Rating:  Summary: What more could you want? Review: You got the perfect location,...girls, kick ... funny Jack Black, and some surf bums. Now what else could you possibly ask for in a movie? About a guy who takes the death of his friend way too seriously but in the end finds out what is really important. The whole time I was watching this I was just thinking in my head how jealous I was cuz I wanted to live like that. Anyone who likes a fun movie about having fun and learning how important your friends are, needs to see this.
Rating:  Summary: Oranges, Apples, Lemons & Limes Review: "Orange County" made me laugh. Colin Hanks who was so good on the Roswell TV series does a great job of bringing sanity to the otherwise crazy cinematic universe of Orange County that swirls about him. In this version, you'll find every kind of nut & fruit possible! The mixup of the transcript is a funny contrivance that sets the spiral of events on its course. Since the movie is so short, I don't know why they edited out the hilarious scene (in DVD deleted scenes) of Lily Tomlin knocking out students with a stun gun in the parking lot. It was a great gag that could have been maxed with dozens of dazed students left in her wake rather than left on the cutting room floor. I also enjoyed Shaun's dream sequence where all the pretty girls heap adulation on him for his writing abilities. Truthfully, I enjoyed Jack Black more when Bruce Willis blew off his arm in The Jackal; but he's sufficently sweet and looks good in his briefs for as porky as he is. The stoner jokes, while not new, were funny to me. The movie moves fast, barely taking a pause. The soundtrack with Brian Wilson's Beach Boy harmonies is terrific. Jake Kasdan did a great job IMHO. The material is not ever going to hit classic status, but then Tom Cruise started out in Risky Business; so I think this is an excellent beginning for Hanks. I had fun. I hope you do too.
Rating:  Summary: Dissappointing Review: I was hoping this would be better than it was. I thought this was a disappointment overall. Jack Black's character was one of the reasons that this movie was less than it could have been. The stereotypical party animal is something that I've seen time and time again, and don't need to see again unless they add some kind of spice to it. Another general problem with this movie is that the jokes weren't funny. They tried to push the laugh so many times in this movie and I felt myself chuckle a little, but only because I was trying to laugh. What I did like about this movie was the whole idea of trying to escape one's surroundings to become a writer. You kind of find yourself pulling for Colin Hank's character to make it. The problem is that some of the means that are taken to get into Stanford are idoitic. The character development has something to be desired. This was an effort to be a "smart" comedy (I think), but it wasn't.
Rating:  Summary: better than average but still not great Review: "Orange County" is a cut above the average teen comedy (though just barely) thanks to one all-important aspect: the unusual nature of its youthful protagonist. In most films of this genre, the main character is almost invariably a young man whose aspirations rise no higher than that of getting laid, hanging ten with his buddies, or partaking of every illegal narcotic known to mankind. Shaun Brumder, however, has loftier goals. His main dream is to gain acceptance into Stanford University where he will be able to study under the renowned Martin Skinner, a successful author whose work has inspired Shaun to want to become a writer himself. The only problem is that all the dysfunctional people in Shaun's life seem to be conspiring to keep his dreams from ever becoming a reality. Whether it be his incompetent college guidance counselor, his "illiterate" English teacher, his alcoholic mother, his insensitive father, his maniacal, perpetually wasted brother, or his empty-headed, directionless surf buddies, Shaun seems surrounded by people who, whether consciously or unconsciously, seem determined to bring him down to their level. The humor of the film, therefore, arises from the tension that develops between all these youth comedy clichés and stereotypes and the central hero who can't help but appeal to our own understanding and sympathy. Young Colin Hanks makes Shaun into a very likable central character, a rock of sanity in this sea of swirling madness. Jack Black, as Shaun's brother, shows once again that nobody does a better job than he at impersonating the dumb slob loser, following in the honorable footsteps of "Animal House"'s John Belushi. Schuyler Fisk provides warmth and charm as Shaun's understanding girlfriend, the one levelheaded person in Shaun's coterie of family members, friends and acquaintances. And Catherine O'Hara and John Lithgow hit comic high notes as Shaun's crazy, mixed up parents. Harold Ramis, Lily Tomlin, Chevy Chase, Kevin Kline and a host of other big name stars make effective cameo appearances in the film. At times one wishes that writer Mike White and director Jake Kasdan had aspired to create a richer, subtler comedy than the one they've ultimately come up with. Shaun's story might have been more interesting had the filmmakers not always been so eager to go for the broad caricature, the tired pratfall, the easy laugh. "Orange County" may be better than most films of its ilk, but that really isn't saying much in the long run. It's ultimately, when all is said and done, a pretty dumbed-down little comedy. Still, given what one might be led to expect from its advertising, "Orange County" also has its moments of unanticipated appeal and charm.
Rating:  Summary: Orange County was AWESOME Review: this movie was hilarious...it was much better than I ever expected it to be. After watching it for the first time I came to amazon.com and bought it. It was one of the best movies I have seen in quite awhile!
Rating:  Summary: Ex-Orange-County resident gives it a thumbs-up Review: "Yeah, dude, but were you from *North* Orange County or *South* Orange County?" I was surprised to find this wasn't a Fast-Times at Ridgemont High ripoff. The cast all seem to be sons and daughters of famous actors and directors, but everyone did a great job in the movie. I kept thinking Schuyler Fisk was Laura Prepon (from That 70's Show) and I thought Jack Black's character was pretty annoying, but judging from the other reviews on this site I'm definitely in the minority. The story moves along at a leisurely pace, it's not in your face like other teen comedies, or comedies in general. A lot of the typical California stereotypes came out in the supporting cast (i.e. money-obsessed dad, drunken mom, pothead friends, etc.) but the main characters the story revolves around (Hanks and Fisk) could have been from any town. That's the saving grace of this movie, chances are the problems facing Hanks are typical of everyone growing up today. The underlying message may seem a little too much like a "feel good" Hollywood ending to some, but it rings true all the same. Nice soundtrack, too.
Rating:  Summary: Likeble Cast make it Worth It. Review: I was very surprised to enjoy this move. If you ever want to watch a movie you can just sit back and enjoy then this is it. Sean (the very charmig and likeable Colin Hanks) wants to go to Stanford, but the school guidance couselor(a hysterical Lily Tomlin) sends the wrong transcripts, therefore Sean goes out of his way to get accepted. Of course the movie then has many differnt obstacles Sean has to face to do this, like his alcholic mother(the always great Catherine Ohara), his druggie slob brother(Jack Black, in one of his best and funniest roles, and his sweet and loving girlfriend Ashly(the very talented Shuyler Fisk). Many things go wrong which make for a very funny and entertaing movie. The ending is a little predictable but the cast is so wonderful that they pull off what could have been another by the numbers, gross out comedy.
Rating:  Summary: Orange County Review: I hate teen movies. Absolutely hate 'em. They're generally cliched, dorky, poorly acted and written, and painfully unfunny. That said, "Orange County" is a peach. Occasionally crude enough to attract the adolescent boys in the audience, it's still sweet, funny, and just, well, downright enjoyable. The cast is fine - Colin Hanks and Schuyler Fisk are fine young actors, Catherine O'Hara and John Lithgow shine as Hanks' wacky parents, and Jack Black is...Jack Black. Well written by Mike White ("Chuck and Buck"), with plenty of funny gags leading up to (believe it or not) a worthwhile message, "Orange County" is not too sweet, not too sour. It's just right.
Rating:  Summary: Awful! Review: Let me start out by saying that I am a fan of Austin Powers, Adam Sandler movies, and most typical guy movies. But I felt that this movie was one of the biggest wastes of money that I have ever had the misfortune of experiencing. The movie is centered around Colin Hanks' character, who wants desperately to go to Stanford University. When he isn't accepted because his guidance counselor sent the wrong transcript, he and his slacker brother, Jack Black, make every attempt to insure his acceptance. This movie was just not funny. The characters weren't realistic, the acting was sub-par, and the writing was almost desperate. I give it 2 stars because there were some mildly amusing Meet the Parents-esque incidents. Trust me people, don't waste your money on this one. If you still have a burning desire to see it, rent it first, and THEN purchase it.
Rating:  Summary: Laugh My @$$ Off! Review: This was the FUNNIEST movie ever! It was so much MORE, and BETTER, than the average teen flick because it wasn't focused purely on a relationship. Viewers will actually come away from this hilarious movie with a lesson learnt, which is way too much to ask for in a movie THIS funny. Filled with humor that is up-to-date and yet people of any age can understand, this movie made me and my friend bust several guts. It wasn't just verbal humor, either...all I have to say is...BOB!! HAHAHAHA