Rating:  Summary: Oh Yeah Review: This movie came out on April 26 in Southfield. I saw it on the 27th and I loved it so much that I stayed to see it again. It's not because I really love Angelina Jolie either (although she was perfect for the part) but the script was halarious and the things that went on were so ludacris, I had to see it again. Plus there was a lot of symbolism and it really made you think, but it was funny. It was a perfect comedy, intellectual and humourous.
Rating:  Summary: Predictable, but still extremely enjoyable Review: There are few surprises in this film, but Angelina Jolie is irresistibly delightful in this fun comedy about a television woman who is told by a sidewalk prophet that she has a week to live. Although she has done comedy before, she has never been in a romantic comedy before, and I hope that this won't be her last. She is easily one of the most beautiful women in the world, but what makes her especially delightful is her charismatic onscreen personality, and that devastating smile, framed by the most amazing mouth this side of Michelle Pfeiffer.Angelina and Ed Burns make an appealing couple, and they project good onscreen chemistry. You like them as a couple, and pull for them to somehow manage to get together. Tony Shaloub is one of the more versatile character actors in Hollywood today, and he is excellent in his smallish but crucial role of Prophet Jack. The film is also gorgeous to look at, and not just when Angelina is the focus. The film is marvelously photographed from beginning to end, and if sometimes the shots serve less to further the story than to create attractive images, one can't complain that it isn't successful at that. The only weakness in the film is the fact that the plot is too predictable. It also feels way too familiar from first to last. It is not a film that will blow anyone away with its originality, but it will still delight all but the most hardhearted of viewers for a couple of pleasant hours.
Rating:  Summary: The cutest romantic comedy of 2002! Review: I was purchased this movie as a gift from my mom's boyfriend, and I didn't know if I was going to love it or hate it. But I just finished watching it and I loved every second of it. It was a great movie with a great story. I liked how there were maybe one or two bad words and there wasn't really any sex/nudity except for one scene where you see Angelina in bed with Ed Burns but nothing is ocurring during this and all you see are her shoulders, the rest is covered by the sheets. Anyway, this movie is a very good alternative to alot of the DVDs out there now like ...I recommend this instead of that mess! Get this movie on DVD right this minute!
Rating:  Summary: Something for "Angelina" Fans to Revel In Review: An interesting concept, though more conducive to late night coffee house musings and discussions than a feature length film treatment, provides a pleasant, if less than insightful vehicle for it's star, in "Life or Something Like It," directed by Stephen Herek, wherein the oft reflected upon question, "What would you do if you found out you had only a week to live?" becomes a showcase for the beautiful and talented Angelina Jolie, albeit a rather vapid and shallow one. Still, it gets the job done, inasmuch as it is entertaining (to a point), has one interesting (though underused) character and will give die-hard Jolie fans, especially, something to revel in. The problem is that the late night ruminations the filmmakers begin about the meaning of life end long before the store closes, and anything "meaningful" that may have come of it is left on the table for another time and another movie. Suffice to say, this isn't Bergman; but then again, it wasn't meant to be. Lanie Kerigan (Jolie) is a field reporter for a local television station in Seattle, a "personality" of the affiliate's news team, covering human interest stories and events in and around the Emerald City. She's engaged to Cal Cooper (Christian Kane), who plays ball for the Seattle Mariners, and all in all her life is nearly perfect. And it will be "absolutely" perfect if she lands the job she's just learned she's up for: A spot on the network's prestigious morning show, which originates from New York and is broadcast nationally. Yes, for Lanie, except for being teamed with an incorrigible (in her estimation) cameraman, Pete (Edward Burns), life is good. With her very next assignment, however, all of that is going to change. His name is Jack (Tony Shalhoub); he's a homeless, self-professed "prophet" who lives in a makeshift cardboard box and is given to "visions" which enable him to predict such things as the score of the next Sea Hawks game, or if it is, in fact, going to hail in the morning, regardless of the weatherman's forecast. He's a colorful character, just right for a "Lanie" segment; but even before the actual interview begins, Jack tells Lanie two things: 1.) She's not going to get that job she so desperately wants, and 2.) come next Thursday (one week away) she is going to die. And just like that Lanie's life isn't so perfect anymore. She's about to take that long walk on a short pier... To whip up this repast for his audience, director Herek manages to crack the egg and get it in the skillet, but he forgot to turn on the burner, so it never cooks; it just kind of lays there in the pan. It looks good, but how many people enjoy raw eggs? The screenplay (by John Scott Shepherd and Dana Stevens) lacks originality to begin with, and Herek shows little imagination in his handling of the story and the characters, so it never really comes to life, despite the efforts of Jolie. And from the information we're given, or even from what is implied about the relationship (past and present) between Lanie and Pete, the "romance"-- such as it is-- just doesn't fly, even within the parameters of "romantic comedy" (Is THAT what this is?). The biggest problem with the film, though, is that it fails to connect you emotionally with any of the characters; these just aren't people you care enough about to make it involving or maintain interest. Add to that the fact that, even though this is light fare, it simply lacks the credibility necessary to make it work. In the end, the audience would have been better served had Herek thrown in a couple more "yokes." The film suffers something of an identity crisis, and gets caught up in a dilemma of it's own making; just what is it trying to be? A romantic comedy? If so, it fails. Or is it striving to be a satirical exploration of a question perhaps too profound for the genre in which Herek is apparently working? In which case it also fails. It would have been much better for all concerned had the focus been on the relationship between Lanie and Jack the prophet, as THIS is where the real interest of the story lies. The myriad possibilities this afforded remained untapped, however, as the filmmakers opted for another route which, unfortunately, never made it to the Promised Land. As far as showcasing Jolie, it does; but that is not to say that it presents her in the best possible light, the fault of which lies entirely with the inherent nature of the character. Lanie is just too career minded and self-absorbed to be a thoroughly engaging "personality," and it dulls the sparkle of what could have been. Even her "epiphany" is not enough to make her star shine in this role. As Lanie, Jolie looks the part; she's beautiful, even alluring. But with this particular character, she seems to lose that edge, that intensity, that sparks her usual charismatic screen presence, which is absent here, as well. So even though this film is essentially a "showcase" for Jolie, it simply does not do her justice. As for Edward Burns, can he dance? Because if they ever make "The Gene Kelly Story," this is the guy. It's the timbre of his voice, so reminiscent of Kelly's (but it CAN be grating after awhile). Burns is a good actor, and he gives a solid performance here, but his character, Pete, even after his "personal" story comes to light, just isn't that interesting. The saving grace of the entire film is Tony Shalhoub's portrayal of Jack, a character that will capture your imagination. The trouble is, you don't see enough of him, and it's a dreadful waste of a potentially great character and storyline; a dreadful waste of the magic that could have made "Life or Something Like It" a film to remember.
Rating:  Summary: An unusual odd premise but an slow-moving likable film. Review: When an young attractive hard-working reporter named Lanie Kerigan (Angelina Jolie) has everything in her life with an great job for an television network in the city of Seattle and she's soon to be married with an professional baseball player (Christian Kane). When her network boss (Gregory Itzin) gives her a chance to work on a major and professional work as a reporter in New York but Lanie's boss makes a deal with her, working with a cameraman (Edward Burns), which she dislike him, because they had a relationship before. But her life is about to change, when an strange homeless man, who seems to be a Prophet (Tony Shalhoub) named Jack. When Jack sees and tell Laine's future, telling her, she has a week to live. She becomes frighten by that, she decides to change her attitude towards herself and people, including her family, she barely keeps in touch with. Directed by Stephen Herek (Critters, Mr. Holland's Opus, Rock Star) makes this very flawed film watchable, thanks to Jolie's (If Miscast) winning performance, which seems to be aberrant role for her. Burns is likable in this also. But it's John Scott Shepherd (Joe Somebody) and Dana Stevens (City of Angels) Screenplay is unconvincing and unbelievable from Shepheard's Story but it's a nice try, though. There's some touching and funny moments in this but not nearly enough of. Some of it's pretty fresh in it and worth seeing once, at least. DVD's has an anamorphic Widescreen (2.35:1) transfer (also in Pan & Scan) and an good Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround Sound. DVD only extra is the Director's Commentary in this Box Office disappointment. Although fans of the film's two leads (Jolie & Burns) might enjoy this more than anyone else. Panavision. Grade:B.
Rating:  Summary: a movie that can change your life if you pay attention Review: This is one of my favourite movies. Yes boys and girls, I think that Angelina Jolie out does herself, even more than her role as the great Laura Croft. I was diagnosed with a terminal illness and this movie made me realize that everyday is a blessing make the most of it, have fun because you will never get out of of it alive anyway. Most of the stuff in life is small stuff and this movie shows where priorities lie. Edward Burns is an incredible actor and does and outstanding job as a love interest, and he shows the main character to lighten up. Remember, "Live everyday as though it is your last, for one day it will be". I hope this movie will mean as much to others as it did to me. Thank you, Ms. Jolie, Mr. Burns and Mr. Herek. For a comedy, a love story and a lesson on life.
Rating:  Summary: Superficial Review: This film stars Angelina Jolie as Lanie Kerrigan, an ambitious television news reporter. We see snippets from Lanie's childhood--she used to be a plump, plain wallflower who sang off-key and watched Marilyn Monroe films. Now Lanie is all grown up and looks a lot like Marilyn Monroe--in addition, she has a great career, a large apartment, and a professional baseball player for a boyfriend. Lanie is sent out to tape a story with former flame/cameraman (Edward Burns). They meet a street prophet who predicts, amongst other things, Lanie's death in a few days. This depressing news sends Lanie into a downward spiral, and she examines the meaning of her life by confronting her envious sister, her stationary father, and her egotistical boyfriend about the nature and health of their respective relationships. This film is another of those "Hollywood Tells Us The Meaning of Life" films. Remember "It's a Wonderful Life"? The Hollywood Machine churns this old formula out faithfully several times every year--albeit with mixed results. "Life or Something Like It" is a comparatively poor effort. This genre usually goes like this..... Hero (or heroine) has a great life until THE CRISIS. Hero goes through process of SELF-EXAMINATION followed by TRANSFORMATION. The RESULT is a NEW AND IMPROVED LIFE and HAPPINESS. We, the audience, are supposed to learn from all this. This brings us to Lanie's Transformation..... This phase, for Lanie, is composed of getting drunk, not showering, not combing her hair, not wearing make-up, and performing a sorry rendition of "I Can't Get No Satisfaction." For some reason, the Edward Burns character finds this behaviour attractive and thinks this is the "real Lanie" when in truth the only difference I could see was that Lanie looked less like a perfect pastry with pink glazing and sprinkles on the top, and more like something unmentionable that the cat dragged in. The film had nothing unique or new to offer to the old formula. Cursory attention was paid to form. Lanie's transformation was superficial and quite ludicrous. The "original" Lanie was unoriginal, and the "new" Lanie was rather repulsive. Really rather boring--although it was nice to see Stockard Channing (all too briefly).
Rating:  Summary: FUNosophical Entertainment, pretty damn BRILLIANT. Review: First start, JOLIE plays a very "in your face"-gorgeous-looking TV personality (with the platinum blonde and obvious super [word] physical attributes - JOLIE's trademark). That alone might just an eye-candy factor. But then Ms Brilliant JOLIE didn't just deliver vanilla "eye-candiness". Her razor sharp remarks and sarcastic humor is what really brings the movie alive. One of my favourites is, "OH GOD, YOU ARE TRYING TO HAVE[word]WITH ME!" Who else DARE and QUALIFY for the Line??? (I love that clip so much that I replayed it again and again with lots of heart-felt giggles). The screenplay projects a sense of exploration into human existense's "meaningness". It really hits home for me but then I admit I might not have the courage like Lanie in the movie to run out of "it" and "reborn" again. Unless, of cause, a super goregous ED BURNS is waiting for me. Haha! :D BTW, ED BURNS really doen't look like acting at all. What a pleasure to see him flirting with Lanie! Super natural and fluid acting chops here for Mr. Burns. I think this film is simply generally-underated by many "superficial" film critics just because a what appears to be a "big blonde hair with big lips" character is present in the film. To be fair, this is to me more like "Space Odyessy 2001" than your standard "hollywood romantic comedy" production. JOLIE AND BURNS definiely know what they are doing when they signed on. Last but not least, to JOLIE: I genuinely like you as a human being. Self-acceptance includes the courage to accept one's own talents and good looks, too(I can proudly say I am working on it). Brilliant people tends to be a bit different and it's always very OKAY to live life with the theme of FUN, Adventure, Self-acceptance and a heart for others(only to those who deserve it though, be discerning on that one). If you like this review, vote for it and may be JOLIE will actually read this....CHEERS.
Rating:  Summary: oh how i love the blonde Angelina Jolie Review: First off one must say Angelina looks great as a blonde, than again when does she not look great??? This movie is a very nice off beat romantic comedy. Angelina does such a good job of bringing her energetic upbeat attitude towards the film which makes you smile from ear to ear afterwards. Edward Burns does a decent job and has good chemistry with Jolie. If you are an Angelina fan or a non fan this DVD is a MUST own!
Rating:  Summary: Potential for raising Kane... Review: I, like many, went to the movie based soley on one reason: To see Christian Kane shine. In the movie, he plays Cal Cooper, Lanie's VERY handsome, yet VERY shallow Seattle Mariners Fiance. Just like Imzadi mentioned in her review, even though Chris had top-billing behind Jolie, Burns and Shalhoub, he STILL hardly got the recognition he deserved. Even though the scenes he was in were small (only about 2-5 minutes long, 10 at most), he delivered some pretty funny, if not memorable lines (for example, when Lanie explains how she met a homeless guy, and he had a vision, Cal asks if he had "ESPN"). Also, like she mentioned, Chris was able to slip into the film a few bars from "Sweet Carolina Rain", a song by his country-rock band, Kane. Still, no recognition, despite being a part of some prominant moments in the film. At least in movies like Louis L'Amour's "Crossfire Trail" and MTV's "Love Song", he got some recognition, and of course, who could forget his role as the Morally-challenged Lindsey McDonald on the WB's "Angel"? Hopefully, in next year's "Just Married" (with Ashton Kutcher and Brittany Murphy), he'll get noticed when he raises a little kane...