Rating:  Summary: If at first you do succeed, then do it again and again Review: There are some differences between the plots of "Home Alone" and "Home Along 2: Lost in New York." Instead of going to his family going to France for Christmas they are going for Florida, instead of the family leaving them behind Kevin (Macaulay Culkin) gets on the wrong plane, instead of an old guy next door he befriends an old lady in the park, and instead of taking place in a Chicago suburban home it takes place mainly in a swank New York hotel. Of course, all these changes are ultimately immaterial because John Hughes is sticking close to the original formula for his smash 1990 release for this 1992 sequel, even if Chris Columbus gets the joy of directing. The same three elements that worked so successfully with the original are present again. First, Kevin gets to enjoy the highlife without his parents, enjoying the power of his father's credit card. Second, Kevin once again gets to take down the Wet Bandits (Joe Pesci and Daniel Stern), when their paths get crossed again. Third, there are the poignant moments with the kindly older folk that Kevin runs into, and his mother (Catharine O'Hara) has a lot more to do this time around in her frantic efforts to get to New York and look for her son. However, the fun is a little less enjoyable, the creative attacks on the goofy bandits seem less comic and more painful, and the heartstring have already been plucked and sound more hollow in this sequel. If you are young enough to be happy that everything is just as you expect and do not mind the formula being followed right down the line, then you will find "Home Alone 2" more palatable. But in the rating book of life, more of the same is less and not more.
Rating:  Summary: What a sequel Review: I loved this one, Harry and Marv get messed up really bad.
Rating:  Summary: You guys give up? Have you had enough pain? "Nevahhhhhh!" Review: What kind of idiots do you have working here? "The finest in New York." - This is just an idea of the great writing & acting in Home Alone 2:Lost In New York. This is the second of 4 movies by Chris Columbus. Lil' Kevin McCallister gets caught up in more trouble again in this sequel to Home Alone. Home Alone 2:Lost in New York starts with the Christmas Pageant where young Kevin manages to get himself in a bit of bother with Buzz who manages to make Kevin look like a laughing stock in front of many parents. Buzz then makes a very phony,but convincing apology to the family who accept it (as idiots).As he brings this apology to an end,he calls Kevin a "troutsniffer". The acting in this film is pure brilliance,especially the parts of the two "Wet Bandits" played by Joe Pesci & Daniel Stern.This film is such a hilarious film especially with great actors such as Joe Pesci,Daniel Stern,Catherine O'Hara,Tim Curry,Rob Schneider & not forgetting the fine young actor Macaulay Culkin. If you like Home Alone 2:Lost in New York then you are bound to love Home Alone.Although Home Alone 3 & 4 are not worth seeing as they are not the originals with Macaulay Culkin & the original Bandits
Rating:  Summary: "He's Done it Again" Review: this is the best movie ever! if you liked the first one then you will definetly love this one no matter what! Little Kevin has done it again-he's all by himself again but this time in New York around christmas time. at first he is really happy that he is in new york without his family who are in Florida (where there is no christmas trees)after getting in a fight with his older brother (Buzz) and then in a fight with the rest of his family. But he soon learns that he wants his family to be with him after reuniting with the wet bandits (Marv and Harry). But on the way he gets in trouble with the Plaza hotel (New Yorks most exciting hotel)and he saves DUNCANS TOY CHEST from being robbed. and he also meets a couple of friends that at first scared him.on christmas eve his mom finally finds him at rockafella center and the family is all together. this is by far my favorite movie because (1) it takes place in New York (2)it takes place during christmas time and (3) the story is great!
Rating:  Summary: Home Alone Renewed, (4+1/2)s, where s=stars Review: This movie captures the same Christmas feeling as the first film. It captures the mischievousness of Culken's character Kevin, the pathetic dynamic between Pesci's and Stern's harmless villains, and the plot of the first movie. In fact, the plots are almost parallel. Compare Kevin's old neighbor (rumored to have used a shovel to commit homicide) in the first movie with the pigeon lady in the second. In both of them, Kevin helps them to solve their life/self-esteem problems. By using the fictional sequel of the fictional "Angles with Filthy Souls", HA2 is almost parodying itself. It is actually quite comedic; you certainly don't have to be a child to enjoy it. In fact, there is humor aimed toward all different age groups. This is highly recommended and is already a quasi-classic with the first at least for my generation, the one currently in college.
Rating:  Summary: Kids will like it, but lacks the appeal of the original. Review: "Home Alone 2: Lost in New York" is basically a carbon copy of the original movie except set in NYC: Kevin's family loses Kevin, Kevin has a blast being on his own but this time in the big city, Kevin befriends a nice, but misunderstood elderly person, and Kevin must once again ensare the bumbling "Wet Bandits" in a house full of booby traps. Young children will probably enjoy this movie because it reuses most of the same elements that made the original so immensely popular among kids- a kid outsmarting numerous, nasty adults and a slapstick comedy finale. However, this sequel lacks much of the genuine warmth that made the original "Home Alone" so universally appealing. Although the sequel has essentially the same plot, its attempts to recreate the most touching scenes from the original (the parts with Roberts Blossom's "Old Man") by having Kevin befriend Brenda Fricker's baglady and the recently deceased Eddie Bracken's toystore owner come across as forced and not believeable. Those scenes are just the most glaring examples of the entire movie's "written, directed, and acted by the numbers" mentality. Also, the pratfalls and booby-traps which befall the "Wet Bandits" at film's end are much more vicious and over-the-top than those used in the orignal- being electrocuted and throwing bricks at someone's head can kill a person. I would recommend this movie to people whose kids can't get enough of Kevin McAllister's adventures, but I would caution them about its cartoonish violence. For everyone else, I would recommend sticking with the original because the sequel is essentially the same movie except not as fun, warm, or well made.
Rating:  Summary: Hilarious, but repetitive Review: Home Alone 2 has almost the exact storyline plot of the first movie. The differences are that he is left behind at a different location and goes even further from his family. Other then that, the plot is the same (even the fear of having to sleep with cola-guzzling, bed-wetting Fuller!), but at least Kevin knows what do do in certain situations. Nevertheless, the film keeps you laughing, especially Criminal War II! By the way, the injuries suffered by Harry and Marv this time around would no doubt be fatal.
Rating:  Summary: Funny, warmhearted sequel that's even better than the first Review: Essentially a big-budgeted remake of the first "Home Alone," "Home Alone 2" is an even better sequel that far surpasses the likes of "Home Alone" and the bland "Home Alone 3." Kevin McAllister (Macaulay Culkin) ends up getting stranded in New York, while his parents and family ends up in Paris. All alone in the Big Apple, Kevin uses a borrowed credit card and tricks the suspicious conoisseur (Tim Curry) into giving him the best suite they have, while avoiding the same crooks that he nabbed in the first film (Daniel Stern, Joe Pesci) who want revenge. On his way to meet back with his family, Kevin befriends a toy shop owner and a stoic old woman dubbed the 'Bird Lady', who eventually help him reach his family safely. "Home Alone 2" hits home with it's clever physical and sight gags, which some is disturbingly violent, but it compensates for it almost immediately with downright hilarious reactions and a big heart of gold. This is essentially, a cozy, warmhearted holiday film with plenty of hilarity and heart to spare. Its freshness is an added bonus, for it can be enjoyed on days other besides the Christmas holiday. Highly recommended--a family classic. Rated PG for cartoonish violence, crude/comic humor and mild language.
Rating:  Summary: Same stuff, not as funny Review: They tried the same formula but it did not have the charm, warmth, or laughs of the first film. This time they even threw in a homeless woman to try and capitalize on America's fascination and empathy for homeless people. It didn't work. The homeless woman character seemed to be full of all sorts of wisdom and brilliance. She was also some kind of "bird lady" who fed pigeons in the park and was almost entirely covered by bird feces. Too bad she didn't use her profound sense of wisdom to understand that being covered in bird poop is unhealthy and disgusting. Donald Trump makes a cameo in the film and at that point you wonder it was probably done just so they could get a good rate on filming at the Plaza Hotel which Trump owns. Otherwise, why would you include this talentless, buffoon into anything? Joe Pesci and what's-his-name show up again and just happen to run into "the kid", as my daughter refers to him, on the street. Once again, "the kid" feels the need to defend his turf, this time his turf is the Big Apple, and he devises an elaborate plan to outwit these two morons. Haven't they learned anything by now? Anyway, the only plus to this film is the irresistable Culkin and the opportunity to see the cast assemble once again. Otherwise, the storyline, especially the parts involving Tim Curry, are just mind-numbingly stupid. But, hey, my daughter enjoys it so what do I care? But, I think she likes "Home Alone" and "Home Alone 3" better.
Rating:  Summary: Funny! Review: This is a funny movie, including the cast: Macaluay Culkin, Joe Pepsci, Dainel Stern, Kirean Culkin, Tim Curry, and Rob Scheinder. I even like the part where Kevin McCallister done a cannonball in a jacuzzi, and his trunks came off, and when the Uncle says, "GET OUT OF HERE YOU NASTY LITTLE PURVARD, OR I WILL SLAP YOU SILLY!" I also like that movie, where the guy starts shooting. I give it a ***** (5 out of 5).