Rating:  Summary: Comedy of the sci-fi obsessed Review: This film tells the story of a group of young men who are obsessed with sci-fi in general and Star Trek in particular. Oneof them is having an identity crisis as he approaches his thirtieth birthday (he dreams he's the hero of Logan's Run). One of them is having trouble with his girlfriend and his job. The best performance in the film is by William Shatner, playing himself. He has an obsession with making a rap musical version of'Julius Caesar', and sends up himself and 'Star Trek' hilariously. My favourite line in the film is where the one who's approaching thirty, who is Jewish, is fondling a German girl and she pushes him away. "Considering what your people did to my people during WW2" he observes "I wouldn't have thought a little mild breast fondling was too much reparation to make." This is a very funny film.
Rating:  Summary: A truly hilarious romp that's out of this world Review: This is one of those flicks that I walked by in the video store for weeks until finally I decided to rent it. "Free Enterprise" is a hilarious look at the lives of obsessive fans of the science fiction/comics age. With its references to Star Trek, Logan's Run, and other sci-fi films it is a laugh riot. William Shatner has a bit role as himself playing the complete opposite of what the loyal fans expect. Overall the film has a Swingers like atmosphere but instead the dialogue comes from the mouths of the geeks. Not exactly Revenge of the Nerds but its no Miami Vice either. Anyone who likes all those classic sci-fi movies or can remember them should enjoy this film.
Rating:  Summary: pleasantly surprised Review: I picked it up at the library and I just had to check it out because it looked so bad - but I was pleasantly surprised.
Here's what the back cover says:
"Free Enterprise is the first film about the so-called "Star Wars Generation," the thirtysomethings who are neither Generation X or Slackers. They are the baby boomers who grew up with Captain Kirk on the tube and Luke Skywalker on the big screen."
"It's a dysfunctional story about 2 avid "Star Trek" fans...who meet their idol, William Shatner, and discover he's nothing like his fictional counterpart. With their illusions shattered, the two friends must face their fears about the future in this contemporary comedy that combines the hip, L.A. romantic milieu of "Swingers," with the knowing pop culture sophistication of 'Clerks.'"
So, after reading that you know I had to check it out. It was a good little movie - not life changing, but funny for all of us who have ever referred to the person in the shotgun seat in the car as "mr. Sulu" because he has to be navigator. Fun things to watch for include: Kiss Action figures, Space 1999 spaceships hanging from the bedroom cieling, grown adult men looking at Star Wars dolls in the store, references to "Logan's Run" and William Shatner rapping.
Shatner plays himself and constantly pokes fun at his reputation as an arrogant, bombastic goof. Either the man has no ego, or his ego is so large that he doesn't mind being the butt of the joke.
If you watch this movie - be sure to watch during the credits - there's more, even though it looked like the movie was over.
In the credits it also says, tongue in cheek, to watch for the upcoming sequel "Willaim Shatner vs. The World Crime League." Now that sounds like a movie!
Rating:  Summary: Great Fun Review: There are probably many of you who have never seen or heard of this film. Well get out there and get it because this is a modern classic. This is a film for those of us who love Star Wars, Star Trek, comic books, toys, laserdiscs (DVD had not caught on yet when this film was made), Movies, and a good time.
The plot is a little strange. It's about two guys who are big film buffs and Star Trek fans. One day they get to meet their hero, William Shatner (played by William Shatner), and they find out that he is nothing like his fictional counterpart. In fact he is more screwed up then they are. William Shatner is GREAT in this movie. However, don't think that just because William Shatner is in this film it must be only for Trekkies. I give you my word. It is not.
There is more to this story but I am not going to go into all of it. Just think of this film as a Clerks meets Swingers kind of a thing. This film is funny and easy to watch. But what I really loved was all the pop culture references. The dialogue in this film sounded like so many conversations that I have had with my friends.
There are so many references to Star Wars, classic films, comics, and toys that I had to keep rewinding the film to catch them all. Let me just say that watching this film was like watching a big slice of my life. I believe many of you out there will agree.
For example there is a line in the deleted scenes were one of the guys, Robert, wants to borrow money from his friend, Mark, so that he can buy some new laserdiscs. Mark comments that he already owes him money and besides the power to his apartment has been turned off so what good is it to have new laserdics. In which Robert replies "Sometimes it's enough just to know their there"
Oh, How true.
This film is jam packed with extras.
Writer/Director Commentary
Over 30 min. of Deleted scenes
Original featurette
Behind the scenes bloopers and interviews
Screen tests
Terminology subtitle Track (thats how many references are in this film, you need a subtitle track to keep up)
A glossary of Free Enterprise phrases
A William Shatner rap video.
The Commentary Track is a classic, fun and informative.
This film is just a plain old good time and is an excellent film for the STAR WARS generation. So if you grew up (if you have ever grown up) loving Star Wars, Star Trek, comic books, toys, and Movies, and if you love DVD then go out there and find this movie.
Rating:  Summary: An Enterprise of humor Review: William Shatner stars as himself who encounters two 30 year "Trekkies" who find out that Shatner is nothing at all as his alter-ego...Captain Kirk. They find out that he doesn't easily "score" with women! Together, the 30 yr old men & Shatner help each other out with their problems. Really funny! They should have left the "deleted scenes" in though...Let's release a "director's cut" with the deleted scenes intact!
Rating:  Summary: Comedy of the sci-fi obsessed Review: This film tells the story of a group of young men who are obsessed with sci-fi in general and Star Trek in particular. Oneof them is having an identity crisis as he approaches his thirtieth birthday (he dreams he's the hero of Logan's Run). One of them is having trouble with his girlfriend and his job. The best performance in the film is by William Shatner, playing himself. He has an obsession with making a rap musical version of'Julius Caesar', and sends up himself and 'Star Trek' hilariously. My favourite line in the film is where the one who's approaching thirty, who is Jewish, is fondling a German girl and she pushes him away. "Considering what your people did to my people during WW2" he observes "I wouldn't have thought a little mild breast fondling was too much reparation to make." This is a very funny film.
Rating:  Summary: Your either going to love it or just go ... huh? Review: It will be like a geek bomb went off in your living room. If you were a fan of the Logans Run TV series, Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica and dozens of other mandatory stations of the geek cross - then this movie will be one you can watch over and over - laughing yourself silly just about every time.If none of the above rings any bells, take a pass on this one. Unless of course you seek wisdom along the path to your inner geek. The spoofing is great and while Shatner does make a fantastic addition to this flick, he really is just the cherry on top of an already delicious... dessert... thing.
Rating:  Summary: The ULTIMATE Sci-Fi Fan's Movie! Hysterical! Review: This flick is - without a doubt - the best movie made for (and by) sci-fi fans. Nothing else compares. It's simply hysterical and dramatic - something tough to achieve together. Any old-school (60's through 80's) sci-fi fan, most especially Star Trek fans, will love this film. It's not for a child though, I'd advise a viewer be in their teens. If your not an old-school sci-fi fan, you'll find much of it confusing. It's great for the genre fans though. Total riot.
Rating:  Summary: The Free Enterprise.... system, not the Starship Enterprise Review: It's a pun. I watched this movie, expecting something more along the lines of 'Galaxy Quest.' The beginning is a bit slow, packed with a dizzying array of sci-fi references and dialog; but, then Bill shows up. The outsider sci-fi culture clashes with the aspirations of Bill, lampooning Bill. His attitude of 'been there / done that' contrasts with those wishing to have been where nobody has been before, and most probably never will. The plot spirals into a surreal, yet down to earth vision of Free Enterprise - no, not the starship. The title refers to the free enterprise system of making a buck in a post-Star Trek world. If you like William Shatner, you'll like this movie. If you hate William Shatner, you'll like this movie. If you've never heard of William Shatner.... well, just watch 'The Wrath of Khan' first and you'll enjoy this movie a lot more.
Rating:  Summary: affectionate and funny but overlong Review: Two middle-aged LA Trekkies have trouble finding love until they begin to take some advice from their idol William Shatner and let love in. The two leads are likable, but Shatner is hysterical in this affectionate look at the fans obsessed with all things Trek. DVD extras include commentary with the writer and director, a making-of featurette, deleted scenes, screen tests, a guide to terminology, a music video, trivia subtitles and more. The film is a bit long and doesn't always shift between buddy picture and romantic comedy smoothly, but it is fun and especially worthwhile for Trek fans. Lots of fun!