Rating:  Summary: made me wanna buy pudding! Review: no i wont explain the title to my review but believe me if you see this movie you will too. if film psychology was a fully accredtited division in the study of the human mind then this movie would be a text book example of how you discect a characters psychie. It leaves logic and reason entirely up to the viewer and concentrates its own efforts on whizzing around unimpeded through the mind and emotions of the sociopathic goof that adam sandler always plays. it dosent worry its self with explaining every little thing that goes on in the periphery. but as you get further and further into the world of the sandler character the periphery begins to make sense in an excitingly twisted way. punch drunk love is just completely bomastic and beautiful which is a very satisfying and rewarding comination.
Rating:  Summary: Wow. Adam Sandler is actually in a good movie! Review: Dark, bizarre, unpredictable, geniunely funny and emotional. Quite different from the trite, predictable, un-funny, popular roles he typically plays. I was pleasantly surprised.
Rating:  Summary: What a disappointment . . . Review: I was expecting a comedy. I didn't laugh nor did anyone else in the movie house. I was patient and kept thinking it would eventually become interesting. Unless you have a fixation with films of long empty hallways, save your money. I was so glad when it was over and I could go home. The pop corn was the highlight of the evening. If there was a "0" rating, it would get two "0"s.
Rating:  Summary: One of the worst movies I ever saw Review: The people in front of us walked out. We stayed to the bitter, and I do mean bitter end, hoping (as Adam Sandler fans would) that it HAD to get better. This movie is advertised as having "black humor" but it had no humor with the exception of a few chuckles here and there AND the plot was dreadful...utterly stupid. I felt the same way when I watched Mulholland Drive...and my husband said he felt the same way watching Sleepy Hollow. If there was a zero rating---I would give it that.
Rating:  Summary: Waste of Time and Money Review: As my date and I walked out of the theater at the end of this film, I turned to her and said, "I bet there are dozens of couples tonight, mostly undergrad would-be filmmakers, who are turning to each other pretending to like this movie because they're afraid if their date will think they're shallow if they tell the truth." Dont' be afraid -- this would be a fine student film, and Adam Sandler's performance makes the most of a lousy script, but the film is boring and repulsive -- often at the same time. Characters are cardboard cut-outs given little if any motivation for what they do, and they don't interact or relate with each other so much as they seem to be independently following poorly-conceived directions. This isn't an "artsy-fartsy" film -- it's just a brain fart on film. Don't waste your money, and *definitely* don't bring a date -- mine (who is an intelligent viewer and an English professor who almost never abandons a story once she's started it) nearly walked out of the film at least twice.
Rating:  Summary: If you love to get drunk on the spiked punch..... Review: ...this ain't the flick for you. I thought it was very odd. I didn't find it at all funny. Adam Sandler did a great job though - his character was truly pathetic. Emily Watson was sublime. The "plot" was mostly absurd, which I guess is why it's supposed to be a comedy. A dark comedy, at best. Definitely see it; it's the kind of film that probably has a widely variable impact - which is completely viewer-dependent.
Rating:  Summary: Two words...hated it. (no snap, no twist) Review: I was so very excited about this movie. I was thrilled to see Sandler doing a movie that doesn't involve a sport and/or a stupid accent. Like all comedians, in him dwells a darker side that "drove" him to being the funny guy. I absolutely love Adam Sandler's work and "Magnolia" and "Boogie Nights" were great movies. So, this film had potential. Like Crystal Pepsi and The New Monkees, some things look better on paper. Better luck next time Adam. Maybe you could write a script for "The Longest Pee, the Movie". I'm sure its a step up from "Jacksss".
Rating:  Summary: An odd and wonderful film Review: I'll preface my review by saying that I loved Boogie Nights and hated Magnolia. So I'm not exactly a PT Anderson fan, but I do appreciate his talent. From what I read about this movie, I was expecting something offbeat, but it turned out to be one of the best movies I've ever seen. Not everyone will get it and not everyone will enjoy it, but that's often true of great films. It may take a dark sense of humor to enjoy the movie, as I often found myself to be the only one laughing at parts of the movie. The best way to sum up this film is to say that I was smiling from beginning to end and can't wait to see it again!
Rating:  Summary: Pathetic Review: Adam Sandler does a good job of playing a deeply repressed individual who is prone to bouts of violence and crying jags. Unfortunately, this is not funny. The voluptuous Emily Watson portrays a seemingly nice and normal woman who is inexplicably attracted to this pathetically pathetic individual. (see the recurring theme here?) The filmmakers seem to be shooting for some kind of Coen-esque story line, but what one gets is a confused mish-mash of scenes that never really come together, yet nevertheless culminate in a Hollywood ending that tells us "Since he's found love, all the neuroses, denial and depression he's spent a lifetime accumulating will now magically go away". Who really cares, anyway? I want my $ and two hours back.
Rating:  Summary: PT Sabotages His Own Good Idea. Review: October 31, 2002 A little too much of PT Anderson's art house neediness gets in the way of what could have been an outstandingly sweet film. The idea of casting Sandler in an innovative movie about a loser redeemed by love was inspired--and Anderson knew his man well enough to write him a perfect character to play--but too much directorial "virtuosity" ends up getting in the way. Anderson beats on all his cinematic drums, obscuring what is basically the film equivalent of a quirky clarinet solo. The audience I sat through "Punch Drunk Love" with was made up of people, I suspect, lured in by the advertising campaign. They didn't care for it, from what I saw and heard. I thoroughly enjoyed huge sections of it, only to occasionally have my fingers slammed in the trunk door by Anderson's tinkering. For example, a number of scenes in which Sandler's nervous character is meant to be suffering through panic attacks are written over by percussive soundtracks and hyper-kinetic staging of the players. In the end, I suppose how much you enjoy "Punch Drunk Love" is dependent on how sensitive you are to aggressive film style. There's a wonderful Adam Sandler-Can-Really- Charm-A-Movie-Audience movie underneath "Punch Drunk Love", but it too often serves as the foundation for Anderson's This-Is-My-Movie-And-You-Will-Notice directing style, when it should be the other way around. The story, and our empathy for the lead character, suffer as a consequence. I think most casual viewers will pick up on this, and, despite the fact that movie is very entertaining in places, leave the theatre a little bemused and disappointed.