Rating:  Summary: Jim Carrey is Andy Kaufman Reincarnate!! Review: This DVD is worth the purchase...Deleted scenes that shed some light on character development, colorful R.E.M music videos, a behind the scene's segment that shows Carrey motivating himself to be Kaufman, and also HIDDEN ON THE DVD ARE VINTAGE KAUFMAN STUNTS(mostly wrestling oriented)!!!This film really should have won Carrey an Academy Award.... The most interesting thing I found while watching this DVD, outside the fact that no one else could have played a more on the target Kaufman than Jim Carrey's version, was that it was released 15 years after Andy's death and Kaufman always used to fantasize about how funny it would be to fake his own death and come back into the spotlight 15 years later..:-)
Rating:  Summary: Horribly underrated. Review: Man on the Moon for me is one of the best films of the '90s and certainly the best film of 1999 (along with other under-appreciated films like Eyes Wide Shut and Magnolia). I was too young to ever really know who Andy Kaufman was, but this film per se for me is flawless, Milos Forman's direction is masterful, the casting of Jim Carrey inspired, and definitely worth a second look if you haven't already done so.
Rating:  Summary: another Carrey movie Review: I do not really know what to think about this movie. Jim Carrey is a good performer, in his own way. However a strange sense of humor pervades you as the story unfolds. What do you make of jokes like: "Why did the siamese twins go to England ? So that the other one could drive !". How about giving a phone call to the Kaufman and Margulies Center for Sexual Research ?? How about the way this singer appears and performs ?? I know this is really tough, but I wouldn't say that this movie is entertaining at all. It seems to be spreading negative ideas; it's disturbing; I felt uneasy after watching it; not a morale booster !!
Rating:  Summary: An underrated gem Review: I was guilty of not knowing much about Andy Kaufman before seeing this film. In fact, all I remembered about him was that he was "an eccentric comedian". As it turned out, the people from whom I received most input on Andy were the ones who didn't understand him and who never would. Taking just their words was my mistake - fortunately, Milos Forman and Jim Carrey helped me in learning the truth about Andy when they gifted the world with this splendid picture. It was thanks to "Man on the Moon" that I first really learned the biography of the dadaistic entertainer Andy Kaufman, and immediately set out to find out more about Andy, the golden human enigma. I loved the film and became fascinated by the character of Andy - undoubtedly thanks to Jim Carrey's brilliant, Oscar-worthy portrayal of his persona and his personality. Carrey already proved that he *is* a true Actor with "The Truman Show", and with "Man on the Moon" he cemented this reputation. This is certainly the best role of his life - the best so far, of course. Yet even without Jim Carrey's performance "MotM" would stand on its own. The film is warm, embracing, involving and moving; it's one of few pictures made in recent years that will provoke deep reflections and thoughts staying with the viewer long after the screen goes black. Upon its release, "Man on the Moon" was not received 1/10th as well as it should have been. This is only natural, however. Few films which deserve to be described as magnificent received proper recognition at the time of their release - just look at the reception the freshly-made SF masterpiece "Solaris" is getting at this moment (The situation was exactly the same with "2001"). Since it is speculated that mankind will be constantly developing intellectually, I assume that "Man on the Moon" *will* get the recognition it deserves in less than two decades. Or, at the very least, it will become a cult movie (Actually, it already seems to be gaining this status, although the process is slow...) My one big disappointment was the fact that the film ends so... quickly. Adding to it is the fact that some parts of Andy's biography are left unexplored (Interestingly, a number of critics took off points when reviewing the film for precisely the same reason). After all, if you love a film, you want it to go on for long hours, if not days... That's why I was so pleased to learn out that this DVD release would have numerous extra features - they certainly add to the pleasure of watching "MotM", and enrich the experience. Thank you, Milos Forman and Jim Carrey - and thank you Andy, wherever your spirit may be now.
Rating:  Summary: One of the most most misunderstood movies of our time! Review: One of Jim Carreys best works to date, this movie has all of the candy that makes it appealing: comedy, drama and mind-bending emotion that takes you on a ride from the start. I saw this movie in South Africa as a Peace Corps volunteer and able to relish in the whole cinematic experience. Not going in with any hype or preconceived ideas, I wanted to see a movie that was going to spend my day. I came out with an experience. The best thing is with the advent of DVD I am able to appreciate the moment for what it was, an experience. Growing up with Taxi and Saturday Night Live I was able to see what Andy Kaufman was all about, a complex individual who redefined the psyche in comedy. It's only but once in a few years that your able to see such a movie so moving, spiritual and not to mention a soundtrack that lends itself such a high merit. Did I mention that Jim Carrey rocked? Well, he did and to this day, I am still trying to figure out how the Academy neglects such talent to be recognized. This movie is a must see if you haven't seen it and a must have if you don't own it!
Rating:  Summary: A film only few could understand...or tolerate Review: What probably goes first and foremost is that Jim Carrey, although I am a big fan of his works, is NOT a good dramatic actor. If you don't believe me, go see "The Truman Show", which was way too tongue-in-cheek for me. However, Carrey does somewhat of a excellient job mimicing the late comedian Andy Kaufman in Milos Forman's "Man on the Moon". The film decipicates around 7 years of the very odd and misunderstood (if you will) "Comedian". From his adiriable childhood expirences (he talked to the wall in his room like it was a television audience) to his almost irritating wrestling career that pretty much made him so outcasted from other comedians. His early appearances on Saturday Night Live are, however, cut short because it's only a 2 hour movie. In fact, most of Andy's memorable performances (i.e. The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson, The Van Dyke hour) are left out. The main topic that the film centers on is his appearance as the lovable Latka Gravas on the TV show, "Taxi". One notible thing about "Taxi" is how Danny DeVito's character on the show is not present, probably because DeVito plays George Shapiro, Andy's manager, the entire movie (I don't know about you, but that just doesn't make sense). Paul Gimatti and Courtney Love make good appearances in the film as Bob Zmuda, Andy's best friend, and Lynne Margulies, Andy's supposive girlfriend and fiance, which was never revealed in his lifetime. The one topic that is constantly offplating the story is Andy's bizarre lifestyle and private life. It shows Andy following the practice of some kind of Buddhaism or Islam, along with a very tasteless scene where Andy visits a brothel, and has kinky sex scene with two prosititutes. The movie seems to lose it's touch, however, when in the final segement of the film when Andy gets diagnoised with Lung Cancer, he visits a voodoo doctor in the Carribean that performs fake precegeres with ring worms. In the end, however. we get an odd gesture that Andy could possibly still be alive, when his alter ego Tony Clifton appears at the Comedy Store for one last stand up, and Tony's doppleganger (Zmuda)is in the crowd. Huh??? What's going on here? Forman continues to confuse the audience with cheap gimmicks, such as Andy...er, Tony Clifton, being thrown out of Paramount Studios after he caused a commotion on the set of "Taxi". Nevertheless, "Man on the Moon" provides entertainment...whether or not you liked Andy Kaufman
Rating:  Summary: One star for Jim's excellent job, but.... Review: Jim Carrey's acting is great. So good that you can forget its Jim. I liked The Truman Show, so I thought I'd give this one a chance. The problem here for me is that I never was a fan of Andy, and was always not even interested in seeing a movie about Andy. But, I gave it a chance after seeing Jim's other work. ---the bottom line is that I don't like Andy's "comedy" and never did, and this film presents Andy's "comedy." The film will give you insight into what Andy was like when he did not do his act, and I found that as unagreeable as his "comedy."
Rating:  Summary: Good imitation, and that's about all Review: Considering all the publicity its producers bought, this movie was an el floppo. People didn't flock to see it as was hoped, for the simple reason that nobody ever really *liked* Andy Kaufmann all that much; he invented a new genre, comedy that wasn't comedy, and consequently wasn't funny. That said, he was an intertesting man if you like strangeness, and Jim Carrey has done a careful and good job of imitating him. However, the movie can never really get inside the man's head and see what made him tick - probably because nobody really knows. So, this video may be an amusing rental if you're in the mood for one kooky, self-conscious guy imitating another one.
Rating:  Summary: ? Review: This was one of the most boring movie I had ever saw. Why saying a man is a genius, he so funny and great when he his not? Jim Carrey get on my nerves in this movie, I can't stand him, well I can't stand him most of the time but this time he his the worst. Making a movie our of a man who make no sence, it's like they trying to make sence out of man when who doesn't make any sence and they called him a genius for that!
Rating:  Summary: Was Jim Carrey in this movie?! Review: Jim Carrey's portrayal of Andy Kaufman is so brilliantly done that one quickly forgets who has the lead role...is it Andy or Jim? This is a fascinating movie that has proven inspirational for how one's life can be led. Andy Kaufman was a Thelemite without ever knowing the term and lived out his Will at all times regardless of the criticism that he often received. Andy will always be missed.