Rating:  Summary: A Million Laughs Review: The title says it all. Sandra Bullock delivers another superb performance in this one. I loved the music to, I'd never heard of Boson before until I researched the music, and now I'm a fan!
Rating:  Summary: Yay Sandra Review: I appreciate Sandra Bullock because she hasn't gone the plastic surgery route. Shes a natural beauty. She doesn't stoop to vulgarity or sleaze either. Shes cute and fun and really is quite funny in this film. Its because of her I rate it 3 stars. The plot is absurd, Michael Caine is in an embarassing-for-his-career role, and who were the supporting characters? Didn't know them. The last part of the film fails miserably, but if you like Sandra, give this one a try.
Rating:  Summary: Sandra Bullock was always Miss Congeniality Review: Sandra Bullock at her comedic best with a host of supporting roles that makes this romp through the Miss America(?) pageant hilarious. Besides Sandra's dominance of the film as FBI Agent Gracie (Graceful) Snow (Pure)--get the name?, support comes from nearly everyone. Michael Caine is hired by FBI Agent Benjamin Bratt (the hunk from Law & Order) to help the rather unfeminine Sandra compete as a contestant for Miss America. As always, Caine plays the character flawlessly and, in addition, also happens to be gay adding a flamboyance to the role. Despite his comedic importance, Captain Kirk (William Shatner), a little feminine himself, is the pageant emcee. Kirk? He pulls it off well even without the Klingons. Candace Bergen is the head of the pageant and a former Miss America and isn't her Murphy Brown self but she's not supposed to be--watch to find out why. Sandra is thrust into the role to thwart an assassination of pageant winner. Even though most would like Sandra to win, she can't and somehow finds the killer, delivers some punch with Caine, makes her boss (Bratt) get the hots for her, and ends up being just one of the girls. The film is a delicious take-off of the "beauty syndrome" with Sandra bringing in pizza and beer to the objections of some contestants that it'll make them fat. Sandra says, "Well, she's just going to throw it up anyway." Despite a unnoticed thin plot--comedies don't need elaborate plots as the bozo that reviewed this article for Amazon.com says, Sandra and her ensemble of dimwitted FBI agents, a flaming Beauty Consultant Caine, and Captain Kirk makes this film a must see. It is certainly Sandra's redemption for 28 Days. 28 days was funny in parts but Miss Congeniality was funny from beginning to end. Caine's performance almost comes quite close to stealing the show and Kirk so overacts the part to make him extremely effective. A don't miss for anyone especially Sandra fans. Felecia Constance Rowe Chairwoman and CEO Teardropfilms, Ltd.
Rating:  Summary: Not Worth It Review: The film starts out so improbably that I could never view the rest of it with any sense that it might ever happen this way in any alternative universes let alone our own. Sandra Bullock reaches adulthood without any sense of what her own looks are, even to the point of understanding simple make-up and clothing things that you would pick up from a stroll through K-Mart. Am I'm suppposed to believe this all happened because of an incident on a playground when she was 9 or so? Just not believeable, man. The rest of the it gets no better as she engages in some sort of magical transformation to a beauty queen while secretly working for the FBI...with behavior so dorky that I had to turn my face away from the screen at times. Come on, who was this script written for anyway? The eventual resolution of the plot had all of the conviction of a Barnaby Jones repeat. Sorry...this one's a loser.
Rating:  Summary: Hysterical and funny and great for the whole family! Review: I love this movie. Most of the movies Sandra Bullock plays in are really good and this is one of them. I would really recommend 28 days and Hope Floats with Sandra.
Rating:  Summary: Light comedy but... Review: Oh well, I can't say I liked it or hated it. I find it to be very much like a weekend TV movie. The comedy is light, the acting job is well done but we never saw Sandra in a such role before. So if you are looking for sexy Sandra, you'll be disappointed. But still she proved to be a great actress not to look sexy! The main weak point is the overall plot... it is so silly and weak that gets you bored and lack interest all the way until the end. Oh yes you enjoy few laughs but one thing for sure, this movie is not for keep.
Rating:  Summary: Hilarious Review: This movie was an easy movie to watch. Sandra Bullock does a wonderful job portraying the FBI agent stuck with the job of being a contestant at the Miss America beauty pageant. She is funny and charming as she is introduced into the world of womanhood that she tries to avoid with all her might. Definately see this movie.
Rating:  Summary: Movie average; Bullock great! Review: OK, it's nothing special as a movie; the word "fluff" says it all. Even the FBI is portrayed as fluff. The story is so hackneyed that ALL the roles are one-dimensional, but fortunately seasoned actors (Caine, Bergen, Shatner, etc.) milk some substance out of them. Sandra Bullock is wonderful in this film. I barely knew who she was, but by the end of the film I was a big fan. She makes it all worthwhile. She could have played the part opposite cardboard cutouts and made it worth watching. (Unfortunately the male lead is only slightly better than a cutout.) I just hope she can get ahold of a better script than this one for her next film.
Rating:  Summary: Hysterical! Review: Sandra Bullock is one of the few gorgeous actresses I've seen who can pull off the "homely girl next door" look. It's not just her looks, but her attitude. Sandra Bullock made this movie. She goes from hard-nose cop to beauty pageant queen in just a few days...but the outer transformation is way easier than the inner transformation! You've all seen the previews where she jumps off the stage onto a Texan with a gun, or the classic line, "You think I'm GOR-geous! You want to DATE me!" These are not the only funny moments in the film. The rest of the cast is excellent, too. Michael Caine, Benjamin Bratt, Candice Bergen, and William Shatner all do wonderful jobs with their roles. You also get to know the beauty contestants and (gasp!) come to like them! At least, most of them. This is a great feel-good movie. If laughter is the best medicine, this movie is good for you!
Rating:  Summary: nice comedy Review: I found this movie to be really enjoyable when Sandra Bullock's character was being transformed from an awkward klutz to a very confidant women. The makeover scenes were hilarious!