Rating:  Summary: Remember the early 70s Review: I cant think of a better way to recall the 70s. Be careful about children watching. Lots of drug use fun.
Rating:  Summary: I went on a voyage far, far away... Review: I must be 2/3 predictable, because out of the three movies recommended for people who bought "Fear and Loathing," I love two ("Big Lebowski" and "Brazil"). But I must also have a shard of reckless unpredictability as well because I hated the third, "Crash." In any case, I'm a big Gilliam fan, but not a blind one. "12 Monkeys" was lacking in depth and a few other things, but "Fear and Loathing" makes up for it in more ways than one. Dissuaded from seeing the film in the theater because of all the bad press, I ended up renting it one night not expecting to think much of it. What happened was, the film just blew me the hell away. I've almost never been taken so far away from my real physical timespace. I journeyed through a spiral of mental states I didn't even know were possible during complete sobriety. I also laughed deeply and painfully.Hats of to Gilliam for this one, it's just amazing.
Rating:  Summary: Weird, Wild and Wonderful!! Review: Well, gotta say, I loved this movie, THE most underrated film of 1998. I think I saw it on only about two end of year 10 best films lists. I thought the film was highly entertaining, hilarious, bizarre, fascinating, and just plain fun. I really love Terry Gilliam's work, he just keeps getting better. You don't need to be stoned to enjoy this. Go one, be brave, see it.
Rating:  Summary: Bad craziness, Savage vibrations.... Review: Mother-of-sweating-Jesus! What does it all mean? Does it even matter? Like it or don't like it, your opinion has no worth to me at all. This bit of film is without any doubt the best adaptation of a book I have ever seen, almost a direct translation. And the book it is based on is too well done to be understood. Somehow though, it all works itself into a five star rating. It makes about as much sense as this review, which I am hoping is weird and confusing. And your ax never did tell me where the bathroom was....
Rating:  Summary: you do not have to be a junkie to enjoy this film!!! Review: I've seen this movie while being bored, touring paris, France. Frankly, I did not want to go to this movie I wanted to go play in an arcade but since Johnny Depp was playing in it ,I had let my friend talk me into seeing the movie. This movie is probably the most enjoying movie I've seen in ages. Since then, I saw this movie another eleven times and each time I find new details I've missed before. You do not have to master the dark world of narcotics in order to be amused by this film, although I think it might help (the script mentions stuff I've never heard of in my narcotics class at med school). Both acteurs captured the essence of being junkies, you'd laugh just seeing them move. This film does not recomend using drugs, it just shows the othentic and hilarious life of a junkie. May I add that the french did not seem to understand the humor, but my friend and I ripped our bellies laughing for them. In short, this is a warm hearted recomendation.
Rating:  Summary: Great psychadelic experience Review: Fear and Loathing makes the use of drugs absolutely unnecessary! You get stoned by only watching this film and if you have ever had any acid-trips in your life you will definetely get an enormous feeling of deja-vu when stumbling through Las Vegas together with Raul Duke! This is much more fun and a lot easier than any psychadelic experience in your life! BUT REMEMBER: IT IS JUST A MOVIE and DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME!
Rating:  Summary: Hallucinatory Highway Hijinks!!! Review: I LOVED this film! Johnny Depp gives yet another brilliant performance as journalist Hunter Thompson, and Bencio del Toro is also excellent,leaving whatever hearthrob image he had behind as a bloated drug addled lawyer/sidekick. The director does a great job of bringing Thompson's novel to life with outrageous visuals, and special effects. This movie is incredibly funny and one you won't get tired of after repeated viewing. I read the book after I watched the film and it definatley stays true to the novel even using whole paragraphs as dialogue. This film turned me onto the writings of Hunter Thompson who is possibly the coolest writer on the planet. I say buy this film and check out the book as well!!
Rating:  Summary: If you only miss one movie this year make it this one! Review: I love movies and I'm willing to accept films that are out there but this movie wasn't just out there it was just stupid. Everything had been done before. The way they treated drugs and the effects of them was at least a little on the mark but it never captivated even a little bit of my attention. I was so sad that I had paid money to watch it. I finally got fed up with it and turned off the tape 3/4 of the way threw the film. Therefore it may have some quailites in the ending that I'm not aware of but I think that the rest of the film is so terrible that it couldn't possibally be worth it. If you like J.Depp, as I do, then you would be much better off renting one of his other movies. If you are interested in the effects of drug abuse you could do much better by viewing almost any other movie with the same subect matter.
Rating:  Summary: WOW! Review: This is one of the funniest movies to come along in a long time. When this movie was released, I immediately went out and bought the book. I have since read it about four times. It has become my favorite book of all time. I was the first to rent the movie, at my video store. After viewing the movie a first time I rewound it and watched it again. I was amazed at Gilliam's directing technique. Depop was totally believeable as Thompson's psuedonym. It is a dead on adaption from the book as well. It's as if they used the book as the script. While I may find this movie incredible, it is not for all tastes.
Rating:  Summary: Just say "yes" to Fear and Loathing. Review: I didn't know what to expect from this movie. I don't even know why I rented it, but i'm sure glad i did! what a f-ing trip! I watched it really late at night by myself, and the whole time i thought i was on drugs myself. Don't Do Drugs. Do Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.