Rating:  Summary: TRAINSPOTTING SHOWS SOME OF THE CONSEQUENCES OF DRUG ABUSE. Review: In 1996, "Trainspotting" took the world by surprise; it was a film that was compared to the classic Stanley Kubrick's film "A Clockwork Orange", due to it's kinetic energy, and fatalistic insight. This film is not a popcorn movie; it's a movie that requires patience and whether you like it or not, it will provoke you different emotions and thoughts. "Trainspotting" tells the story of Renton and his buddies Spud, Sick Boy and Tommy; all these guys are junkies and they are stuck in a constant debate between choose a "normal life" (what is normal, anyway?) and the life style of a drug addict. So as the story unfolds, we see how they promise to quit drugs and almost immediately fall again in the addiction. Also, they hang around with the local psychotic drunk Begbie; he is not a junkie, but he loves to drink and to provoke fights with the slightest opportunity. The movie shows some of the main consequences that the drug abuse brings: how you lose the perspective of the things that happen around you, how you affect your family and your closest friends, how you become a drug slave, how your body deteriorates, how you can become a threat to all the people, and how pathetic you can be once you become a junkie. And yet, in "Trainspotting" we see that everybody has always choices: "Choose life or choose not to choose life". However this movie is not a preach...the only purpose of "Trainspotting" is to show you what can happen to you...after all, the choice is yours.
Rating:  Summary: DVD Easter Egg revealed!!![.] Review: Trainspotting was one of my favorite movies when it came out. I have to say this DVD is [bad] when it comes to extras. The only good thing you'll get out of this DVD is that it is the original Director's Cut. Even though it doesn't say on the case, it is. There's a website I found with DVD Easter Eggs. This Director's Cut of Trainspotting is the Easter Egg with cuts restored from the Theatrical Version. However, I have the Canadian DVD, and it's better, because it has Deleted scenes and interviews. It's very Rare now, but there's a website somewhere that still carries limited copies. Be warned. The Canadian DVD version is cut, though you still get the features I mentioned above. I recommend you buy both. This is a great movie no matter what.
Rating:  Summary: You'll love it!!!! Review: Trainspotting is a film that remind me of the time when we were young, and not so green. Plaesure to watch and compare your life with what it could've looked like, if you made a step away from the path. It's not violent and agressive, it's just a piece of art that makes all us, British People be proud of. Knowing that the comparison is not quite acuarate, I'll say that it's like having Grease for the Americans. I definately advise everyone to see it, you'll just love (and not only because of the scene when Ewan McGregor dives into the toilet), but because of the scence that this film gives you: if you're older a scence of regret and nostalgia; and if you're young- it's just a must see movie, you'll find out why....
Rating:  Summary: the secret joke of Trainspotting Review: The giant joke of Trainspotting is hidden in plain sight, obscured by the loaded topic of heroin. Certainly heroin culture is everywhere in the movie, but the heart of the film is what the narrator, Ewan MacGregor's character, sees as the obvious link between heroin addiction and working. The central passage of the film is the scene where MacGregor and his mates sprint through the streets, with MacGregor doing the voice over: "Our only response was to keep on going and [*] everything, pile misery upon misery, heap it up in a spoon and dissolve it with a drop of bile, then squirt it into a stinking purulent vein and do it all over again-keep on going getting up going out robbing stealing and [*] people over, propelling ourselves with longing towards the day that it would all go wrong, because no matter how much you stash, or how much you steal, you never have enough, no matter how often you go out and rob and [*] people over, you always need to get up and do it all over again." It's a passage that sums up the twin futilities of heroin addiction and working class life, and it's no accident that this scene begins with a sprint from a store and ends in a courtroom, marking the twin pillars of a free-market economy. Or that the motive for the sprint--an habit-inspired shoplifting attempt--turns the chase itself into a kind of rat race. It's also no accident that the unrepentant Sick Boy escapes, the cleverly insincere MacGregor gets off easy, while unwitting Spud is nailed to the wall in court. Or that when MacGregor gets clean, his debauched heroin-culture skills of lying, stealing and hustling make him well-suited to a job as a rental agent. Or that the only sincere character in the film is the one undone by deceit, heartbreak, and drugs. In MacGregor's heroin world, the successful cheat as a rule, and they do it overtly; in his exposure to the working world, the same rules apply, everyone knows it, but no one admits it. In this conceit, Trainspotting emerges as a cynically perfect epitaph for American free-market culture spreading across Europe, with its heady mix of genuine aspiration, barely concealed greed, and deep denial--all neatly paralleled by heroin pleasure, heroin addiction, and the brain-addled values of the heroin culture. So while being terrifically stylish and funny on a number of levels, Trainspotting's foundation is what makes it a great film--a disaffected, disillusioned narrator, trading one socially rejected role (junkie) for a socially acceptable one (hardworking young man) and failing to see the difference between the two. It's a fabulously clever movie with an unnerving argument rifling through every scene, and you should get this DVD.
Rating:  Summary: "Just say no"---choose "LIFE!" Review: I've now seen this film about 10 times, and it stays fresh every time. The acting, dialogue, music, cinematography, script...everything works together beuatifully. The opening scene is especially unforgettable, probably the best marriage of music and film I've seen in a long time. Instead of seeing this as a film about heroin addiction, a much better way of viewing this movie is examining WHY the central character played by Ewan McGregor, does heroin and WHY most mainstream people DON'T turn to chemical drugs. Hint: listen to McGregor's voice-over at the beginning and at the end of the movie, when he goes into the rant about all the everyday addictions of "normal" people: materialism, conformity, mindless pop culture. At the beginning of the film the narrator reads this laundry list of all our modern "necessities" with scorn; at the end, he reads it again but with mock enthusiasm as he flees the UK with a couple grand stolen from his buddies and promising to turn over a new leaf by embracing mainstream capitalist culture, affirming that he *will* indeed "choose life." The genius of the film is that at that point you not only suspect he's just going to continue his drug life overseas but also you almost sympathize with him---look at the lame excuse for a "life" that most of us on the straight-and-narrow have.
Rating:  Summary: Unbelievable Review: i fell in love with this movie the first time i saw it. It's unbelievable in a creepy sort-of way. Yes, the toilet scene is disgusting and yes, their addiction is un-nerving and you want to hate the characters, but at the same time, you fall in love with them. The wit and acuity of the film and dialogue is amazing; it's impossible to say too much about this movie. Although it's not made for everyone, it's a great view on young un-hopefuls in the spinning circles of addiction and life. A GREAT film!
Rating:  Summary: IMPRESSIVE FILM Review: i bought this dvd about 6 months ago and it was my first time seeing this movie so i didnt know what to expect but i watched it and loved it. it's one of my favorites now.it's a very unique funny film but also sad, strange, and some parts disturbing. it's about a group of young drug addicts in scotland and thier life and trying to kick the habit of heroin. this film is so diffrent than any other movie ive seen before. its so much fun in one way but in another way it's dreary and sad but its a great watch. you should buy this movie.
Rating:  Summary: The College DVD Fan's Collectable Review: I view this film as being on the same level as "High Fidelity"; far too calculating to be brilliant, but so well-crafted, I can't help liking it. There's no question it's disturbing, and given the subject matter, it's not surprising it wasn't the big hit Mirimax's marketing department expected it to be. But all that aside, some solid performances by Ewan MacGregor, Robert Carlyle, and Kevin McKidd. It's endlessly quotable, which lends to its perpetual cult status, and despite being a bit long, is definitely worth a rental.
Rating:  Summary: Another fine UK made film! Review: I just bought this DVD yesterday and I finished watching the whole thing again and I have to see I love this movie! It's not your average 'druggie with a plan' movie but instead it shows a group of heroin addicts living a really dirty life in a town that looks like it was painted all in a rust colour varnish. The acting is great as you can see the actors' portrayal of thier addictions as they sweat perfusely and go all crazy and on the edge just to get a hit. If you have the chance to watch the film I suggest you do because the narration done by Ewan McGregor in the film goes great with the trials and tribulations that him and his friends go through daily. In all if you want to see a movie that was 'groundbreaking' when it was released in theatres and now not even played once on any television show except those really type of sophisticated channels that show woman eating poo! Just kidding but this movie is not an elegant one and it gives you the muddy vision that the broken down town consumes of their lives. A true gen-X classic! I suggest also Shallow Grave starring Ewan McGregor which is another good film but I can't find any copies of it so I can't say anything about it!
Rating:  Summary: A Total Frenzy with a Foundation of Chaos Review: This film is pandemonium. Disorder, Confusion, Turmoil, and Discord could very well be considered the supporting cast. The plot is a complete frenzy. Amongst all the craziness is the interest that you will find most enjoyable. This movie will make you laugh, it will make you gasp, and it will make you imagine yourself in the main character's shoes. The foundation of this film is a struggle between adolescence and adulthood. This film will be most enjoyed by those who find themselves fighting the same struggle. It will be most understood by those who realize that they are leaving the teenage years and need to find they place in society as an adult. Whether you completely understand or not, this film is still fun. You may not get the most enjoyment out of it if you don't truly understand it, but it is entertaining to watch nonetheless. I rate this film four out of five stars.