Rating:  Summary: Thoroughly Delightful! Review: This is a charming movie on the order of Mr. Deeds Goes to Washington, but much lighter, funnier, and a wonderful entertainment romp. Reese Witherspoon is adorable and believable in all her wide-eyed wonder as a "small-town girl from Beverly Hills!" It is great to see Bob Newhart in more than a cameo! The four ladies in our group LOVED it and laughed and laughed!!
Rating:  Summary: Legally Blonde 2-Red White & Blonde Review: I was so looking forward to this movie as I loved the first one. I was sorely disappointed. Reese Witherspoon is adorable and always entertaining as Elle Woods, but the story lines were lame excuses for, well, story lines. Ends up bruiser is gay, and the wonderful "perm climax" from the first movie is sadly attempted as the climax of this movie as Elle compares making your voice heard to a bad haircut. There is hintings at the end that there will be a third. Please don't disgrace yourselves further.
Rating:  Summary: Loved it just as much as the original! Review: I was really expecting this movie to be awesome, because Reese is one of my all time favorite actresses. She captures any role she plays, and she has done it again! I love the storyline, and there is alot of humor here. I'm glad to see alot of the original cast in this one...all of them in fact except for the characters Warner and Vivian whom are not in this film. Jennifer Coolidge is also very funny and full of wit again in her role as Paulette...such a great movie! Reese plays Elle once again, and this time, when Elle finds that her dog Bruiser's mother is locked up and being used for cosmetics testing, takes the fight against animal testing all the way to Washington DC! With a few plot twists and turns and some laughs along the way, this movie is a triumph! You will love it as much as the original if not more! Don't miss out..."join the party!"
Rating:  Summary: Legally Blonde 2 Review: I was very disappointed with Legally Blonde 2. The first Legally Blonde movie was great, but I would not recommend this sequel. The script and storyline are weak and the film just does not have the charm, the wit and the freshness of the original. Legally Blonde 2 is a blatant propaganda piece representing a specific political viewpoint that may not necessarily be embraced by the whole audience. It's a free country, and political films are fine, but they usually do better in a documentary format rather than passed off as popular entertainment.
Rating:  Summary: Hilarious, but still a sequel Review: My wife and I really enjoyed Legally Blonde II. The blonde humor was back and in full force and hilarious (I was blonde in my younger years, so I feel safe talking about this). Elle, a ditzy, but very intelligent and effective lawyer, is back and she takes her cause to Washington where she once again battles sleaze and corruption. Bob Newhart plays a doorman to great effect as well. I laughed out loud many times during this movie!Anyway, although we both really liked the movie, I would have to say the first Legally Blonde is better. Maybe it was fresher the first time around. This movie doesn't recycle all (or any?) of the old gags, but the idea is not new. Still, it is a very fun movie.
Rating:  Summary: As Good as the Original Review: Here are a few of the reasons I REALLY liked this movie: 1)The entire original cast returned. Everyone knows that recasting a major role can ruin a sequel. Not of that here. 2)Bruiser had a much larger part AND a love interest. Good idea. 3)Great outfits...duh. 4)Lots of pink. Anyway, the plot centers around Elle's search for Bruiser's birth mother. (She wants to invite her-the dog- to her-Elle- and Emmett's wedding.) Elle's search takes her to a cosmetic testing center where dogs are used for all sorts of experiments...including Bruiser's mom. Elle's fight to stop the inhumane treatment of animals takes her to Washington where she hopes to get a bill passed that will stop all animal testing. It's not going to be easy. The people who are supposed to be assisting her don't like her and her new boss is undermining all of Elle's work behind her back to look after her own personal interests. Can Elle get the bill passed...and in time to save her best friend's only known family? Can she stick it out in Washington, where everyone is rather cold and they don't where pink...especially when Elle fears Emmett is getting cold feet back at home? Watch it and find out!
Rating:  Summary: Reese overcomes the story Review: The story went on the some of the same jokes as the first movie and was repetitive at times. The plot/story was the drawback of the movie. The first "Legally Blonde" had a story that was intereseting, well written, and flowed very nicely. This plot, however, was very choppy and not as strong, and sometimes confusing. However, Reese Witherspoon is absolutely amazing! She overcomes the plot and makes the movie fun and enjoyable. The whole cast was great. I loved Jennifer Coolige, and Reese's two sorority sisters, Luke Wilson was adorable as always, and Bob Newhart was a great addition! He was so sweet! I wish that they would have played out Reese's and Luke's relationship more. Bruiser was adorable as always and he plays a bigger role in this movie. Overall, I had to take off one star for the plot, but would recommend this movie to anyone who likes to laugh out loud and have a great time at a movie!
Rating:  Summary: Worth seeing but doesnt come close to the first movie. Review: After falling in love with Legally Blonde I was excited and could hardly wait for the sequel to come out. I rushed out and saw it last night and tried to have the same expectations when I saw the first one: a cute movie that will entertain me. And it did do that but not nearly as good as the origional did. I loved the first movie, it was clever and the charachters were fantastic. I loved Elle, her charachter was the best part of the first movie. Her friends and classmates were fantastic but they were merely icing on the cake. I felt that with the sequel the supporting charachters were better than Elle was. Not in their acting but just with their humor. Something I loved about the first movie was that Elle had a lot of surprises in store she got things done in a unique way. She does that in this movie too but it just doesnt feel as new or as inventive. I felt that her friends from college and Paulette had the best moments of the movie. There was just something missing in this movie, it felt too much like a tv show to me: "In this episode Elle fights the government and wins". The first movie told a great story where the sequel just feels likes its trying too hard. Sometime halfway through the movie I was actually wondering when it would end. Dont get me wrong, this movie DEFINATELY has its good moments but I just cant see myself watching it over and over when it comes to DVD the way I do with the origional. The first one never gets old to me and I always enjoy it I just cant say the same with this one. As for the first review of this movie actually written after seeing it I hope that this helps. I cant believe I gave it 3 stars but comparing it to the origional which gets a full 5 this just doesnt live up to it. Still go see it you will have fun and it will entertain you. Its just not the same sparkly little gem that the first one is.
Rating:  Summary: SO-SO ...SO not as good as the first one. Review: Although Reese Witherspoon is captivating to watch, this movie lacked any real substance. At least in the last one she was in a believeable cause. It's cute, lots of fashion and fluff...but you find yourself wishing it was just over. And lots bad sex/gay jokes. The worst was the end..well I wont spoil it for you...but I totally did not get the big speech. I hope they do not stretch for a third, unless they get better writers. Watch it once...but not a keeper.
Rating:  Summary: Blonde is not only breaking ground and beautifying the law! Review: Reese Witherspoon is a spunky, classy, driven young attorney with a passion for fashion, her puppy Bruiser, and of course the law. She challenges Congress in a comedy that blends politics and beauty. Reese Witherspoon, as Elle Woods, uses her confidence and her Harvard law degree to take on the world of animal testing in order to save the mother of Bruiser, her chihuahua puppy. Her friend, who we all remember from the first Legally Blonde, Paulette, gives the perfect line at every moment to add satire, wit, and a ravishing senese of humor to the movie's already comical plot. After Elle's visit to Congress...let's just say Washington will never be the same again, only....with a great head of hair and a well manicured set of nails.