Rating:  Summary: Way before "office space" there was "9 to 5"! Review: This is a very funny movie that takes place in office building run by Dabney Coleman. Way before "Office Space" this was a office workers or workers fun movie to get back at your boss(if you hated them!!) . The cast is wonnderful in their roles as well the title song. For fun watch this movie and "office space" . They're very similar to each other!! The times may haved changed but not workplace issues! Both [men and women] can relate to this movie!! I love this movie,it's one of my favorite movies from the 1980's...
Rating:  Summary: Judy Burnley Please Hold, Judy Burnley Please Hold! Review: Hi, this is Judy Burnley! I love this movie if only to see Dolly Parton tie up Dabney Coleman. It's classic comedy, it's cult filmdom at it's finest and it's a movie that has lasted after years of countless other movies who have tried to capture it's essence. Keep a close eye, if you notice editing the film that there are several scenes where you can see the microphone hovering over the actors in the office. Also take note that Dolly Parton outright refused to be filmed smoking a joint, in the scene where the three of them are smoking one, you'll notice they never show Dolly actually doing it. Way to go Dolly! If you want a good laugh and a movie that makes you feel good evertime you watch it, this movie is most definitely one to keep. Thank God it has finally arrived on DVD!
Rating:  Summary: YOU MUST HAVE THIS MOVIE ON DVD! Review: Possibly one of the best black comedies ever made, Tomlin steals the show as the murderer...I mean murderess Violet Newstead. It's not just hysterically written, it's also completely obvious that this movie was tons of fun to make. If you like dark comedies like "Death Becomes Her" and "Edward Scissorhands" you'll love "9 to 5". I've been watching a copy of a copy for 10 years & it is so great to see it as crystal clear as the day it was made. Dolly, Dabney, Jane, & Lily deliver fantastic performances throughout and all I can say is "atta girl"!
Rating:  Summary: utterly delightful comedy! Review: Lily Tomlin, Jane Fonda and Dolly Parton star in the classic comedy 9 TO 5, a gem that has achieved well-deserved cult status! Violet Newstead (Tomlin), Judy Bernly (Fonda) and Doralee Rhodes (Parton) are three savvy secretaries who have had it with the sexist, egotistical slave-driver who employs them (Dabney Coleman). After having an "old-fashioned ladies pot party", they unknowlingly lay the groundwork on a plan to kidnap the boss and change the conditions in which they have to work. Parton wrote the chart-topping title song while sitting on the set one day, while the supporting cast , including Elizabeth Wilson as Roz, is first-rate. Highly recommended!
Rating:  Summary: Dabney Colman hangs around Review: I hope this is a fantasy movie. Dabney Colman plays Franklin Hart Jr.... Mr. Hart can not understand what is happening to him. It seems that everything he does backfires. Violet (Lily Tomlin) gets upset because he promotes someone that she trained, around her. After making overtures to the married Doralee (Dolly Parton), she threatens to turn him from a rooster to a hen with one shot. At one point Violet fantasizes about and may have put “Rid-a-Rat” in his coffee, which leads to a great hospital scene. Violet says, “I'm no fool. I've killed the boss, you think they're not gonna fire me for a thing like that?!” He eventually spends time literally hanging around Judy’s (Jane Fonda) house while the Trio of women get the goods on his side business of pilfering from their company. Dabney Coleman outdoes himself in the hunting scene. Will he get his just rewards?
Rating:  Summary: not The Feminist Manifesto, but... Review: lots of slapstick and some cute fantasy bits; all the stars are game, and it makes you feel good about where minimum wage can someday lead; theme song is ingeneous; it's like the First Wives Club - but much better
Rating:  Summary: you'll laugh so much, you'll double over and cry Review: Why this classic comedy is not on DVD is beyond me. AFI put this movie on their list of top 100 comedies for a good reason... you can pee in your pants from laughing during some of the scenes. The movie is dated... the fashion and lingo are late 70's / early 80's (the movie came out in 1980), but the comedy is timeless. Dolly Parton wrote the perfect song for the movie that tells the story of the working woman (and man)... which tells the story of the boss-man using their employees as just another step in the ladder to success... "I swear sometimes I think that man is out to get me...." If you've never seen this movie, you're in for a treat. It starts a little slow to set the scene, but then you'll be rolling on the floor.
Rating:  Summary: 20 years later and still laughing Review: I bet that I have watched this movie at least 10 times. I have laughed myself to tears each time. Not bad for a movie that is 20 years old and should be dated by now. While the clothing styles and the decor are dated, the theme of employees taking on a pompous jerk of a boss -- and succeeding -- is timeless. One of the reasons that this movie is still funny today is the comedy chemistry between Lilly Tomlin, Dolly Parton, and Jane Fonda. None of them could have made this movie funny alone; but together they created a timeless classic that will keep viewers laughing for twenty more years.
Rating:  Summary: What about a DVD Version ? Review: Great movie. Proof is that I can laugh out loud when I see it even after repeated viewings. I mean everyone knew that Lilly and Dolly could be funny as hell, but Jane was a revelation. The advances in the women's movement take absolutely nothing away from the office humor. Before there was Scott Adams there was "9 to 5". SO... when do I get to buy this in a DVD version ?
Rating:  Summary: Hooray for Violet, Doralee, and Judy! Review: Ever since this movie was released I have loved it. I never grow tired of watching these excellent actors in action! These working women were an inspiration to me as a young girl.They demonstrate strength and determination and are able to run a large company, hide the boss, and keep their cool at the same time!