Rating:  Summary: Save your time Review: Save your time, save your money. This movie is horrible. I got this for my wife, thinking it was a movie she would enjoy more than me, but she didn't like it one bit either. Although the movie was only 90+ minutes, it seemed like 2.5 hours. Where is the Zero star rating, one star is too high.
Rating:  Summary: She's not just a "Friend" anymore! Review: Aniston gives a terrific portrayal of the discarded wife. Aniston nails the character Justine who is employed at the local discount store and whose pot-smoking, house painter husband leaves something to be desired. I was reminded of a modern day cry of Betty Friedan. Justine doesn't realize that her destiny lies in her own hands and not in the hands of those around her. She seems in a state of emotional paralysis throughtout the film and my only gripe is that she would have found contentment along the way in herself. She needs a copy of the Feminine Mystique. Tragically moving and endearing you will be capitivated by Aniston's struggle with fidelity and emotional despondence. A must see!
Rating:  Summary: "Good Girl" Makes For BAD MOVIE! Not Worth Rental Price Review: Come on people! Sure there are a few good moments, and I am not one to necessarily criticize offbeat comedies; however, this is just a lousy movie overall. If you want to see a film that is consistently funny with a decently written script and that has Jennifer Aniston in it, see "Office Space." Jennifer's acting is impressive enough in "Good Girl," but the slow pace and sloppiness just makes me wish I had spent the last hour and a half, using my mind in a more productive way than this seeing this trite movie about basically uninteresting people making poor decisions with their lives. "One Hour Photo" uses characters working in a mega shopping center but unlike "Good Girl" has a better script. I felt like I was teased along for an unsatisfying ending in this sappy little movie.
Rating:  Summary: A MUSN'T See Review: I can't believe Jennifer Aniston agreed to be in this movie - it was far from a comedy as the back of the DVD states. I guess "Good Girl" is a sarcastic title - and not only saying that it is far fetched that someone like her would be married into the lifestyle portrayed in the movie - but how could she really think of starting a life with Holden and not see that he is a complete wack job who has become obsessed with her.I really must admit that her acting was very good - but the movie was just terrible. It was simply unrealistic with her making ridiculous decisions - either she was desperate for money - desperate to be in a film - or just so out of touch with how "little people" live that she couldn't see that the movie was a bad choice. Just watch Friends and leave this one alone.
Rating:  Summary: "One day you look around and see a prison." Review: "The Good Girl" is Justine (Jennifer Aniston)--a sales clerk at the local Retail Rodeo who is married to the good-natured, but boring Phil (John O'Reilly). Her life seems mapped out for her--endless mind-numbingly days at Retail Rodeo, and evenings spent cleaning up after her often sozzled husband. But then Justine meets Holden--well that's what he says his name is--reading "Catcher in the Rye" while standing on duty at the check-out stand. Suddenly Justine's life takes a detour, and she finds herself doing things she'd never imagined she was capable of. I was really pleasantly surprised at the quality of this film--it was however, flawed, so here's the bad news: Film makers often seem to have difficulty portraying the working classes--they are either living in a manner that no working class person could ever afford, or else they are portrayed as slightly moronic (and I don't mean in a comic way). Many of the characters in this film were played as rather one-dimensional, rather dense souls. Take for example, the rebel sales clerk at the Retail Rodeo--she's bright enough to insert veiled insults over the shop's intercom, but when she talks to Justine, her eyes are dull, her face is slack--in short, she is thick. And what of Justine--the voice over narration shows a bright, intelligent young girl who is trapped in her own life and can't seem to change anything. But the character Justine is again--not too swift in the old noggin. So which is the incorrect view of Justine? Is she really the thinker of the voice over--or is she the slightly slack-jawed sales clerk? And the accents were annoying. Now the good news--Bubba (Tim Blake Nelson) as Phil's best friend is simply brilliant--another great performance from an actor who deserves greater credit for his talent. I loved this character! The premise of this film--someone who is unhappy with their life meets the person who changes everything--is one of my favourite themes. All-in-all this was a decent film.
Rating:  Summary: Aniston breaks free of "Friends" image Review: "The Good Girl" is the movie that finally separates Jennifer Aniston from her "Friends" persona and shows her to be an actress of remarkable talent. She has become rich and famous due to the long running TV series [while also becoming Mrs. Brad Pitt in real life], but from her penchant for taking roles in small, independent movies, it's clear that she has been searching for artistic recognition. "The Good Girl" gives it to her in spades. This is the story of a woman who has been crushed by the inertia of her life. Justine [Aniston] lives in a small, nondescript town where she works at the Retail Rodeo, a smaller, kinder version of Wal-Mart. Her husband, Phil [John C. Reilly], and his ever present best friend, Bubba [Tim Blake Nelson], paint houses by day and smoke dope by night. These guys are likable enough but choose to be on the tour bus of life, traveling day after day to nowhere. Little wonder, then, that Justine becomes fascinated by Holden [Jake Gyllenhaal], a man ten years her junior who is obsessed by the novel, "The Catcher in the Rye". They begin a serio-comic love affair that leads to disaster but not to a stereotypical cinematic conclusion. You will be left thinking about Justine and hoping that her choice was the right one. The Good Girl" is part drama and part comedy with just the right amount of satire thrown in to keep it lively. Highly recommended for viewers who enjoy well written and acted character-driven movies.
Rating:  Summary: Dullest Movie Ever Review: I am a huge Jennifer Aniston fan, however I have seen her in better scripts. Her performance was good for what the film was. I personally did not enjoy the story line. Normally I watch a film to escape and feel good, as you do with a good book. But, this movie bored and depressed me. Anytime someone dies in the end it makes you wonder what was the point of spending two hours of my life to watch a film.
Rating:  Summary: Horrible DVD Transfer - Good Film Review: Watched the DVD last night and on my calibrated 50" HDTV this was one of the the worst looking DVDs I've ever seen. Most scenes were soft and flat, but the dark indoor scenes were the worst. Black areas glowed blue and all detail was lost/washed out. Really a shame since it's a interesting film with several fine performances. I've checked with several others...and all share my experience.
Rating:  Summary: Portrait of a downward spiral Review: Jennifer Aniston, as Justine, has always been a "good" girl and all it has gotten her is a mismatched husband who doesn't "get" her and a deadend job. She is fed up with her life and is vulnerable to the attentions of a younger man who is a co-worker. She finds him much deeper and more interesting than her husband and enjoys hearing him compare himself to Holden Caulfield in "Catcher in the Rye". The attraction blossoms into an affair which leads to further complications in her life. Soon things are out of control and she continues to lie to cover up what she has done. All around her, people's lives are crashing and she seems oblivious to it all, still concerned about her own self-interests. The performances are good, but sometimes the humorous scenes clash a bit with the seriousness of the rest of the film. The ending to this one is NOT predictable and the viewer is left to wonder until the end.
Rating:  Summary: one redeeming quality Review: I realize it is harsh to give this movie only 1 star, considering I love Jennifer Aniston in Friends, but one of the only redeeming qualities about this movie is that it is only one and a half hours long. Although the acting in the movie was good, the plot goes no where. Not to mention I had to look down at my watch several times to see if time was standing still. What was said in the movie could have easily been done in 40 mins instead of one and a half hours.I don't understand what people like about this movie; I can't exactly say everything I disliked about the movie without giving away the ending, but in all the positive reviews no one really says what it is they like about it. It certainly cannot be the ending to the movie, because every time I think about it I don't know if I should laugh or cry for Jennifer's character.