Rating:  Summary: It's all about being in the wrong place at the right time Review: I don't ever remember seeing this come out in theaters, and I'm betting that if it did it didn't do so hot. Sean William Scott plays Ben, a guy whose brother, Kevin, was killed because of his debt. When Kevin died his debt transferred to Ben, who now has to steal a statue from a bank vault to settle. Ben assembles a...rather interesting team to help him and throws an after-hours rave to cover up the noises he'll be making at the bank next-door. Chaos of course ensues: there's all sorts of problems with the losers who are supposed to be doing all the work while Ben supervises, the FBI shows up at the party as do Chinatown thugs, and poor Ricky, who's assisting Ben, keeps getting beat up. I'll keep the (rather obvious) ending to myself.
My major question going into this was: can Sean William Scott carry his own movie? He was the only "famous" person here (besides Phillips, but when did we see him last???) and was the main character. My decision? With a better script and a better plot, he could have carried it off. He does a great job working with other people (Rundown with The Rock, all the American Pie/Wedding movies) so my suggestion would be to either stick with what works or try really hard to find a good script before he ventures out on his own again.
As for the whole of the movie, there were some amusing parts (the rest of the characters had some sort of fatal flaw or became involved in some big problem) and there were some completely head-shaking-stupidity parts. Overall I would say if you had to see it you should rent it.
Rating:  Summary: Favorableness, me you suppose that, is. Review: Considerably hyped there was I in order to look at this movie; My friend who buys that liked that and us to have the same taste of the movie the large quantity which is tend. It is our ranges tend. Clearly, as for us always. In any case, I looked at that... was good, it was fair just a little there. The film uses the narrative device where work or this movie are not exception rarely. Periodically, (the Seann William Scot work it is played) us being principal, the person of the small hero stops in that conversation, turns to the camera, and gives the narration which is small to the viewer. It was understood, what is new, (Ferris Bueller? Remember) however as an exception that did not work by any means. That was excessively rare, or in case device many it is used exactly clearly inaccurately. In place of the thing which has influence, that reached and was and came out exactly folly like this the way, commonplace. In the edge where completely, loose bit everything has been wrapped, the quality of Seanns (I now cannot remember that name just) in the camera that ' Look is not done and, veiwer' You do not speak; The however bit, that is the story which voice ends exactly. Why? Already why it brings the device, because you do not use that and is high. Without being the thought that beginning being good, that it could to have suddenly, perhaps, excessively is slow it is actualized? I hate the narration which excludes rare circumstance the fact that really it works privately. It seems that as for this film the request can enter with to club those the pants of the girl it is hot or to the child with someone crowd of the young man, concerning 15 or 16 is directed. Now, in me the wrongdoing does not have to be obtained, the time of levity and cleverness was passed. Several of qualities of support barely was interesting, there was a line whose small amount is good here and there. That was the diamond of those where it is rough; Someone had cut that tooth of this movie. Perhaps 1 person or more. I in order for I really to be there, in order not to be invited... as much as necessary was forced felt exactly a little in order all by me to make being moved entirely unpleasant. Seeing, you steal and but the outsider who has been done to hear you are included. This is not your audience with you the method of wanting reacting to your film really. To be cool, you tried the movie excessively eagerly. As for that depending upon the people what which thinks of that that we want being as for that whether is, because someone's, it is necessary to learn the fact that it loves that itself it is not. The fiber does not have to be feared.
Rating:  Summary: A fun, differnt type of heist film! Review: From Lawrence Bender, the producer of PULP FICTION, RESERVOIR DOGS, and KNOCKAROUND GUYS comes STARK RAVING MAD. Its really to bad this didnt get more attention in the theaters because its a fun movie. I got the DVD from Australia a while back. Seann William Scott proves he can be cool and proves he doesnt have to be Stifler in every movie he's in. In this one he's more of a tough guy and its a nice touch. Id like to see him do more work in films like this one. After all, BULLETPROOF MONK wasnt his fault. For fans of the hesit/crime genre I strongly recommend it.
Rating:  Summary: This went straight to video !?! Review: I am astounded that this movie was not on general release, the movie has fantastic pace, great comedic moments and a wonderful cast - surely a surefire hit? This is one of the best movies that I have seen lately and sure allows Sean William Scott to showcase his acting ability (and he can really act) - and it is nice to see him in a role unrelated to Stiffler (as much as we love stiffler). Stark Raving Mad may be a little bit predictable in places but still is a fantastic story, with fantastic music and fantastic actors. Well worth a look!
Rating:  Summary: Stark Raving Mad is an AWESOME film! Review: I have been looking for this one forever. I missed it in the theaters in the fall, but I was glad to see it on DVD. First of all, Seann Scott FINALLY proves he can act. So much so that we might be able to forgive him for Bulletproof Monk. AND - he finally breaks out of that Stifler mold, probably because he finally had a good script to work with. The producers and writers nailed this one. And speaking of producers -- this independent is brought to us by the guys who did Pulp Fiction and Kill Bill, as well as Memento and Donnie Darko -- And Stark Raving Mad certainly lives up to it's predecessors. The film is neckjarringly fast and funny, and first time writer/directors David Schneider and Drew Daywalt make an unmistakably strong first impression of style and humor. The drawback to this film is that sometimes it is not sure if it wants to be a comedy or an action film, but that is also part of what makes it refreshing. It doesn't jam down your throat how you are supposed to feel as so many films do. The film's strong points are definitely its intense sense of direction and pacing, and outstanding performances, especially by Scott and newcomer Timm Sharp, whose Lenny and George-esque relationship really carries the film.The irony is not lost on the intelligent viewer that the robbery goes a lost smoother than the bank robbery that it is set up to cover. There's an insane DJ, ex-girlfriends, horny raver girls, undercover feds, drug dealers, Chinese gangsters. And as a bank robber, Seann's character is not qualified to deal with these petty, ordinary problems. Scott and Sharp do a convincing job playing compadres and the jeopardy they are in is at times, terrifying ( note the knife to the eyeball scene with the Chinese Gangsters). The pace and the comedy are nonstop, and it feels kind of like an American version of Snatch, but much funnier and with better characters. Along with a strong sense of visual intensity, the soundtrack is relentless and chunky, scored entirely by DJ John Digweed and Nick Muir. It really gives you the feel of being in a rave. Not since Human Traffic has there been such a successfully cool mix of film and dance music. This is a must rent and I give it four stars out of five. Peace.
Rating:  Summary: A Movie With a Good Beat Review: I love a movie with a great techno soundtrack. This movie has that. The movie moves along to the beat and never gets boring. You can not go wrong with a movie that includes a bank heist, techno music, scantilly clad women, and chinese gangsters.
Rating:  Summary: Stark Raving Mad was a total pleasure and a gem of a film Review: I rented this one last night because nothing else looked good. I hadn't heard of this Seann william Scott Film, nor of the directors Daywalt and Schneider, but I had heard of the producers -- who were the guys who not only did Pulp Fiction, but also the folks that brought us Memento, so I decided to give it a try. Well I'm not sure what happened to this movie after it was made, but it was certainly not intended for direct to DVD. I'll just say that it was a FANTASTIC film. The best one I've seen this year. The screenplay was strong, the main character was a new kind of strong jawed hero for Seann Scott to be playing, ( and he did it quite successfully, I might add), the characters were hysterical when they needed to be, and dangerous when they needed to be. The editing was MTV style, but not in your face or over the top like in LOCK STOCK, SNATCH or CONFIDENCE - this was more justified and stylized - more like FIGHTCLUB I guess, than any other film. the cinematography was awesome, and when I listened to the commentary track with the two directors and Seann Scott, they mentioned that the whole film was done in 21 days. Kudos to them, because this little underdog of a film is an awesome find, and a testament to the fact that just because a film doesn't have powerhouse marketing behind it, does not mean it's not a great little film. SRM is the directors' first film and it's darn good on it's own merits. Do yourself a favor and rent this one. It's a joy and a nice surprise. FOUR OUT OF FIVE STARS overall and FIVE OUT OF FIVE STARS for a direct to DVD. This film really delivers.
Rating:  Summary: It's all right, I suppose. Review: I was pretty hyped to see this movie; my friends, who had bought it, liked it a lot and we tend to have the same taste in movies. We TEND to. Obviously, we don't always. Anyway, I watched it and... well, it was just kind of there. The film uses a narrative device that rarely ever works and this movie was no exception. Periodically, our main little hero man (played by Seann William Scot) will pause in his conversations, turn to the camera and give a little narration to the viewer. Okay, nothing new (remember Ferris Bueller?) except that it just didn't work. It was a device used too infrequently, or just plain incorrectly in many cases. Instead of having an impact, it came out as just stupid and banal. Indeed, at the very end, where all the loose bits are being wrapped up, Seann's character (I can't remember his name now) does not do his 'look into the camera and talk to the veiwer' bit, instead it's just a voice over narrative. WHY? You already introduced the device, why not use it? Are you suddenly scared of it, or maybe realized, too late, that it wasn't a good idea in the first place? I personally HATE narration except in the rare circumstance where it actually works. This film seemed to be aimed at the younger male crowd, the kids about 15 or 16 who wish they could get into clubs and into a hot girl's pants. Now, don't get me wrong, it had its moments of levity and cleverness. Some of the supporting characters were slightly interesting, there were a few good lines here and there. It was a diamond in the rough; someone was cutting his teeth on this movie. Maybe more than one person. I felt the whole thing a little forced... just enough to make me feel uncomfortable, like I wasn't really invited to be there. An outsider looking in and eavesdropping, but not included. This is really not the way you want your audience to react to your film. The movie was trying too hard to be cool. It needs to learn to love itself for who it is, not what it thinks people want it to be.
Rating:  Summary: One seriously rad film Review: Just saw a bootleg and can't wait to buy the official version. Dave Foley is his funniest and Sean Scott is pretty funny too. Very Visual and the music and editing are the best I think I have ever seen/heard..Definitely a recommend.
Rating:  Summary: Where did this movie come from? It was GREAT! Review: Never heard peep about it in the news, online or in previews at the theater but it was way better than the crap that Hollywood's been shoveling out onto the teen market -- finally a movie where the dialogue reflects how real young people really talk. Great story, greatt dialogue. And Seann William Scott is awesome, again. So is Timm Sharp and Dave Foley. Excellent film which I'm sure is on it's way to cult status. All grreat unheralded films go there.
Rent this movie. you won't be sorry.