Rating:  Summary: Flashback Review: OY...This is so well acted and created I seriously felt like I was having an acid flashback while watching it, having been an acid user in long days gone past. I could not watch the last 25 minutes of it, it was just TOO real for me.
Rating:  Summary: so good Review: the movie was so good, johnny depp made the movie what it was her captured the role of raoul duke in every was posible way. the story line was great, it had a good stupid funny to it.
Rating:  Summary: One of the best movies of all time, but.... Review: I truly feel that most will NOT understand many of the jokes unless they have had the unfortunate circumstance of actually LIVING in the horror that is las vegas. I watched this movie before and after I lived there (for a too-long time period of 6 months) and the difference is amazing. When I watched FALILV before the las vegas "trip," I did not get the jokes, flat out --and further, I felt that, while Johnny's and Benico's performances were good, I would have forgotten all about this movie. However, after my "trip", I found myself cackling uncontrollably throughout the movie -- even without being in an alternate state of mind.
Rating:  Summary: Sure... Review: When I was a college freshman, this book came out in Rolling Stone to which I subscribed at the time. It was hysterical, so much that I bought the book which I've read a couple of times since then, along with other Thompson volumes. Just the inventory of drugs the characters had while in their trip through Vegas was mind-boggling--literally. That they topped it all off with a six pack of Ballentine Ale led old friends and me to get a few sixers of that when we went, say, to a drive in theatre on a Friday night when there was nothing else to do.By the by, can one still get Ballentine Ale? Anyway, while the book was hysterical, the beginning of what came to be called gonzo journalism, I didn't take it too seriously. First, it was an era, those many years ago, when those of us young in the era had a sort of "I did more dope than you did," better-than-the-Joneses manifestation. And that was a key component of the book. The film was even more that way, I thought. True, Depp and Del Toro's performances were stellar given the nature of the characters. But I get the impression, especially after listening the the interviews and promos that are part of the DVD, that they were as busy taking Rauol Duke, aka Hunter Thompson, more seriously than even he intended. I personally have little use for Las Vegas, one of the last places on the planet I have any use to visit. So anything to spoof it is to me worthwhile. And there were scenes I found very funny. The story popped all over the place--and I was warned of by at least two people before I even saw it. Indeed, one of them told me when he watched it a second time it was like a new story because of the things he missed the first time around. But, to be honest, I don't know I want to see it a second time. This from a guy who watches his favorite films over and over! Oh, before I forget, it had a remarkable cast. In the interview, Depp commented on how many people wanted to be part of the project once it started--including Tim Thomerson! If you do get to watch it, take the story for what it's worth. And don't expect most of your friends to want to line up to see it. Then let me know where I can get some Ballantine Ale.
Rating:  Summary: Why Did They Hire Gilliam? Review: First off let me say that if you haven't seen this movie at least once don't buy it.You should rent it first.If you don't like it the first time you see it watch it again it will make a lot more sence. Second I think that you should also read the book.It has so much more and a better storyline than the movie.The only reason that the movie did so bad in theatres is because Universal didn't have anything to label this movie as.Which is very bad for promotional purposes.I also think that it was a mistake hiring Gilliam because his perspective on making the movie was to change things and add midgets. So I think that you should buy this and the book too.
Rating:  Summary: All Time Fave Review: I was searching Johnny Depp movies, came across Fear and Loathing, and could not help but to do a review on it. Absolutely one of the best movies I have ever seen. Benicio Del Toro and Johnny Depp give such incredible performances, that if you showed this movie to someone without telling them who is in it, they would probably never guess Depp and Del Toro. The 2 play off each other amazingly. The movie is a lot of fun to watch with a friend and laugh out loud at. I can honestly say that I relate to some of the things they do in this movie, and watching them portray it brings back the memories o so vividly. If you are a Depp fan, watch this movie. If you are a Del Toro fan, watch this movie. If you are a Hunter Thompson fan, watch this movie. In fact, if you have either eyes or ears on your head, and any sense of humor at all, I recommend you watch Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas.
Rating:  Summary: We can't stop here this is bat country Review: Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas is truly one of my favorite movies of all time, I purchased the Criterion Collection version because it had a cool cover and DTS sound, not much to some but believe me there is tons of stuff in the 2nd disc that if you are a Thompson fan, you will love the extras and, if you are not a Thompson fan, you will become one. A slight suggestion from me to you my friend, read the book before you watch the movies, believe me. I regret not following my friend's advice so much, I would have gotten everything so much better and been able to appreciate the movie as much as I do the 1st time I watched it, instead of the 5th time I watched it.Notes on the movie, Johnny's acting is probably his best in this movie, if you've watched Pirates of the Caribbean, you'll know where he got those moves, Benicio is absolutely wonderful if not totally unrecognizable, good god man, I did not believe it was him till the credits ran, I thought my friends were just messing with me. I need sleep, or at least to study for exams tomorrow, good night, rent the movie 1st then go ahead and buy it.
Rating:  Summary: What a trip! Review: From the man who brought us the surreal, yet hauntingly real, world of "Brazil" comes the drug-induced world of "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas." Terry Gilliam uses his craft to mimic this world and help the viewer feel as if he or she is part of this world. As a result, this film appears disconnected and bizarre. Don't worry. It's supposed to be that way. In route to a writing project, Johnny Depp plays Hunter S. Thompson, aka Duke Raoul, who with his lawyer, played by an initially unrecognizable Benecio Del Toro, binge and document their way through the experience. Is it the drugs or is it Las Vegas? Both seem to feed of each other. The film tells us that somehow the adages and directions given in the 60s seem to have misled us somehow. Not an anti-drug movie, the movie merely points out that there seems to be a step missing in the search for truth. I would only recommend this to a patient viewer. It does take a while to connect the ideas.
Rating:  Summary: killer flick Review: "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" proved that Dr. Thompson's forms of Gonzo journalism and countless drug trips and highs can turn out to be a good movie that is humorous, and yet shows the dismantlement of the "American Dream". Johnny Depp shows an excellent perfomance of Dr. Thompson's personality trait character known as Duke in the movie. This was not my first movie seeing Johnny Depp act, the first i actually saw was Sleepy Hollow, but i never got the impression that he was as talented of an actor as he is made out to be. If you like this film, you should check out Blow (which came out a few years after this film did and, yes, it involves drug usage for all your stoners and acid trippers out there). Also, word has it that another "Dr. Thompson" related movie is in the works, and will once again have Johnny Depp and Benecio Del Toro in it, more details in that as it comes!
Rating:  Summary: loved it!! Review: very awesome movie, takes eveything from the book...wonderful acting and the dvd extras were very good.A must have for any Depp fan..