Rating:  Summary: A musical that I can love!! Review: Tied of Andrew Lloyd Webber musicals that have no musical originality? (Nothing against ALW - he has his place.) This is what musicals should be!! Fun to watch on screen (or stage) but also good music that you want to listen to anyway. John Cameron Mitchell is fantastic and irreverent. If you liked Rocky Horror, you'll love this even more.
Rating:  Summary: 10 STARS FOR HANSEL Review: This movie rocks, plain and simple. Its a bit more realistic than Rocky Horror Picture Show by many means but still has a strong taste of fantasy. My favorite scene has to be where Hansel (Hedwig) is laying naked at the city dump eating gummy bears. Hedwig (also named as Hansel) is a singer. He falls for a young grunged out guy and basically transfers him into a fem hottie and the guy abandons him and steals everything hedwig stands for. Hedwig paints a silver X on his forehead and the guy uses it as a gimic and also steals his songs. Basically the movie follows Hedwigs search for him to get into a concert to let it be known that the guy ripped him off. He still holds a torch for him though. It deals with alot of thinking back. Its a great movie. I was a rocky brat for the majority of my life but this movie blows rocky out of the water which i found suprising. Rocky was all about sex where Hedwig is incredibly sexy but it also deals with the heart. Buy it... You wont be disapointed. If you loved Rocky, youll treasure "Hedwig and the Angry Itch".
Rating:  Summary: Beautiful. Review: Hedwig is simply astounding. Considering how few transvestite glam rock movies that you're able to get ahold of, this possibly surpasses Rocky Horror. Wait, no, it does. And that's saying a lot considering the context of Rocky Horror. This movie has so many ... things to keep you interested. True, this movie is all over the place, and it leaves a few things to the viewers imagination, but what is a movie without any of that? I mean, honestly, I'm surprised there have been any bad reviews. Complaining that the animation is bad? Feh, that's the point. It's to show meaning. Spirit. It's beautiful, this movie/musical. There's a plot, many messages that are ambiguous to the person watching, a wonderful soundtrack, and so many things to interest someone. Hedwig must find his other half, but in doing so must leave behind more than he bargained for. To be free. I, personally, can relate to a lot of the ironies in this movie. See it. Now.
Rating:  Summary: Glam and Punk Rock lovers Buy this movie! Review: Amazing, poignant, moving, thrilling. Incredible soundtrack, might as well buy that too while you get the DVD because as soon as you finish watching it twice in a row you'll want the soundtrack immediately! Great story, blah blah blah. Insert superlative here, if it's positive it's true.
Rating:  Summary: An great, different, rock & roll film. Review: An ambitious glam-roker (John Cameron Mitchell), who was a Man-survivor of a botched Sex Change operation. Then she tries to find success in America with his band. Then she determined to fine, fame and his other half and also dogging the tour of the Superstar (Micheal Pitt), who stole her song. Written & Directed by John Cameron Mitchell, based on his Popular Off-Broadway show. Mitchell gives an amazing performance. Miriam Shor is also a Standout as the back singer & guitarist. This is one of the most critical acclaimed films of 2001. There's also an great soundtrack, lyrics from Stephen Trask. DVD's has an terrific anamorphic Widescreen (1.85:1) transfer and an strong Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround Sound (Also in DTS 5.1 Surround Sound). DVD Extras are:An running commentary track by Director:Mitchell and Cinematographer:Frank G. DeMarco, 85 Minute Documentary, Two Deleted Scenes, Select-A-Song, Cast & Crew Filmographies & Theatrical Trailer. Do not miss this unforgettable excellent film. Grade:A.
Rating:  Summary: Absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!!! Review: Heart-wrenchingly sad...but also Life Affirming. I was swept away in all the glitter and golden locks. The music was mind-blowing!! The Story is a Story that needs to be shared. "The Orgin of Life" is AMAZING!!! Hedwig is BEAUTIFUL!!!
Rating:  Summary: A Masterpiece Far Ahead of Its Time Review: The first time I saw this DVD, I had borrowed it from a friend. Rocky Horror 2? Sure, I'll check it out. I now realize that comparing Hedwig to Rocky Horror is like comparing Goodfellas to Cabin Boy. The first thing I noticed was how the movie drew me in, from the fantastic opening number to the final credits. I had such a good time. But actually realizing how great the film is, catching the little details, didn't start until the second viewing. I'm now on viewing number five and I'm still finding nuggets of brilliance -- I just noticed something interesting about Hedwig's tattoo, which appears in one of the first and last scenes (pay close attention). The songs are all incredible, the performances uniformly sublime. The ambient noise throughout is surprisingly well done; in the restaurant scenes you can barely hear people ordering chicken fingers, with glasses breaking at extremely humorous moments. The editing -- everyone has the perfect expression in every shot (I love the unwitting audience members). The early scene of Yitzhak trying on the wig carries a Shakespearean depth and import. Nothing in this film is tossed in at random; everything has a significance and you could write papers unpacking its richness. The theme of tomatoes being thrown and subsequently eaten is an interesting recurring thread not many people pick up on. This is artwork of the highest calibre. Yeah, if you're uptight about gender and sexuality, the film may trouble you. But watch with an open mind and the universal themes will touch you. You will walk away a changed person.
Rating:  Summary: One of the most human & sublimely touching films ever Review: It is very hard to describe this film in any common terms. This is not simply an ultra-fab rock n' roll romp nor is it a dry piece of youthful corruption and ambiguous art-nouveau. Hedwig is a wildly fun and smirkingly cynical film that, with enough attention, will simply floor you with it intricate design and blinding tenderness. The movie mood-swings through unshakeable glamorous confidence into freakish misery, furrowed indignace, innocent eager affection, vengeful sarcastic satisfaction and the cruelty that only those closest to you can render. Backed by one of the best soundtracks in history and a great caricatured host of characters and (in)appropriately comical plotlines, Hedwig suceeds in every little nook and cranny possible. You will likely be taken aback many times throughout. It isn't really in the vein of Rocky Horror either. Despite some unavoidable similarities, this two are entirely headed in separate directions, (on different streets, in different towns, in different worlds). Hedwig, at its core, has so much more heart. My vote is there for one of the very few top movies of all time. Truly, something that must be seen to understand; something that must be understood to appreciate. My highest recommendations.
Rating:  Summary: Pretty Good....BUT DIFFERENT!!!!!!! Review: First of all, this is NOT a movie for everyone. I found myself scratching my head in the first 20 minutes, because it was just very...odd. I stayed with it (the songs are GREAT and will hook you!), and I discovered a surprisingly fun little film. It is like they took Rocky Horror, threw in some Priscilla, Queen of the Desert, and added a generous portion of Tommy. But you find yourself really cheering for Hedwig, in an odd sort of way. If you like your movies to go from A to Z with no deviations, I recommend only getting the soundtrack (the songs really are fun if you have any appreciation for glam rock). But if you appreciate innovative approaches to storytelling, this will not disappoint at all.
Rating:  Summary: I love Hedwig!! Review: Hedwig and the Angry Inch has already become one of my favorite movies. With a bizarre and humorous story, this is one movie I can watch again, and again. And it just seems to get better every time I see it! Great soundtrack, I couldnt help but sing along.