Rating:  Summary: A one-joke movie Review: Josh Harnett leads an ensemble cast in this finely nuanced exploration of sexual mores set against the spectacular urban scenery of San Francisco... Harnett gamely mugs through two hours of a single joke: What happens when you practice celibacy for 40 days. The answer is: Not much. The plot has to string this single joke out for an entire movie by predictable gags ... While the exterior shots of San Francisco are lovely, the interiors are some Hollywood designer's idea of what San Francisco looks like--not at all convincing.Anyone over 13 would find this movie sophomoric, and anyone less than 13 shouldn't watch it because of its "highly sexual themes" (although there's no nudity and as you would imagine, not much action.) Think "Week-end at Bernies" meets "American Pie" and you pretty much have the level.
Rating:  Summary: Dissapointing Review: Going into the film I had heard some good things and had fairly high expectations. The story centers around Matt (Josh Hartnett) who is depressed about his ex-girlfriend, Nicole. Every time he has sex, he can't focus and winds up faking orgasms (while denying it saying "Can we [men] do that?") He decides to give up sex and any intimacies with women or himself for Lent. His roommate puts up a website and takes bets on how long Matt will last. He then meets Erica (Shannyn Sossamon) and they immediately fall in love. This love is threatened by Matt's vow of celibacy. It sounds like an interesting and perhaps funny plot line, and I will say that I did laugh a few times watching the film, but at the end I found it to be a crude and distasteful view of sex and women in general. Instead of saying what I believe they meant to do in making the film, that there is more to relationships than sex, they wound up giving, in graphic detail, the depths to which men will go to pleasure themselves. In any case, Josh Hartnett and Shannyn Sossamon both gave excellent performances and the chemistry between them was interesting to see, but unless you are into movies based solely on sex jokes and bad sex, I would stay clear of this film.
Rating:  Summary: I liked it Review: This isn't the greatest movie ever but I thought it was a good idea story and was very funny at times. The only reason why I'm not giving it 5 stars is because the DVD menu kept on freezing on me. I don't know if my DVD was defective or not. But it's enough to knock off a point.
Rating:  Summary: I guess they're hard up for plots Review: I really wanted to hate this movie. There was no one worth watching it for. And the plot sounded ridiculous. That said, after renting this movie (for free) with very low expectations, it was actually not that bad. It still wasn't very good. But why did I like it? It wasn't that it was romantic. It really isn't. I almost died when Josh and Shannyn made love with a flower. It is the most excruciating five minutes or so you will ever sit through. And not because of tension, or anything. Could they be more lame? Shannyn tickles Josh's arm with a petal and says "I don't even know if you can feel that?" How could he not? Does he have no nerve endings? Is she a complete idiot or something? And I don't know what Josh saw in her because she almost completely "dumped" him when she found out he had sworn off sex for Lent. She naturally assumed it was about her. She totally missed the point that they weren't technically "together" anyway. He had no obligations. Honestly, you take the girl on a bus ride, and suddenly you are engaged. I won't even mention the utter shallowness that must have gone into her character. No wonder women confused the ...out of him. But the ending was funny. Throughout the movie, the whole world (or it seems that way) is betting on something involving his sex life. First it's the vow, then it's how long his sex marathon will last after Lent is over, and then one guy even bets on whether or not he'll die from sex overload. Some funny parts scattered about, but overall, unstimulating.
Rating:  Summary: Great Romantic Comedy Review: I found this movie to be one of the best romantic comidies I have seen in a long time. It had a cast of not so popular actors, but they did a very good job at their roles. I watched it over and over when i rented it. It really touched me, the he would go to such lengths to fulfill a vow he made, even through all the tormenting he underwent from his collegues at work. This is a must buy movie for all who like romance.
Rating:  Summary: Bad Review: Bad flick. It is such a degrading movie, I could puke. I am sick and tired of movies that degrade women! I am absolutely sick of it! Also, this movie is totally racist. The only colored person in the ENTIRE film is Erica, and the Laundry Lady, who is (of course) Asian. It is such a played out, stereotypical, product of a Self-absorbed, patriarchal, Blood-sucking, [caucausian] Dominated, film company!! I am fed up with all this obscenity!
Rating:  Summary: this movie rocks Review: this movie was soo good i loved it josh hartnett is soo hot
Rating:  Summary: It's too Sexy Review: Watch this very sexy film that you will not forget it in your life...
Rating:  Summary: What Could you Expect? Review: What you see in the previews is basically what the whole movie is about. Give up sex for 40 days and 40 nights. It looked to be a pretty amusing little movie. When I saw it, all it was was stupid sex jokes, not the greatest acting, and nothing really indepth. Nothing great and I'm glad I paid only 3 bucks to see it.
Rating:  Summary: A Magnum for Guilty Pleasure. Review: Maybe it's just me but I love lines like, "could you hand me a magnum for my magnum" (you figure it out). 40 Days and 40 Nights is filled with these delightful little quips and therefore I rather enjoyed it. Sure, it is kind of a silly movie, and yes, it sort of sets reality just off to the side, but come on, it is not meant to be taken seriously. Matt (Jose Hartnett) is a twenty-something guy who works for a web design company and is having trouble coming to terms with being dumped by his girlfriend. It gets so bad that he starts to hallucinate when he is with other women. So in a moment of divine inspiration he decides he will give up sex (even the alone kind) for lent, 40 days and 40 nights. Shortly therafter in a chance encounter at a laundry mat he meets a girl named Erica (Shannyn Soosamon) who he finds irresistible. The burning (maybe literally) question is can he keep his vow? The odds aren't in his favor. This plot makes for some great situation comedy. Hartnett does his best to play it straight. I raised a brow at his choice for this role, but he pulls it off. Paulo Costanzo is hillarious as Matt's roommate and the voice of promiscuity. The director handles the whole film with a tongue-in-cheek stlye that fits the situation. Is this film for everyone? Probably not. I am a twenty-something so maybe I just get it. Anyone looking for the American Pie, Road Trip kind of comedy should enjoy 40 Days and 40 Nights. Good stuff.