Rating:  Summary: Hilarious!!!!!!! Review: this movie was one of the best movies that i have ever seen. not only was it funny it was a smart movie too
Rating:  Summary: A novel approach to healing, a proven fact! Review: This movie emphasizes a known fact that humor is better than any medicine. Personally, I had my own Shaman named Jeff Rollins who played a big part in my recovery from elbow surgery four years ago as he kept me laughing and gave friendly encouragement. We all need someone like Jeff Rollins or Patch Adams.Robin Williams was at his peak when he made this film; he was brilliant as a therapist with cancer patients and other terminally ill adults and children. A couple years ago in downtown Knoxville, I quite by chance encountered a person out on the street (actually coming out of a coffee shop) dressed as a clown with a big, red nose. I asked, "Are you Patch Adams?" and was given a business card with a sketch of 'Poppy' on which he was quoted in 2000, "A smile from the heart is the essence of the universal language and shows our love of people." It turns out his name is Wes Flener, a respiratory therapist from LaGrange, KY, here to entertain at a seminar at a local hospital. When I suggested that he visit the patients over at Children's Hospital across the street from his local destination, he presented me with a card "Good for One Laugh." This movie follows the daily interaction between Patch, his associates, and the patients who need his help. Allowing the mentally challenged and disturbed Larry to join the mountain retreat as a resident was a monumental mistake. PATCH ADAMS is an unforgettable story based on truth.
Rating:  Summary: Robin Williams in great Patch Adams Review: The always delightful robin williams once again delivers a heartwarming performance in patch adams, a movie based on the actual real life character named Patch Adams who also wrote a novel about his experience. This is a great movie by good director tom shadyac and includes a great cast including williams and philip seymour hoffman as patch's friend mitch. Williams stars as patch adams a guy who comes to work for a hospital with several patients who are either very ill or whose doctors have done little to improve their condition. adams though, knows that the way to improve their patients is not through medicine but through goodness and happiness. in adams case, he brings laughter and joy using an unusual brand of humor. In several instances, adams dresses and acts like a clown complete with a red nose. He entertains the dying patients in the hospital with his gentle heart and breathes new life and hope into them. ''You treat a disease, you win or lose, you treat a patient, i'll guarantee you ll win'' that great lines is Adams philosophy toward treating patients. He sees that one of the main reasons the doctors have failed in improving their patients conditions is because several of the doctors are cold-blooded and unfeeling. The doctors fail to get know their patients intimately and fail most of all to make their patients happy. several of william's colleagues a guy named mitch and a girl name annie are skeptical at first, but after witnessing the improvement in the patients, they see that adams is just what the doctor ordered. However, not all the people in the hospital is happy with adams. The main boss of the hospital (obviously jealous with adams amazing ability to relate and bring joy the patients) wants adams to quit or be fired from the hospital. i liked this movie very much not only because of williams performance but because of the message. in today's age with greedy HMO's, high medical costs and unfeeling customers service, todays patients don't really get the high quality medical care. Many doctors are rude and impatient with the patients, Nurses fail to get there patients personally and so forth. Of course not all Doctors and Hospitals are cold-blooded are bad, but it would stupid to say that all of them are good, because they are not. If you turn on the news, there's always a news segment chronicle the bad service of a hospital or doctor, or a lawsuit against both. So the movie is very fact based. It's actually based on the 1970's real life events of Hunter ''Patch'' Adams (Robin Williams), who founded the Gesundheit Clinic. Williams does his usual great heartwarming , comedic performance that only he can do. This is a very great film. If you work in the medical profession, you'll probably learn alot. If you're a Williams fan, you'll love it.
Rating:  Summary: When i Grow "Older", I want to be like Patch Adams.. Review: This is sort of a "balancer" film and dvd for me. very enlightening and affective. beyond profits and professions, this film was produced mainly to honor the real Patch Adams. as a dvd collector, i have realized that this expensive hobby puts me in a higher place to be educated, not merely to be entertained. a singular blessed act of compassion, though minute, may and might make this world a better place. <--- every dreamer's dream. this film forced me to realize that people who can buy nice things (that) cost money (from Schindler's List), should continue to help and help and help and help.. especially in the midst of crisis and societal imbalance. no second thoughts or opinions about this film, its transfer or its release.
bow.. :)
Rating:  Summary: Not so sure like Review: Well Patch Adams wasn't what i expected it was well funny. Too be honest Patch is well a bit wierd and he like hangs around dying people and jokes around. I mean if he was around and one of my relatives was dying i'd tell him where to go. People think it's sad and i suppose it is ut the 5 stars are for comedy value Robin Williams chat up lines and jokes are so bad there funny
Rating:  Summary: Patch Adams Review: Having read quite a few reviews on this movie, I realize that many of the people who have watched and reviewed this movie were just out looking for a good story, or wanted to see Robin Williams in his wonderful, comedic role. Not that they are wrong, for this movie does provide a good measure of both.
Having viewed this movie numerous times, and having seen quite a few Robin Williams movies, I have to add here, that there is a hidden dimension to this and other Robin Williams movies.
I think that most of Robin Williams's movies contain within them a cutting, critical, social comment that can often be overlooked due to the off-beat humor and story lines. In this particular movie, the theme is set up early on in the scene in the mental institution where he encounters the gentleman who asks him how many fingers he is holding up. The answer to that question is the heart of the social commentary in this film, and is carried out, amplified, and experimented with through out the remainder of the scenes and subplots. To fail to fully comprehend the social commentary in this film is to lose at least 90 percent of its meaning, leaving the viewer with nothing but a somewhat predictible, stereotyped movie with a bit of fun humor.
As a minister, this movie reminded me at a critical time, what it was that I was all about. I have since used it to teach, and have found my students to be similarly moved when examining the intricasies of the theme.
I highly recommend this to everyone who ever will have anything to do with people care.
Rating:  Summary: One Star Too Many Review: This claimed to be a movie about non-conformity. In reality, viewers are forced to side with Robin Williams or they cannot enjoy the movie. I felt as though I were compelled to like Williams' role simply because he was the 'good guy' and appropriate music played to heighten the feel of Patch Adams against the Evil Establishment. Isn't that conformity?
There was only one side to this story: Patch Adams' own version of things; he was right and those who opposed him were wrong and true villains. I have nothing against Robin Williams in this- it's simply that the movie was paltry, one sided, cheesy, tacky, and insulting. Insulting to me as a viewer who DOES NOT want to hear that "serious doctors are evil doctors"; who DOES NOT need the point hammered home with every line, and accompanying music in case I missed the point that Patch Adams was the GOOD one;
and frightening to me as a maybe-someday patient, with the impending prospect of being woken in the middle of the night by a clown who just has to make me laugh one time before I die, to satisfy his own ego.
There was one scene where Patch Adams was angry at god and on the verge of jumping from a cliff, and he turned around and there was a butterfly on his bag. Suddenly, Patch Adams was not angry anymore. In fact, he laughed out loud joyously and the camera panned away to show a majestic cliff scene complete with triumphant music, the flying butterfly, and a suddenly happy Patch standing there loving life again.
I understand symbols and metaphors, but since this didn't make an iota of sense to me, I wonder if I missed a scene or two. I wish I'd missed all the scenes, it would have been so much better.
I could go on forever about how insulting it was, but I've spent far too much time on this movie as it is. I don't normally review but I thought that I should try and save others from the same fate.
Rating:  Summary: A novel approach to healing, a proven fact! Review: This movie emphasizes a known fact that humor is better than any medicine. Personally, I had my own Shaman named Jeff Rollins who played a big part in my recovery from elbow surgery four years ago as he kept me laughing and gave friendly encouragement. We all need someone like Jeff Rollins or Patch Adams. Robin Williams was at his peak when he made this film; he was brilliant as a therapist with cancer patients and other terminally ill adults and children. A couple years ago in downtown Knoxville, I quite by chance encountered a person out on the street (actually coming out of a coffee shop) dressed as a clown with a big, red nose. I asked, "Are you Patch Adams?" and was given a business card with a sketch of 'Poppy' on which he was quoted in 2000, "A smile from the heart is the essence of the universal language and shows our love of people." It turns out his name is Wes Flener, a respiratory therapist from LaGrange, KY, here to entertain at a seminar at a local hospital. When I suggested that he visit the patients over at Children's Hospital across the street from his local destination, he presented me with a card "Good for One Laugh." This movie follows the daily interaction between Patch, his associates, and the patients who need his help. Allowing the mentally challenged and disturbed Larry to join the mountain retreat as a resident was a monumental mistake. PATCH ADAMS is an unforgettable story based on truth.