Rating:  Summary: Amazing Carrey! Review: I'm a big fan of Andy and must say that Jim Carrey's performance in this movie is Oscar class. The movie itself is very good, and you'll get a good insight in Andy's life. I wish they would have some more info about Andy's childhood, but that's a tiny detail I guess.
Rating:  Summary: Complete waste of time Review: I can't believe all of the hype I've been hearing about this movie. While most will argue that this is Jim Carrey's best performance ever....it is still a totally boring movie and I can't believe that Jim Carrey put this much effort into a script which should've been thrown into the trash! I rented this movie and I've got to say that I just couldn't wait till it was over. I should've just taken the money, laid it on the table, and lit it on fire....I would've enjoyed that more than the movie...and it wouldn't have wasted so much of my time. I am very serious.....I have never in my life seen such a waste of film....even when Geraldo went to open Capone's vault and found nothing at all...at least I got a good laugh out of that!
Rating:  Summary: Carrey's outstanding...movie's OK Review: I admit to not knowing much about Andy Kaufman or his career, other than what we saw on "Taxi" and the notorious events he staged in his career (the fight on Letterman's show, his intergender wrestling). I suppose this lack of understanding probably led to my lukewarm reaction after watching "Man On The Moon".Andy Kaufman was an incredibly complex individual - that much is made certain in this film. No one - even those closest to him - knew exactly where he was coming from, what his ultimate goals were, or what he would do next. I now know that it makes for an incredibly difficult task in harnessing this character into a bio-pic. The movie itself I found to be only marginal. The story seemed to rush along and, in the end, didn't scratch much deeper than the surface in understanding the drive or "genius" of Kaufman. The "behind-the-scenes" portions of the plot were weakly developed and didn't go far in explaining Kaufman. Instead, we are treated to quick, reproduced bursts of those infamous highlights in his career that most are already familiar with. Credit should go to the producers for being able to rein in David Letterman, Lorne Michaels, Richard Belzer, Christopher Lloyd, Judd Hirsch, Carol Kane, and Marilu Henner (among others) in cameo roles to reprise these moments. There was criticism from many reviewers who were bothered by the fact that all the people in their cameos were 20-30 years older in the film. Obviously, this could not be helped, but everyone in these roles (with perhaps the notable exception of Letterman) got enough work done to look somewhat younger. And to be honest, the age issue isn't that much of a distraction; rather, it's neat to see them take part. The single, overwhelming element that raises "Man On The Moon" from a poor movie to an average one is the performance of Jim Carrey in the lead role. He has gotten consistently better in his roles - perhaps because he expanded beyond low-brow comedies in recent years - and this one ranks as a capstone right next to his similarly outstanding role in "The Truman Show". This role, like "The Truman Show" before it (which I would perhaps rank his slightly better than this), is also noteworthy in being Oscar-worthy, but which resulted in his second consecutive snub from the Academy. His portrayal of Andy Kaufman is top-notch. Carrey is so good in this role that you can honestly forget that he is only PORTRAYING Kaufman. Rarely can actors achieve this sort of convincing performance. Carrey single-handedly drives all the energy and emotion in this picture. In the course of the two hours, he was able to evoke laughs, shock, disgust (in his portrayal of Kaufman alter-ego Tony Clifton), and tears from this reviewer. Again, it is rare to find a performance that can do that. In the end though, I was just left to scratch my head. It leaves one to be even more perplexed by the unique entertainer that was Andy Kaufman. It also leaves you spending a few minutes trying to figure out if you actually liked the film. But, after it sinks in, one realizes that the real pull is the outstanding performance from Jim Carrey, which unfortunately was trapped in an average film. I would recommend to most to save their money and rent the movie if only to see Carrey's performance. Those who are big fans of Andy Kaufman and who believe understood his brand of entertainment will probably find this to be a worthwhile purchase.
Rating:  Summary: not for everyone Review: This film was a lot like the Kaufman. It had its moments of brilliance, and it had times that left you underwhelmed. If you do not care for Kaufman, do not bother with this film. No one could figure him out, so that is reflected in the film. He was a strange character. There doesn't seem to be an overall point to his life, other than to ammuse. Likewise for the movie. For what it is, it is good. But there are other biopics that are much more interesting. More because of the subjects than the film making. On the plus side, Jim Carrey gives a wonderful performance. I thought he was robbed incredibly by the Oscars for not even getting a nomination. He won a Comedic Actor Golden Globe for this role. Comedic role??? It alone is worth seeing. Worth renting, not buying.
Rating:  Summary: Don't like the story Review: I never really liked Andy and the whole thing's dumb
Rating:  Summary: Brilliant For What It Was! Review: Okay... before I tell you how much I loved this movie, let me straighten out a few things for the "non believers" Andy was NOT a comedian. very few people understand that. Because Jim Carrey is classified as a real wacky comedian, alot of people went to this movie expecting to see another Ace Vantura. DO NOT expect this movie to be funny....it's not supposed to be. It has a few funny parts, but is mostly a dramatic documentary. When Andy wanted to be funny, he was. But most of the time, he wasn't even trying to be funny. The bizarre and crazy things that he did, was NOT for the audience's amusement....it was for his amusement, Bob Zmuda's amusement and anyone who understood's amusement! Andy Kaufman was all about being original and unpredictable.....he never did stand-up comedy, he mocked it....he didn't find stand up humor to be funny, so he made fun of it! He was a man of confusion.....he screwed with people's heads...made them think......Things aren't always what they seem to be. And I don't care what anyone says, Jim Carrey did an outstanding job at playing Andy. Sure, he wasn't DEAD ON....but come on, IT'S ONLY A MOVIE!....Jim worked very hard at this role, and no one could have played a better Andy Kaufman...Jim deserves more credit. I'm tired of people saying that the movie is borring, and has no point....sure it does! The point is perfectly clear.....it takes you through the career of Andy Kaufman, while showing you some of his private life. Maybe it doesn't show every single thing that Andy did, but, come on......the movie would have to be 6 hours long in order to mention EVERYTHING. Yes, Taxi was his most known role...but the movie didn't focus a lot on Taxi, because Andy really hated that show....it was a pay-check, nothing more. I'm surprized the original cast even agreed to do "Man On The Moon" considering most of them hated Andy kaufman. Did you know he never even watched an episode of Taxi? I mean, what more do you people want?.....The movie followed Andy's life the way it really happened. It would be wrong to make up stuff that never took place. And the movie doesn't explain Andy's behavior for one reason....BECAUSE THERE IS NO EXPLANATION....Get it?..... I love Andy kaufman, and I LOVE this movie....if you don't understand it...don't worry, you're not supposed to. If you don't laugh....don't worry, it's not that funny. If you don't like it...don't worry, other people do. Great job, Jim..........ANDY, YOU ARE A GENIUS,MAN!
Rating:  Summary: Great Movie Does Great Justice to Kaufman! Review: I have always been a huge Andy Kaufman fan after watching Taxi growing up then seeing the documentaries later about him and his wrestling career. So when I heard this movie was being made I instantly was ecstatic to see it when it came out. When seeing it I was so amazed at how well Jim Carrey captured the mood and mindset of Kaufman. This movie is great from beginning to end! It covers everything that made Kaufman what he is today in the eyes of fans everywhere plus his behind-the-scene life that wasn't that far from his on-screen life. The greatest part of the movie is when Andy goes overseas to see a miracle worker in order to have is cancer removed. When he finds out that the whole thing is a joke, Andy can't do anything but laugh, because it simply summed up his life, and personally I believe he wouldn't have it any other way. The DVD offers some cut scenes from the movie, some I believe should have been in the movie, others that belonged out. The interviews were great, especially when they talked to the real Lynn about how Jim was so into character that it was just like being with Andy once again. The hidden footage of the real Andy Kaufman were excellent, which included some of his comedy bits and his wrestling career. This is definately a DVD to buy if you're a fan of Kaufman in any way, or simply a fan of comedy in general!!
Rating:  Summary: You need to be a Kauffman fan. Review: Jim Carrey's performance in this movie was reason enough to rent it, but I had problems with the rest of the film. It seemed to be more of a series of highlights of Kaufmann's career than a film on his life. The supporting characters weren't given much to do, which hurt the film. I thought Foreman's film about Larry Flynt was much better. The DVD was decent but no more than that. I didn't think the picture was that great, so I was a bit surprised with the 5 star rating.
Rating:  Summary: Not what Andy would have wanted.... Review: Oh man, where to start, ok how about this movie is too long. I felt like I was sitting through a six part mini series only I wasn't interested at all. Don't get me wrong, Andy Kaufman was a true innovator and comic genius, but anyone who understood him would know that he must be turning over in his grave knowing that a big budget hollywood bio-pic had been made about him. This movie stands in contrast to everything that Kaufman stood for mayhem, mischief, and improv. Jim Carrey does an admirable job but this movie is a mess. Taxi is just breezed over as are his relationships with the Taxi cast members. Courtney Love is a complete waste of space, her character has no bearing or use in the realm of the story. Pig vomit is pretty good as Bob Zmuda but he can't save this train wreck. Do your self a favor and watch the E! True Hollywood Story on Andy its shorter and much better.
Rating:  Summary: I'm English - I enjoyed the movie Review: Before I start, I'm English, always have been and will be, long enough to remember TAXI. I enjoy SOME of Jim Carrey's movies. I saw Man on the Moon at a movie theatre, I loved the movie. I didn't know anything about Andy Kaufman except, he was in Taxi and Man on the Moon by REM makes reference to him. Also my kids grew up watching WWF on satellite TV in the UK. So I went into the movie with an open mind, and what I saw was mind blowing. I wish at the time growing up i knew more about Kaufman, he fits into the typically 'comedian' genre as viewed by the english. His comic genius hid a deeper personality. I laughed out loud at the sequence with the healer and saw great acting with Carrey as he reflected Kaufman's irony at what he could see. I saw the movie three times at movie theatres, WHY? no matter how close to the truth the movie maybe, there was some great emotional, ironic and eye opening action with made me think. Kaufman's relationship with Jerry Lawler, is one to savour, no matter how brief it may seem. The brief appearances by the taxi stars, show their respect and feelings for Kaufman. I knew little about Kaufman, but what this movie did was open my eyes to a comic genius, little known in the UK. Since the movie, i checked out the websites on Kaufman and this has only cemented the view, that Kaufman was comic genius, it's a shame for those of us in the UK, never had much chance to appreciate him. Man on the Moon, is a fitting tribute to him, however close to the truth it may be, it moves you, it makes you laugh, it may make you cry, but one thing it does do is, if you have an open mind, it makes you think. How many movies can do that?