Rating:  Summary: sweet movie Review: It's not a movie they will rate as great because there isn't nude scenes are bad words. It's just a really cute movie with some very good stars in it.We liked it well enough to buy the dvd.Believe me there are not very many out there worth buying.Monsters Ball I would't take if they gave it to me. I'e since learnt to ignore ratings as one's not rated very high are usually much better as this movie is. The plot might not have been the greatest but Jolie and other stars make it seem like a possible real life plot. Again we realy injoyed this movie.
Rating:  Summary: Dismal, dull, predictable and silly Review: I was fortunate enough to watch this with John Scott Shepherd, the author. Luckily, there were many other people with us, so I did not have to offer an on-the-spot review. I wanted to like it. Boy did I. But I could not.I'll leave the plot summaries to others. It is a contrived plot, hoping to capture a little of the It's A Wonderful Life magic that turns contrivances into classics. But it didn't. Predictable. Well, can anyone imagine the boy and girl who argue upon meeting won't be sleeping together within 50 minutes? And will she die? Gee...I wonder. But more irritating than its silly plot is its mashing of every cliche and contemporary feel-good mindless mantra into one story. It's as if the author read Redbook, Psychology Today, and Vogue to see what the people are thinking, and managed to get a plot that encompassed all these. There is not one real idea in here; it is just recycled new age pap. Live for today. Follow your heart. Be authentic. Of course, when you're gorgeous and rich, it is a lot easier. And when you can fall back on being a major media star after rejecting your dream job, well, what a sacrifice. Snoooze........
Rating:  Summary: You don't need to be a prophet to see how this movie ends. Review: If "Life or Something Like It" doesn't offend your sensibilities as a film-goer, it will offend the great, long-standing Hollywood tradition of romantic comedies. As wonderful as Angelina Jolie's screen presence might be, and as likeable as this movie should be, it's a dreaded piece of claptrap that assumes that the audience is just like its selfish, boorish, philosophically near-sighted main character, who doesn't realize that you should live each day as if it is your last. Well, for one, who hasn't heard that phrase one million times already? Two, sure you should live a meaningful life, but the message is misguided: if I lived every day as if it were my last, I would quit my job, get a beach chair, and sit on a beach in Maui while a bevy of supermodels poured me Mai Tais. The problem is that I, and no one else, can really do that. But more important is the fact that this film would have worked if it had delivered that message without having to explain it in such an obvious, insult-your-intelligence kind of way. This film, of course, requires a willing suspension of disbelief. Jolie's Lanie Kerrigan has been selfish and materialistic her whole life, but in just a few days she changes her entire world view and life style because a bum on the street says she has a week to live. OK, so let's assume you can accept the premise of the film, which is interesting in and of itself, but then you have to put up with Ed Burns's character constantly reminding you to stop and smell the roses and with Jolie's strained attempt to reconcile relationships and find what matters -- and all this happens without any sense of magic or wonderment or even soul-enriching humor. It's all paint-by-numbers. Woman and man hate each other. Woman and man fall in love. Man loses woman. Man regains woman. Happy ending. Yawn. OK, ok. Sometimes the formula can work (although it doesn't in this film). But under no circumstances could I ever believe that a local tv reporter, even with a major-league baseball boyfriend, would ever be living in the kind of high-end apartment with the interior design that Kerrigan does in this film. Even if her baseball boyfriend could afford it, it wouldn't look like that. That small detail is a microcosm of the entire film: meaning it's as well thought out as a generic romance novel. But this disc does work as a coaster for your drinks, so it's not entirely useless.
Rating:  Summary: Meaningful. Very Meaningful Review: I love angelina Jolie. Her acting in this film was amazing. She made me smile, cry and feel many other emotions. I reccomend it to anyone. Lanie Kerrigan (Jolie) is a news reporter with an extordinarily perfect and calm life. It all falls apart when a homeless psychic (Tony Shalhoub) tells her that she will die next Thursday. So she believes him because he predicted a hail storm, the Sea Hawks winning 19 to 13 but he also said she would not get this big job she wanted and she got it. Well, you'll see what happens after this.
Rating:  Summary: A Great Movie... Or Something Like That Review: This is a great little flick! Angelina Jolie is such a versatile actress and this really shows it. From "Foxfire" to "Tomb Raider" to this movie she is excellent and shows it. This is a funny movie. The best part is when her boyfriend comes home and finds her totally different from what she's usually like, it's hilarious! I'll let you see what she's like. You find yourself wishing that every time somethign is predicted that it's wrong. It's a pretty funny movie and Angelina is an awesome actress. Thi is definitely a movie I'd watch again. I would probaly have to really think about whether or not I'd want to buy it, but it'd be a good one to own. I reccomend it to anyone. It's realyl lighthearted and funny and sweet. It's really really good, you should check it out and rent it sometime in the near future! Enjoy!
Rating:  Summary: A pretty good movie Review: Angelina Jolie's character, is your ugly duckling who grew into a swan and is pursuing her life goal of famous TV personality. It is the life she always dreamed of. However, things get complicated when she is in line for a plumb position and has to work with a former beau on the streets interviewing various people. Not only is she working with someone she has so much friction with, but she also gets an unforeseen prediction of her own death from a street sage, that gets her to wondering about the foundations of her life. Rather than doing the predictable turnaround many Hollywood directors do at such a junction, they instead wisely keep her character consistent in her behavior. She tries to write this prediction off until she realizes there may be just something to it. I won't fill you in further, but they did a masterful job well in-character showing you how this person deals with such a situation. Some situations are funny some very sad. Either way, this movie is a winner and well done. It is also very entertaining.
Rating:  Summary: Satisfaction guaranteed Review: The song "Satisfaction", although inserted in the movie as a mood breaker with the appropriate comedic push, is an allegory of the movie itself. Lanie's life, like the bus drivers, & like the song itself, is a constant search for perfection, acceptance, belonginess & happiness. Not necessarily in that order. Nor is there any certainty that you can achieve this combination to attain a "perfect life". Despite the film's lack of ingenuity it is still something worth watching, not only because of its entertainment value but most importantly because of the message it is trying to convey to the viewers. For all it's worth, I recommend this movie to everyone. "satisfaction guaranteed".
Rating:  Summary: A Romantic Comendy with More Comendy In it for a Change! Review: Most romantic comendies are always the same. They start with probally the funniests line and the funniest scenes you could ever see. Then in the second half it becomes to mushy and because a chick flick.That's not the case with this movie Life or Something Like It. Life or Something Like It starts off funny and in the second half is both. It's a regular second half except they stick in alot of comendy. This movie is also very likable because it sticks a drama bit inside it too. hat's three genre's that are kept at a good pace spread out during the movie. That to me is an outstanding achievement. Keeping the genre that the movie was assigned as could be rough but this movie kept three genre's running which is difficult. The movie stars Angelina Jolie who was never my favorite actress. Her worst movie I thought was Lara Croft Tomb Raider. This she makes up for that even though she shouldn't have made her hair blonde. Her co-star is Edward Burns which was a new actor to me. I want to see his other movie Sidewalks of New York because of the ranting reveiws but never got to that. But Burns is the reason that I gave the movie four stars. I thought that his acting was weak and his display of character didn't show as much as Jolie's acting.Stockard Channing is another co-star is the movie. I was never crazy about her and I also thought her preformace was weak. The best actor of the whole movie had to be Tony Shalob who is always a great actor. Shalob is known for his fame in Monk,Spy Kids,and an episode of Frasier earlier in the 90's. The movie is about Lanni Kerrigan(Angelina Jolie)who is a TV reporter for a station in Seattle. She's trying to get a promotion to play a co-host on a talk show called AM U.S.A. To prepare her for that her boss makes her work with Pete(Edward Burns)who is a cameraman. Lannie and Pete don't get along well because of her thoughts about herself and his comments. Lannie is engaged to Cal who is her live in boyfriend and also a baseball player. Lannie's father Pat is also in the movie who Lannie thinks favors her married sister Gwen. Pete and Lannie get assigned to do a story on Prophet Jack(Tony Shalob) who is a street steer who is known for his on the money predictions. Jack informs Lannie that in one week she is going to die. Lannie doesn't believe him untill all of his other preiditons come true. Lannie tries to find out if Jack was right about her death. Pete suggests that mabey she should start to act differtly and instead of following rules and orders try to have a little fun in life. From then the quest begins to change Lannie's future with the help of Pete along the way. Life or Something Like It has all the qualifications that make a good movie and makes it. See this movie as soon as you can and get ready for two hours of drama,and comendy. ENJOY!
Rating:  Summary: Extremely cute and better than it seems Review: Ok, people who say this movie wasn't worth it, obviously has a bland taste of movies and no versatility. I'm not a great lover of romantic comedies, but one every once in awhile is good. I was expecting Jolie to be rough around the edges in this one since she usually plays the bad girl or adventurer in movies. She definately proves her acting ability. I teared up in this movie--there's some powerful messages and it definately has enlightened me to be more grateful of life.
Rating:  Summary: Awesome!! Review: I didn't know what to expect from this movie when I rented it. I'm definately buying a copy. I thought the movie had a great ending. I loved the movie very much. I highly recommend it if you're looking for a film with an original story.