Rating:  Summary: Great Movie, Ruined DVD Review: My mind was blown when i realized you could not go to the menu or advance pass the 5 minutes of trailers on this DVD without fast forwarding. What does this accomplish besides inconviencing the consumer who put out anywhere from 20 to 28 dollars for this disc. Ridiculous, Focus Features is a crap company.
Rating:  Summary: Good movie, Bad DVD Review: The first DVD I have purchased that requires the viewer to fast forward past commercials. Disgusting commercialism mars an otherwise nice, subtle movie.
Rating:  Summary: Spare yourself. Review: Indeed, lost in translation. Maybe it's better in Japanese. What baffles me most about this movie is how so many critics could see anything in it. Groundhog Day is more profound, and infinitely more humorous than this. Don't waste your time.
Rating:  Summary: Good Culture Shock... Review: Those who find it overrated seem to have failed in grasping Sofia's intent of making the viewer feel a dose of culture shock just as Bob and Charlotte do. The small story is of no significant importance, Its the subtle and tender caring for each and every Bob and Charlotte in the world. Go into it with an open mind and try your hardest to not wait for "something to happen".You might just love it to death as I do.
Rating:  Summary: Overrated!!! Review: I just saw Lost in Translation on DVD. This movie defines the word "overrated". What a boring movie! I actually dosed off for a few minutes. I went back to see what I missed. It didn't matter. Boring characters, boring script, boring movie!!! I can't believe it was nominated for best picture while good films were passed over. I can't see how anyone can call this a great movie, unless understated and boring is now considered greatness. I write screenplays and one of the cardinal rules of screenwriting is "don't bore your audience".
Rating:  Summary: Lying awake Review: This is a wonderful movie of two lost souls who for a short time seem to find each other and themselves...and then they move on. An unhurried, gentle and delicate reflection of searching for meaning and direction. It reminded me of "Un Coeur En Hiver (A Heart in Winter)", this is unfortunately only available in VHS. The plot is simple: take two thoughtful, intelligent but conflicted souls out of their usual environment (place them in the familiar, but distinctly different city scape of Tokyo), take away their communication channels (leave only fax messages, cell-phone calls, poor translation attempts), their daily rhythm (resulting in a dazed insomnia) and have them discover what really matters the most to them. Bob Harris (Bill Murray) is an actor, who sold his soul and talent for a 2 million dollar advertisement offer, while he could be in a play back at home. He is married with children. He is cynical, but never condescending. Charlotte (Scarlett Johansson) is way after the honeymoon of her 2 year marriage, with the doubts of a seemingly wasted Yale philosophy degree, who spends a lot of time staring through her hotel window or walking around in an impersonal city. She is gentle, but never sentimental. During a few days in Tokyo they discover that what both of them were missing was intimacy and mutually stimulating companionship blended through the magical charm of romance.
Rating:  Summary: The Lost in All of Us Review: Amidst all of the big Hollywood blockbusters late last year, there premiered a small, quiet little film that nearly blew all other films out of the water. Now, as Oscar season rolls around, there seems to be great emphasis on this film and deservedly so. "Lost in Translation" was one of the best films released last year, and quite possibly, over the course of several years. The plot initially seems bland or blase; a washed-up movie star visits Tokyo to do a liquor commercial, and meets an attractive girl in a bar. So what makes this film so special? First, the talent of Bill Murray. Murray simply steals this movie and makes it his own. As Bill Harris, Murray drips sadness, bewilderment, and approachibility with every scene. He somehow drops his comic guard and allows us in, living with him this incredible foreign experience. We are with him every step of the way, and understand him totally. Adding to the mixture is the beautiful Scarlett Johansson, who mirrors Murray's performance perfectly. The two leads could not have been better suited for these roles. Second, the script rocks. Both characters at different times in their lives ooze a loneliness that's brought out in the hustle and bustle of modern day Japan. They reach out to each other in thier loneliness, in an attempt to make human contact with another like soul. Although both characters are married, it's never threatening, and you come to understand their motives. All of this is emphasized with the second theme running through the movie, a fish out of water in the country of Japan. The results are both hilarious and introspective, and perfect. But what really makes this movie shine is the many, many, many moments of perfect quietness that speak essential truths. The lonely sound of bells ringing as Murray stands heads above each person in the elevator. The underwater exercise class. Charlotte walking across the pond on circular stones. Bill sitting alone in the bar. Charlotte being pulled into a flower arranging class. You may appreciate one or two of these moments, but this film is loaded with them. They allow this film to breathe; breathe life into the plot, the characters, and breathe life into ourselves. Lost in Translation is a remarkable film from a remarkable first time director. If you haven't seen it, rent or buy in now. You simple won't regret this decision.
Rating:  Summary: One of the Greatest Review: This movie was such a good movie, i wrote about it for a college class last semester. Here are some excerpts from my paper. "Lost in Translation is a movie not intended for the masses. It does not have 15 minute car chases, or handsome Hollywood hunks. It has real characters, with real problems that find themselves in a strange place. Lost in Translation captures a feeling lost in many movies today, loneliness. Movies should not always have a story book ending, because that is not the way life really is. Loneliness is a constant theme throughout this movie, but it is expressed in many different ways." "When Bob calls home, it is as cordial as a conversation with a telemarketer. He will say "I love you" after his wife hangs up. It appears as if the love is gone in his relationship with his wife. He seems very depressed. He drowns his pain in an ever-present glass of whiskey." "Movies are meant to give you an escape from reality. Sometimes a good bloody movie is just the cure for a bland week at school. This movie is not an escape from reality. The only escape is into the glowing lights of Tokyo. This movie probably plays out for people everyday. It somehow finds a way to be entertaining. It is defiantly not a movie for the masses. Some people would find it very difficult to sit through this movie. This is real life though, and it is interesting. The feelings this movie will give you are indescribable. You will feel for Bob when he is on the phone with his wife. You will feel for Charlotte when she realizes she faces a daunting task in front of her, staying married. Your emotions will be tugged upon during the ending. These characters both are lonely without each other. Millions of questions go unanswered in this movie, but that is what makes it so good. It is not the classic happy ending. If a happy ending is what you want, Go see Finding Nemo. For a great movie, with great actors and a great story, check out Lost in Translation. It is a movie that deals with very real problems we face everyday. Loneliness is present in everyone's life. This movie breaks the mold of Hollywood movies. Lost in Translation is a movie about life. Life is not perfect but it is still worth living"
Rating:  Summary: Boring! Review: Like all the other people that have written a review on this movie that have hated it, I don't see what the fuss is about. In recent history of my theatre experiences this was only of one of two movies that I wanted to leave. The other was Unforgiven with Clint Eastwood. Both were extremely boring but at least Unforgiven had some action in the end. This had NOTHING! If it wasn't for Bill Murray this movie would be my new 'worst' movie ever. It's rather fascinating how others can see how this a classic portray between two people. I see it as two people who find each other and that's it.
Rating:  Summary: Fantastic film, terrible DVD Review: Seeing this film in the theater, I fell in love with it before it even ended. But my anticipation of it's DVD release has been rewarded with disappointment: 1. Universal's decision to bundle ten minutes of ads at the beginning, which cannot be skipped, is classless, grubbing, and unforgiveable. 2. The mastering is poor -- compression artifacts are evident in dark scenes, and the overall image feels slightly blurred. 3. The audio is poorly mastered, too, abruptly changing levels several times. Did anyone even supervise this transfer? 4. An insert of some kind would have been nice, even just a photo card. Opening the sleeve to just the disc is a mild letdown, and leaves me wondering if just my copy is like this. It's a shame a movie this moving and enjoyable was pushed through such a shoddy production process. Save your money, and let's hope another distributor gets their hands on this soon and does it right.