Rating:  Summary: a grate funny movie Review: i love this movie. I could probably watch it a hundred times and stil never get tired of it. I say this is a must rent and a must see.
Rating:  Summary: Great! Review: I loved this movie. It showed all people are good if you look hard enough. Its a movie with pizazz and love. We can create are own destinies if we truly believe we can.
Rating:  Summary: Perfect gift for a Jackpot Gift Basket Review: I made my boyfriend a gift basket that include "It Could Happen To You" on DVD... The gift basket was "titled" I'm so lucky!! I hit the jackpot the day I met you!!! =) I included Hershey's Treasures, 100 Grand candy bars, chocolate and bubble gum coins, a piggy bank, lottery tickets and this movie. My boyfriend loved how creative I got, but best of all was snuggling together on the couch, eating chocolate, and watching this movie.
Rating:  Summary: A great romance classic -- ranks among the best Review: I recently bought and rewatched the DVD of this movie. I was absolutely delighted from start to finish. I'm a romantic movie fan, watching a lot of foreign films in this genre as well. I have to say that I'm surprised "It Could Happen To You" is not more widely regarded as a classic. It is easily the equal of "Sleepless in Seattle" or "When Harry Met Sally". The storyline is sweet and funny and leaves you feeling good about life. I found the screeplay and the production quite good. What really puts this movie over the top though are the actors. Who would believe Nicolas Cage, bad boy extraordinaire of "Vampire's Kiss" and "Wild at Heart" could so sweetly and convincingly play a nice guy? In Cage's hands, Charlie is utterly believable and real. You completely buy his fundamental decency, his inability to break a promise or not do 'the right thing'. And he is just so generally charming and attractive in this movie. If I were handing out Oscars, Cage would get one for playing Charlie. I can't remember when I've seen such a completely natural performance. Bridget Fonda is outstanding as well. She matches Cage's believability and charm. And the chemistry the two of them generate together is heady stuff from the moment they meet. Rosie Perez is very funny as well, but she is obviously doing humor -- a spoof. Cage and Fonda play it like the real thing and hit at a much deeper level. I watched this with my 11 year old daughter and husband and they both really liked it as well. I would give it 5 stars, but I was disappointed that the DVD didn't have any bonus features. I would enjoyed some interviews or a 'making of' featurette. This is one to watch again and again.
Rating:  Summary: This movie is very underrated Review: I watch this movie all the time and each time i watch it i love it even more!It is a wonderful movie that tells a real-life event,I really enjoyed Rosie Perez's performance as she plays a snobby,and wickedly evil have who cares about nothing but their lottery winnings.And Bridget Fonda is real good as a sweet,caring waitress who got cut off from her credit cards by her husband (which is played by Stanley Tucci,who is a delight to the film)but (as all movies do) it ends with the good guy getting the good girl (i didn't spoil anything you can figure this out early on in the film.)
Rating:  Summary: A Feel Good flick that succeeds Review: I'm a little unsure why people would see a movie such as this when they don't like Feel Good movies in the first place. And then pan it because it IS what it is? Rediculous. It's fairly obvious from the blurbs what this movie is about. Cage and Fonda give convincing turns as nice people in a cynical world. While there are no real surprises in the plot, you can't help but be drawn into the story and find yourself rooting for the good guys. This is a good date movie, and someting to watch when you'd like to restore your confidence in humanity.
Rating:  Summary: Unbearable Review: My wife, my mother and I sat down to watch this and barely made it through a half hour before we all agreed to turn it off. We had expected to like it after it did so well at the box office but the characters are so weak and the plot and dialog are so predictable it was torturous. If you want a romantic comedy pick When Harry Met Sally or Shakespeare in Love. Even Sleepless in Seattle, which is essentially enjoyable fluff, is way better than this movie. I would watch Sleepless again but I couldn't even watch all of It Could Happen To You once.
Rating:  Summary: A 4-Million Dollar Flop! Review: Ok, try to follow along. Good-natured cop, Charlie(Nicolas Cage) doesn't have enough for a tip at a local NYC diner, so he promises his waitress that he will split the tip that he gets from a lottery ticket he has. You know he's gonna win, too, because Charlie's all nice n' all and the Waitress, (Bridget Fonda's "Chavonne", I think it is?) is down-on-her-luck and needs a big break. Charlie is married to racially stereo-typed Spanish lady(Rosie Perez...what happened to her?) who whines her way through the picture and insults him constantly. He loves her and stays with her, even though she's the Wicked Witch of the West looking like she was attacked by Dezi Arnaz's closet. Anyhow, Charlie wins the lottery and ends up splitting the tip with his Waitress. Oh, and of course, you get the obligitary love story when Charlie cheats on Rosie with his Waitress after both of them run off to the Plaza Hotel after Rosie finds out that they've been together doing "friend" things the entire afternoon. Still following? Good. Now, you know that Charlie and the Waitress are gonna end up together cuz he's reeallly, reeeeeally nice n' stuff and she's sooo sweet and gentle and kind. Oh, and then there's this trial thing thrown in for good measure wherein Charlie gets a slap on the hand for cheating on Rosie and she tries to take the money away from him in the process of divorcing. Charlie loses the bout as does the Waitress cuz an American courtroom judge was reaaaallly awfully touched by Rosie's story that SHE was the one who picked the winning numbers because her dead father told them to her in a dream(HUH?). And Charlie and the Waitress sorta fall outta love and go their separate ways for a bit until Charlie tells her that he hasn't been able to stop thinking about her for days, so, they fall back in love again. Oh, by the way, just because Charlie and the Waitress open the Waitress's restaurant after hours and give a supposed street-bum a bowl of soup in "Their Darkest Hour", the next day, people from around the country start to send cards(to her restaurant, no less) containing cash because they're realllyy good-hearted people. They get married and live happily ever after. The End. Oh, and I almost forgot, 90 percent of this "true-story" never happened in the first place. Ta-da. This has gotta be the most audience-manipulating movie of the decade. --Matt
Rating:  Summary: Fake Love Story, Seriously flawed script... Review: The original script for this film was more honest. It tried to show the charecters in a somewhat more realistic way, but the studio rewrites turn this into a modern day and totaly cliched Cinderalla story with an ending that looks so much like they made it up and did it as a reshoot.
Rating:  Summary: The Difference Between Winners & Losers Is Not Money At All Review: There are romantic comedies that you remember even years later for their wit, grace, and matchless chemistry of the leads. IT HAPPENED ONE NIGHT comes to mind. Then there are those that are of a lesser order that you may remember vaguely a plot but not much else. IT COULD HAPPEN TO YOU is of this latter type. This is not to say that director Andrew Bergman did not manage to convey several heart-warming complexities that inevitably result when unexpected riches collide with everyday life. Nicholas Cage plays police officer Charley Lang, who does not have enough money for a tip for waitress Yvonne (Bridget Fonda), but he does, however, have a Lotto ticket that he promises to split with her should he win. Naturally, he does win, and it is his winning of four million dollars that changes the tone from that of light comedy to the more bitter world of sleaze and greed. Charley's wife, Muriel (Rosie Perez) epitomizes the grasping, totally self-absorbed woman whose true feelings for Charley are dwarfed by her need to have it all. There are some unnerving scenes of greed versus honesty played out in court that seem to validate the widespread belief that whenever huge sums of money are at stake, the participants had better get the details in writing. There are two areas of the film that do not ring true. The first is the unlikely pairing of the heartless Muriel with the heartfelt Charley. Muriel comes off as a female Murdstone from Dickens' DAVID COPPERFIELD. Her antagonism towards Charley is unfathomable. Neither is her lack of acumen at hooking up with a man, following her divorce, who is even more of a golddigger than she is. The second is the saccharine ending that purports to show that the collective hearts of the Big Apple are big enough to force an ending that is sappy enough to let the audience sigh at a most unlikely resolution. IT COULD HAPPEN TO YOU proves that though love may enable vast chasms to be crossed, human beings are more likely to retain that love if they remember why they fell in love in the first place.