Rating:  Summary: Watch your toes Mother Teresa, this movie is hilarious!!!!! Review: "Your wife's on my Whammo!", "You couldn't beat my dinghy.", "Hi, I'm Jack Chester your neighbor, and you are?...having lunch!", "I"m giving you a mandatory FIVE!", "I'm not wearing that bathing suit until I lose 3 or 4 pounds.", "MAY I SEE YOUR RECEIPT?!?!?!?!", "He was a beacon to us all...he will be sorely, sorely missed...and now, I'll sign the papers.", "Honey, you're in your pajamas...I KNOW, I KNOW...excuse me...". If any of these lines bring a smile to your face then I know you will love this film. Me and my family and friends love to quote this movie at gatherings such as barbecues, church picnics, and funerals. We're also fans of Planes, Trains, and Automobiles, The Great Outdoors, and Chevy Chase in Vacation. Richard Crenna gives an outstanding performance and certainly a nod to John Larroquette for his cameo. Brilliant! All I can say is BUY IT or I'm going to toss you out...PERSONALLY!
Rating:  Summary: Enjoyable family film. Review: A great John Candy vehicle. While "Planes, Trains and Automobiles" satirised everything that can go wrong while travelling, "Summer Rental" satirises everything that can go wrong while on vacation - going to the wrong beachhouse, sunburn, crowded restaurants, hostile neighbours etc. The film is a pleasant, lightweight concoction which uses Candy's acting style to good advantage. Candy would later show more depth of character in better scripted films (Only The Lonely etc) but he's in fine form here also.
Rating:  Summary: Disappointed Review: After having read positive reviews of this movie, I was eager to see it for myself. As a John Candy fan, I wanted to like the movie, but unfortunately it wasn't much more than an elongated TV sitcom. The problem is not with Candy or the other actors, but rather with the uninspired script.
Rating:  Summary: Great summer fun Review: As A avid movie lover and John Candy fan I had to place this review..This early John Candy feature is just a delight to watch over and over again...Many movies dont hold up to repeated viewings,however because this is such a lite yet amusing summer film, you will find yourself watching this film several times every summer..Actually,I dont acknowledge summer at all until I get in my first viewing of this film!! Well written,wonderfully acted,great for all ages,and an example of how a comedy doesnt have to be full of non stop laughs to be enjoyable..His presence is deeply missed....Oh to those who decide...RELEASE THIS ON DVD PLEASE!!!
Rating:  Summary: VERY OBVIOUS THAT THIS FILM HAS BEEN TRIMMED Review: At 86 minutes and half a dozen subplots not being wrapped up or developed in any way at all. For example the subplot involving John Larroquette is never given the chance to become anything. His whole presence in the movie is totally pointless and I suspect there was a whole "Candy's wife may be cheating on him" plot that was cut out because it just too similar Chase/D'Angelo in Vacation.We never know what happens to Richard Crenna or Rip Torn after the Regatta and we never know how the rest of the Summer Rental went. It's like the writers knew there was no plot, chucked in this Regatta crap and thought that would be a good place to end the film when it's over. And what was wrong with the popcorn Candy and Crenna eat? I found that pretty weird. Although I have already made comparisons to Vacation I still feel like this film is good enough without being a copycat movie. It's seems more realistic and doesn't have any slapstick humor. Candy feels more like a real guy who needs a real vacation. We want him to relax but still can't help laughing when everything goes wrong. My fave scene is when he returns home to find it transformed into some kind of free-for-all Funhouse. But for a film set in Florida there is a huge lack of nice scenery and the photography isn't so cool. I wonder why Kerri Green (who starred in The Goonies the same year) never made another mainstream movie tho. Joey Laurence did so why not her? If you like comedies, but hate the scatological humor that most present day comedies have, then this is a good enough escape. I miss John Candy and wish he made more movies before he died. The DVD has no features other than a trailer, is in utterly terrible Mono and is undermatted at 1.78:1 instead of the theatrical 1.85:1.
Rating:  Summary: John Candy's best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Review: Being a huge John Candy fan, I have to say that this is one of his best! Along with Uncle Buck, Once upon a crime and Armed&dangerous this one of John's that I've seen the most. Probably more than a hunderd times, and it's still funny. I especially like the scene in which he threatens a guy, who's watching the smurfs in his house.("have you seen the episode in which papa smurf beats the pooh (censored) out of a fat guy with a red hat?"; hilarious!)or the scene in which a lot of people walk along the window of his house, and he asks this guy why everybody keeps passing his window, and the guy just burps in his face and points to the -to public beach-sign as an answer. The popcorn-chocking scene is also great and of course the scene in which his neighbour asks him how her breast look. But there are so many hilarious scenes, I can only say WATCH THIS MOVIE!!
Rating:  Summary: Overlooked and Underrated! Review: For some strange reason, this wonderful little summertime movie has been overlooked and underrated by the critics. In my opinion, it shows John Candy at his funniest and most sympathetic, as a nice guy who's just trying to have a relaxing summer vacation with his family. Pop this movie in the machine, crack open a beer and enjoy!
Rating:  Summary: seen it Review: Having grown up in Florida, this movie made me laugh at many levels. Hats off to the director for chosing a part of Florida that could be anywhere. Trust me, although a great place to live, Florida isn't really like Miami Vice. I really liked Candy in this role, I think he was a perfect match. Trust me, I have seen hundreds of guys just like him treking the family to the beach with arms full of junk. The worst part of the movie is the end. I fell like we are missing out on a great story, and you get the feeling that they either ran out of money or ideas. All in all, I think this was a funny movie worth owning. I know I love to watch it every year before the snow birds come down.
Rating:  Summary: Don't renew the lease on this one.... Review: I give two stars to bad movies with some redeeming qualities. In this case John Candy himself is that quality. It is almost impossible not to like him. Sadly, for the audience there is nothing to laugh at in this comedy. Candy plays a stressed out family man taking his brood to the beach and encounters one mishap after another from beach house squatters to beach bullies, etc. There is nothing offensive about the film, simply nothing funny. You might crack a smile but you'll be lucky to force a laugh. Strictly for those who wish to add EVERY John Candy movie to their video library, regardless if it is any good or not. (Sigh)...what a waste.
Rating:  Summary: Candy Was Dandy... Review: I hate to admit the fact that I was not a very big John Candy fan. Watching this film made me realize what a massive talent that he really was. He had a subtle way about him and a sincere approach. This comedy, expertly directed by Carl Reiner, showcases his talent, and is a genuinely funny, funny movie. Not as funny as his role in "Spaceballs," but just as much fun as "Uncle Buck," another Candy film that is nearly a classic.