Rating:  Summary: this film is hilarious and brilliant Review: ..
Rating:  Summary: A smart, funny movie. Review: A wonderfully funny and intelligent movie about the making of an independent film. I found the movie very entertaining even though I am not in the movie business but I think that it's a must see for anybody interested in making movies. The extras on the DVD are also good particuarly the interview with Tom Dicillo and Steve Buscemi.
Rating:  Summary: Accurate, illuminating. Review: Back in October of '98 I was lucky enough to spend the day, early morning and afternoon, on a film set. Given I had to stand around, looking for the trucks carrying the cameras, lights and other important equipment I found the experience at first very boring and tedious. Tedious is not satisfactory enough a judgement. When filming actually began, when the 'talent' had arrived, I realized with caustic cigarette smoke hovering around and the thick stench of hanging flowers throughout the green house, the intended scene, that everyone there, director included, was irritable. It didn't help that the actress couldn't stop the truck she drove up on or that the elderly cop enlisted to lock up the traffic was having difficulty. Among the other mishaps in "Living in Oblivion", the scene where the vociferous low bass of a passing car interrupts a near perfect mother-daughter scene tickled me greatly. With nodding agreement, I knew, from my own experience how aggravating it is to control a set. As a director, you don't only have to articulate your vision through the actors, you have to depend greatly on your film crew to make the final cut watchable. An overall interesting and I would say realistic human comedy of literal errors, misfortunes, hapless workers and profane monologues. For anyone seriously interested in becoming a filmmaker I'd consider this is a must-see.
Rating:  Summary: "Have you ever had a dream with a dwarf in it?" Review: Ever have a bad day at work? I mean a day where you wonder why you even bothered getting out from underneath the covers of your warm, cozy, comfortable bed? I suppose everyone has, and each job has its' own hardships to be dealt with, but the world of independent filmmaking seems to be a particularly harsh and difficult occupation, fraught with unique difficulties, requiring of those who masochistically toil within its' domain to survive not on a day to day basis, but from one scene to another, often having to compromise their artistic intent and vision to accommodate the necessity of completing production before the funding runs out.
Living in Oblivion (1995), written and directed by Tom DiCillo, who also did the earlier indie film Johnny Suede (1991), which starred a then not so well known actor named Brad Pitt (it's worth looking for, if you enjoy films of an extremely off-beat nature and want to see Brad Pitt sporting a coif the size of Rhode Island), stars Steve Buscemi (Reservoir Dogs, Ghost World), and Catherine Keener (Being John Malkovich). Also appearing are Dermot Mulroney (About Schmidt), Danielle von Zerneck (La Bamba, My Science Project), and James LeGros (Phantasm II).
The film takes a humorous (to us, at least) look at hardships suffered upon Nick Reve (Buscemi) as he desperately tries to move forward his no budget film, focusing specifically on difficulties within his efforts to complete a couple of scenes of this seemingly ill-fated endeavor. Problems arise in the form of boom microphones in the shot, temperamental talent (actors, to you and me) missing their cues and/or marks and flubbing or forgetting their lines, out of focus cameras, exploding Fresnel (pronounced "fre-nel") lights (these are focusable spotlights used in film, television, and theatre), noisy sets and just the general boobery of an inexperienced (i.e. cheap), inept, or uncaring crew.
DiCillo really presents a very funny story here, one obviously based on his own, personal experiences as an independent filmmaker, given the level of detail including the usage of various industry terms and stereotypes (many stereotypes are based on some degree of truth). I thought all the actors appearing here did extremely well. Buscemi is great and completely believable as the frazzled director, trying to conceptualize his ideas to film, placating the emotional erratic actors and dealing with his bumbling and equally unstable production crew. Keener plays Nicole Springer, and actress whose career has seen better days (she's constantly referred to as that actress who had the shower scene in that Richard Gere movie) now stuck in independent movie hell, doubting her talents and abilities, usually requiring Nick to prop her up to continue. LeGros is wonderful Chad Palomino, a patently transparent, superficial, Hollywood pretty boy `slumming' between more prominent roles who continuously disrupts his scenes with `suggested' improvements, usually involving some inane idea ("Hey, what if I was wearing an eye patch?") or for himself to be more conspicuously displayed or highlighted within the scene, with Nick usually acquiescing in an effort to assuage the biggest name associated with his film. Next there's Wolf (Mulroney), the completely pretentious and overly sensitive cinematographer (beret and all) who's constantly second guessing Nick's perception of how the scenes should be shot. Last, but not least is Nick's AD (assistant director) Wanda, played by von Zerneck. I've read where people thought her portrayal was over-acted, but I'd have to disagree. If you've talked to anyone in the industry, they would probably tell you she acted exactly like an AD acts on the set of a film. She may have exaggerated her role a little bit, but most likely only because DiCillo instructed her to...an AD is basically the director's liaison between the crew and sometimes the cast. It's the AD's responsibility to communicate the director's instructions to all, ensuring everyone knows what's going on at all times, and also to be aware of everything that's happening on, and sometimes off, the set or location and keeping things on schedule. They take care of all the details that would take away from the director doing his/her job of, well, directing. I thought von Zerneck did very well, having to mollycoddle Nick while verbally whipping the crew, keeping them in line and on their toes. The more time wasted, the more production costs rise. The AD may not be the most popular person on the set, but they certainly serve a vital role. Scenes to watch for...when Nick, completely frustrated with his inability to get a scene shot without some sort of interruption or snafu occurring, explodes in a tirade all over the crew, going into extensive detail with regards to his perception of each of their faults with respect as to why the production isn't going as smoothly as planned...the scene where Chad Palomino causes numerous stoppages in filming as he interjects his own thoughts about the scene, oblivious to irritated crew...finally, the scene involving a dream sequence, featuring one rather angry dwarf named Tito, who Nicole accidentally refers to more than once as `Toto'...Tito's objections to typecasting become apparent during a diatribe directed at Nick...'Have you ever had a dream with a dwarf in it? Do you know anyone who's had a dream with a dwarf in it? No! I don't even have dreams with dwarves in them!'....my advice? If you're an independent filmmaker, be wary of how you use dwarves in your films.
The wide screen (1:85:1) picture provided on this DVD looks pretty good, and the audio is clear and crisp. Special features include an interview filmed before an audience with director DiCillo and Buscemi worth watching if you enjoyed the film. DiCillo outlines how the concept for the film came about, and Buscemi relates how he used his own directorial experiences in presenting the character of Nick, rather than basing off someone he's worked with...also included is a commentary track by DiCillo and a deleted scene.
Rating:  Summary: Amazingly true Review: I am a budding young independent filmmaker, and let me tell you, Living in Oblivion is utterly perfect in its depiction of the hell that goes on during the filming of a movie. Every tiny detail in the movie is just right, from the mutliple ruined takes, to the stars acting up, to the director just not knowing what he's gotten into. Besides that, it's very funny, with great performances by Steve Buscemi, Catherine Keener, and Dermot Mulroney. By the way: it's part of film lore that the Chad Palomino character is supposed to represent Brad Pitt. This is not true, as the director, Tom DiCilio, and Pitt are both very good friends. In fact, Pitt was originally supposed to play the part, but was forced to back out due to scheduling conflicts with Legends of the Fall. Anyway, it's a great flick, so check it out.
Rating:  Summary: An acurate comedy on film making Review: I am a film student, and I have to say that this is really close to what goes on on our sets. "Living in Oblivion" is about a low budget film maker (Steve Buscemi) and his nightmare experience trying to get simple scene filmed, but is foiled at every turn. Buscemi is so funny, and so dead on; I guess he learned a lot on all the indi movies he has done. Catherine Keener is excellent as the insecure actress. James Le Gros is perfect as a primadonna actor. There are no bad performances in "Oblivion", it is very true to life; well, movie life anyway.
Rating:  Summary: An acurate comedy on film making Review: I am a film student, and I have to say that this is really close to what goes on on our sets. "Living in Oblivion" is about a low budget film maker (Steve Buscemi) and his nightmare experience trying to get simple scene filmed, but is foiled at every turn. Buscemi is so funny, and so dead on; I guess he learned a lot on all the indi movies he has done. Catherine Keener is excellent as the insecure actress. James Le Gros is perfect as a primadonna actor. There are no bad performances in "Oblivion", it is very true to life; well, movie life anyway.
Rating:  Summary: An acurate comedy on film making Review: I am a film student, and I have to say that this is really close to what goes on on our sets. "Living in Oblivion" is about a low budget film maker (Steve Buscemi) and his nightmare experience trying to get simple scene filmed, but is foiled at every turn. Buscemi is so funny, and so dead on; I guess he learned a lot on all the indi movies he has done. Catherine Keener is excellent as the insecure actress. James Le Gros is perfect as a primadonna actor. There are no bad performances in "Oblivion", it is very true to life; well, movie life anyway.
Rating:  Summary: One of the best movies in my collection Review: I am one of the few people that actually saw this movie in a theater...I had no idea what to expect and I came away from the movie completely satisfied. It is an Indpendent film worthy of being a true hollywood blockbuster! It is hilariously comedic, amazing chemistry and wonderful characters, and the plot twists are amazing too! It is a roller-coaster ride and allows you to enjoy the nightmare (literally) of making a low budget movie...it bears itself for the viewer to laugh at them and laugh at their angst...I cannot recommend this film enough - it has marvelous timing and style! Steve B. is awesome in it...
Rating:  Summary: Excellent movie Review: I loved this movie, but why does it cost so much? it was made in 1995! One of my favorites, up there with pulp fiction and reservoir dogs.