Rating:  Summary: Ernest in a holiday comedy romp! Review: "Ernest Saves Christmas" is one film I can't understand why is so underrated, and overlooked. TV Guide gives it one star which means poor. That's not right. Some film critics they are. I find this film very enjoyable and a must-see holiday film. Ernest (Jim Varney) with the help of Harmony Starr/Pamela Trenton (Noelle Parker) help retiring Santa (Douglas Seale) get beloved former kids' TV star (Oliver Clark) become the new Santa Claus before 7:00 PM on Christmas Eve. Ignore the underratings and take a shot at this beloved and cherishing film that remains timeless. MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Rating:  Summary: Christmas is coming! Know what I mean? Review: 1988's "Ernest Saves Christmas" is a loveable children's movie that's packed with goofy gags and silly holiday humor. Of course, most of the magic is brought out by America's favorite country bumpkin, Ernest P. Worrell (Jim Varney). After 151 years on the job, Santa Claus (Douglas Seale) moves to Orlando, Florida to retire. To keep the Christmas spirit alive, he attempts to hire a former T.V. show host named Joe Curruthers (Oliver Clark) as his replacement. Joe is chosen because of his unending devotion to making kids happy. However, Joe's money-hungry agent, Marty Brock, (Robert Lesser) offers him a chance of a lifetime; a starring role in a gruesome horror movie called "Christmas Slay." Later on, after believing that Santa isn't who he claims to be, Marty has the old man arrested and taken to prison! Even worse, Santa accidentally left his bag of toys behind! Meanwhile, Ernest is an airport taxi driver who tries to celebrate Christmas with his flabbergasted neighbor Vern...and with disastrous results! When he discovers Kris Kringle's magical bag of toys, Ernest realizes that he's the real thing! In a race against time, Ernest and a runaway teen named Harmony Star (Noelle Parker) have to bail Santa out of jail and help him fetch Joe before 7:00 pm on December 24th. Otherwise, the magic of Christmas will disappear forever! Along the way, Ernest flips pancakes onto the ceiling, crashes a chandelier on a dining room table, adapts a few cartoonish disguises (including that of the cranky Auntie Nelda), and rockets to the moon on a sleigh with 8 tiny reindeer! To make a long story short, "Ernest Saves Christmas" is fun for the whole family.
Rating:  Summary: Christmas is coming! Know what I mean? Review: 1988's "Ernest Saves Christmas" is a loveable children's movie that's packed with goofy gags and silly holiday humor. Of course, most of the magic is brought out by America's favorite country bumpkin, Ernest P. Worrell (Jim Varney). After 151 years on the job, Santa Claus (Douglas Seale) moves to Orlando, Florida to retire. To keep the Christmas spirit alive, he attempts to hire a former T.V. show host named Joe Curruthers (Oliver Clark) as his replacement. Joe is chosen because of his unending devotion to making kids happy. However, Joe's money-hungry agent, Marty Brock, (Robert Lesser) offers him a chance of a lifetime; a starring role in a gruesome horror movie called "Christmas Slay." Later on, after believing that Santa isn't who he claims to be, Marty has the old man arrested and taken to prison! Even worse, Santa accidentally left his bag of toys behind! Meanwhile, Ernest is an airport taxi driver who tries to celebrate Christmas with his flabbergasted neighbor Vern...and with disastrous results! When he discovers Kris Kringle's magical bag of toys, Ernest realizes that he's the real thing! In a race against time, Ernest and a runaway teen named Harmony Star (Noelle Parker) have to bail Santa out of jail and help him fetch Joe before 7:00 pm on December 24th. Otherwise, the magic of Christmas will disappear forever! Along the way, Ernest flips pancakes onto the ceiling, crashes a chandelier on a dining room table, adapts a few cartoonish disguises (including that of the cranky Auntie Nelda), and rockets to the moon on a sleigh with 8 tiny reindeer! To make a long story short, "Ernest Saves Christmas" is fun for the whole family.
Rating:  Summary: You gotta love Ernest!... Review: Hey all you Ernest fans out there!... You have GOT to buy this movie cuz lets face it...it doesn't get any better than this...Ernest, Santa Claus, elves, and Christmas...you're just waiting for an hour and a half of non-stop laughter! Buy it today and you won't be disappointed, trust me, I know! =P
Rating:  Summary: You gotta love Ernest!... Review: Hey all you Ernest fans out there!... You have GOT to buy this movie cuz lets face it...it doesn't get any better than this...Ernest, Santa Claus, elves, and Christmas...you're just waiting for an hour and a half of non-stop laughter! Buy it today and you won't be disappointed, trust me, I know! =P
Rating:  Summary: Ernest helps Santa bring Christmas to the world! Review: I am a big Ernest fan, I have been for years. So, as you could probably guess, my review will be biased, but hey, take what you can get.
As you could guess from the title (or at least I hope you could), this movie is about Ernest saving Christmas. The plot itself is pretty typical, but like most good movies, it is not the originality that makes the movie good, it is the presentation, and this movie excels in that.
The man who plays as Santa, Douglas Seale, is good, but really, how hard is it to act like Santa? You could get a hobo off the street and train him to act like a good Santa. What makes Seale good is that when he laughs, it actually sounds genuine. Also, he doesn't have the stereotypical giant coat of fur around his face. Finally, his voice actually fits. It's not that most Santas have horrible voices, it's just that some people are not meant to play as Santa...
Next, Ernest is his usual lovable self in this movie. He is a taxi driver (who is rather bad at driving) that ends up helping Santa when it is revealed that he arrived in order to find a replacement Santa. However, when the replacement, Joe Carruthers (Oliver Clark), refuses, it turns bad. Things goes worst when a girl on a bad path steals steals his bag of presents.
Some recognizable faces from the usual Ernest movies appears and also new faces. This is a great movie no one should miss! Myself? I thought it was a classic!
Rating:  Summary: Excellent xmas film! Review: I first remember seeing this on the tv a few years after it hit the cinema.If ever there was a film to get you in the christmas spirit, then this is the one. Ernest saves christmas is without a doubt the best Ernest film of them all! I have to watch this every christmas now to get me in the mood and too give me a good laugh. If you love christmas like me and are a fan of the Ernest films, then buy this now!!
Rating:  Summary: Excellent xmas film! Review: I first remember seeing this on the tv a few years after it hit the cinema. If ever there was a film to get you in the christmas spirit, then this is the one. Ernest saves christmas is without a doubt the best Ernest film of them all! I have to watch this every christmas now to get me in the mood and too give me a good laugh. If you love christmas like me and are a fan of the Ernest films, then buy this now!!
Rating:  Summary: If you like Jim Varney, you'll enjoy this movie! Review: I've enjoyed this movie since the year it came out. I had recorded the TV version years ago, but it is very worn. I logged on today to find and purchase a copy of Ernest Saves Christmas. It is so disappointing that copies are not available now. Is there any way to get copies again? This is a movie that even my teenager will sit down and laugh at, even with Mom and Dad still in the room. Ha! If YOU haven't seen it, you've missed a delightful Christmas story with warmth, compassion, and lots of funny moments. Oh, and it's clean! You can let your elementary age kids see it without hesitation on your part.
Rating:  Summary: A touching and hilarious Christmas CLASSIC Review: It amazes me how much this movie has been passed over in the annals of Christmas classics. It is one of my family's personal favorites. For starters, it has some of the most beautiful opening credits I've seen in a Christmas film - gorgeous Norman Rockwell illustrations of Santa Claus mixed with classic accapella music. For those of you that love Ernest, this is his hands down his very best film. Unlike his other films, he is not the central character here. He is definitely an important player, but the story centers around an aging, forgetful Santa Claus looking for a predecessor. Most of the film is centered around Santa's efforts to convince the man he's sure is suited for the job that he truly is Claus. Ernest, in his glorious innocence, is a believer from the beginning, and a sidekick runaway picked up part way through the film is his polar opposite. Jim Varney really shows his comedy chops in this movie by whipping out just about ever character he's ever played. The snake man is my personal favorite and has me in tears from laughing every time. He pretty much pulls out the funniest stuff he's ever done and puts it all here in one movie. The cheese is thick, but it's high quality cheese, and Jim Varney takes his comedy seriously and treats it with respect, which is what makes this movie work. Some of the funniest scenes are played by two regulars in Varney films, working here as airport luggage and crate workers who receive some unusual crates from the north pole. As all Ernest movies, ESC is as endearing and touching as it is humorous - perhaps more so than any other Ernest film. On top of that, this probably had the largest budget of any Ernest film ever made and it shows. Some of the effects toward the end of the film as Ernest is racing around in Santa's sled are truly stunning and a real joy to watch. Vern is here in full force in this film, and the scene with him is the funniest Vern scene ever made. Ernest really makes a mess of things for the poor guy as usual. In short, this Christmas classic is unlike any other. It is not Christmas in my house without this light hearted and good natured comedy. Enjoy the season in a whole new way with Vern and Ernest. Ho Ho Ho Merry Christmas, know what I mean Vern?