Rating:  Summary: Hooray for Andy Review: Now I had a reason for seeing Man on The Moon - two in fact. I am a fan of both Jim Carrey and Andy Kaufman. And I've seen hideously little of Andy - merely his SNL Mighty Mouse gag and a few episodes of Taxi. Hardly Andy at his best. Still, I wanted to see the movie and see if it helped clarify who Andy really was. Sadly, no. Bad points first, so I can leave the good till last. There was very little in the movie that I hadn't found out online about Andy - in fact, it seems to merely summarize Andy's life and career. We have a rushed list of what Andy did, little more. His long stretch on Taxi is a mere montage of clips, and by the time we are told it's been cancelled, we've all forgotten Andy's still on it. Also, Andy's love Lynn is treated horrendously - she is introduced in the wrestling ring, where she hates Andy. Her next scene is him proposing. Surely something happened between! So many things are touched on but never dealt with - what is Andy's fascination with cleaning his hands after shaking other people's? It's never mentioned, yet it's there. Milos Forman seems to have gotten confused as to what he's trying to achieve, and he seems to have devoted the movie to showing Andy's life, not explaining it. A lot of viewers are Kaufman fans, so they'll know all this already! Andy is shown to us as a mere lunatic - it's rarely suggested that he could have been a comic genius. Instead of playing his audience with the most subtle, gut-wrenchingly clever jokes, instead of really making people think, he merely pisses them off. Andy is (here) little more than a seriously annoying, very weird person. He and best friend Bob (how long have they known eachother? How did they meet? We're not told)simply do these things because they find it funny. Wasn't it that Andy wanted to manipulate his audience, leave them feeling something? No, he's just doing it because he and Bob think it's funny. The biggest good point is Jim Carrey. He pretty much IS andy kaufman. His mighty mouse routine is almost identical to Kaufman's - come to think of it, he looks, acts and impersonates just like Andy. His Latka is fantastic! Carrey proves here that he can act, as in the magnificent Truman Show. But as I said, his Andy is not a comic genius, he's a lunatic, through and through. There is rarely a suggestion that he is more. To put it simply, this is a brief, bizarre, sometimes funny biopic of a bizarre, sometimes funny guy. It goes into nowhere near enough depth, touches on none of the ideas it imposes, and makes nothing of it's cast except Jim Carrey and Danny Devito (as Kaufman's agent, George Shapiro). This all seems too much like a summary. We are left feeling Andy was just really, really odd. He is only endearing through his Latka impressions, which he hated doing. All in all, it's worth seeing to witness Carrey's awesome impersonation, and to be introduced to the fascinating guy that was Andy. But this could have been so much more. The hint at the end that Andy is still around is sweet, but it's a little hokey. And to cap it all, the REM song of the same name isn't played entirely! Only a brief bit at the end! Bah!
Rating:  Summary: One of the smartest and greatest comedy Review: This movie is such a brilliant tribute to Andy Kaufman and transports you through the jokes and gags in his universe. So well, that you are tricked everytime Andy tricks the audience. It totally amazes you and the whole movie is full of surprises. At the first viewing, you don't expect at all what's happening. Even the end left me stunned on my chair.Needless saying Jim Carrey is simply at his best in this role. Absolutely excellent movie. Very funny, and so humorously provocative.
Rating:  Summary: Unordinary comedian Review: True life story about unordinary comedian Andy Kaufman who died the age of 35. But the film is very funny. Jim Carrey acts very well.
Rating:  Summary: Carrey gives a Phenomenal Performance. Review: Jim Carrey has come a LONG way from the Ace Ventura days. After watching this movie, I was upset that he wasn't nominated for a Oscar. Detailing Kaufman's life from the childhood to his battle with cancer, he never hit a false note. Courtney Love was also excellent as his ladylove. Man on the Moon didn't shy away from making Kaufman seem like a total jerk-his behavior was boorish and possibly mentally disturbed, but I didn't find out anything about the man-why he acted like he did, what made him tick, etc. Still, now I know that Carrey can do both drama and comedy equally well. I can't wait for The Majestic to come out now.
Rating:  Summary: Jim Carrey's portrayal of Andy Kaufman was simply brilliant Review: I know this movie met with a lukewarm reception from the general public when it was released two years ago,but I thought it was great-I remember seeing Andy Kaufman on "Saturday Night Live" the evening of 1/15/1977-That's when he did his portrayal of Elvis-My initial reaction was "Holy ****,that's incredible"-Of course,the rest of the TV viewing public fondly remembers Kaufman as Latka Gravas on the hit series "Taxi"-Kaufman aficionados are aware that Latka was merely an extension of the Foreign Man,which was an early staple of Kaufman's nightclub act-I had only seen Jim Carrey in "Liar Liar" & "The Truman Show"-But after I saw "Man On The Moon",I was totally blown away-I think it's great that Milos Forman brought together the cast of "Taxi" ie:Judd Hirsch,Jeff Conaway,Marilu Henner,& Danny De Vito-Lorne Michaels,the executive producer/co-creator of "Saturday Night Live" appears as himself in the scene where the audience has voted Kaufman off the show-FYI:In real life,that occurred in 1982-Michaels had exited "SNL" two years earlier-Be that as it may,if you are a major league Kaufman fan,you shouldn't miss this film.
Rating:  Summary: CARREY'S SHOW Review: Jim Carrey never gets any credit. His work in The Truman Show alone showed that he is capable of something more than slapstick antics, and here Carrey positively embodies the late comedian Andy Kauffman. The resemblance is so eerie as Carrey becomes the comedian, loses himself in the role. This "losing oneself" in a role is what we as viewers hope to see, but it does not always happen. Some people question how much of a stretch this was for Carrey. Personally I think this stretched his acting abilities extensively. Or, perhaps, all Carrey's outrageous comedic roles stretched his acting muscle and this rather sad story was really closer to who he really is. I don't know the man, so I cannot claim to know. I just know that he conveyed the short brilliance of Kauffman's life (I was not a Kauffman fan, and I was probably too young to appreciate him anyhow). I was impressed with this film for no other reason than Jim Carrey showed us once more of what he is capable.
Rating:  Summary: Carrey and Kaufman, what is the difference?? Review: I had been a fan of Jim Carrey's comedy movies for a long time, but this, not so comic movie, is the best movie ever. Jim Carrey is brilliant, as during watching the movie, I could not believe that this is not Andy Kaufman acting. There is no real Andy Kaufman, so the movie attempts only to show you every aspect of his personality leaving to you the final judgment. If you do not watch this movie, what else should you be watching? It's a real crack that Carrey has not got the Oscar award for this movie.
Rating:  Summary: Don't Believe The Hype!!!! Review: This movie fails on all counts. Why? 1) Jim Carrey is not convincing is Kaufman. Carrey is tall and lanky. Kaufman was short and shlubby. Also, throughout the movie, Carrey gives this weird, letcherous leer that I suppose means that he is pulling a fiendish prank on us, the audience. It's more of a distraction than anything else. 2) Danny DeVito plays his manager, yet there are scenes of Kaufman on the set of Taxi with the origional players. How strange is that? 3) Not unlike the the Belushi bio-pic, Wired, the only way to appreciate Kaufman's comedy bits is to watch the origionals on vhs. Any immitations, even with Carrey, are by definition second-rate. 4) Dare I say it: Kaufman wasn't that great! His stunts and hijinks were more the result of his LACK of talent. His routines reflect his inability to ENTERTAIN the audience, instead of irritating them. The pseudo-intellectualising of Kaufman after his death is the REALLY laughable thing.
Rating:  Summary: One of the greatest movies ever created. Review: "Man on the Moon" is definitely underappreciated. One of its criticisms is that Foreman never explores Kaufman's personal life. But in all honesty, and due respect to the director's artistry, that's not what his goal was. The reason the film is so great is, it makes you feel as if you're watching Andy Kaufman. According to Kaufman's real-life acquaintences, working with Carrey was frighteningly like working with Andy, and that's the true magic behind the film. What stirs my interest is like many people my age, I went in thinking it was just another comical Jim Carrey performance, and what I got out of it was something that stuck with me. Here was this totally believable character, this rising comic, who didn't make a whole lot of sense and doesn't try to define what he is or what he wants to do. I went through an emotional ride, at first shaking my head and asking myself, "What's with this guy? And furthermore, where's the movie going?" As it turns out, the reason why many people disliked Andy was the simple fact that they were never let in on the joke. He was known for taking things to the extreme. Yet, the movie dramatically emphasizes all the jokes, and for me instantly transformed him into as lovable a character as his imitations, namely Foreign Man and Tony Clifton. Some movies are great for certain people, because there's something about it that's personal for the viewer. "Man on the Moon" is that type of movie. At the time I saw it, I was working with my own brand of comedy, and I was able to immediately relate to him. It was one of those films that I can honestly say changed the way I look at my own life. As little as I know about Milos Foreman, he's quickly become one of the directors I've grown respect for. This is masterful filmmaking at its finest.
Rating:  Summary: Stupid and Boring! Review: I expect nothing less from Milos Forman and Jim Carrey - two of my most least favorite people on Planet Earth. If you must watch, try to determine who gives the worst performance. Carrey? Or Paul Giamatti as the equally annoying Bob Zmuda?