Rating:  Summary: you'll either love it or hate it Review: i didn't and still don't even know who the hell andy kaufman is but as an aspiring young writer/director i could tell that jim carrey gave s superb performance. from this i could tell that jim actually has acting talent and not just limited to the slapstick comedies he performed for so long. as for man on the moon you'll either love it or hate it. if you hated andy kaufman than this film probably is not for you but if you liked him (or, like me, don't know who he is) than you may be entertained by jim carrey's performance since he himself carried the film all the way.
Rating:  Summary: Jim Carrey Was Robbed... Again! Review: Jim Carrey has made tremendous advances in his acting skills over the past few years. He should have been at least nominated for best actor for his absolutely perfect portrayal of Andy Kaufman. His maticulous, sensitive rendition of a quirky, unusual, but very funny man reminds me of the old commercial... "Is it REAL .. or Memorex?" After only a few minutes into the film, I forgot I was watching Jim Carrey. I was watching, experiencing, laughing with and crying for Andy Kaufman. Wake up Academy... you blew it on this one! Can't wait until the DVD release, so I can watch it again and again....
Rating:  Summary: A FILM DIRECTED BY ANDY KUAFMAN Review: Peter Sellers said that when he was not doing a character he was a man with no personality. At one point in MAN ON THE MOON Andy's girlfriend tells him "There is no real you" and means it. Although I don't believe it, I actually believe that both Kuafman and Sellers had personalities in there somewhere I thank the heavens that Milos Forman didn't try to find the "real" Andy Kuafman. His ingenious film, plays like one of Kuafmans acts. The audience in the theatre where I saw it today where expecting to watch Andy irritate his audience and laugh because they would be in on the joke. But THE ABSOLUTE GENIUS OF THIS FILM IS THAT WE'RE NOT IN ON THE JOKE. We are in exactly in the same position Andy's audiences were in back when he was doing his sketches. Most of the time we don't know weather its a joke or real or a bizzare mixture of both. No wonder then that half of the people in the theatre walked out about two thirds of the way in. They were expecting a traditional biopic, which starts with the discorvery of talent, the rise and the inevitable and tragic fall. Instead we were as his audience was back then, toyed with and involved in an elaborate scheme. He would have loved this movie. Andy Kuafman was revolutionary in that unlike almost every human being on the planet, his actions were not to please or even leave a positive impression on those around him, his primary audience was himself. Once the fear of failure was out of the equation, the door was completely open for the most bizzare and original acts to be created. And although he didn't nessecarily want to please his audience he did want to have them, to toy with them. In a way he was a behavioural scientist. The film is beautifully made, Courtney Love and Danny DeVito don't really give performances as much as points of sanity to anchor the film. Without them we would be completely lost in Kuafmans world. Now we come to Carrey's performance which is incredible, he never lets on, never winks, he is what the Andy Kuafman legend is, it is a riveting performance. To those who walked out on this film, or get bored and press stop on video "You are disgusting and here is a soap to clean yourself", just kidding. Andy Kuafman would have left out the just kidding part.
Rating:  Summary: Jim Carrey shines as the insane/brilliant Andy Kaufman Review: Man on the Moon followes the strange and unique life of the late comedian Andy Kaufman. Carrey's portrayal of Kaufman is nothing less than stellar. While Man on the Moon didn't fair well at the box office, I assure you it's worth seeing.
Rating:  Summary: Jim Who? Review: When I first saw this movie I was blown away by Jim Carrey. With the exception of a few moments I forgot that it was him in the film. Jim truley became Andy Kaufman. I cannot think of a better performance from anyone this year. While the film may not have pleased everyone, I for one loved it. It was made the way that Andy Kaufman would have wanted it made. No one could tell where the truth ended and the fiction began. This is a great way to remember the genious of Andy Kaufman.
Rating:  Summary: If you believed they put a man on the moon Review: This movie was the best biographic movie i have ever seen.It was excellent,perfect.I am a Jim Carrey fan and ilove his movies.I saw it in Truman Show that if he want to do a serious movie (no comedy)he can.But in this movie he played Andy Kaufman perfect.I'll never forget this performance.Andy really had a good world when he died,enough to base a movie on (like Jim Morrison and on his poem The Movie).I have many informations and pictures of Andy Kaufman and if you compare them with movie you can't believe.It's the same:Andy's back for 2 hours.This two hours was for me 10 hours i saw this movie 5 times.I'm waiting for the academy awards.I don't understand like everybody how this can be,how Jim Carrey isn't candidate for best actor?We'll see who is the winner soon. We miss you Andy...
Rating:  Summary: OH MY! JIM CARREY CAN ACTUALLY ACT! Review: You have to understand.....I hate Jim Carrey! But...no one better could of played King Andy Kaufman. Carrey was born to play this role, same with Paul Giamatti and his role as Bob Zmuda. Andy Kaufman was an interesting man. If you liked the movie and you are still wondering the "truth" abou Andy, check out the book "Andy Kaufman Revealed" by Bob Zmuda. The movie's ending is fake, it puts it in there for dramatic reasons. Bob Zmuda was actually the one who played Tony Clifton that night. The book answers this question and many more. GREAT FILM!
Rating:  Summary: Andy Lives Again! Review: I saw this movie 2 times. The 1st time on the night it open and again 3 weeks later. I think Jim Carrey brought Andy's life to screen with grace and honor. I also think that the Tony Clifton scenes were the best! I wished there we more scenes. but you can only fit so much in to a movie. For anoyone who has not seen this movie or doesn't know who Andy is,I receomend that you see, Cause someone like Andy only comes along once in a lifetime!
Rating:  Summary: an awesome experience Review: i had no idea who Andy Kaufman was before this movie, and now i'm hooked! i went to see it with friends, to get out of the house for a bit - i never imagined the impact it would have! i highly recommend that if you don't know who Andy Kaufman is, that you see this movie. What he could do with people is so amazing! His ability to make people stop and think is incredible! The way he did what he wanted, when he wanted, and how he wanted is inspiring! I only wish i were able to see him perform. This is truley a wonderful movie and a great experience!
Rating:  Summary: Very Impressive Movie! Review: You'll never see another entertainer like Andy Kaufman. He was a genius, exploring new and bizarre ways to get a re-action out of people. The ideas he came up with were original, out of this world and wonderful! "Man On The Moon" is a perfect re-enactment of Andy's life. From wierd and unusual child, to struggling stand-up comedian, to crazy "Taxi" star. Jim Carrey did an excellent job playing the role of Kaufman. He not only looked and sounded like him, but also stood and walked like him. You could almost swear that Andy came back to play himself. This was one outstanding movie!