Rating:  Summary: OK, You Can Stop Kidding Now Review: Many people are incredibly fond of this picture, and not just on Amazon. I don't get it. I can't even say that it's Sorvino or Kudrow's fault- they're both engaging, and there are other pictures they've been in which attest to their comic abilities, but they have an uphill struggle against this script. Even with a mostly coherent story,**Romy and Michelle** feels like a series of tv show sketches strung together, because most of its humor depends on people being two-dimensional stereotypes and behaving according to the dictates of gag writers rather than being wholly realized(or even semi-realized) characters. I wonder if many people like this movie because they WANT to like it so hard, much like the fable of the emperor without clothes, which makes one of the many implausible gags kind of appropriate, come to think of it.I liked Parker Posey in **Party Girl**, like, ten thousand times better.
Rating:  Summary: It's ok. Review: I hated this movie at first because it basically just seemed like a female version of "Dumb and Dumber", and while Mira Sorvino provides plenty of eye candy, as soon as she opens her mouth she reveals her monotone lack of enthusiasm and it's hard to believe in (or care about) her character. She did such a great job in "Beautiful Girls", she made her character seem like a real person instead of an actor impersonating a character. It seems as though she's forcing herself every step of the way to finish this movie, and she doesn't bother to interject any life or emotion into her character. However, for all of us who endured high school while the meathead jocks and wispy cheerleaders reigned, this movie will seem like a triumph. When it's all said and done, the people who were so happy and popular in high school end up miserable later in life, and the "geeks" like Romy and Michele ended up happily living their normal everyday lives (as is often the case...poetic justice?) I didn't shell out any money to see this flick, so it was worthwhile to me, and if you have lingering high school lack of popularity issues, you might really enjoy this one. The most touching part of the movie was when Romy and Michele ended up dancing with each other (when nobody else asked them) to Cyndi Lauper's "Time After Time" at a school dance.
Rating:  Summary: Tedious, flat, and predictable Review: I recollect reading, when this movie came out, that it was based on a stand-up comedy skit about 9 minutes long. At that length, it probably worked. But expanded to 90 minutes or so, it simply doesn't. Yeah, I know it's supposed to be satire of sorts, but it's not funny. Both of the main characters are dense beyond belief, and all the people at their reunion are stereotypes. The movie is so desperate to fill time that it has R&M go through the reunion TWICE, and it's not funny either time! You do get to see Lisa Kudrow and Mira Sorvino in their bras and panties, but that's not enough to make this turkey worth watching, let alone buying.
Rating:  Summary: 80's-licious Fun for everyone - But Sandy steals the Show Review: Alan Cumming is the Most wonderful and versatile Actor I have seen to date, and this movie proves to be no exception. His 80's Sandy Frink Is an extremely accurate portrayal Of The Typical highschool Nerd, and He manages to be Funny without berating the character. His 90's, Bill Gates-esque character is also brilliantly portrayed, persuing his beloved while silently rubbing his success in the faces of everyone at the reunion. he Manages to turn up at Every corner, making a Hillarious scene more funny, And His sensitive lusting after Michelle is enough to make any girl's Heart melt. What I really want to know was if It was really Alan Under all that make-up in the dream sequence. As for the Movie as a whole, It was wonderfully funny, albeit a little dragged out with the dream sequences, And the finishing Dance scene to "time after time" caused me to wet myself. All of the actors were great, Especially Jenine Garfalo, But Cumming's Performance blew me away. See it. It'll make you all the better for it.
Rating:  Summary: Two Thumbs Up! Review: "Romy and Michele's High School Reunion" is about two nerdy friends who decide to go to their high school reunion trying to impress everyone. But eventually, it backfires at them! This move is one of the funniest movies I have seen in a long time. It Definitely hits the funnybone. It is not the funniest movie in the world, but it suceeds being a comedy. The scene where Romy & Michele walk in with their blue and pink clothes is hillarious! Rated R for language(10 f words)
Rating:  Summary: WOW! THIS GIRLS ARE HILARIOUS! Review: Lisa Kudrow is my idol.She's such a great actress.And when she makes her role of Phoebe(from F.R.I.E.N.D.S), i could laugh for hours. If you listen very carrefully to what they said, you realise that is a very clever movie. Like: -You look so grat with blond hair and that black roots, that is not even funny. -I hope your babies look like monkeys. -Who lost the virginity first? Oh big wow! with your cousin Barry, i wouldn't brag about it. -Excuse me, i cut my foot before, and my shoe is felling up with blood. -I'm the Mary, you are the Rhoda. And many more. This is a movie worth to see. And Mira Sorvino is so beautiful!(But not as Lisa).
Rating:  Summary: A funny way of reminding us our HS days Review: Although I am not so fond of light-plotted films, acted out by airhead loser characters I enjoyed watching this particular movie because it was funny & I really loved the soundtrack which reminded me so well of my own High School days. It is also an eye openner because now I look back & realize how strong peer pressure is when you are about that age. It is during this stage when being "in" is so important to teeners & the feeling of "being" or "belonging" in a popular group is so paramount that you would not dare contradict what the majority thinks is "cool" or "uncool". Also, the flashbacks & flashforwards make me look at myself & rate my own accomplishments (whatever they may be) over the years since I have graduated HS. Have I taken the world lightly like Romy & Michele? Or am I successful in my career like the lady who invented fast burning cigarette paper or that fashio executive from Vogue? But most of all, it reminded me of the special friendship that I have found during that stage, which up to these days last. Romy & Michele, losers as they may be, could have been any of us. That's how close one can get in reviewing your life for the past xxx years since you have left High School.
Rating:  Summary: A Fun and Funny Movie! Review: This must be one of the many movies that I'll want to see over and over again. Both Mira Sorvino and Lisa Kudrow give Excellent comedic performances! One that shouldn't be missed. A great movie that will make you laugh all the way, till the end! The dancing in the reunion made me laugh so much, with "Time After Time" by Cindy Lauper being played, which was one of the best parts, that made me love this movie even more! You wont be dissapointed.
Rating:  Summary: Laughs galore Review: Remember the 80's? Well, it's back. This movie makes me laugh all the way through and it has great music. Helps me get over my urges to "get back" at those who put me down in high school! LOL
Rating:  Summary: Cult Classic Review: I have watched this movie about 50 times now, and my best friend and I pride ourselves on being able to recall all of the dialogue! It is a must for Lisa Kudrow fans since her performance as Michele almost completely mirrors her role as Phoebe on the popular TV show Friends. At age 29, I would have been a sophomore in high school when Romy and Michele graduated; the "A" group closely mirrored the "Class Officers" of my school - pretty cheer-leader types who nice to you when they wanted to be, but usually stuck-up and pretentious, hiding their own insecurities behind mall hair and too much foundation. The secret to enjoying this movie is to watch Lisa Kudrow's facial expressions and hang on to her every word..."God, this underwear is TOTALLY riding up my buttcrack". If you don't enjoy Kudrow, then you will get hung up on the various small flaws the movie has (like the long dream sequence). I put this movie in the same category as Caddyshack, Meatballs, and National Lampoon's Vacation.