Rating:  Summary: Good, but with drawbacks (contains spoilers!!!) Review: It's good to see Josh Hartnett in a romantic comedy ... With the sexual politics of the late 20th/early 21st century, it is brave enough to portray a relationship where the woman (Nicole) is the control-freak and the man (Matt) is the survivor, who has to break free of her. The bit where Erica reveals that a platonic relationship 'sucks' is a bit of an eye-opener- we like to think that women would love such a relationship, but it turns out they hate it just as much as a guy would!!The film treats religion in a fair, mature way. It isn't treated as a panacea , nor is it ridiculed. Why only 2 stars? Main gripe - how Matt's vow 'ends'. He is effectively raped by his ex-girlfriend. Shamefully, she not only gets away with it but makes money out of it as well!! This left a bitter taste in my mouth, ruining an otherwise nice film. Best scene?? A toss between Matt seeing naked women all over the place, and his father discussing sexual positions with his wife and both his sons.
Rating:  Summary: Predictable Garbage Review: If you are over the age of 17, you've already seen this exact same movie about 100 times. Was it even funny the first time? I can't remember. Every plot point is so painfully predictable, I wanted to claw my own eyes out....
Rating:  Summary: One of the funniest sex comedies I've ever seen !!!!! Review: In the opening minute of the movie I thought that I was going to be in for some boring entertainment. I was wrong. This is such a hilarious comedy which matches the likes of American Pie I and II. If sex comedy is your thing then this is a definite 'must see'.
Rating:  Summary: You can't touch this Review: Come home Michael Lehmann! All (by which I mean HUDSON HAWK) is forgiven. Given the premise of this comic vehicle for hunk de jour Josh Hartnett - a good-looking twentysomething guy gives up sex (all sex, including the self-oriented kind) for Lent - one could be excused for expecting the standard Hollywood mix of smarm and smut. The reality, however, is refreshingly unpredictable. In fact, this is a smart and witty romantic farce that mixes sweet and sexy with surprising aplomb. Matt Sullivan (Super hottie Hartnett), a web designer at a San Francisco dot.com, has just been dumped by his beautiful but manipulative girlfriend, Nicole (Vinessa Shaw). The devastated Matt immediately plunges into a series of one-night stands that leave him feeling empty or worse: He even begins hallucinating that his apartment's ceiling is cracking, à la THE LOST WEEKEND's Ray Milland in the grips of delirium tremens. With no one else to talk to, Matt goes to confession, where a sympathetic priest turns out to be his older brother John (Adam Trese), who has some amusing sexual issues of his own. Suddenly inspiration strikes: Matt will give up sex for the titular period and take back his life. When next we see him, he's staying home nights, painting model cars and feeling good about himself. Then he meets the all-but-ideal Erica (A Knight's Tale's Shannyn Sossamon) and wants to date her, self-imposed celibacy notwithstanding. Meanwhile, Matt's roommate (Paulo Costanzo) has told Matt's co-workers about the vow, and they've set up an online betting pool whose pot eventually rises to over $...(no word on whether the Almighty anted up). Will Matt make it to the end of Lent without succumbing to the pleasures of the flesh, and will he get the girl? The latter is never really in doubt, but without giving too much away, let's just say that the former is resolved with a genuinely surprising and funny twist. Lehmann gets uniformly terrific performances from a huge supporting cast, including Griffin Dunne as Matt's sexually frustrated boss, and Barry Newman and Mary Gross as his unexpectedly libidinous parents. Even better, the big Matt/Erica love scene, in which Matt caresses her with flowers (to the point of orgasm) without ever actually touching her himself, manages the astonishing feat of being both fiercely erotic and genuinely touching and tender.
Rating:  Summary: Not as funny as advertised. Review: I finally got around to watching this, and I have to say that I was very disappointed. I understand that it's a comedy but I'm sorry, it just wasn't that funny. Perhaps it's the weak plot behind it all, but I tend to think of this film as something somebody wrote on a napkin at lunch one day at Denny's. I've had friends who bet on everything too, but when they start a website based on my personal life ..... I'm sorry but they're in for a serious awakening as to the harsh world of reality. I'm still not sure why I'm giving this film 2 stars instead of 1.
Rating:  Summary: Makes AMERICAN PIE look like SPARTACUS Review: 40 DAYS AND 40 NIGHTS is yet another addition to the teen sex comedy cannon- although its billed as "the first no-sex comedy". And hopefully the last. The difference with this movie is that it's neither sexy or funny. It's just downright embarresssing and almost unwatchable. Following breaking up with his girlfriend Matt Sullivan (Josh Harnett) decided promiscuity was the way to ease his pain, but for some reason he chooses to go further and give up sex for 40 days and 40 nights (Why?): No touching, no kissing, no nibbling, no foreplay, no fooling around, no self gratification (NOT EVEN THAT?! Crikey, you'd go mad!). But during his period of abstinence Matt meets the girl of his dreams, which makes things harder for him (literally as well as figuratively). It's harder for the viewer to sit through this movie. I think another reason for the movie's title could be that trying to watch it the movie seems to last 40 days and 40 nights instead of 100 minutes. Just awful. Who keeps letting movies like this get made? I can just imagine some greasy exec pitching this movie: "Now here's my idea: This kid decides to give up sex for forty days and forty nights, okay? This is also the movie's title, right? 40 DAYS AND 40 NIGHTS. But during that time he meets the girl of his dreams, but he can't have sex with her, right? Becuz..." Then the studio boss screams, "Brilliant! You're a genius! Get me that kid from PEARL HARBOUR..." And it's ignoramuses like these that are to blame for all the lousy pictures that come out every year. Like this. Do yourself a big favor and watch SWEETEST THING or NOT ANOTHER TEEN MOVIE instead.
Rating:  Summary: Tommy Lee Hartnett .....? Review: why is Josh sooo hot? he looks like Tommy Lee Jones jr. (Men in Black etc.)anyway this movie really is a stinker, god I was so totally annoyed by the bad acting, not funny plot -or- lines, another brainless teenmovie, comedy? I didn't get it, sorry 1 star and not an inch more!
Rating:  Summary: Mr. Movie Man Review: This movie prolly one of the best nudity movies out there if u r looking 4 [...] than this is a movie 4 u don't listen 2 mr. 2 minor scenes thats bull theres boobs galore and this will raise your intrest if ya kno wht i mean so in other words Good: boobs,plot,suspense Bad: comedy ain't that good The ugly: there ain't non
Rating:  Summary: Very funny Review: I do believe that it would take a strong and determined man to swear off sex (of any kind) for 40 days. In 40 Days and 40 Nights, Matt Sullivan (Josh Hartnett) vows to do just that. This sets the stage for some hilarious scenes. Just remember faking it, Viagra, and pears. There's also some romance that actually manages not to be ordinary and boring. There are big laughs in this movie and I really enjoyed it. I'm glad that Hartnett has moved up from lousy films like Pearl Harbor and Here on Earth to enjoyable movies like Black Hawk Down and this one.
Rating:  Summary: Agh! I didn't like it! Review: I was forced to watch this ridiculously banal movie by my sister who has no taste in anything entertainment and insisted this movie was 'really good'. No. Others have explained the plot. These people who gave it 4 stars must have low expectations for film, acting and plotline. Obviously one who watches a movie regardless of talent watches for pure entertainment right? But there is comedy and comedy and this movie is mindless fluff with lots of stereotypical characters. I enjoy movies which make me think, not boring mediocre teen movies that are predictable and this one is predictable. The characters in this film are neither intelligent nor witty - *exasperated sigh* they make mindless assumptions and their conversations lack any kind of conclusive substance. They don't say the right things to get the right results. For example: when this Erica (no last name) girl freaked out on Matt (no last name) he kept saying he was sorry, but hello, why doesn't he just say he did it for Lent? In a normal life she would have realised how important something like that was to him and not immediately thought it was all about her. And don't all these dot-commers have anything to do besides make multiple bets on some guy's stupid sexual activities. Are these people real? And in the long run, does anyone actually care about this stuff? Okay, so this movie ... - do yourself a favour and don't watch it.