Rating:  Summary: a hilarious comedy Review: i suppose this movie has been ranked as a "not for everyone" type, but i hafta say, i can't remember laughing harder on some parts. Then there are other parts that make you go "awww" and "oh, wow" of course leaving you speechless. this story is about a HIGHLY dysfunctional family, and i hafta say, when i first saw it, i was ALWAYZ wondering what was going to happen next! the only other movie i've seen with holly hunter in it that i actually liked was "things you can tell just by looking at her" and i saw that movie AFTER i saw this one...so i honestly wasn't expecting much from her end of it all. however, she was just adorable in this movie which centers around her character claudia. her reactions and feelings are real. the person that really captures your viewing pleasure in this one however is robert downey jr. it's a well known fact that his talent is undeniably incredible, and it's also well known in this movie that your attention will ALWAYZ be diverted to him. he plays the gay only brother in the family and his clown antics aren't ignored. you're alwayz wondering what he's going to pull next. i would HIGHLY recommend this movie to any, not only downey fan, but if you are in awe of the comedy dysfunctional families can provide, this is the epitome of them :)
Rating:  Summary: It's a wonderful life Review: There's a reason why almost every review here has given this movie 4 or 5 stars. All the reviewers come from dysfunctional families! If yours is normal, you may want to skip this. But as a few others have said, this film has become a family tradition, and we watch it EVERY Thanksgiving (usually BEFORE visiting the relativies!) It steels the soul, and makes us realize how much we love our totally FUBAR families.
Rating:  Summary: best movie to watch right before dealing with relatives Review: This is the perfect movie to make you feel that much better about dealing with your own relatives just as watching the Jerry Springer show makes you feel about your life!Dylan McDermott is spectacular and will definitely make you wish you were Holly Hunter! Although I always cry at the end!
Rating:  Summary: Entertainment and Dysfunction... Holiday Style Review: "Home for the Holidays" is a truly entertaining film. Director Jodie Foster really hits the mark with the dread and dysfunction that we all experience at the Holidays with our families. Holly Hunter portrays the "normal" one of the group without being normal at all...she's got plenty of dysfunction in her life as well. The fact that she gets fired, manages to catch the flu and discover that her teen-age daughter has decided to give up her virginity over the holiday weekend sets the tone for the dreaded trip back home. Robert Downey portrays Tommy, her gay, misguided and over-the-top younger brother is really the only one she can relate to...well until she meets his "friend" whom she assumes is also gay. The outlandish behavior of this character could make Tommy an obnoxious, annoying character but Downey manages to make this character the strongest (and most lovable) of the bunch. Bancroft and Durning steal quite a few scenes with their overbearing and off-the-wall characters. McDermont manages to blend in with the crew and make his character realistic and worthy of attention. The crazy Aunt, the stern bordering-on-miserable brother in law, the perfectionist and irritating sister, the annoying niece and nephew and the sad-sack former classmate round off the cast and make this film realistic and authentic. You can't help but find yourself thinking back to your own holiday horror stories as you relate to these characters. This film was never meant to be a Hollywood Classic but as far as honest, laugh-out-loud entertainment...its right on the money.
Rating:  Summary: Best Holiday Movie Review: I simply love this movie because it moves me. I don't profess to be a very critical critic. I don't know good directing from bad. I don't always appreciate the critically acclaimed movies and I have liked some odd movies, so take this for what it's worth. (Whew, thank goodness that is out of the way!) I think Holly Hunter is excellent, and I really care that she is suffering. My heart goes out to her, and to Robert Downey's character. I want these people to be happy. I watch this movie with my husband EVERY year around Thanksgiving. It would not be the Holidays without it. I can also say that this is one of his favorites, too. We both still laugh when the characters laugh, and cry when the characters suffer, even though we watch it year after year. It moves me now, and I suspect it always will. Did I mention it alleviates the ''Family Gathering Dread'' guilt?
Rating:  Summary: Only mildly amusing; missed its potential... Review: The subject matter is there, the talent is there, but this film sorely disappointed me when it came out. The audience doesn't need to hear Holly Hunter moaning about her dread of her visit home for the first 15 minutes - anyone who has spent Thanksgiving with family already knows the feeling! Meanwhile, the family was also a bit TOO over the top, a dash of subtlety and downplay of their eccentric behavior would have done wonders. The turkey scene at the end was just too much for me; I expected more from Jodie Foster's more than capable hands.
Rating:  Summary: This could be my family! Review: Yes, they're dysfunctional, and yes they are all a little on the kooky side, but they are family, looked at honestly, bluntly and often tenderly. A wonderful mix of the terrors and joys of going home for the holidays. Why would anyone want to spend time with these people? Good question. Exactly what I ask myself each time I fly home to dreadfully similar scenes. The answer? Because they are family and love them or not, you can't leave them.
Rating:  Summary: "Home" is definitely in the eye of the beholder Review: "Home for the Holidays" is one of the greatest holiday movies of all time. It is a classic in its own right because of the fine performances given by the entire cast. My roommate and I watch this movie every year before we go home for Thanksgiving break and it never fails to make us laugh hysterically and cry into our tissues as well. Everyone should see this movie at least once because it speaks volumes about "normal" family life and how the simplest things like watching airplanes take off with your family are the things that you'll remember forever.
Rating:  Summary: Not perfect, but still great Review: Tragically, I related alot to Joann, the "basketcase" in this movie. Having had a dysfunctional and now nonexistant relationship with my own family, I really felt sorry for her, though there were times she acted like a drama queen. The film is from her sister's point of view, though, and believe me, her sister and her brother have no respect for her. The only bad thing is that Joann's parents showed no concern for her, which bugged me.The great thing about this movie is that all viewers might see it from different perspectives. Some may see the family as dysfunctional, as I do, others may see them as being normal. Decide for yourself!
Rating:  Summary: Don't miss out on this hysterical movie! Review: Every year I go home for the holidays, my sister and I rent this movie, it's become somewhat of a tradition (we relate to it on many levels!). It's one of our all time favorites filled with lots of humorous moments that will make you smile and feel good. There is something for everyone in this movie and it shows how we all have common "issues" with our families. It's a hysterical celebration of dysfunction and the cast is great.