Rating:  Summary: Life or Something Like It Review: This is just one of Jolie's best movies I'm sure. It's something monumentally worth catching and nobody should miss it...
Rating:  Summary: Not the Christian Kane showcase I had hoped it would be Review: I went to see this movie for one reason and one reason only: I had hoped that this would be Christian Kane's big break. The reason I'm writing this review is that no one else has even mentioned him, in spite of his fourth billing behind Jolie, Burns, and Shaloub. He was certainly handsome enough and did a good job in the scenes in which he appeared (I understand a kissing scene had been cut), and he even got to sing a few bars of one of his band Kane's songs, Sweet Carolina Rain, but it didn't do as much for him as he and his fans hoped, unfortunately. Evidently the best showcase for Christian's talents is still the television series Angel, in which he played the morally ambiguous lawyer Lindsey McDonald for 15 episodes in the first and second seasons. Chris has the looks and the talent; he just needs a bigger part in a better movie. Check him out in the made-for-television movies Crossfire Trail (available on DVD & VHS) and Love Song (coming out on VHS).
Rating:  Summary: ONE OF JOLIE'S BIGGEST FANS!!!!!!!!! Review: First of all, I've been her biggest fan for 4 years and I can be very honest when it comes to her films. If this movie was rated on a scale of 1 to 10, I would just give this feature 5 stars. The exact reason being is because the story line had heart yet lacked focus on the real meaning on the technicality of the movie. The reason anyone would watch this movie is the fact that Angelina Jolie is the key figure that we all centralize our focus unto, but then again, I will watch any movie she makes. Although the story lacked so many interesting viewpoints the story reluctantly pulled through. This movie may not have been a "Gia" or "Girl,Interrupted", but it delivers a presence in miss Angelina Jolie to rout for the protaganist and charm yourself for the descent looking Edward Burns. I only hope that my opinion can count for some kind of say in the ever changing world of hollywood.
Rating:  Summary: This doesn't even deserve one star. Review: This movie was absolutely horrible. It was the biggest waste of time in my life. I would have walked out if I wasn't with other people. The screenplay was terrible, characters were not fully explained enough to understand why they did the things they were doing. All we knew is that they had to do that to fit into the romantic comedy cliches. Or when things were explained like Jolie's character being overly concerned with appearances, we were beat over the head with over and over. After just a few minutes of the movie, everything that happened became cringe-inducing, by either it's ridiculous set-up or the fact that it's happened 100X better a hundred times in other movies. Another thing about this movie was it's outdated views in which a woman cannot have a meaningful relationship and an meaningful work life at the same time. But the worst part about this film was the few times it was pretending it was an art film by using irrelevant and 'artistic' point of view shots. The pov shots said nothing about the characters, they were pointless. Don't see this movie.
Rating:  Summary: A must for Angelina Jolie fans, Worth seeing if you're not. Review: The best way that I feel I can describe this movie is this: I liked it, but I'm not exactly sure how much. There are several reasons why I liked the movie but not a lot of reasons to make me think it's one of the best ever made. First off, any fan of Angelina Jolie shouldn't think twice about seeing this movie. She continues to prove time and again what a versatile actress she is. And if anyone else had played her role, this movie would have come across extremely boring. The rest of the cast was well chosen but they definitely weren't enough to carry the movie by themselves. The addition of Stockard Channing was a very fitting one as she did an excellent job of playing the network news equivalent of Jenny Jones meets Barbara Walters. And Edward Burns does an adequate job of playing Jolie's cameraman and part time love interest.The story itself had a lot of interesting elements to it. Angelina Jolie plays Lannie Kerrigan, a Seattle Reporter who is living the perfect life, or at least what she thinks is the perfect life. She has the perfect body, the perfect hair, a major league baseball player as her fiance, and is one step away from her perfect network news anchor job in New York City. Everything is running according to plan, when one day, while on assignment she is given some life altering news. A street prophet tells her that in one week she will die. At first she dismisses his prophecy as nothing to be taken seriously, but as his other predictions come true, her perfect world starts to unravel. She is forced to look at every aspect of her life and realizes that everything she thought was so important doesn't really matter. What follows is a mixture of sometimes funny and at times depressing series of events that teach her the true meaning of what a perfect life really is. All in all a solid movie to go and see. The performances were all done very well, with Angelina Jolie being the bright spot in the whole movie. There were several memorable scenes, including the impromptu singing of "Satisfaction" during a bus driver strike. This movie was definitely a feel good comedy from start to finish, with a few sad parts that were necessary to bring the viewer back up. And my personal favorite scene was Jolie and her fiance taking batting practice. It just really cracked me up. This isn't a movie you have to see in theatre's by any means, but would be well worth the rental price sometime for a date night at home. The Breakdown: 1. Plot-8 (neat structure for a romantic comedy) 2. Characters-8 (very detailed and well developed) 3. Flow-9 (moved along quite nicely) 4. Atmosphere-9 (you can tell a lot of thought went into the setup) 5. Cinematography-8 (not a lot of creativity but didn't look low budget either) 6. Entertainment value-9 (surprisingly attention grabbing for such a simple plot) 7. Replay Value-7 (not a movie I could watch all the time but not necessarily one I would turn off either) 8. Casting/character depth-9 (Great casting for the most part and excellent detail to characters) 9. Relevance to genre-8 (hard to categorize but a good all around movie) 10. X-factors-8 (Angelina Jolie alone makes this movie worth seeing) 83/100
Rating:  Summary: What Made This Movie Great? Review: Angelina Jolie of course!! First of all, I have to admit I am one of the biggest Angie fans in the world. :-) So obviously, I think she excelled in this movie. But even non-Angie people (if there are any) have to admit that she made this movie exhilarating and fun to watch. She literally took this average movie that was going nowhere and brought it to life. She made it exceptional. Way to go Angie!! Her talent and love for life definitely shows on the big screen. Not to mention the fact that Angie's heart is always in the right place when it comes to helping others. She is an outstanding individual who should be an example to us all. Although I usually enjoy Angie's darker movies, this one was a great new change!! I loved the whole Satisfaction scene. Plus Angie was in great shape and actually made me think she was truly this character. She is a great actress and inspiration to us all. Thank you Angie for your breath taking performance. :-)
Rating:  Summary: Not bad! Review: I enjoyed the movie. Alot. It is just not the typical comedy out there because you have to pay attention to a lot of the backstory that helps to define the Jolie character. Once you get past that hair and why she is the person she is, it makes the story engaging and well worth a viewing. As always, Jolie is BRILLIANT.
Rating:  Summary: you would have to pay me to buy "life or something like it" Review: this movie was horrible. the movie had a ridiculous plot and both edward burns and angelina jolie's characters were annoying. someone would have to pay me to buy this dvd.
Rating:  Summary: A Very Good Film, or Something Like It. Review: A news reporter is at first skeptical about a homeless so-called 'phophet' who predicts that she will be dead in 7 days. After several events that the 'prophet' has predicted comes to fruition, she changes her mind and starts becoming concerned. Knowing that she has only a week to live causes her to refuse to let her job define the essence of who she is. People around her start noticing a strange transformation in her personality. In some ways it's a good thing and in others ways it makes her look very foolish. Regardless of how it makes her look to others, she finally finds true happiness, but how long will this true happiness last? This is a very cleverly done film, because it's somewhat satirical but not as deep as it could have been. Journalism is shown to be a profession of drones who smile on cue and say what they are told to say. Beneath the surface of that persona shown on TV lies some of the most miserable people. The movie demonstrates that there are people in journalism worse off emotionally than homeless bums. The segment in the film with the people singing "I can't get no Satisfaction" was brilliant. Sometimes people with so little have a lot to offer. Angelina Jolie's character decided to change her life for the better based simply on what a homeless bum told her.
Rating:  Summary: Is Your Life Meaningful? Review: Being a die-hard Angelina Jolie fan, I just had to see Life or Something Like It. I wasn't too enthusiastic about going after viewing the TV trailer, but Jolie is such a terrific actress, I figured, "How bad could it be?" Well, the answer is NOT BAD AT ALL. I expected a quirky comedy with the usual guy-gets-girl storyline. What I got was something I could relate to. Have you ever wondered if decisions you've made have made your life more or less meaningful? Lanie (Angelina Jolie), a Seattle TV reporter, has 7 days to figure that out. After an interview with a homeless, self-proclaimed prophet, she's not so sure. You see, the prophet has predicted that, not only will she not get the big network job she's been striving for, but that Lanie will die the following week! With the help of cameraman Pete (Edward Burns), Lanie works on making her life meaningful before time runs out. And of course, in true romantic comedy fashion, she falls in love along the way. Not only did I enjoy watching the movie, but I could tell that the actors enjoyed making the movie. In my favorite scene, Lanie leads a crowd of striking transit workers in a rousing rendition of the Rolling Stones hit "Satisfaction". You could tell Jolie & cast were having alot of fun with that scene. It's a film that makes you think about the life we take for granted and the choices we make each day without a thought. Go see this movie and you'll leave it like I did - with a smile on your face!