Rating:  Summary: A Very Good Girl! Review: Jennifer Aniston and Jake Gyllenhaal were amazing on screen together. Aniston's performance was her best to date (hope she does more indy roles). I was suprized by the ending but thought it fit well with the over-all mood.=^..^=
Rating:  Summary: decent performances average film Review: Jennifer Aniston does a nice job of portrayer the average worker stuck in a humdrum job and life.An affair with a much younger intense man changes her life forever. The film has strong performances and some entertaining scenes but the ending is a little dark for those looking for a strict comedy. If you like your endings a little twisted and enjoy insight in a day and life of a typical person you should enjoy this movie.
Rating:  Summary: Yawn Review: Jennifer Anniston is one of my favorite actresses. Her portrayal of Justine, a retail clerk, bored with her job, husband, and pretty much every aspect of her life, was typical big screen Anniston, lots of eye movement, not much dialogue, same performance as Rock Star...I thought the movie was also predictable. She has an affair, up until that time was unable to get pregnant, takes a home pregnancy test, comes up pregnant, husband is elated when only prior was tested at the fertility clinic. Surprise, surprise, he gets the phone call saying he cannot have children while surrounded by friendly well-wishers who are now speechless as Anniston looks on...There were no earth-shattering moments, tepid to say the least and I found myself watching the clock waiting for it be over...
Rating:  Summary: engaging, thought-provoking film Review: The title of this movie kind of sounds like a cheesey horror flick doesn't it? This is the movie that has been touted as the film that proves Jennifer Aniston can act. Duh, I always knew she could act. The whole cast of Friends have to be good actors to be that consistently funny. We are introduced to Justine, poor Jennifer Aniston, looking at the world through her doleful gaze. She has a dead end job in the Retail Rodeo, a scaled down Texan Walmart or Kmart, and has to go home to loser husband Phil (John C. Reilly, the quintessential loser husband these days). One day Justine gazes into the sad eyes of the new cashier Holden, a pretentious literati played by Jake Glyenhall, and they soon hook up in the belief that they are the only ones that truly understand each other. The story moves along at a purposefully slow pace, attempting to capture the dreariness Justine and the rest of the Retail Rodeo's crew feel about their unfulfilling lives in a backward community. The rest of the crew is actually an interesting assemblage of personalities-the hyper and uppity head of cosmetics who doesn't have anything to be happy about but smiles through the day anyway, the Bible Study advocating security guard, the goth-type teenager that insults customers over the P.A. system without losing a beat. The film gives audiences an unexpected payoff in the end that leaves one wondering what happened, but nevertheless wishing the characters the best.
Rating:  Summary: funny, twisted and dark Review: Don't see this movie if you have issues about adultery. Don't see this movie if you are expecting something really deep. This is a funny black movie but it isn't a deep movie. I found it to be really interesting, and one can sympathize with situations where you get yourself in too deep and it just feels like there is no way out. But if you don't take it too seriously and just sit back and watch, it is really twistedly funny and makes you feel better about your own life (hopefully - if not, then jeez, I'm really sorry...) My favorite parts of the movie are at Justine's place of work - Retail Rodeo (the humor reminds me of Office Space, also with Aniston). I think many of us have worked at Retail Rodeo, if only metaphorically. If you have a twisted sense of humor, check it out. (If not, you might want to sit this one out)
Rating:  Summary: Is she a Good Girl? Review: The GOOD GIRL is a very conservative movie in that it shows the danger posed by people who don't think out their actions. The title is really a question, because the audience can go back and forth as to whether Jennifer Aniston's character is truly an innocent person in a bad situation or the product of her own bad decisions. She is one of those people you know who always have bad luck but when you break it down they really just make poor choices. You never know whether to tell such a person that they're to blame or to just let them vent. In THE GOOD GIRL, I rooted for Aniston early and felt that she was in a bad situation, but as the movie unfolded and we saw her make many bad decisions and eventually those decisions seemed like a life pattern. The movie is really funny in a dark way, but also sad in that she doesn't really learn any lessons from her experiences. She does a lot of harm throughout the movie but barely recognizes it. I liked it a great deal because it was clever and real. The performances were great and Jennifer Aniston is certainly not Rachel this time.
Rating:  Summary: Define the word "GOOD"...... Review: This movie got a lot of positive publicity from Jennifer Aniston's acting and solid reviews. However, your opinion of this film hinges entirely on how you define the word good. It doesn't take long to realize that the purpose of this film is not to make you happy or entertain you. Aniston plays Justine, a make-up clerk in a small town who is depressed and hates her life with her dead-end job and clueless husband. She falls into an affair with a younger clerk she meets at work, and from there, the story is one horrible scene after another as the lies snowball and the aweful truth of her mistakes reaches a climax. The movie could probably be closely compared to "American Beauty", in the fact that the film makers have presented the characters in brutal ways. One minute you identify deeply with their problems and frustrations, the next you are so disgusted with thier actions and poor choices you can't help but feel discomfort. The entire movie is like this. By the end, as with "American Beauty", the movie has asked more difficult questions than it has answered. For me, watching this film was not at all an enjoyable experience, accept for a few lighter comedy scenes in the first 20 minutes before everything goes wrong. I found myself afterwords wondering why critics thaught it was such a good film- The acting is strong and yes, it is most definatly a HUGE shift for Aniston, but acting alone does not make a film. The story is not at all redeaming, and is for the most part is told in a vulgar, in-your-face way with the goal of causing discomfort. In the end I felt strangly empty, as if I myself were someone responsible for what I saw. Does the film raise questions? Yes- but in a too predictable way it also gives its own answer. Afairs aren't cool becuase they cause more harm than good and lies only grow bigger. I suppose you could say the film was good because it made me think alot, but the film did nothing to make me feel good- If your aim is to be entertained, skip this one.
Rating:  Summary: Good girl - Good movie Review: The movie's title is fitting because Justine (Aniston) IS a good girl - and we see her being BAD due to the tangled webs she's weaved for herself. The movie clearly demonstrates what can happen when good people go haywire, so to speak (and it can happen to anyone). Good acting and tremendously realistic. Has a rather serene flow of events and provides lots of "stuff" to think about. The words of wisdom from the universe that kept popping into my head throughout this movie (and especially at the end) were, "BE CAREFUL WHEN YOU GET BORED" and, "DON'T LET THIS TYPE OF THING HAPPEN TO YOU". So go watch it. If you don't particularly enjoy it, you've invested only 1.5 hours worth of your time.
Rating:  Summary: Very weird Review: This story was really weird. I found it boring and depressing. I was expecting much better.
Rating:  Summary: More of a drama than a comedy Review: I really enjoyed this movie. Jennifer Aniston really stepped outside the box and gave a wonderful performance. I think that women might enjoy this movie more than men. So... if you're feeling kind of down in your relationship, grab a glass of wine and watch The Good Girl, you might relate to it.