Rating:  Summary: Holy Underwear - what a funny movie! Review: If Mel Brooks was born with 100,000 jokes and gags, 95,000 wound up in this movie. By far the strongest movie in the Brooks stable of send-ups (they're not snooty enough to be satires), this movie lampoons Westerns with his trademark low-brow and some high(er)-brow humor. The plot, in a nut shell - The evil Hedley Lamarr (Harvey Korman, in a performance I think bests his Carol Burnett ones) wants to run the railroad through peaceful Rock Ridge. Rock Ridge won't get out of his way, so he hires a black man as sheriff of the town, thinking this will accomplish his goal. But the sheriff (Cleavon Little) is just a little too smart (and stylish) for this to work. A fairly laid-back Gene Wilder plays The Waco Kid ("my name is Jim, but people call me...Jim."), Cleavon Little's quick-drawing sidekick. Together they clean up the town, foil Heddy's ("Hed-ley's") plans, and tear up a small portion of Hollywood along the way. This movie is completely un-apologetic and un-PC in it's approach to racism - there's no way it would have been made in the last 20 years and but Mel Brooks would have the courage - but it's not a racist or preachy movie. It's just funny.
Rating:  Summary: People Just Call Me.....Jim Review: Mel Brooks' 1974 comedy classic was a real ground breaking comedy in certain aspects. It certainly wasn't the first zany, screwball comedy to come along, but it was pretty much the first comedy to push the envelope and deliver such an outrageous, low brow type of comedy that is now so familiar with millions of filmgoers. The film is also noted for it's tone, and it's remarks towards black people. The movie is a satire on every cowboy/western movie cliche there is. And it seems to pretty much have them all down. There is a plot, such as it is, but with a movie like this, and others like it, the plot doesn't really matter as much. It's pretty much only here to set up the movie and it's characters with joke after joke. The great Harvey Korman plays Headley Lamarr(Not Heddy), a land robber who plans on having a railroad go through the quiet, peaceful town of Rock Ridge and steal their land. And how does one go about it?. He concots a scheme that includes creating a posse of criminals and varmin, and gets a new sheriff that he knows will be a failure and taken out within 24 hours. Cleavon Little plays Black Bart, a railroad worker who is chosen as the new sheriff. With the help of Jim, otherwise known as The Waco Kid, the fastest gun in the west, Bart takes on the villainous Lamarr and tries to save the town. The brilliant and legendary Gene Wilder plays Jim to perfection. The guy can do no wrong. His quick hand moments are hilarious. Little was a perfect choice. He is sly and charming, and is winning in every scene. Brooks appears himself as the governor, in a funny, and rather small, role. Brooks peppers his film with other fine characters and actors. The fantastic Madeline Khan plays Lili Von Shtupp, a German saloon singer doing her best Marlene Dietrich impression. Khan is such a gifted comedic actress, and it seems like she never gets the recognition she deserves. She did receive an Academy Award nomination for Best Supporting Actress for this role, and that is quite something since such a role rarely gets acknowledged in such a way. Dom DeLuise has a small cameo as a director, and future "Webster" star Alex Karras plays Mango, a tough brute sent to take out Bart. And Slim Pickens also co-stars as Mr. Taggart, Lamarr's right hand man. Four writers, including Brooks himself and Richard Pryor, penned the hilarious script. Pryor was supposed to play the role of Black Bart in the early stages too. Brooks even helped co-write the songs used in the film, including the great title tune, sung by Frankie Laine, and the song Khan sings at the saloon titled "I'm Tired". The movie pretty much holds nothing back, and does everything to make you laugh and milk a joke, sight gag, or physical stick for all it's worth. They throw in everything but the kitchen sink. Well, on second thought, they throw in the kitchen sink too. The movie does get wild in the finale, breaking down that "third wall", and it seems to completely ride off the rails a bit. It is certainly a laugh-a-thon, but not all of it works. But it doesn't really matter, since when one joke or sight gag doesn't hit it's mark, another few will be right along before you can acknowledge a limp joke. It's hailed as one of the best comedy classics, and it deserves it's praise, but the early Zucker Brothers films are better. Still, one can't help but question it's place when it includes the horse punching scene and, of course, that infamous sittin' 'round the campfire moment. I don't know if Brooks has been this funny since. Watch it and have a good laugh.
Rating:  Summary: The ESSENTIAL comedy CLASSIC Review: Mel Brooks' career really took off with this rip-roaringly hilarious send up of everything Western. Cleavon Little as the first black sherrif in the west with Gucci saddle bags shines in his best role. The cast is loaded with Brooks regulars; Gene Wilder, Harvey Korman, Dom DeLuise, Madeline Khan and, of course, Mel himself! All having a hell of a laugh at the expense of EVERYONE! That's EVERYONE! Even the bit players leave you crying with laughter! Especially Alex Karras' horse punching Mongo and Slim Pickens moronic railroad foreman Taggart. This film gets a ton of flack these days for being "racist"? People who see this film in that sort of light should take off their blinders and realize that political correctness is just another form of censorship. Why can't you let free thinkers enjoy a GREAT MOVIE without having to worry about the thought police busting down their doors? The top notch script, written by a "collective" of writers including Richard Pryor(who wrote most of the more racially charged material and finds it hilarious), is so full of verbal jabs and visual japes that you will find yourself visiting this movie over and over again when you need a good dose of laughter. Don't let the conservatives scare you off, this is one of the funniest films ever made! Enjoy repeatedly!
Rating:  Summary: ONE OF THE ALL-TIME GREAT COMEDIES Review: not sure how many people haven't seen this great movie that require a review but here goes...
Simply put this is one of the greatest comedies ever produced. This Mel Brooks spoof of westerns is one of the funniest movies beginning to end I've ever seen.
Harvey Korman plays Hedley Lamar, a ruthless land grabber who wants to take over the town of Rock Ridge to become rich once the railroad goes through. So he conceives a plot to take over byt first having the governor (Brooks) appoint a black sheriff Bart(Clevon Little) to the bigoted town.
Bart is despised by the townfolk and his only friend is a drunken gunfighter Jim, the Waco Kid played by Gene Wilder. Soon the pair have to unite the town to fight off Lamar and his gang of bandits and restore peace to Rock Ridge.
The Film spoofs all the old westerns such as Jack Starrett playing the drunken, Gabby Hayes rols as Gabby Johnson. By the way...everyone in Rock Ridge seems to be named Johnson incluing Howard and Van! Then there's Madeline Kahn doing her best Marlene Deitrich imitaion as Singer Lili Von Shtupp who is sent to seduce Bart.
The sight gags are too numerous to mention...but Bart riding through the desert with a jazzy backround and then seeing Count Basie's Orchestra in the middle of the desert stands out, as well as the toll booth in the middle of nowhere that slows the bandits down as they are forced to return to get a $hit load of dimes!!! And of course the climax as they burst off the set in a huge fist fight, and into the set of Dom DeLuise shooting a gay chorus line musical is a scream.
I've always felt this was Mel Brooks' best film. The commentary is good but i wish it was a full length commentary with some addl. cast members.
Rating:  Summary: Blazing Saddles - from the Legendary Mel Brooks Review: Perhaps the best Movie Mel Brooks Has made. A funny "Spoof" of the western movies and the racial antics from the time. The Movie is very funny and Is about a Group of people who want to run townfolk out of "ROCK-RIDGE" so they can put a railroad through the center of it. They try to run the town folk out of ROCK-RIDGE by appointing a black sheriff,(played by Cleavan Little) who insted saves the town for the town folk and run the bad guys out of town. plenty of classic Mel Brooks comedy and gags. Tons of Classic scenes like "The Campfire Scene". A Mel Brooks true timeless Classic.
Rating:  Summary: Tasteless But Funny Review: Plays like an ennactment of one of those tasteless joke books set to a Western theme. Not for everyone. Even fans of this sort of thing have to be in a certain mood.
Rating:  Summary: No outtakes and no full commentary by Brooks! Review: The film Blazing saddles is one of the best post counter-culture comedies ever made (written by Mel Brooks and comedian Richard Pryor). It is wonderfully surrealisic near the end with the western characters going to see a film called Blazing Saddles at the movie thater. The proibl;ems with the DVD extras are all in my title. By outtakes I meant scenes of the actors screwing up their lines not the deleted scenes in the extra features.
Rating:  Summary: the compliment payed to.HK 10 yrs on CB was dead on! Review: the person who referred to HK 10 yrs on Carol being a great place to hone ones acting and improv skills and making references to him being more talented then anyone on SNL I bless this person.If the persons who like Harvey Korman and is truly a fan my name is Christopher Korman son of.No bull.If you would like a autograph picture signed by him to you personally.(...)I see it as personal honor to acknowledge those who admire and like my dads work.you have validated my believe that people do have taste and do know what talent and brilliance is when they see it. I Applaud all of you who have reviewed BS and have given my dad praise.Tim Conway and He are touring the country and they are selling out everywhere they perform and there going on 5 yrs now.if that is not a validation that stand up/Variety comedy isn't dead then I don't know what to say.How I miss the old days of CBurnett,and Dick Van Dyke,Bob Newhart.
Rating:  Summary: One of the great comedy classics! Review: This is a comedy classic. Mel Brooks's send-up of popular westerns is not only funny, but it is socially relevant, in a warped sort of way.Cleavon Little and Gene Wilder make a great team as the newly-appointed (black) Sheriff and the local drunk/washed-up gunfighter, out to save a town that doesn't want them. Brooks includes some of his standard actors, like Harvey Korman, Madeline Kahn, and himself (all of whom are hilarious), and adds some great cowboy-types like Slim Pickens and Burton Gilliam. Mel Brooks fit as many facets of contemporary culture into this movie as he could, and lampooned them mercilessly. Racism, politics (and philandering politicians), westerns, inbreeding (everyone in Rock Ridge is named Johnson), even the new (at the time) idea of baseball players putting their names on the back of the uniforms (GOV on the governor's back) was incorporated into this movie, making for something everyone can enjoy. There are some myopic individuals out there who are offended by Blazing Saddles, because of its racial content. The "N-word" is used liberally, and several other stereotypes are depicted. What these people fail to see is that the only characters in this movie with any brains are the ones who are tolerant. This is Brooks's most brilliant move: to hit the viewer over the head with humor, while subtly suggesting that we CAN all get along. I've seen this movie so many times, I've virtually memorized the whole thing, but it never fails to make me laugh. From the first scene on the railroad ("I don't hear no singin'") to the last scene in Hollywood, this movie is great. Every time I watch this movie, there's something new or different to laugh at.
Rating:  Summary: Excuse me while I whip this out... Review: This is by far one of the best movies of all time, I mean it's Mel Brooks we're talking about here...If you're like everybody I know that has seen Spaceballs a thousand times and have no clue what Blazing Saddles is...swim back to the mainland and check it out...trust me.