Rating:  Summary: ONLY FOR THE HEAD STRONG!!!!!!!!! Review: If you like movies that are not for the masses ,then you will want to buy this a.s.a.p.! The added spice of Terry Gilliam makes this movie PERFECT!, So Hold on!! this movie is "NOT POP FEED THE MASSES"
Rating:  Summary: It's a roadmovie, and the best of it's kind. Review: People have gone in to see Fear and Loathing expecting to see drama, or even Brazil (or some other Gilliam movie), but if you expect a road movie, you will get just that. Fear and Loathing is the funniest most real movie I have seen for ages. Gilliam himself was laughing when he saw how seriously people were taking this movie. I love this movie. It will surely be a cult movie always for me.
Rating:  Summary: Wow I've seen more entertaining turds in my toilet. . . Review: This is, without a doubt, the worst, most disturbing movie I have ever seen. If you are goning to waist your money on this, you might as well buy some cheap liquor, get hammered, and you would get the same stupid effect, but then you wouldn't have the tempation to blow your own head off while suffering through this crap heap. If I could have, I would have given it negative 5 stars. Anybody who buys this movie deserves to be hit by a car, then pumped full of acid, shot in the knee caps, have their genitals blown off with dynamite, and then have their bloody carcasses fed to starved alligators. My recommendation: don't buy this movie (if you couldn't tell that sentiment from the rest of my review).
Rating:  Summary: The best picture of 1998. Review: I will have to be honest and say most people probably will not understand this movie. But for those of us who have taste in movies you will have to agree that this is an instant classic. Without question Johnny Depp who is one of the finest actors of our time should be nominated for an oscar. Depp as well as Benico del Torro deliver masterful performances. The movie is pure genius. The fact that this is a true story makes it even more unbelieveable. This movie is one of my all time favorites and I recommend it to anyone with an open mind.
Rating:  Summary: sometimes you shouldn't listen to critics Review: This movie was anticipated to be a discrace to HST's brilliant gonzo book. IT WASN"T. This movie followed the novel step by step very well and thrived with original directing. Being a very big fan of Hunter S. Thompson I was very pleased when I saw the film and let out a big sigh I had been holding in ever since I learned that Fear and Loathing was going to be made into a film. My thoughts were that they could never do it, a book as ingenius and twisted as that could never be made into a successful film. I was very wrong. I was blown away with the camera angles and affects. I didn't think they could make it happen but with the brilliant directing, it was almost as funny and twisted as the book. Oh yeah, one more thing, Jonny Depp did a brilliant job playing Raol Duke.p.s. I wonder what Hunter thought?
Rating:  Summary: A new genre of filmmaking Review: Depps per formance is masterful. Need to watch more than once. Del Torro equals his performance without stealing any scenes. The second hour is a little rough though.
Rating:  Summary: Twisted stuff from a twisted time. Review: A great movie that captures the feel of the great book. The Fiendish humor and excessive drugs of this movie define the early seventies. The book by the amazing gonzo journalist Hunter S. Thompson was better but if you love his work check out this flashy,entertaining hollywood version. If your a huge fan theres also Where the Buffulo Room and the 1983 documentary Hells Angels."Don't take any guff from those swine".
Rating:  Summary: "High" quality entertainment Review: This was by far the most accurate portrayal of a full blown drug binge I have ever seen. The movie is a classic right up there with all the Cheech and Chong movies. I read the other reveiws and was surprised to see people recommending the book before the movie. The day after I watched the movie I bought the book. I found that "hearing" the words in Depps voice actually enhanced the book. I recommend both and Where the Buffalo Roam as well. Bill Murray plays a good Thompson too.
Rating:  Summary: Made for the Thompson fans (and I'm one of them) Review: Basically, this films functions best as a companion to the book. After reading the book, you can see the film as a collection of moving illustrations and images that help make the book more real. As a film alone, this movie is funny and well made, but generally incoherent if you haven't read the original. Bottom line: Read the book, then see the movie. The movie works best after you know what the hell is going on. And since I did, it worked like a trippy charm.
Rating:  Summary: Munkey, Deathly Spunky. Can I have the jam now please ? Review: For thousands of years I have never seen the reason for water. One day, millions of empty spaces fight with each other, vying for a spot next to Depp. How can they ? Very easily. We follow Depp any of eight possible combinations around, under, to the sides - never through. Azure greens melt from dripping frozen charcoal blue, nah only joking. Made you look hahaha. If I met Depp, would I elude him ? possibly. Would I dance a dainty tango, probably. Would I skip ? without doubt. Jabby jabby jabby, with sharp pillows for a month.