Rating:  Summary: Woman loses, again, gives up all for love Review: Suppose, just for the sake of argument, you took this movie seriously. The woman loses the bet, quits her job, and gains an arrogant slob. The ending is what bothered me the most. She is off to the potential job of her dreams in Washington, D.C. He tells her she can write anywhere. True, but can she sell her writing anywhere? One can also work in advertising anywhere. Once again, it's the woman who gives up her hopes, plans, dreams, and goals to satisfy the colossal ego of the MAN. What could be more important than sacrificing yourself for a man?
Rating:  Summary: Or How to Lose Your Lunch in Two Hours Review: Why review this movie? For the simple reason that I was stuck on an airplane for hours with nothing to do. Against my better judgment I decided to check out this 'romantic comedy', a genre that has become a breeding ground for garbage in the past 20 years or so. Should have known better. If we want to call romantic comedies genre films, then this has all the pieces. And like many genre films these days, it sucks, made of half-baked ideas or the same old ingredients baked to nauseating results. Here's a movie about two people you would never know: he works at a super cool ad agency and has the type of office no one you know has, she works at a Cosmo-like magazine writing vapid columns for vapid people in a vapid office. They both make bets with their respective bosses: he'll get a girl to fall in love with him in 10 days, and she'll get a guy to dump her in 10. Want an easy solution to lose someone in a weekend? Start here. The characters are happy, beautiful people living in impossibly large Manhattan apartments in your typical romantic comedy New York (which means full of rich, pretty people and none of the grit of the real city). They make a bet that they can basically ruin someone for the sake of their jobs, both of which are appropriately hollow professions (he is trying to sell diamonds to more women, she is doing columns for your typical New York society ice queen boss). Of course this means we'll see him be the nicest guy on the planet (cooking, court side Knicks tickets )for her while she tries to make his life a living hell (buying a puntable little dog who does his business on the man's pool table, interrupting his poker night, etc.) But of course, he has to try and work it out as his job depends on it. Meanwhile most men would have booted her and the dog in a jiffy. The movie flat out insulted my intelligence. It has the obligatory scene where he takes her to his humble beginnings, which in this case is Staten Island, a place they want to portray as more down to earth, romantic, homey, etc. Blah. Kate Hudson may be nice to look at but she has none of her mother's famous expressions and in general, she has about half the talent. Matthew Mc-whatever is his same down-home nice guy. Romantic comedies do not have to be this sappy and cheesy and insulting. Movies like this border on contempt for audiences. Who can relate to these characters? Who cares in the end? I guess it's a safe investment for a studio. Avoid, unless you want to lose more respect for Hollywood in two hours. And if you're stuck on a plane, ask for a gin and tonic and go to sleep.
Rating:  Summary: SHOOTING DUCKS IN A BARRELL Review: I made the name shoot ducks in barrell cuz I can't think of anything the reviewer from USA said that I dont believe. I pretty much agree with everything he or she said. That person has to admitt, thought that he or she IS AMONG one of the slaves that he or she speaks of. I'm admit that I am, if only temporarily. With that established, that we are all slaves (for now at least...TEMPORARY I mean...because we ALL HAVE the freedom to stop being a slave.), I'll say that I thoroughly enjoyed the movie. Who gives a %$#@%#@ who's breaking role it is..........I did enjoy it alot. The part about her wanting to write about truth by moving to DC and crap all suck of course, but if you weren't a slave to this kinda stuff you wouldnt be reading or writing these reviews. You probably wont have known about amazon.com. So from one slave to another, others I should say, it's a fun and entertaining movie. for all nonslaves who can be more creative with their time besides spending 2 hours of your life watching some predictible and frustrating movie, not to mention reading it's reviews or writing it, it's a waste of your life. It will not enrich or educate you in any way.
Rating:  Summary: shooting ducks in a barrel Review: Gosh, Andie just wants to write deep, truthful journalism like the kind they write down in Washington D.C. and here she is stuck writing tripe for some superficial New York based woman's rag! But God forbid the screen writing hacks who wrote this crapola have her meet the next Carl Marx starving with his wife and four children in some basement hovel in Queens in order to write an essay that will blow a hole this wide in societies truly scewed, erroneous idea of itself. And God forbid HE explains to her that Washington journalism makes crappy women's magazines look like pillars of morality. No, as Hollywood would have it, she finds Ben, a hansome, amoral, prestiege/money-hungry advertising swine who tells her "Baby, you can write the truth right here in New York city if you just stay with me! We'll be like Keaton and Beaty in 'Reds' struggling against all odds to tell the truth. Only I Won't be telling any kind of truth and you won't either, you'll be writing all the news that's fit to print as long as it overtly or covertly aligns itself with the Corporate powers-that- be so as to continue to bringing in revenues from advertisers...like me!" Good People--we're being played! We're wasting our hard earned money on this crap and deluding ourselves that "hey, its only entertainment, It's just a date movie". Well, if for the bulk of our day we were taking a cold hard look at this supposedly great society and trying to actually change it, Then we'd deserve a little break from the struggle--a little light hearted, laughable entertainment--a little date movie. But we're not doing that! We ARE Ben and Andie or we secretly or not so secretly want to be them--or the stars playing them! Hollywood and the media are killing us with this stuff and we're swallowing it gladly. Revolt against it. If we can do nothing but NOT see, rent or buy this poison then that's one small step in the right direction. Writing reviews that show off the fact that we know that this is 'Kate Hudson's best role yet' is just a lame way of aligning ourselves with societies new [totally undeserving] demi-gods. Believe it or not, there was a time when actors were looked upon as n'er -do-wells and drawn from the ranks of the mad and the criminal. Somewhere along the line they scammed some respectability and now we waste our prescious time pondering their decors and their dress labels; I guess so that when WE become big stars [which odds are we'll never be] we'll know what to wear. Face reality: we're overworked, cell phone usin', SUV drivin', beeper wearin' slaves who think we are free because we can choose Coke over Pepsi; or choose Kate Hudson over Marylin Manson. The cost of aligning ourselves with images of what Hollywood tells us we'd like to be, is alienation from or, worse, negation of who we actually are. Only when we find out the hard truth of what we actually are can we begin the work to become something better. So, blow up your TV--or if that's too radical, at least rent "Network". Cheers! And no, I don't apologize for giving away the ending of a movie whose ending you've seen a thousand times before.
Rating:  Summary: Come on...! Review: You've read the reviews. Now I'll tell you what ruined it for me right off the bat. If Matthew McConaughey's character is supposed to be single, why does he wear a wedding ring through out the movie? This bothered me that a director could overlook such an important detail that distracted from anything he tried to create. If there was no ring, I'd give it one more star.
Rating:  Summary: Entertaining Review: Its been a really bad movie year, and I had low expectations for "How to Lose a Guy in 10 days," however, I ended up really enjoying the movie. Kate Hudson, stars as smart talking Andie Anderson, a writer for a "Cosmo-Like" girl rag. Matthew McConaughey is Ben a pseudo-hunk who works for a sports mag. Sparks fly, despite themselves, when Ben bets co-workers he can make any woman fall in love with him in 10 days (sorry McConaguhey in your dreams), likewise, Andie is asked to write a column on "How to lose a guy in 10 days." Both characters choose each other as the victim. This is your typical humiliation comedy, with Ben playing the clueless straight man and Andie, as the ruthless antagonist. The role reversal was refreshing. I particularly liked the interaction between Ben and his co-workers. On the downside, I thought the ending with Andie being portrayed as the 'sole guilty' party in this scheme was a little much. Okay, and Ben hadn't wagered on the end result? Come on. Overall, a great light-hearted comedy. Sure to amuse if not openly entertain.
Rating:  Summary: A chick flick than each can enjoy Review: How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days is a romance comedy involving the battle of the sexes, taking place in New York. How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days was released by Paramount Home Video on July 1, 2003 starring Oscar nominee Kate Hudson (Almost Famous) as Andie Anderson and Matthew McComaughey (A Time to Kill) as Benjamin Barry, containing music from Keith Urban and directed by Donald Petrie. Andie (Hudson) is a "How to..." writer for one of the fastest-growing woman's magazine Composure. In order for her to move up the ladder she needs to write about exactly what her boss wants her to write about, shoes, relationships, etc. instead what Andie is really interested in is politics and religion. After a friend relationship break up, they focus there next column subject on "How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days" the guide on everything women to wrong in relationships to drive away the men, in order to help women know what they do wrong. Andie's target is Benjamin Barry an arrogant accounting executive who is unknown to her is out to make a girl fall in love with him in 10 days in order too win a major account for his firm. It is amazing what all Andie puts Ben threw, everything from moving her belongings in to his house on the second date to calling him all the time and even crashing the guys poker night, but Ben hangs in their trying not to go crazy. All in all this is a chic flick that both women and men can enjoy and relate to I give it five stars.
Rating:  Summary: Predictable... Review: This movie is predictable but fun and it has its laughs. Most movies today are predictable - but the ones that are predictable and AREN'T funny or not acted well make you want to puke. This movie is acted well, written well, funny but predictable. I would definetly reccomend this to anyone. Buy it. Play it. Enjoy it!
Rating:  Summary: Cute and Funny Movie Review: There isn't anything groundbreaking or sophisticated about this movie, but it is a good movie nonetheless. Kate Hudson's character is hilarious! I went to see this with one of my guy friends and he was laughing the whole time! :-) This is a good choice if you love romantic comedies.
Rating:  Summary: Do I really have to give this one star? Review: This movie is lame, even for a chick flick. It's bad enough that we men have to be dragged to watch these corny romantic love/mush-fests, but even the "romantic comedy" genre has been hitting all-time lows lately. This movie was so boring, even my behind fell asleep. It's an old, cookie-cutter plot with a minor twist in it. Kate Hudson stars as a woman assigned to ditch a guy in 10 days. She, of course, does things to irritate him and drive him away, all to no avail. And guess what? Surprise!!!! She falls in love with him. Bet you couldn't see that coming a mile away. This is the long and short of it--it's time for a change, for a new idea. I wish Hollywood would stop reproducing the same movie, with different actors, over and over and over again.