Rating:  Summary: WHOA MAN!! Review: If you watch this movie and do not pee your pants from laughing too much then I am convinced that you have no idea what true comedic genious is. Mike Meyers hits again with what I consider to be his best movie so far. I have been a huge fan of this movie for quite sometime. I was even laughing at the features of the DVD. Did anyone else happene to notice that the DVD has nine different languages (either in audio or subtitles). That is an absoultely great way to tie into the story of the movie. I can not imagine anyone not liking this movie. Buy it today!!!
Rating:  Summary: Fun Review: While this movie won't answer any of life's burning questions it's definately worth watching. The plot is solid enough: Is Charlie (Mike Myers) just being paranoid again or is his new girlfriend Harriet (Nancy Travis) a psychotic serial husband-killer? The setting, surrounding the life of Charlie, a San Francisco beatnik poet, is unique and refreshing as well. What really makes this movie so entertaining, however, is Mike Myers. His characters (particularly Charlie's Scottish father) are absolutely hilarious and deliver plenty of memorable one-liners. The supporting cast is actually quite good and not all of the laughs come from Myers. When I first saw 'So I Married an Axe Murderer' I didn't expect much going in, but I was pleasantly suprised. Definately a keeper.
Rating:  Summary: Great Movie!! Review: This movie was totally unrated! It is very funny and one of Mike Myer's best. It is a sweet and silly love story with many classic lines and moments.
Rating:  Summary: Don't Forget Phil Hartman!! Review: The late great Phil Hartman is his typical fabulous self in this movie with a cameo as "Vicky," the Alcatraz tour guide. This movie has it all; a great soundtrack, an enjoyable and funny cast, infinitely quotable lines ("Mom, how can you call The Weekly World News 'the Paper'? Newspapers contain facts!" "This paper contains facts! 'Pregnant man gives birth.' That's a fact!") I could go on and on. Meyers is terrific as unlucky-in-love San Francisco beat poet Charlie MacKenzie. Nancy Travis is the love interest who may--or may not--be an axe murderer. The plot twists are clever, as is the relationship between Charlie's undercover cop buddy (played by the always-great Anthony LaPaglia) and his overly-understanding boss, played by Alan Arkin. You will laugh out loud at Meyers playing Charlie's father with a brogue as thick as pea soup (not vegetable beef!) and at Brenda Fricker as his randy mother. You can actually see LaPaglia break up as Meyers screams out "I'm no' kiddin'; that kid's go' a huuuuuge noggin!" A great movie to watch again and again. If you grew up during the Seventies, you will totally groove on the Bay City Rollers snippets and LaPaglia dressed like Huggy Bear in "Starsky and Hutch."
Rating:  Summary: Actually, Quite Well Done Review: Actually, I give this movie 3 1/2 stars. It's not the drum I march to, but there are some things about this movie that make it better than much horror and comedy on the market today. (And sometimes I do need a laugh between movies relating to the works of Shakespeare and Dickens.) First the story is well constructed, and even the title of the movie plays an important part in leading us to believe something. Next, Charlie's friend Tony almost immediately gives an important line: "Charlie, every time you meet a nice girl, you come up with some paranoid reason why you should break up with her." Later Charlie meets Harriet and he tries to keep his friend's message in mind. The irony is well constructed in that this is one time Charlie may very well have something to worry about! First we are lead into believeing something very bad is up; then we gradually receive information that says there is nothing to worry about; then the tension arises and we learn that Charlie is in fact in a bad spot! (Along with Charlie, we worry, relax, and start to panic. Excellent!) Charlie's parents are handled well. Through their appearances, we can see where Charlie gets a lot of his traits; we also get to see disputes between them; but in important things we see the love they have for each other; Charlie organizes a nice 30th anniversary party for them; and at Charlie's wedding Charlie and his father hug. Even secondary characters like Charlie's friend Tony, Tony's boss who is too nice, and Charles Grodin seem to make the most of their screen time. I said this is better than a lot of comedy out there. (To be sure, there is some humor that is in bad taste, and sometimes it's overdone.) But there is enough humor that involves a clever exchange of wit; there is humor that may not be funny to the characters in the movie, but is so to the audience. Also, much of the humor contains information vital to the story. I said that this is better than a lot of horror out there. This is because the movie starts quite normal. We are gradually exposed to information that may constitute some fear; the scenery is dramatized, but NOT overdone. And even though there is not a lot of blood, it is the CONTENT OF THE STORY that scares us.
Rating:  Summary: Criminally underrated Review: I'd say this is one of Mike Myers' best films. It can be safely described as a cult film after an unfair failure at the box office grossing only $12 million. Myers plays dual roles as Charlie MacKenzie, a commitment fearing coffeehouse poet and his dad, Stuart, a paranoid, singing, hard drinking Scotsman complete with accent. After a series of failed relationships, all of Charlie's self undoing, he meets the perfect woman in Harriet (Nancy Travis), a sweet butcher. Charlie's inhibitions get the best of him when he starts suspecting a few things. As far as the DVD, it pretty much sucks and can be described as a bit of a disappointment with the exception of three languages (including english), and the film's strange trailer which pretty much describes what the movie's going to be like in a nutshell. If you see the trailer, there's a deleted scene in the movie. That's something that I don't like about certain DVDs. They just put the trailer and the standard stuff on it but don't put anything else on it like the TV spots like some actually do. Getting back to So I Married An Axe Murderer, you may or may not like it depending on what comedy you're into. Everyone I've talked has liked it but then they're all around my age. Rather than that, movie is very delightful and entertaining. Look for a lot of cameos.
Rating:  Summary: Ms. Right/Dead Wrong Review: One of the funniest movies I have ever seen, this is the story of a man who thinks he has met Ms. Right, and then becomes ever more certain that she will literally be the death of him. I can't tell you more without giving away the story, but suffice it to say that in the deft hands of Mike Myers and Nancy Travis -- and how do you beat that casting? -- this story is tears-running-down-your-cheeks funny.
Rating:  Summary: Comic poetry Review: I have figured out the incredible appeal of Mike Myers with this movie. Much like the character he plays in this mess of a funny movie, he is to comedy what prose poetry is to literature, and jazz is to American music. He is a poet of a comedian, with a unique sense of improvisational timing and beyond-silly ideas of what is funny and ironic- and just plain stupid- in people. His impersonations and creations of characters are not just great, it's the characters he chooses to impersonate or create that make his signature. The Irish dysfunctional father figure for example (or Scottish, forgive me if I've offended somebody) is a figure I would have never in a million years thought to recreate, and he did it to such an impeccable degree in SO I MARRIED AN AXE MURDERER that both my girlfriend and I were falling off the bed laughing! All while still surrendering himself and his humor to the overall comedy in the irony of the plot: a man who is committment phobic actually has the most insane excuse for getting out of another relationship- only this time it might be true, and it could cost him his life. Fans of Mike in general probably already have this; those who don't will certainly want to after seeing it, even if it is seeing it again. Anyone who has seen the ubiquitous AUSTIN POWERS series will get to see where, how and when the artistic/visual and comedic rhythms and ideas he used to such amazing success in those films became part of his craft in this one; all of the characters of AUSTIN POWERS I and II and their masterful performances seem like a natural progression after seeing this . The boy is funny; no one will argue that. But this movie is uniquely funny because of how it showcases his unique style, in ways that make you look forward to his future, while cracking you up. Defintiely worth owning.
Rating:  Summary: WHY? Review: Why does this DVD not include any extra stuff? I refuse to buy it until they add some stuff to it. I mean, why even make the DVD, you know? And why does that DAAMN Comedy Central always cut the best scene of the movie: Mike's fine bottom! It is so round and soft and smooth, oh I want to just hold it and grab it and kiss it and,... oh, sorry, I got a bit carried away just now.