Rating:  Summary: Retraction of a past review Review: On another web site (which I wont mention here, though those who know me at all can guess which one I mean), I wrote a glowing review of this film, when of course I was in my formative and naiive years of film criticism, calling it the best teenage romance film I'd seen in years. A few nights ago I saw it again, and whew, I must've been out of my mind! Because, without proper analysis and proper depth, this film does indeed seem tricky, even enveloping. But, on a second viewing, I saw that it was nothing but tacky teenage romance mondure.Freddie Prinze Jr plays the son of a famous tv chef who meets and soon falls in love with a college student, played by Julia Stiles. The film then shows the expansion, unraveling, and coming-to-terms sections of their relationships, while each has their own group of friends to nibble at their ears. To be fair, the acting wasn't terrible to stand, and indeed Stiles is a competant enough actress to follow along with what she goes through. But Prinze, as well as other cast members, are never convincing enough to pull through the compost of script material that has been given to them. In fact, I wish I could give this film a 1.5 (not a 1, only because of Stiles and maybe a couple of scenes with Winkler).
Rating:  Summary: Downright Abyssmal Review: I'm making an exception to my usual practice of not reviewing anything on amazon, due to the utter vileness of this movie. I saw it when it came out in theaters and hated it, and then a friend purchased the DVD and convinced me to give it a second chance... all in all, this movie ended up taking about four hours of my life that I will never get back. The performances are thin and uneven, the plot is inconsistent, and the dialogue sounds like it was pulled from fortune cookies made by the cast of Friends. To be fair, this movie does face several major obstacles. It has the misfortune to depend on the "acting" of glorified Ken doll Freddie Prinze, Jr. and the vastly overrated Julia Stiles, and in addition to trying to rise above these challenges, it also attempts to survive the intrusion of Ashton Kutcher. It fails on all counts. I do not hate the whole romantic comedy genre; nor do I hate the "teen" movie sub-genre, under which some would place "Down to You." (In fact, "Can't Hardly Wait" is one of my favorite movies.) I simply hate BAD movies, and this movie is a true abomination. If you enjoy the experience of wanting to drill into your own skull to destroy the sounds and images in front of you, then by all means, buy this DVD. If, however, you value your sanity, then please do not make the same mistake I did; stay far, FAR away from this movie.
Rating:  Summary: Not very good Review: Funny that most movies with Freddie Prinze, Jr. aren't very good. In this one, he plays college student Al, who falls in love with fellow student Imogen (yup, that really IS a name) alias Julia Stiles. Al definitely thinks that Imogen is the love of his life, but soon nothing is as happy as it used to be, especially when Imogen cheats on Al with a reincarnation of Jim Morrison (Ashton Kutcher). But...surprise, surprise...the movie still has a happy ending. "Down To You" is not a desastrous movie, but it's really nothing that you'd like to see more than once. The story is old and shapeless, the jokes are not funny and the dialogues are flat and not very smart. The cast, however, doesn't make the movie any better. Julia Stiles was in better roles already, Freddie Prinze, Jr. is acting like a piece of wood and Ashton Kutcher's part is simply bad. Not to mention the supporting actors like Selma Blair and Zak Orth. Don't waste your time or money on that one. It's no good movie.
Rating:  Summary: Very Romantic Story Review: Because of all the teen-hype, I was planning on never seeing this movie. Luckily, I ended up renting it and loved every minute of it! As it says on the video-cover, "Freddie Prinze, Jr. and Julia Stiles shine!" After seeing it, I took the movie to be about two very mature human-beings having a very mature relationship around friends who were anything but mature. The ending, by the way, is wonderful, I love Barry White! (You'll have to see it to get it...) I felt a little bad for Selma Blair's acting résumé, though. She plays a highly promiscuous porn-star. Julia Stiles is always amazing, so it was no surprise that she was great in this film. Her acting abilities are incredible. Freddie Prinze surprised me. I'm not one of those screaming fans of his, and never really liked the "teen-ie" type movies he was doing, so I was quite pleased to discover that this wasn't just a teen-flick. I'd say, in the beginning, before I saw it, it seemed like a movie that would attract tons of "first-date" couples. You know the ones: 5th graders-through-Freshmans in High School. But after seeing it, I think that college couples and young-couples in their 20's might benefit more from seeing "Down To You". It gives you a more realistic idea of what makes a relationship work than most of the romantic comedies today do. This is a really sweet movie. But not too sweet. Guys will like it, too. :)
Rating:  Summary: SOOOOOOOO DRY Review: This film was a sweet but dry love story. Fred and Julia were an okay couple but THe relationship they had in this film protrays real life relationships. Everything is all sweet in the beginnig of the relationship and it gets old. Later on someone wants to get out of it , since its getting to serious. Julia's character was real honest when she said ,she is nt ready for this type of serious relationship. Poor Fred, he was really faithful to her and he is every girls dream man. Overall the supporting cast was dull and they were no help at all to this film to make it funny. This was a romantic dramma not a comedy. I dndt laugh at all except for the lip synching by stiles and fred. Their lip synching was the best part in the film that put a smile in my face because the songs were nice. Other than that, it was an okay couldve been better flick. This film is not worth owning.Wait till it comes on tv to tape it for free. Why waste your hard earn money on something worthless. I sill love ya fred no matter what dry film u are in.
Rating:  Summary: The perfect date movie Review: This is the perfect romance film to watch as a couple, to remember your first love and reminisce about the good and the bad times. It starts off with Freddie Prinz Jnr (Al) and Julia Stiles (Imogen) narrating between flashbacks. Julia Stiles is one of the best young actresses of the moment, and her & Freddie Prinz Jnr make a great couple. Selma Blair, Shawn Hatosy and Zak Orth also star, along with a permanently stoned Ashton Kutcher, who apparently looks like Jim Morrison from The Doors. The scene where Imogen sings/dances to Al is the best, and it shows what the whole film is about - despite the fact that Al gets embarrassed as he's a sophomore dating a freshman. Imogen & Al are very different people and show that opposites can attract. She likes painting and he likes to cook. Al's friends aren't happy that Al & Imogen are practically turning into an old married couple before their eyes, already having a pregnancy scare barely a year into their relationship. You know this relationship is doomed from the start of the film, due to them being different & pressure from their friends. The narration between the flashback scenes does break the film up, and the first time I watched this film, it really annoyed me, but it also shows the film from Al & Imogen's point of view. There's a classic line in this, which is Imogen's fear: "One day we'll pass each other on the street and have that artificial conversation". The ending is great, and the Billie Myers song sums up the whole film. This film is a must-see for Julia Stiles/Freddie Prinz Jnr fans, or to see as a couple, or to watch alone, simply to reminisce and not get embarrassed when you start crying. Extras include the theatrical trailer; TV spots; cast & crew interviews; on the set; and Billie Myer's "It All Comes Down To You" music video.
Rating:  Summary: Cute Review: I Love Romantic Movies And This Is The List Topper On All Extents Of Cute Movies. I Love Julia Stiles. She's A Great Actress. Every Hopeless Romantic Should See This.
Rating:  Summary: Bleh. Review: i saw this movie at a free screening. When i walked out, for the sake of Freddie, i said that it was a good movie. but that was a few years ago. and now i say: UGH! I don't know what i saw in this movie, i would definitely have to say that it is one of Freddie Prinze's worst.
Rating:  Summary: A (surprisingly) Great Movie Review: I was channel flicking when I stumbled upon this movie. I figured, hey, nothing better is on.. so I'll give it a shot. I was quickly drawn into this movie, unable to stop watching. The acting is great, the plot is adorable, and it really gives you that warm and fuzzy feeling in the end. The story line is very unpredictable and the performances are awesome. I highly recommend this as a date movie, or even if you're just home alone enjoying your own company. I really didn't expect to like this movie as much as I did, but I'm glad I watched it. It's definitely one of my new favorites!
Rating:  Summary: Most can relate to this one Review: When you see Freddie Prinze Jr. and Julia Stiles as the main characters you probably think its another movie about college wackiness. This isn't that type of movie, its a bit more serious and realistic. The gist of the plot is a guy and girl meet in college, end up falling in love, and throughout it all different issues such as pregnancy, cheating, etc. are disccussed. Overall its a nice romantic movie with bits of comedy here and there, and the acting was pretty decent. A definate for fans of Julia Stiles and Freddie Prinze Jr.