Rating:  Summary: Great Movie!!!! Review: I just had to express myself and speak of how great and funny of a movie(DVD) Scary Movie 2 is. This DVD will have you laughing as soon as its loaded (observe door knocker at beginning of menu screen)!! Besides that even the deleted scenes are hilarious like the "Being Handicap" deleted scene. As we all know the movie itself is great. I think that "Exorcist" spoof was the funniest. The Wayans Brothers will always give excellent comedic performances as well as Anna Faris and James Wood. This DVD/Movie should be in everyone's entertainmnet library.
Rating:  Summary: Not As Good, but It Hits the Spot Review: Scary Movie 2 is a step down from the original, but there's still lots of ... gags and cute facial expressions from Anna Farris to smile and laugh at. This time, characters from the original and some new faces are taken to a haunted mansion dubbed "Hell House" for a "sleep disorder experiment." Their professor has, unbeknownst to them, actually set this up as a paranormal investigation experiment. The entertainment value of Scary Movie 2 isn't as high as Scary Movie, but who says there needs to be comparisons? I believe I laughed just as much. The star of both Scary Movies is definitely Anna Farris. Her comedic charm is great. The Wayans brothers are here again, and both are scene stealers. Regina Hall also returns, and she's still funny. Tim Curry, Kathleen Robertson, Tori Spelling, and more add to the cast of new characters. Chris Elliot is right up there with Anna Farris for making this movie. His character as the caretaker is unforgettable and insanely hilarious. The spoofs here aren't as numerable as Scary Movie, but still work. My favorite being the Charlie's Angels spoof. The opening Exorcist spoof is also great and hilarious with James Woods, Andy Richter, and Natasha Richardson. The DVD is something to be proud of. With a couple of interesting featurettes on the movie and special effects, an extensive still gallery, and a load of deleted and alternate scenes which includes 3 or 4 alternate endings. The deleted scenes contains a couple of hilarious scenes with Regina Hall which I wish they didn't cut out, and explains Tori Spelling's character more. The alternate endings are awesome, but can be seen why they weren't use even though they use a formula similar to The Others and The Sixth Sense. The animated menus with the Perch (The annoying bird) are great. I do find it odd not to have the theatrical trailer. Scary Movie 2 may be distasteful to some, but for fans, the dvd is a treasure.
Rating:  Summary: A disappointing flop. Review: "Scary Movie 2" (2001) Scary Movie 2 had promise. It started out very well, with a very funny Exorcist spoof and a hilarious Save the Last Dance mockery. The movie is going all too excellently until it turns from a story to a collage of scenes that are barely funny and only just raise a smile. Had Scary Movie 2 stayed like it was at the very start it could've been a great film. Unfortunately it ruins its potential very fast, running out of energy after almost 15 minutes. This movie may not be as bad as everyone says it is, but it isn't great either. I suppose it was just a bad idea in the first place. Spoofing haunted house films doesn't give as much opportunity to raise a smile as mocking teen horrors did. Most of the jokes are either really stupid or just recycled. There is another infamous orgasm explosion that is not even in the slightest bit funny and another unstoppable girl sequence. The really stupid and gay jokes (Shorty being smoked by a plant, the ghost at the end) should've just been cut out in the first place. I don't really understand how this took 7 people to write it. All the Wayans brothers participated in the writing and some other groups too (writers must've been attracted after the success of Scary Movie) and it doesn't have the ingenious comedy that Scary Movie or Don't Be A Menace To South Central While Drinking Juice in the Hood (mouthful!) did. The movie barely has 7 great jokes. On the good side, I really enjoyed the basketball spoof, the Exorcist opening, the Titanic sequence, the bird in the film, the Dude, Where's My Car? tattoo part and Tori Spelling make love to a ghost. In fact, the best spoofs in the film come from movies other than horror! Although these parts gave me chuckles, the script-writers need to stick to the point! The cast of Scary Movie 2 is more widely known than the bunch of people in Scary Movie, but the acting is not superior to the first movie. Anna Faris betters her Scary Movie performance and goes out of her way to seem the stupidest once again. In my humble opinion, the girl has talent and I look forward to seeing her stretch her acting muscles in the near future. Christopher Masterton plays Anna Faris's new love interest and he entertained me. He is a good actor and I really enjoy him in this film and TV's Malcolm in the Middle. Shawn Wayans was funnier in the first movie and he has some okay jokes in this movie too. His performance is less satisfying. Marlon Wayans really annoyed me in this film, he had a couple of good sequences and that was all. From his first high-pitched giggle I could tell Marlon wasn't going to be that funny in Scary Movie 2. Regina Hall also annoyed me a lot in the film. In the first movie her annoyingness was funny, in this movie she doesn't have enough to say or any funny material at all. I did enjoy the special guest appearances though. James Woods cracked me up as the priest, Tim Curry was average (good for this movie!) as the professor, Tori Spelling who I really don't know what the hell was doing here but still had fun, and especially Chris Elliot as the hilarious Hanson with munted hands. Elliot's performance often had me laughing out loud, rare for this film, since there isn't much funny stuff. Also look out for Kathleen Robertson and Natasha Lyonne. In the end, Scary Movie 2 comes off as a movie that is barely average and only occasionally made me laugh. I suppose they should've just left the original Scary Movie tagline - NO SEQUELS. Please don't give us Scary Movie 3. That'd just be cruel. MY GRADE: C (OMG: I just found out they are making Scary Movie 3: Episode I: The Lord of the Brooms. Dearie me!!)
Rating:  Summary: 1/2 stars for the movie; 1 1/2 stars for the extras! Review: Apologies to the man's fans, but I guess that I just don't "get" Chris Elliott. In this movie, I find his scenes to be just plain gross; I did not find anything he did to be in the least bit funny. That said, the original cast (yes,including the dead ones;no one ever REALLY dies in horror movies ;<) ) is up to their usual antics. Tim Curry and Tori Spelling are the most welcome additions, even thought their most memorable moments are relegated to the deleted scenes (kudos to Ms.Spelling for really cutting loose in her bedroom scene![pun intended]). How much of the spoof you "get" depends on how many of the spoofed films you've seen (or at least their trailers). The Exorcist, The Amityville Horror, The Shining, and a slew of stuff you'll remember from somewhere...even if you can't remember from where. And a lot of the bits ARE funny-- some gross/funny, some stupid/funny, some just lame...a lot like the first movie. What's really amazing is the deleted scenes; this is what they CUT?? The wheelchair duel (love the John Woo doves and Matrix-type stuff!), the aforementioned Tori Spelling scene, the obligatory boring exposition scene, possessions, ghost encounters...along with bits of scenes and dialogue that might have helped some of the included scenes work better. Make SURE you watch the extras before rating this DVD; people on drugs should NOT edit movies! So rent this if you don't have anything better to watch...and the rental's cheap (or free)...and you don't have to make an effort to get it.
Rating:  Summary: went from Great to down right Boring Review: Ill get straight to the Point,Scary Movie 1 was a classic in terms of Being funny,from Carmen Electra and the Prince scene to the Waz up Phone Call....the Movie was great.This So called Funny movie Part 2 was a complete JOKE,not only will is make fun of you as you watch it,it will laugh at you as it [takes] your money out of you wallet,your time away from your life and Bore you with some 7th grade so-called humor.Do not waste your money on this Garbage of a Movie....it is an insult to you and your hard earned money.The only highlights were the first 5 minutes,the girl with the Nice Body ... and when it ended. Thats it! Good Day
Rating:  Summary: With a hand as small as Hanson's..... Review: This movie is a lot of low-brow comedy, but I whole-heartily disagree with the other ratings it is bringing in of only a few stars. When a movie has a character with a hand as small as Hanson's (played by Chris Elliot) you can't help but laugh. Obviously if you are looking for a movie that is a real slick comedy or has a deep plot you have come to the wrong place but that's not what this movie is about; it's about non-sense that will make you laugh. I personally never laughed at all during the first Scary Movie and couldn't stop laughing at this one so don't judge it by it's predecessor. This movie delivers exactly what I had figured it would times 10.
Rating:  Summary: A big improvment Review: I personally didnt reallly like scary movie. It had a few good moment but really it was disappointing. When i rented this, my expectations were low, i was very suprissed. the beginning was brilliant and the jokes kept on coming. the reason a lot of people didnt like this movie was because the main story was bassed on a film called HOUSE ON HAUNTED HILL. not a lot of people i know have seen this film so they didnt get any of the jokes. Scary movie 2 takes the mick out of films like, HANNIBAL, HOUSE ON HAUNTED HILL, THE EXORCIST, CHARLIE'S ANGELS, HOLLOW MAN,DUDE WHERE'S MY CAR AND A BRILLIANT MICK TAKE OF A NIKE ADVERT. All in all this is a great movie, and a million times better than the 1st. I'm not sure if i would buy it cause there are only so many times u can watch a comedy like this.
Rating:  Summary: Scary Movie 2 was a great comedy! Review: Scary Movie 2 was a great movie. It had the lamest jokes ever executed in the history of comedy. The Exorcist spoof was stupid and I wasn't laughing at most of the time, but I have to tip my hat off to The Wayans brothers anyway. They proved that they know how to execute a comedy, and because of that I'm going to give Scary Movie 2 a rating of zero stars for an outstanding job. I would've given them an additional star had they included scenes of me and my wife Cerina Vincent from Not Another Teen Movie doing things that Andrew Dice Clay would be turned on by, but the scenes of me and her together would've had Scary Movie 2 banned in about 50 countries. And I'm looking forward to Scary Movie 3 so when I watch it I can throw popcorn and soda at the screen. Once again, Scary Movie 2, superb movie. Rent it tonight and go home angry.
Rating:  Summary: Good.... but not even close to the first one. Review: Okay, four stars. Yes. The movie itself doesn't deserve it, but it is a kind of good DVD, with all the extra material. Plus! Anna Faris! She is just superb on this movie, and in the last one. She is the greates thing in the movie. Okay, it isn't funnier or better than the first one. Not even close. The plot from this movie just doesn't make sense, and it's not even a solid plot. It follows nothing. Unlike the first one based on the Scream plot, this one is just a whole lot of ... comedy put into it. The gags were something funny..... but no "HAHAHAH" kind of laughs. I'll tell you though, one of the funniest scenes the basketball scene based on the Nike commercials, sadly, they had advertised that scene in shows like Jay Leno and so on, that when we saw it in the movie.... it..... wasn't funny. Allot of the material wasn't fresh, it was just what you would expect was going to happen if you had seen the first one i.e. Ray (the Wayan brother, not the pothead one), we just know the jokes that will be made with him when he's with the other male cast members. One thing though, you will notice in the movie that there are allot of chances to make a gag, yet they don't do it. Maybe the were trying to avoid being very predictable. I guess if this movie came out first, and the first one second, the first one (wich would have come second) would have suffered the same. Either way, if you are just curious to see the movie cus the first one got all that hype, and it was very good, don't. If you own the first one, then you should get this one to complete the series since there are going to be more movies from the series. So, no, it wasn't really worth it. The "The exorcist" scene was hilarious! Too bad it's the first scene, and none of those actors that come out in it come back... Don't forget Anna Faris!!
Rating:  Summary: The Scary Part Is How Bad This Movie Is Review: Scary Movie was the sleeper hit of summer 2000, taking in 277 million dollars worldwide. Relative to its modest budget, it was the most successful major studio release of the year. "No Mercy. No Shame. No Sequel." That was the tag line on the movie's posters. But no production company these days is going to pass up the opportunity to cash in on this kind of success. Scary Movie 2 was apparently rushed into production before anybody had time to write a script. The resulting mess is gross, uncool, and not even close to funny. It's one of the worst movies I've ever seen. The first Scary Movie was not perfect by a long shot, but it had an attitude and a point of view that produced numerous laughs. It parodied successful horror movies, such as Scream and I Know What You Did Last Summer. It helped if you had seen those films, but that wasn't entirely necessary because much of what made it funny was its approach. This was a black person's point of view of slasher movies involving mostly white people. It was insightful, on target and, indeed, without mercy. It made mincemeat out of screaming cheerleaders, dumb macho guys, bad scripts and lame authority figures. The sequel is itself mincemeat -- bits and pieces of sarcasm, cruelty and scatological jokes haphazardly thrown together. The movie starts with a spoof of The Exorcist which inexplicably uses -- or rather wastes -- the talents of James Wood and Veronica Cartwright. The opening, which is excruciatingly bad, is an indication that the writers had run out of ideas before they even hit the word processors. The Exorcist, perhaps the greatest horror movie of them all, has been satirized dozens of times already. All that was left to do was to create a sketch grosser and cruder than all the others combined. Heaping on piles of bad taste does not make something funnier. It causes that nervous laughter people use when they are squirming in their seats. The rest of the movie involves some idiotic college students and professors in a tepid, unimaginative haunted house story. Both movies were created by the Waynans brothers -- Marlon, Shawn and Keenan Ivory. They have often demonstrated in the past how funny they can be, but here we see how bad they can be when whatever discipline they possess is ignored. The movie is like watching three standup comics getting increasingly desperate as joke after joke fails to amuse an audience. Just as this movie was released on video, it was announced that Scary Movie 3 is to be made. No shame. No mercy. No end of sequels.