Rating:  Summary: Stupid,stupid,stupid Review: I'm a fan of all Adam Sandler movies, and when I saw Little Nicky it I thought it would be a good, funny movie. Boy was I wrong!! It turned out to be very pointless and stupid, period! Do yourself a favor and don't buy it!
Rating:  Summary: Pretty Funny! Review: I thought Little Nicky was funny. Most of the critics dispised it, but I bet they don't even like Adam Sandler. If you're a big fan of Adam Sandler, don't let them fool ya! This is one of his best movies. I especially liked the surprise appearance of Reese Witherspoon as his mother in heaven, and all those cameos at the end sequence. Patricia Arquette, wearing those geeky glasses, looks unnoticable after seeing her in Stigmata and NOES 3. Anyway, you're in for a good laugh, so I recommend Little Nicky. Plus, the DVD has good features!
Rating:  Summary: dumb and pointless... Review: I think this is one of the worst movies I have ever seen. Pointless and dumb. I took it out of the DVD player half way through it. I didn't laugh, at all, during the parts I did see. There is nothing else I can say about this movie...definitely pass on it. It's not even worth the ONE star!!
Rating:  Summary: Embarassed to say it, but I really liked it! Review: I bought this movie for the teenagers, but then I always sit and watch the movies with them. What a surprise! I loved this movie. I laughed and laughed! This is from a person who loves Sense and Sensibility, and Henry the V. It is just a perfect warm and fuzzy, hilarious movie. I was so dissapointed with Meet the Parents (the teens hated it too) that I was almost afraid to watch this. The special effects were good, and Adam Sandler (who I don't really care for) put on a very good show. Ultimate brain candy for the Austin Powers- Ace Ventura- type.
Rating:  Summary: Pretty funny... Review: For some reason I thought this move was gonna suck. But it turned out to be quite funny, not as good as "The Waterboy" or "Big Daddy", but above all his other movies.
Rating:  Summary: jamon Review: of course the dvd has got more to offer - what film hasn't. but what i feel is important in this film is the questioning of our ultimate fate. very rarley does a work of art challenge our expectatiioons of what a work of art should do. but this film does it. in spades. for me, the crux was methusala challenging travis to a vocabuulary test. which obviously is an easy contest. but then again, how does one square the root problem of disenfranchisement? by ignoring the poor beggers, of course. the poor are obviously a burden on capitaist society, which little nicky excpresses beautifully. adam sandler is probably the greatest ever melancolic fool since jim robinson died of a coranary disease. and one can only hope that sandler befalls a similar fate. soon.
Rating:  Summary: The most HiLLARIOUS Movie of all time Review: This is one of the best comedy movies ever. Adam Sandler, (the Water Boy, Big Daddy) was SUPERB. He hillariously played as the "Spawn of Satan," with a voice pedamaent. When his two older brothers escaped from hell it was up to Little Nicky to capture them and save his dad from disenagrating. He fially figurs out that he has to find the evil within to capture his brothers. But with his mom being an angel things get a little tricky. Nicky slowly begins to release his evil, and his good to create one of the best comedy movies ever. With everything from talking dogs to flying like SuperMan, you have to see this movie. P.S. It will really make your head spin!
Rating:  Summary: I hope Blockbuster will give me a refund! Review: I only rented this movie because a friend of mine told me that this was one of Sandler's best movies. I had no intention on seeing it in the theatres when it was out and now I know why. This movie was nowhere near as funny as Sandler's previous movies. He is a very funny man and I have been a fan of his for a long time. This movie however makes me not too excited for his next movie. I hope that he doesn't make anymore movies like this. I just hope that I can get my money back for wasting it on such a horrible attempt at a funny movie. This movie was so un-funny that me and my roommate both decided to stop it before it was even thirty minutes into the movie. I need to laugh at least once during the first part of a comedy to stay interested in seeing it. This movie [stinks]!
Rating:  Summary: Adam Sandler is most promising in all of his movies. Review: ADAM SANDLER (The Waterboy) plays Nicky, the son of Satan in LITTLE NICKY. After his brothers freeze the flame gate of Hell, Nicky is sent by his dad, Satan, to Earth to capture his brothers and re-open the gate to Hell. But if he fails, Hell's gate will stay frozen, in which no souls will enter and his dad will lose his throne, and his life. So, with no other option, Nicky takes the job and teams up with a new talking dog pal named Mr. Beefy. Along his journey, Nicky finds friends, new Earthly surroundings, evil, good, a girlfriend, power, Heaven and a whole new side to himself- he also gets killed SEVERAL times. MY REVIEW: "Okay party animals- this is the movie for ADAM SANDLER fans everywhere! I had really low expectations for this movie because I heard it SUCKED BIGTIME. But it was surprisingly hilarious! It's neat to see co-stars of Sandler's previous films like- THE WATERBOY and HAPPY GILMORE, return to LITTLE NICKY. Like: ROB SCHNEIDER, HENRY WINKLER and CARL WEATHERS. Release the GOOD, and go see this evil-ey good movie! BOTTOM LINE: It is a big can of whoop ass of a movie!"- MJV & the Movies.
Rating:  Summary: why 5 stars? Review: Well, not because it's a five star movie, but it IS a 5 star Adam Sandler movie! If you're a fan of the Sandman, I'm sure you'll think this movie's "not too shabby"! :-)