Rating:  Summary: A Whimsical Story of First Love Review: Most of the time I tend to shy away from romance movies simply because they often are so cloying it makes me sick or they are completely unrealistic. This film is neither of those.The movie is presented as a story told by Imogen (Julia Stiles) and Al (Freddie Prinz, Jr.) about how they met and fell in love. It begins at a local college bar with Al talking with his friends Monk (a recently discovered porn star) and Hicks. Monk challenges Hicks to "hook up" with a freshman to prove to Monk he has what it takes to also be a porn star. This bet displaces Al for the night who, is instructed to sleep "with that freshman" pointing to Imogen. Al wonders over to her and strikes up a conversation ultimatly leading to their romance. The film locations are overall pretty good. Locations and scenary compliment the movie very nicely. The park seems to be the most recurring location for filming including Al's walks with Monk and the first kiss Al and Imogen share in a beautifully shot scene lit by the moon. Casting is excellent. It is interesting to watch the evolution of Al's friends which runs along side the developement of his relationship with Imogen. There is even an X-Files cameo (The Satanic Substitute Teacher from Season 1 if anyone cares to know). The soundtrack is an excellent ecclectic mix, but I am kind of disappointed some songs such as the one in the bar prior to Dee Lite's "Groove is in the Heart" and GooGoo Dolls' "Black Balloon" never made it onto the CD but the tracks that did are very well representing of the movie's musical theme.
Rating:  Summary: Overlooked Review: OK; to start- this is not like anything Freddie has EVER done. It is romantic, sweet, undoubtedly the best, and just about flawless...wait a second. Am I talking about DOWN TO YOU or Freddie's girlfriend Sarah Michelle Gellar? Anyway, this is not like any of Freddie's previous projects- it does not have a man with a hook, another man with a hook, has no planes, and does not have Usher. Most people compare DOWN TO YOU to SHE'S ALL THAT, but the two are nothing alike. If you are looking for a comedy/romance, do NOT get DOWN TO YOU. I did not laugh once the entire movie! But if you want something that will make your date hold you tight or make you smile and cry, this is the film- TRUST ME!
Rating:  Summary: Great cast but... Review: I thought the casting was great. But the story itself was slightly vague. The movie is about this couple, Al and Imogen, who meet, fall in love and of course like all couples have problems. Of course they work everything out when they realize they can't live without each other, but thoughout the movie, I wasn't convinced about their feelings toward each other. I don't feel they showed enough to give us a clear picture of their feelings. I would've liked to see more of what was going on in their relationship. The whole time, I wasn't sure how deep their feelings went for each other, till the end when they clearly showed how he couldn't live without her.
Rating:  Summary: "Down To You" ... Bad Film, Okay DVD Review: "Down To You" is a new teen film by our "good teenage friends" over at Miramax starring Freddie Prinze Jr. (is his carrer just going to be teen movies after the other?) and Julia Stiles. Freddie plays Al, a college student. He wants to be a chef like his dad (Henry Winker), but ends up working on his famous television show. His roommates, are a diffrent story. One is a porn star (Zak Orth) and the other one is not a chick magnet but wants all the chicks he can get (Shawn Hatosy). All Al wants is love, but his two other roommates don't agree with him. Julia plays Imogen (yeah, I don't know how to pronounce it either). She is a freshman in college and dosen't want to have a romance, but ends up falling for Al. The rest of the film is just the trouble and tribulations that Al and Imogen go through during their relationship. The plot is predictible, I found out what was gonna happen since the opening scene with Al at the coffee shop. The film also has some pretty bad acting (Selma Blair as a pornstar, I don't think so). The film only attracts to teenage girls, so if you're not female, ages 8 - 17, you're gonna hate this film. The DVD contains a nice anamorphic widescreen transfer, good surrounding Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround Sound, and some not-so-worthy extras (the behind-the-scenes at the music video lasts 30 seconds while the behind-the-scenes at the film lasts 1 minute). The extras are mostly what you find on VHS, but the transfer make up for what lacks on this DVD. I cannot recommend this film, but give it a rent if you really want to see it. Be warned.
Rating:  Summary: Down to You Review Review: This movie was so awesome. I am not even a Freddie Fan but he is a good actor. This movie wasn't an over written over acted unappropriate movie. This was a true love story and I'd recommend it for anyone who's mature. It isn't all nudety and cursing. Yes ofcourse there is cursing but very little, barely actually. usually parents won't want to see our movies, but this is a mom and daughter movie. These types of movies only come around every once in a while. It has a good story line and I'd tell you but I don't want to ruin it. Considering I didn't see that movie just becuz some hot actor was in it I would definetly give it TWO THUMBS UP!! If you're into a good love story this is for you. Also, if you want it all in one package action drama and suspense, the whole deal, see THE SKULLS, plus Josh is in it!!
Rating:  Summary: Come On! I Could Do Better! Review: Alright. This movie was horrible. Do not get it. I, though finding this movie an insult to my intelligence, am a fan of some 'romantic comedies'. 10 Things I Hate About You was a lot of fun to watch because of the actors and their great talent (the sript was pretty bad, though the plot was ok). Julia had my respect. So did Freddie, even though he doesn't have to do much acting.... ever! I said 'Yea!' to the team up and 'Yea!' to the cute preview, but then reality set in with the opening sceen. Classic narration. It was so badly written that even I began to feel sorry for the actors as they rattled on and on with lines that would be better ad-libed! Then the 'plot' (ha ha, like there was one) proceded into the traditional = boy meets girl, boy falls in love with girl (for no reason but he got two hugs) and proceds to live a happy college life with girl (sex, parties, more narration, sex, parties, etc...). And all the while we are being tortured with details of 'interesting' lives, how they are unique (white, upperclass, and privilaged) with many acceptable talents. The parents are annoying older people who just don't get the details (join the club) but know enough to give the necessary advice to stear their baby in the right direction. So we come to the fourth and most predictable part of this monumental motion picture = boy loses girl, in a surprising real way; sort of. All over blown and under acted to make this overdramtic goo of flat gray, do I dare call it, conflict. Whoopie. Guess what happens next folks? I'm not going to write it, all I can say is 'DUH! ' There. Remember, save yourself. Do not buy this movie.
Rating:  Summary: For a comedy, this wasn't funny Review: I'll be honest right off the bat: I do NOT like Freddie Prinze,Jr. I have never found him appealing in his looks or acting talent. This aside, I still try to give him the benefit of the doubt, especially when it is a boring rainy day and the video store is out of "Magnolia", and "The Hurricane." This was not the movie to watch in order to give him a second chance. It is the typical cookie cutter teen fare at it's worst. I know that all of these movies basically have the same plot points, but at least some ("Never Been Kissed" in my opinion) provide some fun, light entertainment while getting us to the obvious happy ending. This does not. The path this movie takes us on consists of: porn star roomates, drunk college kids making friends with spiders, and an attempt at "romantic exorcism" by downing a bottle of your lost loved ones shampoo to name a few. I really didn't know if we were supposed to be laughing with this movie, or at this movie because for a comedy I wasn't laughing at all. No light, fun entertainment was to be had down this road to predictability. If you are a hard core Freddie Prinze, Jr. fan odds are you will find this passable, but if you don't care for him, or just find him to be okay, pass this up. Once again Freddie: Thumbs down to you.
Rating:  Summary: A Teenage "Annie Hall" Review: First of all I'm guessing a lot of teens have no idea what my heading means. "Annie Hall" is a Woody Allen film that was made in 1977 and won the "Best Picture" Oscar that year. It was a romantic comedy about a man (Allen) shifting through certain moments of his relationship with Annie Hall (Diane Keaton). They used flashbacks,fast fowards, and even animation! Kris Isacsson this film's director is so clearly not only a fan of "Annie Hall", but HAS to be a Woody Allen fan as well. There's no other way one could explain this film. It's the same thing only done with a teen twist to it. Both films take place one year after their relationships fell through. Both use flashbacks, fast fowards, and the characters are able to comment on past experinces as we (the viewer) watch the scene happen. This was used in "Annie Hall" as well. This movie is about Freddie Prince Jr. trying to figure out what went wrong with his relationship. In the first 45 minutes I liked what I saw. I thought Julia Stiles and Freddie made a good couple. It was a "cute" movie showing teen love. After about an hour the movie now tries to become this profound movie about love. Give me a break! The ideas in this movie are mindless. It's a pretenious showing of the hardships of teen love. Awwww, stop, my heart is breaking here! If you really want to watch a great romantic comedy I suggest watching "Annie Hall". It's the quintessential romantic comedy of all time. And if you don't believe me watch it and see. You'll noticed almost all romantic comedies made after that movie owe something to it. ** 1\2 out of *****
Rating:  Summary: Not bad, considering it had Freddie in it! Review: Down to You didn't last long in the movie theaters, and I was surprised to see it on the shelves at the video stores. The main reason why I saw it was because of Julie Stiles, who I thought was good in 10 Things I Hate About You. I didn't want to see it at first, because I can't stand Freddie Prinze Jr! I thought I'd give it a shot because Julie was in it, and I enjoy watching high school type movies. This wasn't your typical high school movie though. It was more towards the late teens/early twenties crowd. Julie plays Imogen, a Freshman at the local college that's studying to be an Artist. Freddie plays Al, also a student at the college, that wants to be a world famous chef, like his father (played by Henry Winkler). Al's father has his own cooking show on TV (just think Emeril Lagasse). His father has plans for him and Al to have their own father-son show, but Al wants to work his way from the bottom up. The main focus of the movie was concentrated on Imogen and Al's relationship of course. The movie has some great characters in it, like Al's father, his best friend that's in the porn industry, and a wanna be Jim Morrison. I thought the story was good, and the directing as well. I liked how both Al and Imogen were both telling the story. The only part that I didn't like about the movie was when Imogen ruined their relationship by......well not to spoil it for you, but you should watch it. This is a good date movie, and should make your date cry!
Rating:  Summary: Quite the disappointment Review: After seeing the funny SHE'S ALL THAT and the hilarious 10 THINGS I HATE ABOUT YOU, I was hoping that the combo of Freddie Prinze Jr. and Julia Stiles would make DOWN TO YOU one of the better teen movies to come down the assembly line. It turns out I was wrong. However, let's start off with the positive aspects of the film: I like the fact that we have finally reached beyond the "high school" settings and into the college crowd. I also like the fact that we see a little more emotion in the lead characters, as they are faced with some of life's biggest challenges. But I must admit that the negatives far outweigh the positives. The story flounders frequently between being your typical 'teen' flick, a romantic comedy and a serious drama with social issues. It's hard to really tell whose side to take. Prinze Jr. and Stiles are good in their roles, but with very little to do they seem almost decent to be in another movie. Even the supporting cast lacks depth...Selma Blair and Shawn Hatosy are basically used only as eye candy and seem almost inserted into slow points of the film to keep you from falling asleep. Only Henry Winkler shines in a small role as Prinze father. DOWN TO YOU is passable entertainment, but definately not upto standards with some of the other 'teen' vehicles out there today. DROUGH!