last chance for any redemption. In the end, Stuck On You is regrettable, forgettable, and just plain disappointing. Grade: D+
Rating:  Summary: Not quite saved by the Belles Review: I never thought I'd write a review of a movie like this, because I never thought I'd SEE a movie like this. It's pure drivel. And no, it's not even particularly sympathetic to the plight of conjoined twins, because it never takes that part of the story seriously and the twins are no longer conjoined at the end of the movie anyway. What, you thought they lived happily ever after sharing a liver? Two hours with these guys and I was reaching for a knife, to cut my OWN throat. Matt Damon has done bad work before, but Greg Kinnear is usually watchable. But in this film he looks like Jeff Fahey's stunt double from the execrable "Lawnmower Man," a movie that isn't sympathetic to the plight of the mentally challenged. And what are those bags under his eyes all about? Is he suffering for his art? Well fine, because I don't think the viewer should be the only one. The best thing about this film were the cameos by Meryl Streep and Cher, especially Cher. Am I the only one who noticed that "Honey and the Bease" is a parody of "Moonlighting"? Which was itself a parody of the private eye genre, so I take it all back, especially when the Cher character softens. I watched this film because it was the only film offered on a trans-Atlantic flight. What's your excuse?
Rating:  Summary: Surprisingly Funny & Touching Review: The Farrelly brothers must be going soft in their middle age. Despite the fact that they've never replicated the near-perfection of "Kingpin" and "There's Something About Mary", they don't seem to mind. Their last two films, "Shallow Hal" and now "Stuck On You", both deal with issues of family, love, and what we consider "wierd" in a person in honest and occasionally touching ways. "Stuck on You", however is much better than "Shallow Hal".The film is about two conjoined twins, Walt(Greg Kinnear) and Bob(Matt Damon), who live in Martha's Vineyard where everyone sees them as normal. They are conjoined at the waist, sharing a liver. They could have been sperated with Walt being perfectly normal, but Walt would only of had a 50/50 chance at living. Bob refused to let his brother take that chance. They run a burger joint in town, and while Bob is the athelete, Walt is an aspiring actor. Bob can't act and suffers from panic attacks. What's great about this setup is that everyone knows Bob and Walt and knows that they're perfectly normal. They're sensitive about being called "freaks" of course, but they are fiercely independent. Walt, however, has a dream of being a real actor, and since they promised each other they would never hold the other back, they head to Hollywood to look for fame. Obviously, things don't come easy for the pair, and the film followd their various failures. They have an agent who last worked in real Hollywood perhaps 30 years ago, hilariously played by Seymoure Cassell. The first job he gets them is on a porn film. Then, after a run-in with Cher, who wants out of a TV deal she has to make, Walt gets a break as her costar in "Honey and the Beaze". Walt really is a good actor, and as usual the brothers charm everyone they meet, and the show is a surprise hit, which infuriates Cher. The film is buoyed by the inherent humanity in all of the characters. Hardly any one of them is portrayed in a put-down way. Eva Mendes plays a silcone filled wannabe actress, and while she's kinda dumb, she's also sweet and never used by the Faralley's in the ovbious way other directors would. Bob is in love with May, an internet sweerheart who doesn't know about his attachment to his brother. She is played with some skill by Wen Yann Shih, and she strikes the perfect balance needed in the twisted world of teh Faralleys. Walt and Bob are also very real. They're human, they love each other, they just happen to share a liver. The acting from Damon and Kinnear here is absurd. The previews for this film seem to imply the two are dumb, which they aren't. They're about as complex a pair that you'd find in a screwball comedy. The Faralley's have come a long way from the out and out grossness of "Dumb & Dumber" which was just a gross-out comedy. After a rocky start in "Shallow Hal", they've successfully transitioned from full gross-out humor to a more PG-13 sensibility. While sometimes their message of accepting those different from us is pounded a little to hard, "Stuck on You" manages to be both very funny and touching at the same time. All this from the guys who gave us the zipper scene in "Something About Mary". What range. I never would have guessed. "Stuck on You" is mightily enterianing, endearing, and hilarious.
Rating:  Summary: Stuck On You- You Actually Might Stick To It Review: Stuck On You, the new Farrelly brothers comedy is actually charming and funny. Matt Damon and Greg Kinnear play Bob and Walt Tenor, they're conjoined twins. They own a burger restaurant in Martha's Vineyard and are pretty happy with it. Soon Walt (Kinnear) wants to be an actor and move to Hollywood to achieve his dream. Damon reluctantly accepts (well he doesn't have much choice). In Hollywood, Bob & Walt meet with Cher, an actress on a TV show. Soon, Walt auditions for the show and he gets the role he wants and he soon becomes a mega-hit star. The premise is not totally disposable, surprisingly I might add. The Farrelly brothers can devise something relatively creative and entertaining. Damon is great, but Kinnear really is the entertainer of this comedy. Eva Mendes comes in as the love interest of Kinnear's character. Stuck On You offers quite a bit of laughs, of course not at all as funny as the Farrelly's, "There's Something About Mary," but definetly an improvement from the last film, "Shallow Hal." Stuck On You is rated PG-13 for Crude and Sexual Humor and Some Language. The humor isn't highly explicit or graphic and the profanity is moderate, and not strong. All and all, a fine comedy with good laughs. Seeing in theatres isn't a bad decision, but would definetly be better as a rental.
Rating:  Summary: FAN-tastic Movie Review: First of all, this is a GREAT Movie. Don't let anyone say otherwise. Was it executed well by the actors? No, perhaps not, according to our stereotype expectations concerning 'Farrelly Brothers' movies. We can't expect that from Academy Award winning DRAMATIC actors. It is like a Polka band trying to play rock n roll. If you watch this movie expecting the full pedal to the floor comedy, you WILL be disappointed. Yes, the actors do execute the script, and as a result of the casting selections here, we wind up with a hybrid motion picture, romantic/comedy/drama. If you go into it as such, you will see a great movie. I believe in the future you will see less superstar comedians in Farrelly movies. Those actors (excluding any up-and-comers or has-beens) will want BIG dollars because by now they know what Farrelly movies gross. The stand-in cast regulars will gain enough exposure to step into lead roles, AND they will do a fantastic job for a reasonable rate. You will also see more top-notch Drama Kings and Queens in roles. Why? 1. They are Farrelly Fans, 2. They usually go for the opposite of what they are, like the Country singer who likes Heavy Metal. 3. They love the challenge, it's what they do. They want to master all styles of acting, but seldom get the chance. 4. They'll cut a reasonable deal to get that chance. WWW.CDBABY.COM/BOB Bob Rivers
Rating:  Summary: I Did Like It! Review: "Stuck on You" was a good film. But it was made by the Farrelly Brothers, and it was not as good as one of their previous films "Shallow Hal." They also made "There's Something About Mary" but I never saw that. In almost every one of their films, they use an interesting topic for their plot. In "Shallow Hal" it was people who are not as attractive as other people-fat people, ugly people. In "Stuck on You" it is conjoined twins, played by Matt Damon and Greg Kineer. One thing that I didn't care for about the film was that Matt Damon and Greg Kineer arn't two of the greatest actors in the world. Although I don't like them, they mananged to do pretty well in their roles. The reason I only gave "Stuck on You" four stars instead of five was because the movie was too slow. It was funny, and full of heart, but it seemed to take quite a long time for the story to open up. The story is about Bob and Walt, two brothers who have been connected since birth. They can't get a sepration because Bob has most of their liver, and if the sugery does not go perfect, then there is a chance that Walt could die. They don't let themselves being conjoined influence their lives. They both allow the other one to persue each others dreams. Bob is the fit one of the pair. He is jogging every mourning, and keeping himself in shape. Walt has dreams of becoming an actor. He puts on a one man show every year, but wants to do more with his talents. Bob has to been with him on stage every year, but he gets stage fright. The two are chefs in a burger resturant, where the meal is done is three minutes, or the meal is free. But finally, Bob agrees to move to Hollywood with Walt. He gets rejection after rejection, but meets an actress/model April Mercedes. April introduces them to agent Morty, who takes Walt on. The first job that he gets Walt doesn't work out. but when leaving they have a chance meeting with Cher(played by Cher). Cher has to do a television show because it is in her contract, and to get out of it, she decides to have Walt star in it with her. But the show becomesa surprise hit, and Walt becomes a star. Bob becomes a little jealous of Walt's stardome, especially when he calls his Internet friend May Fong to visit. May lives close-by, but Bob never told him that he hasa conjoined twin named Walt. As Walt becomes more famous, and each others dreams become in each others way, the two must decide whether of not they should seprate, even with the many dangers that option holds. It's a long plot, but it is a long movie. I feel that the plot opens up with them moving to Hollywood. Except, that takes a very long time to happen, at least a little over a half hour. I liked how Cher plays herself, instead of her playing a different actress. I also liked the scene with Meryl Streep, playing herself, as a person that Bob and Walt knew once upon a time. It was a funny, fresh, comedy, that I reommend, except it is not for people who want an instant plot. Very slow, but it's pretty good. ENJOY! Rated PG-13 for crude and sexual humor, and some language.
Rating:  Summary: Just Okay Review: Stuck On You stars Greg Kinnear and Matt Damon as Walt and Bo Tenor, conjoined twins who enjoy a happy and well-adjusted life in Martha's Vineyard. Bo, an amateur actor, decides to seek fame and fortune in Hollywood, so off they go. There he finds work as Cher's co-star in a tv series and the brothers learn how his success will affect them both. The subject matter of the movie (poking fun at conjoined twins) is repellant - but that is usually a specialty of Farrelly Brothers movies. There are many solid laughs here, but is a poor successor to previous Farrelly Brothers hits, such as Dumb and Dumber and There's Something About Mary. I really liked the first twenty minutes of Stuck On You. The boys were shown running a successful burger shop, surrounded by friends, engaging in hobbies, and helping the handicapped. It was cozy, funny, and sweet. Unfortunately, once they arrive in Hollywood, the warmth and the laughs almost disappear as they meet Cher(!) and careen from one unfunny situation to another. The flamboyant Kinnear is the star of the show. He and Damon are both quite likeable and sympathetic, but the movie, at two hours, is way too long to sustain the humor. There are too many characters, subplots, and boring lulls between funny sight gags. I found Cher's presence totally distracting. And a cameo by Meryl Streep!? Stuck On You isn't as bad as it could have been (given the premise), but it's not as good as some other Farrelly films. It gets a C+ from me.
Rating:  Summary: I laughed, I cried! Review: This movie is a departure from the gross-out humor of the Farrelly Brothers. Instead, it is a geniunely touching, heartwarming story of how family can drive you crazy, but ultimately is better to have then not. The first half of the movie, in which we get to know Bob and Walt, provides adequate, if thin, history and character development, mostly illustrated by the twins' sports accomplishments. Two scenes are right on target in their show of teamwork between the twins. The first is the burger flipping scene in Bob's restaurant, when they put together a meal of 16 burgers in less than three minutes. The other is the fight scene in a Hollywood bar, in which the twins demonstrate "twin-tae-kwon-do" moves and whoop some serious behind. The second half becomes less funny, and more touching. The scene in which the twins are surgically separated made me misty-eyed, and the montage of scenes that follows, during which Bob moves back to Martha's Vineyard and the twins must adjust to life as single people, had me reaching for the tissues. One particular scene really wrenched my heart: Walt is sitting on a park bench next to a sculpture of a man reading a book. Walt then slides up next to the statue and puts his head on the statue's shoulder; Waterworks on! "Stuck on You" runs the gamut of emotions, so if you are an overly emotional person, be prepared. It is funny, but also makes you feel good inside, and while it is certainly not the Farrelly's best work (on the level of "Mary" or "Kingpin"), it is definitely a worthy rental, and possibly even a nice one to add to your collection.
Rating:  Summary: Tell 'em I'm not here! Review: When i heard the Farrelly brothers were making a film about conjoined twins, i have to admit i expected the worst. It seems like one subject it would be impossible for them to walk their fine line being laughing with and laughing at. However, after finally getting round to watching it i have to admit it was actually really good. The Farrelly brothers always show an understanding and an eagerness to involve the plights of those less fortunate than themselves in their movies, which frankly must be a better way of treating the subject of disability than simply ignoring it like the rest of the movie industry. In fact, South Park springs to mind as the only other vehicle brave enough to tackle the issues faced by conjoined persons on screen. I'll stop there before this becomes a call to award Trey, Matt, Bob or the other one a Nobel prize or anything, but it's something to think about. "Stuck on You" is a very sweet film at heart. The brother's bond with each other (slight pun intended) warms the heart, and there's plenty of sound relationship advice in there too (although if you're looking for relationship advice in a Farrelly brother's movie...). Ultimately the plot serves more as a vehicle for stringing together a bunch of "what if?" scenarios that perhaps seemed a lot funnier when written down. Much of the humor does indeed derive from the brother's unfortunate predicament, but some of this is pure genius, for example in the opening scenes where the brothers are out jogging and a hot female jogger passes and says "Hello" to Greg Kinnear, but not to Matt Damon, who responds "Wow, when did you meet her?!". The bar fight scene is also pretty good, with Damon getting to show he hasn't forgotten the moves he learned for "The Bourne Identity". Cher's acting is terrible and Meryl Steep looks out of place and embarrassed, but Damon is perfect and Kinnear gamely works with what he's given, although in the DVD extras he seemingly tries to disown the entire project. Finally, i thought the conclusion to the movie seemed both rushed and ill-considered - are we really to believe the boys had never fought and dreamed of separation before in their 32 years together? And if the operation is so risky, why do Kinnear and Damon seem so unconcerned about it? Still, thou shalt find better things to do with thy time and intellect than pick holes in the plot of Farrelly brothers movies. Just sit down, shut up and learn to enjoy the ride. Overall it's not the Farrelly brother's best, but it isn't Me, Myself and Irene.