Rating:  Summary: An average film Review: After watching this, I felt like I was missing something. Mainly a good ending. This film does have many funny moments, my favorite being 3 guys taking their anger out on a poor printer/copier. I do like the cast, I think they're great for these roles. I definitely don't want an office job, and I wonder how accurate this is, although I'm sure it's taken to the extreme. Overall I think it's an average film, with some funny moments. It's nothing to write home about.The actual dvd is nothing special either. There are viturally no bonus features to speak of. Video and Audio are adequate, nothing more or less.
Rating:  Summary: comedic gem Review: Anyone who has worked an office job in corporate America can relate to this film. Mike Judge does an excellent job of squeezing hummor out of every quirky nuisance of working in an office enviornment and the politics that can surround it. Everthing from brown-nosers to annoying bosses. The amount of one-liners in this flick are endless. You won't be disappointed!
Rating:  Summary: Hey Amazon reader, what's hapenning? Review: Um...yeah, I'm going to have to ask you to watch this movie? Because it's hilarious? Um, yeah...thanks.
Rating:  Summary: Sick of that job? Review: The perfect cure to a "Case of the Monday's" is to come home and immediately pop in "Office Space." No movie has ever helped cope with the dull monotony of your job until now. The brilliantly hilarious script is brought to life by fantastic performances by Ron Livingston, Jennifer Aniston, and crew. Many hilarious situations and quotes will have you watching this movie over and over again. You'll be wishing you had the guts to tell your boss off much like Peter, but this at least lets you know that you're not alone in your hatred for your job, no matter what profession.
Rating:  Summary: If You Could Watch This, That Would Be Great... Review: Despite its status as a modern "cult classic" and its frequent replays on cable TV, many people have still not seen Office Space, one of the funniest movies of the 1990s. Written by Mike Judge (best known for his television work on Beavis & Butthead and King of the Hill), Office Space is a spot-on spoof of what it is like to work in corporate America at the end of the twentieth century. Ron Livingston plays a Peter Gibboons, a young professional at a software company who is utterly drained by his Dilbert-like existence. During a hypnotherapy session, he expresses a phrase which crystallizes the work-life of hundreds of thousands of Americans: "ever since I started working, every single day of my life has been worse than the day before it. So that means that every single day that you see me, that's on the worst day of my life." In notable supporting roles are: Jennifer Aniston as Peter Gibbons' girlfriend who works as a waitress in a vaguely familiar restaurant where "flair" is more important than service; Stephen Root as Milton, the useless, overlooked, middle-aged employee who no one has the guts to fire; Gary Cole as passive-aggressive VP Bill Lumbergh, whom Livingston's Gibbons rightly declares "represents all that is soulless and wrong;" Diedrich Bader as Lawrence, Livingston's crude, simple next door neighbor that ultimately shows Gibbons the path to self-fulfillment; and John C. McGinley as one of the Bobs, consultants who have been called in to put a band-aid on the company's problems by doing a time and labor study. Some of the film's cruder moments with Lawrence & office colleague Drew hearken back to Judge's B&B days, but overall, this is an insightful & wildly entertaining movie that manages to crystallize into 89 minutes the dehumanizing effect corporate America has had on American culture around the turn of the millennium. Not only does the film speak satirical volumes about corporate America, but it also has great insight into the way human beings respond when they are marginalized and subjugated, particularly the liberation that retaliation brings. As for the DVD itself, one can only hope that Fox will someday release this masterpiece in a better edition. The opening menu pops up with an error message that your computer has a virus, a joke that is not funny under any circumstances. The only special feature on the disc is the theatrical trailer. Most blatantly absent is a commentary track from the mastermind, director, and uncredited actor in this comedic tour de force. Fox execs need to give Mike Judge's masterpiece the treatment it deserves and give its many fans the goodies they desire.
Rating:  Summary: I didn't think this was very funny the first time I saw it.. Review: ...and I've never been more ashamed of anything in my whole entire life! I'm a huge Mike Judge fan and lined up (figuratively, this movie didn't do much in the box office) to see it. To this day I don't know what was wrong with me. I've now seen it over 30 times (rivaled only by "Meet the Parents" as a comedy)! And it hasn't worn out at all. It has all the trappings of a cult classic. Maybe it was funny overload? Very possible considering how just about every 3 seconds something funny is happening. I'm like a lunatic evangalist for this movie.
Rating:  Summary: Disturbing fun. Review: Sooner or later, most of us--if we're the slightest bit perceptive--will realize that most of our lives are dedicated to moving grains of sand from one pile to another. And then back again. We do it as we get older and older, and then we develop heart disease, Alzheimer's, cancer, etc., and then die. And we've done a wonderful job of creating ornate illusions to make us think that we're doing something important, or at least worthwhile. Office Space takes a nice poke at this illusion of meaning, as a modern day hero, with the help of a dying hypnotist, suddenly decides he just doesn't want to do anything. And that he's thrilled to do nothing. It makes him whole. Complete. Satisfied. Of course, the last thing our culture wants is for someone to discover the joy of not keeping busy. Busy work is the essence of our social order. So, our hero stops taking life seriously, and wondrous riches, of sorts, land in his lap. Can a person be happy without mindless, meaningless routine? Why aren't there more movies like this?
Rating:  Summary: Ever have a case of the Mondays? Review: Are you overworked? Underpaid? Not appreciated at the office? Ever felt like telling the boss where he can stick his files? Peter Gibbons (played by Ron Livingston), like many of us, can answer yes to every one of those. Office Space takes you through the mundane work-life of several individuals who are fed up with corporate America. Peter finds out just how fun slacking off can be. While on a mid-morning break with colleagues, Peter finds a love interest (Jennifer Aniston), who end up watching kung fu with him, and trying to figure out where they belong in life. This odd, comedic masterpiece keeps you laughing throughout, and doesn't disappoint. Even Diedrich Bader (of Drew Carey fame) finds his way into this movie, as Peter's construction worker neighbor. If you hate your job, and/or love Jennifer Aniston, this movie is for you.
Rating:  Summary: To the guy that recommended the stapler in addition... Review: This guy, my friends gets this movie. The guy that can make something as mundane and meaningless as writing a review, and make it funny, that is what this movie is all about. I have worked in flair places, and now I work in an office, and this movie is dead on the mark. I actually almost quit my job after seeing this the first time. Then my girlfriend found out she was pregnant, and you know the rest of the story. I did, for a brief moment have some hope from this movie, no longer. I can look back though, and reminisce about a time when I only had to make a huge paycheck to buy booze...
Rating:  Summary: This Was A Really Funny Movie Review: This whole movie had me rolling on the ground laughing with tears in my eyes. The boss was so funny. He reminds me of one of my honors english teachers back in school.