Rating:  Summary: Great movie! Review: Can't believe any1 could give this a bad rating, i was so surprised by this movie (in the good way). I really didn't think i would like it but i really did because it's just great and funny.
Rating:  Summary: I didn't expect much Review: Any sex comedy that has come out in the past couple of years seems to fall victim to the same tired set of gags and cliches. This movie is no exception. While it's premise may be original, it's execution is all too familiar. Sexually frustrated male lead? Check! Neurotic female who, for some unknown reason, the male is attracted to? Check! A bunch of one-note friends who's lives revolve around sex? Check! A stock pile of overused gags including the vexing "boner in public" gag? check! Predictably, Matt (Hartnett) spends most of the movie trying to tear down the walls Erica (Sossamon) keeps throwing up between them. Half the time I have trouble figuring out what the big deal is each time she storms off upset. Apparently this is very common for Sossamon, who's played the same damn role in every movie I've ever seen her in. Kudos to whoever mentioned the part where she storm's off, forcing Matt to apologize for being raped. If I was Matt, I'd tell her to walk her ass into oncoming traffic.
Rating:  Summary: dream Review: I was hoping for more to this movie but it was good enough to watch through. Boy thinks he can go through Lent without having sex, and his life becomes a game.
Rating:  Summary: 40 Days wasn't bad Review: This movie was a little bit disapointing when i saw it. People kept on saying how funny it was but i found it sort of boring. The plot was ok and the love story was pretty good but still, It really could have been better. The girl's profession in the story was kind of weird. All in all, this movie was ok...
Rating:  Summary: Did they switch screenwriters? Review: The plot of this movie has been described elsewhere, so I'll just get straight to my pros/cons in the movie. To me, it seemed like the person who wrote the script was not the same person who conceived it and began the project. Considering that this is a comedy-"romance" marketed at teenagers, the plot is actually rather interesting. There are some good ideas, and occasionally the movie has a burst of humor. But then the rest of it is so chock-full of stupid ideas that I'm not sure what happened. It seems like any part of the script that attempted to say, "Hey... sex ISN'T everything" was erased and replaced by a lame joke. I give it 3 stars because some parts of it were actually funny, it is an interesting premise, and because the acting is actually all pretty good - even Josh Hartnett, of whom I'm always suspicious. But the way it switches it's message back and forth is irritating, and it seems to cheapen the point of the movie. Matt is supposed to be falling in love, yet they never seem to make a point of explaining what love is - in fact, the one time when they try to explain how Matt and Erica are in love is simply this: Erica can have an orgasm without Matt touching her. My biggest complaint, though, out of all of this... is that Erica is quite easily the absolute least understanding girlfriend character in the history of cinema. It seems like Matt can't do anything without her considering it an insult. The worst example of this is (Spoiler alert) when Matt is practically raped and Erica finds him in the aftermath, still bound to a bed. Instead of being sympathetic in the least, she accuses him of cheating and then storms away, leading to Matt's solemn attempts to ask for forgiveness. VIOLENT CONTENT - None. SEX/NUDITY CONTENT - Plenty. Toward the end, Matt has visions of naked breasts everywhere, and since the premise of the movie involves sex you can expect that there's a lot of talk about it. Like, say, the entire screenplay. LANGUAGE CONTENT - Pretty standard R-rated movie cursing.
Rating:  Summary: meh.....not very memorable Review: A Film by Michael Lehmann After breaking up with his girlfriend, Matt (Josh Hartnett) decides (after talking to his brother, who is going to become a priest) that he is going to give up something for Lent: Sex. Matt will give up sex for the 40 days and 40 nights of Lent. He's not just giving up sex, he's going to give up all forms of sexual intimacy. No kissing, no groping, nothing. I don't know about anyone else, but that doesn't seem like much of a premise to me. 40 days is only a month, a week, and a couple of days. That's not very long to go without sex. Naturally, by the end of the movie Matt is about to turn into a quivering, raging lunatic....all from not having sex for 40 days. Be that as it may, I'll talk about the movie instead. There are some funny moments, and there are some sweet moments, but as a whole, the movie did not quite live up to the expectation that I had for being funny. We're not talking Oscar standard here, but this movie fell short (pun intended) of being good. Early on during his 40 days of abstinence Matt is doing laundry on a friday night. He meets Erica (Shannyn Sossamon) there and they start talking and begin a friendship. They start dating, but nothing intimate. Matt even freaks out and pulls back at an almost kiss. At the same time this is going on, at Matt's office his co-workers are having a betting pool on how long he can hold out from sex. This spreads from a simple office pool to a web page about sex and Matt's sexual hiatus. Did I mention that Erica's job is to search the internet for pornographic websites so that the sites can be blocked with software? Naturally she discovers the site, freaks out, and this causes a rift between Matt and Erica. For some reason, when they started getting closer, Matt couldn't tell Erica that he didn't want to have sex or even kiss in the first 40 days they knew each other. Right. The movie wasn't bad, it just wasn't that good. It was somewhat funny, maybe amusing is the better word. I would not recommend it to buy, maybe to rent.
Rating:  Summary: "40 Days and 40 Nights" is an aboninable movie. Review: "40 Days and 40 Nights" is a abominable movie. This is a movie which stars Josh Hartnett (Matt) and Shannyn Sossamon (Erica). A collective guy like Matt finds himfelf contemplating what do about his sex-life. He's a religious kind of guy with the dubious-distinction of cooling things off with his (hormones) and his love-life with the ladies. Anyway, he gets with a Catholic Preist, dissussing with him the delicate-subject of "celibacy", on doing away with sex for 40 days and 40 nights, as a part of the [Catholic Church's] "Lent Celebration." Meanwhile, throughout the movie Matt befriends a beautiful woman (Erica) at the laundermat, where romantic-sparks fly and things start to heat-up. Matt and Erica eventually shack-up together and are subsequently sleeping in the same bed (you guessed it), they were - full-on - making-out with each other. Why is it, that this movie is a pathetic-means to "going-against-the-grain" with it's repugnant and repulsive story-line, (it's so contaridictory) the false pretenses (message) that it gives it's viewers, flutters their faith with what is morally right and justified with what the movie is really supposed to be about. The movie's chock-full of debauchery, and the devious sexual-sins being commited throughout. Matt (and a lot of the guys) in this movie find pleasure in masturbating incessantly, doing it, while looking at some pornographic magazines. (The dudes - can't help - but "spank their monkey" any chance they get.) This movie set in San Francisco, California, makes for a romantic setting. But The romantisisim between Matt and Erica fades into the 2nd-half of the movie with Matt's ulterior-motives to putting-off having sex with her. Little does she know, that Matt can't have sex for 40 days/nights. There are so many bare-breasted women in this movie, that makes it feel like your watching a porn-flick. (I thought it was totally unessecary.) All I have to say, is this movie comes-up way short. I loved watching the sparks-fly bettween the two - the truth of the matter is - that this movie was funny at the start (in the 1st-half) but lost some steam in the 2nd-half. I thought Matt was really going to be true to himself, and follow through on his commitments. Sadly, there's no redeeming-value to this movie. I wouldn't reccomend seeing it.
Rating:  Summary: BAD BAD BAD Review: This movie actually started out okay, and I thought that Josh Hartnett's character was sweet. I didn't think it was that funny at all, though, and once the friends make a bet that Josh's character can't last without any form of sex for the whole period of Lent it goes on a downward spiral from ok movie to very bad movie. Curious to see how it all ends and if he makes it, I stupidly keep watching. The ending is terrible! Let's just say I agree with the "spoiler" reviewer from Oxfordshire, England about what the ex-girlfriend does. I should've just watched Pearl Harbor again. Don't waste your money on this. Be like me, and at least wait for it on cable.
Rating:  Summary: A Pleasant Surprise Review: Not having been too optimistic about this movie, it turned out to be quite the surprise. It was clever, funny, and well acted. The movie moved well. Josh Harnett plays a college-aged man who recently broke up with his long-time girlfriend and goes on a spree of fornication. He decides to give up his promiscuous behavior for lent. Against him are his peers and co-workers; they are doing anything they can in order to make him break his vow. Women in his workplace throw themselves at him in an attept to retain the power women hold over men. In the meantime, he falls in love with a girl and has a problem upholding his vow. . . There were some rather tedious parts of the movie. . . Harnett's character screwed up a few too many times with his new girl, to the point of monotony. But, other than that, this was a really funny movie and well worth owning. epc
Rating:  Summary: I wish I could give this minus 5 stars Review: The idea of a guy who wants to go 40 days without sex is good and funny, Josh and the other actors are quite good but the directing is lame. The jokes in this comedy are bad timed and the story development is very predictable. With another director (the people from american pie or road trip for example) it would have been a good movie.