Rating:  Summary: So true to form! Review: This movie took me back to high school and all of the cliques that come with it. A lot of critics have said that they don't really like the "airy-ness" of Kudrow and Sorvino in this flick, but I think it SO makes the movie even funnier!*I'm the Mary & you're the Rhoda*
Rating:  Summary: Ok movie but..... Review: I don't really remember people being cruel to other people (like some were to Romy & Michele) when I was a sr. in h.s. They were just cliquey!
Rating:  Summary: Mira and Lisa's High School Reunion Movie Review: A high school reunion can be many different things to different people, and those who attend one do so for a variety of reasons. For some, it's a return to the "glory days;" for others, it can be a masochistic attempt to purge the memories of a past they'd rather forget, but cannot; still others will go seeking vindication and/or retribution for real or imagined injuries suffered at the hands of juvenile miscreants during the formative years. Then there are those who will go out of simple curiosity ("I wonder what so-and-so looks like now?) or just because it sounds like it might be fun. And then there are those who would rather have red hot coals pressed into their eye sockets than show up at such a shindig. Call it different strokes for different folks; but whatever you call it, you're going to meet all of these and more, in "Romy and Michele's High School Reunion," directed by David Mirkin, a light comedy that indicates that the past may have, indeed, been everything you thought it was, and more-- but that perhaps you just hadn't seen it clearly at the time. And, upon returning to the scene of the crime, as it were, you discover that ten years of maturing and endlessly revisiting certain school days situations in your mind can do to your perception of it what laser surgery on the eyes can do for a myopic-- for maybe the first time in your life, you can actually see everything crystal clear, and the way it really was back in "The day." It's been ten years since lifetime friends Romy White (Mira Sorvino) and Michele Weinberger (Lisa Kudrow) graduated from high school, left Small Town, U.S.A. and headed for L.A., where their respective endeavors have at last taken them both to the very top of the minimum wage pay scale. When the news of their ten-year reunion comes down the pike to them, they're excited and want to go. Upon reflection, however, it occurs to them that returning to an environment that was less than accepting of them a decade ago, without having accomplished anything more than successfully drawing breath on a daily basis, could possibly be construed as the proverbial fools errand. They'd just be setting themselves up for the likes of perpetual Prom Queen Christy Masters (Julia Campbell) and her "top of the 'in-crowd'" cronies (all of whom are sure to be in attendance) to once again come in for the kill. Not a happy prospect. Romy and Michele, however, have learned a couple of things since high school (and probably no more than that; it's why they're where they are today), and they put their heads together and concoct a plan through which they will finally obtain that which has always eluded them: The cherished esteem of their peers (and most especially, that of Christy Masters and her cohorts). And it's so simple-- all they have to do is attend the reunion as a pair of successful businesswomen! They even come up with the kind of business they're "in," just on the off-chance someone should ask (what are the chances of that!). It's a brilliant plan, it's foolproof and it's going to be fun. And with that, Romy and Michele are off to their high school reunion. Light comedy, like a meal consisting of "lite" ingredients, can be a delicious and satisfying treat for the cinematic palate. When properly prepared and dished up in just the right proportions, it can be a cause for celebration; and Mirkin's film is just that-- a cause for celebration. It's well crafted and delivered, works on a number of different levels and will appeal to a wide audience, inasmuch as the subject of the film is one to which most people are going to be able to identify and relate, and on a very personal basis, at that. Without question, personal experience and individual frame of reference are going to determine how this one is received, and on which level; and it will hinge on which group from among those listed above in paragraph one the viewer falls into. For some, this film is going to be fun-- taken at face value by the curious who just want a few laughs-- and they won't be disappointed, because this is funny stuff. For others, however, beyond the surface humor, it may tap into some dark corners of the psyche, revealing things that have been repressed, possibly, but not forgotten. And regardless to which group the viewer belongs, it will be those with a keen sense of perception that will understand that this is a comedy with some very serious underpinnings. Again, it's the personal experience and frame of reference that will come into play here. Those of a more superficial bent will see Romy and Michele as prime targets to be set up and used for fun; mere objects of derision held aloft for the merriment of others. The more astute will recognize the cruelty enacted upon them for just what it is: Cruelty. And it's a sad fact that for many-- the "real" Romys and Micheles of the world-- the price of the education received in high school was high, indeed: Tuition paid in psychological scars carried-- in too many instances-- throughout the remainder of one's life; scars born of the cruelty meted out by the "perfect" upon those deemed "unworthy" of acceptance in the prevailing social order. Heavy stuff for a "light" comedy? Perhaps. But it's what makes this film so good; it entertains-- Sorvino and Kudrow together? Forget about it, they're terrific-- but it also makes you think. And, hopefully, it will encourage the "real" Christy Masters' of the world to pause and reflect upon past deeds and "judgments" handed down in the throes of juvenile self-righteousness. "Romy and Michele's High School Reunion" is funny-- very funny-- but it also says something that is genuinely worth saying.
Rating:  Summary: FUNNY!!!! Review: The movie centers around two California girls(played by Mira Sorvino and Lisa Kudrow)who are going to attend there High School Reunion. Problem is they were total geeks in High School. So they decide to impress there former classmates by pretending they're famous inventors. Then someone blows there cover and both are totally humiliated. Then they find that they don't need to impress everyone to be cool because they are cool. It's a great movie but not my favorite. It's rated R because they swear in nearly every scene. Enjoy!
Rating:  Summary: Made me laugh-A LOT Review: High school-where every little thing you say, do and wear seems to matter so much and all those little "disasters" are magnified. Then, it all just ends one day and all you have to look forward to is the occasional alumni update, and the dreaded reunion. In the meantime, you try and start your life, while some of your classmates are still living theirs from high school. Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion took all of those things and turned them on their head. It could have been the normal high school reunion movie where the main characters come back and show the "A" group how great they have become. Instead, they learn they are just fine they way they are. And, that the "A" crowd really didn't do that well anyway. Made me laugh, loved the music, loved the outfits and the interpretive dance. I want to do one at my reunion, with the nerd who is now probably worth millions.
Rating:  Summary: Love the dance scene! Review: I'd seen this movie on tv years ago, and what stayed in my memory most was the beautiful dance scene with Alan Cumming, Lisa Kudrow and Mira Sorvino. I couldn't take my eyes off the screen! It was so breathtaking! Then a friend loaned us her copy which we saw last evening. I still love the dance scene! I'm determined now to buy my own copy so I can watch it over and over. Oh, and the story is pure fun, and Lisa and Mira are cute, adorable and sexy. Janeane Garafalo was terrific in this. I just wish Mira could have done a more convincing job when she was in the office with Ramon crying out his name. I think it would have been funnier if she'd done it the way Meg Ryan did it in "When Harry Met Sally".
Rating:  Summary: hilarious comedy favorite Review: ROMY AND MICHELE'S HIGH SCHOOL REUNION is a hilarious comedy favorite starring the fabulous Mira Sorvino and Lisa Kudrow. Romy White (Mira Sorvino - MIGHTY APHRODITE) and Michele Weinberger (Lisa Kudrow - LUCKY NUMBERS, TV's "Friends) are the self-proclaimed outsiders at Sagebrush High in Tucson. When 10 years pass and Romy and Michele receive invites for the 10-year reunion in Tucson, the girls realise that they have done almost zilch with their lives since moving to LA shortly after graduation. They resort to dressing up like businesswomen and coming up with the "foolproof" story of having invented the Post-It. The ruse almost comes off, but not before the girls come face-to-face with their old demons....the "A-Group"! Full of snappy lines and dead-on performances by Janeane Garofalo, Alan Cumming, and a wonderful supporting cast. I could watch this classic every day.
Rating:  Summary: The two go along great together! Review: This is one of the most cheerfulest movies to watch with an old friend! It's also one of my favorite comedies. This movie has one of the best soundtracks, though the song "Time After Time" by Cyndi Lauper is not included. It's so cute how they thought they were cool back in high school (doesn't everybody think that?) and when they really look back, they find out that they weren't and there lives now are not really that impressive as they thought. They go all out to reinvent themselves in 2 weeks before the reunion: get a nice car, find cute boyfriends, lose weight...and of course, look like executives (LOL)! This movie is great! Their wacky but great taste in fashion make you laugh, their brief friendship problems will make you cry, and their courage so immense will make you stand up and clap. Truly one of the best! P.S. The dance is to die for!!!!! (At the end)
Rating:  Summary: A funny "chick flick" for guys Review: This is a "chick flick" that even guys can love. It's a slight and common story, but performed by two funny, attractive, engaging actresses. Lisa Kudrow and Mira Sorvino play former high school nerds who want to show up everyone at their high school reunion, proving that they "made it big" in life (although they didn't). In one hilarious vignette, Romy and Michelle argue over which of them is the "Mary" and which is the "Rhoda." "I'm the Mary, I'm the pretty one!" one finally says, quickly regretting it. Although they're going to their high school reunion, these ditzy women are still thinking with high school maturity. (Naturally, in the end, they learn to "accept themselves" and not listen to the cool crowd). Lisa Kudrow created the "Romy and Michelle" characters in her pre-Friends, comedy improv days.
Rating:  Summary: RE-WATCH-ABILITY....You won't get tired of it..DAMN FUNNY!!! Review: Let's face it....if you like Lisa Kudrow, you'll love this movie...if you don't...then forget it. Rent it, first, if you are worried about liking it...but, I guarantee you'll want to see it more than once. Listening to Lisa Kudrow's (Michele) rendition of the lyrics to "Footloose" is nearly worth it alone.