Rating:  Summary: NOT GREAT, BUT A MUST FOR BURNS FANS Review: I agree with many of the criticisms of this movie; it did need another run through the typewriter and/or story editor. But I think it's worth having in your collection and is a must for anyone who is even remotely a fan of Edward Burns. While Ms. Jolie is miscast and tries hard to create a character out of a cartoon, Ed Burns creates a real person just by the use of his natural charisma and unforced manliness. The guy could probably have chemistry with a telephone pole; he is without doubt one of the most beautiful men in the history of the movies. Its worth the price of admission just to look at his gorgeous hair and soulful eyes. That he is also a wonderful actor only adds to the appeal. What this movie really needed was a point of view; I still don't know where we are supposed to land regarding the Jolie character Lainie. She is supposed to be so horrible that she needs a major life adjustment and attitude reversal, yet compared to the other female characters in the movie (like her promiscuous friend played by Melissa Errico or the Barbara Walters clone played by Stockard Channing), she is comparatively normal. It's therefore hard to stay on her side, except when she meets the affable and down-to-earth Burns character. I haven't been a fan of director Stephen Herek until now, though I think he is talented. He will need to be more selective on his projects if he wants to rise to A-list directing projects, however. Until then, this is strictly a Burns show, and that's fine by me.
Rating:  Summary: Life or Something Like it - A wonderful romantic comedy! Review: After watching this wonderful romantic comedy one must simply come to the conclusion, if they haven't already, that Angelina Jolie has to be one of the best female actresses in the industry and has been for sometime. Every new film that I've watched her in just shows me more and more of what a versatile actress this beautiful woman is. I don't always purchase romantic comedies but with a lead actress the likes of Angelina Jolie, purchasing "Life or Something Like it" is a simple choice. Between the script and the performances given by Angelina Jolie and Edward Burns and the other supporting actors in this film, this film is a sure thing when it comes to entertainment value. Of additional note is the exceptional performance by Tony Shalhoub whose character provides much of the catalyst for this wonderful film. One only needs to click on the link for director Stephen Herek to see that given his past films, this film should be a very good one. He definitely deserves much praise for bringing this film together the way he did. The Premise: Lanie Kerrigan (Angelina Jolie) is an extremely ambitious and self absorbed local news reporter in Seattle whose star is rising and will soon have an opportunity to be elevated to the national level. The only thing in her way is her boss's insistence that she must do some camera work with Pete (Edward Burns) who is a former lover and their relationship isn't exactly a great one. As part of her work in Seattle, Pete takes her to meet Prophet Jack (Tony Shalhoub) who is a street bum with the talents of a prophet, hence his name. After she asks him whether she'll get the big job he tells that she won't because she's going to be dead on the following Thursday... What follows from there is one of the best romantic comedies that I've watched in quite some time that is made that much better by Angelina Jolie's wonderful performance in the lead role! I highly recommend this film to any and all that enjoys romantic comedies or just good movies in general! {ssintrepid} Special Features: -Full-Length Audio Commentary by Director Stephen Herek
Rating:  Summary: Angelina Jolie is god. Review: Ok, to start off I am a hardcore Angelina Jolie fan. Meaning that I must see every movie she makes. The funny thing is, most people I've talked to that like her too, weren't very excited about this film. I was. It's *so* different for her. And, ok, you probably can't appreciate a lot of this if you aren't an obsessive fan ;) but it so sort of represents where she seems to be in her life right now. [And that's true for a majority of her movies.] It's in that happy, peppy sense and not the stuck-up, self-absorbed one. I didn't like the character, Lanie, very much. But some aspects of her were just simply cute and goofy. I loved the Satisfaction scene. I loved a scene when her and her friend were eating and, if you look close at her face... the looks she does are amazing. It was just a *cute* movie. It made me happy. Now the storylike was pretty standard romantic comedy fare. It was mostly predictable. Everything is wrapped up tight at the end and boy and girl fall in love. Still, you should go see it. Now. Go on. Hahah, yes. I'm all about promotion.
Rating:  Summary: This movie is well worth your time Review: As you probably know, this movie has not always been well-received. But, speaking as a die-hard fan of romantic comedies, I think those of you who love this genre should definitely watch this movie. Most people who enjoy romantic comedies will probably admit that, though we love them, many of these movies have plot holes here and there, or at least admit that the likelihood of such things happening to real people is questionable. So, with that already in mind, a viewer often falls in love with one of these movies because: a.) they love the actors, actresses, or director involved, and/or b.) the certainty that everything will probably turn out okay in the end (even if sometimes the movie's resolution is not what you'd expect). If you fall into one/both of those categories, you should see LIFE OR SOMETHING LIKE IT. One of the reasons I think this movie is great is because Angelina Jolie and Edward Burns (as well as Tony Shalhoub, as the street prophet) are such great actors, and their banter and chemistry are highly watchable. The supporting actors & actresses also add to each scene they're in, especially the guy playing the sound technician who works with Jolie's and Burns's characters when they are out on assignment. I'm not someone who can tell when a movie is badly directed or superbly directed; I just know when I leave a movie happy for having seen it, or when I've felt the loopholes left in the finished product are way, way too big to ignore. So, having warned you of my novice critical skill, I think the director did a great job. (In his commentary on the DVD, he explains that this is one of the movies whose production was a bit rushed because of the expected actor's strike that the industry feared at the time. So, I think he may wish he could have tweaked things here and there, if he'd had more time.) Nonetheless, you should see this movie because it will still grab your heart and make you think about what is important in your own life, while still giving you that romantic comedy "buzz" that will put a smile on your face and joy in your heart.
Rating:  Summary: An interesting idea for a story but very uneven results Review: "Life or Something Like It" is one of those films where the idea is intriguing, but the execution leaves a lot to be desired. The central character is Lanie Kerigan (Angelina Jolie), a hot young feature reporter for a Seattle television station who has a chance of her dream job for the network's morning show, "AM USA." Lanie is paired up with the station's best cameraman, Pete (Edward Burns), although these two clearly have a past that makes this a rocky relationship and assures us that they will end up together before too long. One day Lanie is out on the street filming an interview with Prophet Jack (Tony Shalhoub), a homeless man who is supposedly psychic. During the interview Jack makes three predictions. First, the Seattle Seahawks will win their game 19-13. Second, it will hail the next day. Third, Lanie will die next Thursday. This last one gets her attention. Of course Lanie is skeptical. But when the first two predictions come true, she starts to become concerned and when Jack offers another prediction that comes about, she really starts to freak. Somewhere in her background Lanie must have studied classical mythology, because she does not really try to thwart her fate, although it takes her a while to accept it. This is for the good, because if she decided that she would stay home in bed all day on Thursday she would end up in a car accident on Wednesday night and linger until the next day. Trying thwart a prophecy only makes things worse; just ask Jocasta and pay attention to how the prophecy in Sophocles' tragedy changes). The first problem with this 2002 film is that it is a romantic comedy that takes itself too seriously one moment and not seriously enough the next. Feel good movies tend to have scenes where people burst into song, and we have that here. I like the song, but for that character to lead that group in that song at that particular moment is really not a good move (except that the people who wrote the script liked it, so it does work out for the best). People who are actually in the business of television news must be laughing themselves silly at all the stupid bits about their profession in this business; my favorite, but not in a good way, was this idea of showing an interview at 7 in the morning on the east coast live on the west coast. Ultimately this film gets reduced to a simple platitude and it is at that point that "Life or Something Like It" really betrays its promise. What would have made this film really work is not that it works on a universal level to which we can all relate, but if it drives the point home in terms of Lanie's character in some memorable way. There are a few conventional and unimaginative efforts, but nothing that crystallizes into a transcendent scene that elevates this film to a truly meaningful level. Even if you do not see the ending coming, I doubt that you are going to be surprised that this film wants to have its cake and eat it too. Jolie's character has trouble shedding her on-camera persona enough to provide true depth to an examination of her life that gets beyond her brave smile, which is different from her on-camera smile. Her romance with Burns is by the numbers and I found myself wishing the film had tried to do more with her relationship with boyfriend Cal Cooper (Christian Kane, an actor who is going to break through in films the way he did on television's "Angel" some day soon), who plays for the Seattle Mariners, because I actually liked his idea of how to try and help her and I thought there was the possibility there for something different. There will be those that really like this film, but even that minority should have no problem in articulating ways in which it could have been so much better.
Rating:  Summary: A refreshingly surprising turn for Angelina Review: No doubt that this is a somewhat contrived romantic comedy, and no doubt that we've all seen all of these characters dispersed throughout other films before, prepackaged and sold like the cutest, most real thing ever. If you're thinking about watching this movie, you probably know this already. But what makes this movie amazing is Angelina Jolie, who turns what easily could have been another lame "romantic" "comedy" into an actually respectable and compusively watchable romantic comedy. Just for the record, Angelina is a fantastic reason to see any movie because a) she's incredibly beautiful, and b) she's versatile and convincing, whether she's riding upside-down and sidesaddle on a horse during target practice or giving Edward Burns a run for his money in the "most charming onscreen persona" category. Quick summary: a film about a too-rich, too-selfish woman who has everything she's ever dreamed of, and when she's told that she's about to die, she realizes that everything isn't really enough; comedies always end well, and so it goes. For those of you who saw Playing by Heart and were teased by the fact that Angelina's part was just way too small considering how good it was, then you should definitely see this great Sunday night rental. It's resfreshing to see Angelina in a role where self-conviction and vulnerability rub so close together at the surface. Her delivery is always unique and superb and this role is no different. Angelina fans must see it.
Rating:  Summary: The only cameraman that can make you look like real blond Review: This is yet another romantic comedy where all steps of the tale are crystal clear from stage 1. You know for sure who's gonna get the new job, who is going to be proven unworthy (of our heroine) and thrown away and who is going to end up in who's hands. Like all other movies of this kind all measures of regular logic are currently suspended. Are you not familiar with the scene where the heroine SUDDENLY realizes that her fiancée/boyfriend, etc. is a real jerk? (where was she the whole time?) Or the scene where our heroine (who just the night before was busy doing other things such as getting drunk, having wild sex, etc.) is suddenly and without preparation knowledgeable of all facts needed for the new job, which she does with sincerity and in a way that leaves all with their mouth wide open? One should also mention the making up scene between former rival family members and the part where an embarrassing failure (such as singing on live broadcast - best part of the movie) is considered a victory? After all my criticism I can come down to the bottom line - all the above flaws I mentioned are known to this viewer, just like other viewers beforehand and all in all, this is a really enjoyable movie of its kind. So if you can overcome the shock of seeing the amazing Angelina Julie in a blond wavy hairstyle, looking as artificial as ever ("I am the only cameraman that can make you look like a natural blond" says Pete in one of the best lines of the film) you are bound to enjoy this movie.
Rating:  Summary: SOMEWHAT FLAKY, BUT JOLIE'S CAMEO MAKES IT WATCHABLE... Review: Angelina Jolie first caught my eye in the bubble-gum action of "Tomb Raider". I passed her off as a pop actress. Then I happened to see "Playing by heart" and was utterly surprised by her acting caliber. And now in this otherwise strangely conceptual film, she creates another magical web in a near-Oscar performance as newswoman Lanie Kerigan. During the course of the movie, Lanie goes through the entire spectrum of emotions from joy, to fear, to anger, to sadness, to optimism, to anxiety...and Angelina captures them immaculately proving once again for me her fabulous versatility. Theme-wise the movie is simplistic, it could easily have gone down a "Wonderful Life" kind of a touchy-feely drain, but it doesn't. The narrative develops engrossingly, and intelligently. I can't figure out why the "general audience" can't get into these movies more, movies that make you feel and think. There are even humorous moments, supported well by Edward Burns who plays a cameraman-cum-friend, plus the somewhat doozy but never boring Tony Shalhoub as "Prophet Jack." What could perhaps have made the movie a bit more clever and inspiring would be to have ended it about 10 minutes before it actually does. Most of its sweet, witty moments are lost in a pathetic denouement that moralizes that it is only heterosexual love and marriage (which includes taking your husband's name -- even though you have built a career, stock portfolio and life with yours) that can ultimately save a woman from herself. I can think of at least ten other ways to have ended the movie without messing up the smartness of the rest of the plot. Yet, definitely a watchable movie. If you're like me it may even provoke some introspection. Recommended for a weekend rental.
Rating:  Summary: I loved it Review: This has got to be one of the best movies Angelina Jolie has ever done. I held off on seeing this movie for a long time because I heard a lot of bad things about it but I have nothing negative to say. I thought the film was funny, charming and delightful. Angelina Jolie is wonderful in this film and really any film she's in. She can play dangerous Lady Croft or the Sandra Bullock type role in 'Life or Something Like It.' Fantastic movie. A+