Rating:  Summary: Was their something I missed? Review: I'm not sure why so many people loved this movie. Was their a joke I didn't get which made the rest of the movie funny? My brother said that this was the best movie he had seen this year. He can't have seen many. A friend of mine said this was amazing, so I went to see it with two other friends, and we normally find most movies funny, but for some reason, not this one. Sure, it had it's moments, but most movies do, and I thought this was an average movie. I have seen worse, but I have seen better... a lot better movies this year. At least I'm not the only one, a few other reviewers also didn't rate this too high.
Rating:  Summary: Van receives a Bachelor of Gross-Out... Write that down. Review: This review is of the VHS "unrated" edition. I have no idea of the difference between it and the theatrical release. I'm sure there's a huuuuuge difference... not. Bear that in mind.Van Wilder is a seventh-year undergrad at Coolidge College. Having become a school institution after attending so long, he's pretty much become the master of all things collegiate. Except for the graduating part. Life is fun and games for Van and his pals. He even has students queued to interview to become his personal assistant. He ends up choosing an Indian student who craves a taste of the bacchanalian life before being sent home. How better to fulfill that desire than with Van Wilder as your mentor! Wha-whooo! Van parties and remains ignorant of his situation until a school newspaper reporter named Gwen (Tara Reid) shows up because she's required to do a piece on him. Soon enough they end up falling for each other (surprise!) and he gets serious about school. But there's a couple small problems: Her pre-med, frat-boy boyfriend, and Van has to actually go to class. There's not much new here, really. Plop this down among all the other innumerable movies of this ilk. The American Pie movies are funnier. They also have more characters who are funny. This one rests on just a few. Having said that, this movie has some humorous moments. The best laughs come from Van's and his roommate's pet bulldog's genitalia. (No pun intended.) Or uncontrollable bowel movements. These incidents did make me crack up (and cringe in disgust). They just happen to be at the exteme end of sick humor. Viewable for those who like gross-out humor and get your thrills from a couple flashes of female breasts. Overall I'd give Van a barely passable grade of C- in Entertainment 101. Write that down.
Rating:  Summary: It's very average.... Review: At one time National Lampoon's movies were hysterical, now they have funny moments and this is one of those movies. Van has been attending the same college for the past 7 years. Initially it seems that he is doing it just to piss off his father but there could be more to it than that. When his father visits he finds Van throwing the biggest party of the year and that his fellow students look upon Van with awe. Dad puts a stop to all that by refusing to pay Van's way any longer. The rest of the movie deals with Wilder finding ways to stay in school, falling in love, and realizing there is more to himself than he initially thought. This is of course a formula movie. Unfortunately it isn't exactly a successful one. The story is relatively weak, the humor falls flat on it's face often, the acting is average (Ryan Reynolds character of Van seems very similar to his Berg of Two Guys and a Girl fame) and you really don't care about the characters that much. The movie wasn't bad; it just wasn't all that good. There were some funny moments but they were few and far between. For a good movie everyone should skip this and go to Van's father's (Tim Matheson) early work and see National Lampoon's Animal House. That was great! This was just average.
Rating:  Summary: Wow, this was one stinky movie... Review: This movie was something that would have been funny had it not been for that bulldog and that sandwich scene (anyone who's seen the movie would definitely say this is the highlight of it all). I think I had a bad taste in my mouth the rest of the movie and it took some of the enjoyment out, rendering everything else senseless and silly while they tried to plot all this mess around some feel-good story. Well, I'll tell you one thing; at the beginning when Ryan Reynolds stood on top of that school giving that suicidal boy a talk about life, that was about the stinkiest looking pair of buttocks I've ever seen exposed on celluloid. No doubt. Another white behind. And even after that bulldog-sandwich scene, they couldn't get enough of grossing you out before they had that one boy running to the trashcan towards the end just boobooing into that can with such fake, hoggish, whale-ish blowouts and explosive flatulence that I think I felt like going to the bathroom after that. There were a lot of stinky-looking people in that movie, too. The boys were funky-looking, the girl was stanky, and I'm sure the bulldogs was just as stanky as they could be; I don't know how those stupid boys didn't detect this smell before they took big bites out of those sandwiches. Well, no matter what, I give it four stars because it was the ultimate gross-out session (Hollywood seems obsessed now with people boobooing until they can't booboo no more, as well as humans eating after animals wasting their fluids lately). It's a movie one can see only once to know that that's about all they can take. Golly!
Rating:  Summary: Ryan Reynolds is outstanding. Review: Van Wilder is more of an average teen movie than anything else. It's not exquisite, outlandish, bizarre, subtle or dark. There's tons of movies like these, and rarely do i feel bound to them as much as i did to this one. Unlike Kevin Smith's greatness to the averageness of comedy on say Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, the few gems that surface on the average teen genre don't entirely rely on the script, but rather on the performance. Saving Silverman is a good example. Jack Black and Steve Zahn pretty much own the whole movie. They put that little something into it that makes you not care how many times you watch it when you feel like comedy rather than anything else. Ryan Reynolds did exactly that with this movie. His personality obviously transmutated into his character, which is much like that back in his sitcoms days. He is a superb comedian, and much like Will Ferrel, he knows how to say things and how to act that same expression out. It's those little details that put you at ease and eager to watch it again. He is also extremely well complemented by Taj, Kal Penn, who gives additional comic relief throughout. Trying not to focus much on the fact it's a National Lampoon movie, and the fact that it relies so much on the tried and true boy-meets-girl linearity, it's still a very good movie. I don't even really dig these type of comedies that much, not enough to buy the DVDs.. but there are exceptions.
Rating:  Summary: amazing Review: It is one of the best movies which i have ever seen. It is a good combination between fun and lovestory!!
Rating:  Summary: Pass the eclairs!! Review: Van Wilder (Ryan Reynolds, TVs 2 GUYS AND A GIRL) is a total party animal, who is so much The Big Man on campus at Coolidge College that he enlists a horny Indian exchange student to act as his P.A. But his Dad freezes his college funds, limiting his college days and his social status. (His credo is "Don't be a fool, stay in school" which he uses after he fails to stop a fellow student from leaping to his death). After seven years of college he doesn't want to face up to the fact that out in the Real World he'll be a nobody. But inspiration, ingenuity and sheer determination strike, which seems strange for such a lazy so-and-so; and he soon starts a lucrative business as VAN WILDER: PARTY LIAISON putting an end to parties "that suck". AMERICAN PIE's Tara Reid also stars. As her character notes of Van: "Most people want to get out of school so they can make money, you want to make money so you can stay IN school". The movie also stars an adorable bulldog whose, um, tackle helps set up VAN WILDER's peak gross out, which tops AMERICAN PIE's "warm apple pie" scene. Don't say you weren't warned...
Rating:  Summary: An likable dumb college comedy. Review: Van Wilder (Ryan Reynolds) is one of the nicest and most likable (also popular) guy at the Coolidge College. He also has a personal assistant (Kal Penn), Wilder is great at throwing parties and helping students at the most outragerous moments but since Wilder is a Seventh year senior and he never takes his future seriously and graduation is the furthest thing is his mind. Things are about to change-When an young attractive reporter (Tara Reid) try to find out more about Wilder's Life, also his father (Tim Matheson) threatens to stop paying his tuition. There's a smily college student (Teck Holmes), who is the boyfriend of the reporter, who will do anything to get Wilder out of college. The film is directed by first-timer:Walt Becket is actually smoothly surprisingly well done with a couple of very funny scenes (With also one hilarious gross-out scene is actually disgustingly memorable, if you like it of not) but the script (Written by Brent Goldberg and David T. Wanger) isn't great, which puts it down at times. Reynolds's appealing performance makes this College Comedy film fun to watch. Although is better than most of these silly college movies and offer sometimes fresh. This was an small hit at the Box Office. This could've been something more but it's comes close, for what is going. DVD's has an clean anamorphic Widescreen (1.85:1) transfer for the Rated and Unrated with an good Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround Sound. Disc 2 is packed with extras (Including:Deleted Scenes, Outtakes, Behind the Scenes featurettes and more). It's a pretty good rental, not a movie worth buying as your DVD collection (But fans of this movie, will disagree). Grade:B+.
Rating:  Summary: Great Movie Review: Van Wilder was one of the funniest movies I have seen in quite some time.It is totally worth buying.OK so it is not Animal House but you cannot top a classic movie like that anyways....write that down.
Rating:  Summary: Could've been so much better Review: There's a real story here - a guy who on the surface looks like a slacker and perpetual partier. But then we learn that he does tons of charity fundraisers and secretly organizes parties for nerds, who need a little help with their social lives. He even helps talk a guy out of killing himself. Unfortunately, all of that is lost in really bad humor. In particular, the Bulldog pastry-eating scene. Then there's the tired, overdone jokes: the sex-starved old-woman, the sex-starved foreign exchange student, the sex-starved high-IQ nerds. Tara Reid's character is devoid of personality, and her boyfriend, naturally, is completely unlikable. Reynolds is funny, but he could do so much better with a better movie. As best it's disappointing, at worst it's disqusting. Rent it when you have a freebie coupon.