Rating:  Summary: Excellent Review: When I first saw the previews for this movie I thought that it was just an effects film. But it wasn't, it has one of the best screenplays I have ever seen to go along with the special effects. I enjoyed the character changes of the two teens in the film especially. See if you can pick out the visual references to "The Shawshank Redemption", "Citizen Kane", and "To Kill A Mockingbird"
Rating:  Summary: Best DVD I've ever seen Review: This movie is art. The raw amount of craftsmanship required to create such a technically flawless film is intimidating. The story inspires. The acting excellent. Most of all, the movie forces an appreciation of color; that is its greatest gift.The capacity of the DVD is used well to provide a huge amount of supplementary material: a documentary, artwork, commentary tracks, and trailer. A great job, the filmakers deserve to be proud.
Rating:  Summary: excellent Review: I just rented Pleasantville, watched it two nights in a row, and I'm here to order it now. Execllent comment on life and human nature. Absolutley stunning visual effects. Very enjoyable. I will enjoy watching it again & again.
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful...Medicine Needed for the Soul Within!! Review: Listen...everyone MUST see this movie. It's more than beautiful. It conveyed a message I really wish I could translate into words. Like other commentators had said, Pleasentville touches different people in different ways. If you have insight to what is beyond the surface (i.e. visual effects, physical prejudices) you will find this message too...and the visual effects will do nothing but enhance the message and meaning that is brought to you! This is definitely one to keep!
Rating:  Summary: The chortomagnafeldic simulation was symbolicly theorescent. Review: The phenominal intromagnetic colourizational effects collaberated with the high magnitude sound quality to produce a film which displays qualities both captivating and intriguing. Miss Witherspoon charicterized the role of the daughter quite charmingly, allthough I must admit to being shocked at some of her morrals, ( hint: That scene in the car...)
Rating:  Summary: So many interpretations in this wonderful work of art. Review: This film was, in my opinion, the best of 1998. Sure, Saving Private Ryan and The Truman Show were brilliant...but they focused on one interpretation, one moral. The fantastic thing about Pleasantville is that everyone I know interprets the film in different ways. Some view it as a coming of age film, some a look at American history. Some find it talking about racism, and some (myself included) find the movie biblical. There are so many ways one can look at the movie. Private Ryan and Truman didn't do that. Not many movies come along with a great message. And of those, not many come up with a thousand different messages. This is one of those movies. Check out Roger Ebert or Gene Siskel's review of it. They were right. This film is perfect.
Rating:  Summary: Great concept, but way too long Review: The first 45 minutes was great. I laughed very hard and caught most if not all of the jokes/old-time references. The movie lost me after an hour, though, as it had said all it needeed to. I thought it spelled too much out for the viewer and tried way to hard to get across its social-political messages, which were crammed down our throat (notice there is not a black person in Pleasantville, but the message of treating people ``of color'' well is made...repeatedly). This film has several Biblical overtones and references (one instance is a character offering Bud an apple). It is also full of holes, such as Bud begging the Don Knotts character to go home, then the do-it-yourself ending without any Oz-like guidance on how to do it (sorry...I'll trash the ending but I won't give it away). Pleasantville literally put me to sleep.
Rating:  Summary: Good movie Review: While I thought how they got into Pleasantville was dumb, I like the overall theme of the movie and the transformation from black and white to color symbolizing emotions.
Rating:  Summary: Enlightenment Struggle! Review: I really like the way Mr. Ross captures the essence of basic human struggles through enlightenment. Joseph Campbell would have been proud of the movie. This is not a simple story about a boy and a girl and a happy town. This movie has it all: duplicity; the journey; and the struggle for enlightenment (knowledge and sensuality). I picked up references from the bible, Plato's Light and Dark horses, Shakespeare's Tempest (Caliban and Ariel), Marlow's Dr. Faustus, and Campbell's mythological journey. Sure, Pleasantville is enjoyable with it's visual effects, but it can also be enjoyed for it's depth and breath of coverage.
Rating:  Summary: Brilliant Film! Review: I expected this movie to be nominated and seriously considered for Best Picture of 1998. It's a dense photoimagistic essay on 20th century life using the metaphor of 50's television to carry the message, softly and without violence, of war, prejudice, and the confusion of youth in the 20th century. With each additional color, light is shed on perplexing topics. I think this is one of the best films I ever saw. It rates in my top ten.