Rating:  Summary: Some Folks Just Don't Get It... Review: Not going to spend any time here reviewing the movies, we all know what they're like. I just wanted to say to the folks complaining that the films do not accurately portray actual Police Academies have missed the point completely: In the first minute of the first movie, the titles state very plainly that the new mayor has done away with all restrictions on applicants to the Police Academy. Absolutely no one could be turned away. Fat, weak, dumb, short, timid, crazy, old... anyone was eligable. The point of the movies -- if they have a point -- is that "this" is what happens when you indiscriminately let just anybody off the street in the Academy. I guess after 7 movies some people forgot what they were watching.
Rating:  Summary: Great, But Not Perfect Review: The classic series FINALLY arrives on DVD (why did they ever wait so long? Part 1 was released so long ago...) Its a series def not remembered for writing or acting, but for its silly jokes. The DVD set has decent special featurettes (making of vids for each DVD in series) & original trailers. My major complaint is the "mixing" of the box set. Parts 1, 2, 3, 6, & 7 are widescreen, parts 4 & 5 are full frame. WHY??? This is just going to annoy fans of the series (some people like WS, some like FF, but noone is going to be happy with a box set that mixes both).
Rating:  Summary: The first three are the best, PA 4 was saved by the girl* Review: The Police Academy movies are, sometimes, the greatest films to put in your DVD player on a lazy Sunday afternoon for a "guilty pleasure-eighties flashback", escape from our millenium age high pressure current lifestyle. The films from the eighties are fun, non-sensical, and simply comforting compared to today's highly tense, bad taste comedies.
The first Police Academy was the only one of the 7 which was rated R. The rest were PG-13. The first one was great because it was fresh and new. I agree with many of the positive reviews Amazon's readers and reviewers said about it. Police Academy 2: Their First Assignment, was improved and remained fresh because it added Tim Kazurinsky and Bobcat Goldthwait as new comic relief characters. Police Academy 3: Back in Training, made these two new characters into police cadets. Absolutely farcical, but yet, all the more reason that Police Acedemy maintained it's charm.
However, it was at Police Academy 4: Citizen's on Patrol, that it seemed that they were starting to "clutch at straws" to get a laugh. I'll admit, I enjoyed these "Police Academy" movies back in the eighties. Honestly, I really only have seen the first two in the theatre. The third one I saw on cable TV. Now that I've bought the box set on DVD, I can honestly say that it is at this 4th sequel of the "Police Academy" films, that they really should have stopped right here. A lot of the humor is predictable and (most annoyingly) often repeated. For example, Winslow (Larvell Jones), was doing his silly "karate man" humor excessively through many of the "Police Academy" films. If he only did this in one film, the humorous impact would have been cherished more. The first three "Police Academy" films are the best. Taking this predictable slapstick into four more follow-up films (with totally forgettable stories) was just a bit too much. On a positive note, "Police Academy 4: Citizens on Patrol" starred Corinne Bohrer* as Laura. What a gorgeous blonde babe she is! And also, I'll have to admit that on the documentaries of the making of the "Police Academy" films, Leslie Easterbrook is still quite an attractive looking woman. Marian Ramsey still looks good, too. But, Bubba Smith? Man, he's got a stupid looking haircut these days. How embarrassing!
As a whole, the price for this complete 7 DVD box set is a bargain, even if you do have to end up with the last three excruciatingly dull films. It's cheaper to buy this box set than it is to just buy the first 4 seperately. I suspect that the last 3 Police Academy DVD's will be filling the shelves of used DVD outlets very quickly. I'm glad I got rid of mine.
Rating:  Summary: The first three are the best, PC 4 was saved by the girl* Review: The Police Acedemy movies are, sometimes, the greatest films to put in your DVD player on a lazy Sunday afternoon for a "guilty pleasure-eighties flashback", escape from our millenium age high pressure current lifestyle. The films from the eighties are fun, non-sensical, and simply comforting compared to today's highly tense, bad taste comedies. The first Police Acedemy was the only one of the 7 which was rated R. The rest were PG-13. The first one was great because it was fresh and new. I agree with many of the positive reviews Amazon's readers and reviewers said about it. Police Academy 2: Their First Assignment, was improved and remained fresh because it added Tim Kazurinsky and Bobcat Goldthwait as new comic relief characters. Police Acedemy 3: Back in Training, made these two new characters into police cadets. Absolutely farcical, but yet, all the more reason that Police Acedemy maintained it's charm. However, it was at Police Academy 4: Citizen's on Patrol, that it seemed that they were starting to "clutch at straws" to get a laugh. I'll admit, I enjoyed these "Police Academy" movies back in the eighties. Honestly, I really only have seen the first two in the theatre. The third one I saw on cable TV. Now that I've bought the box set on DVD, I can honestly say that it is at this 4th sequel of the "Police Academy" films, that they really should have stopped right here. A lot of the humor is predictable and (most annoyingly) often repeated. For example, Winslow (Larvell Jones), was doing his silly "karate man" humor excessively through many of the "Police Academy" films. If he only did this in one film, the humorous impact would have been cherished more. The first three "Police Academy" films are the best. Taking this predictable slapstick into four more follow-up films (with totally forgettable stories) was just a bit too much. On a positive note, "Police Academy 4: Citizens on Patrol" starred Corinne Bohrer* as Laura. What a gorgeous blonde babe she is! And also, I'll have to admit that on the documentaries of the making of the "Police Academy" films, Leslie Easterbrook is still quite an attractive looking woman. Marian Ramsey still looks good, too. Bubba Smith? Man, he's got a stupid haircut these days. How embarrassing! As a whole, the price for this comple 7 DVD box set is a bargain, even if you do have to end up with the last three excruciatingly dull films. It's cheaper to buy this box set than it is to just buy the first 4 seperately. I suspect that the last 3 Police Academy DVD's will be filling the shelves of used DVD outlets very quickly. I'm glad I got rid of mine.
Rating:  Summary: Why oh Why the fullscreen!!!!! Review: These movies are childhood favorites. I was disappointed when Police Academy on DVD was fullscreen. So I was excited when the 7 movies were slated for widescreen DVD release. To my horror I found out after I bought them that 4 and 5 are fullscreen. Shouldn't this be a matching set. I have a widescreen TV and having two of the movies in this set in fullscreen is intollerable. I would like to find the person who made that decision and give him or her a battery acid enema. All I can say is that Warner Brothers had better rerelease those two in a widescreen format.
Rating:  Summary: Hilarious Box Set Review: This is a great box set. The Police Academy series is my favorote comedy series along with the Naked Gun series, National Lampoons Vacation series, Austin Powers series and the Scary Movie series. I'm so glad that the sereis is finally on dvd. The first two may be to bad for kids under 9 but the rest of them are for the family to enjoy. Of coarse, the first one is in a 20th Anniversary Special Edition. Police Academy 1,2,3,6 and 7 will be in widescreen and Police Academy 4 and 5 will be in a fullscreen which I think is stupid. If most of them are in widescreen, why not make them all widescreen. But what can you do about it. The first film will have a great commentary to go with it. The other films will just have a trailer and documentary.Police Academy- This is the best of the series and had me laughing all the way through. Tackleberry made me laugh like crazy. "DROP THE STERIO, OR I'LL BLOW YOUR DAMN NUTS OFF." This is a good deal in this box set, and is still a believable movie. 10/10 Rated R for language, adult humor, and nudity. Police Academy 2: Their First Assinment- This is almost as funny as the first and had most of the characters from the first one. I wonder why George Martini wasn't in anymore of the Police Academy films. "You have the right to sing the blues". 9/10 Rated PG-13 for language, adult humor, mild violence and brief nudity. Police Academy 3: Back In Training- This is a great, funny and strong entry in the series. Zed and Sweetchuck are a team in this (but Sweetchuck hates Zed.) The only part I didn't like was the boring boat chase at the end. "People used to say I was a real jerk, but now I'm a people guy." This was a funny movie. 9/10 Rated PG for mild language, violence, and some crude humor. Police Academy 4: Citizens On Patrol- This is a funny movie. In this one, Harris returns and Proctor is his partner. Althou this filmisn't the best in the series, it is still funny. Why wasn't Fackler in this one. "Gene, Gene made a machine, Joe Joe made it go, Art Art blew a fart and blew the damn thing apart". Get ready to laugh. 8/10 Rated PG for language, crude humor, and some mild violence. Police Academy 5: Assinment Miami Beach- This is another strong entry in the series and is a bit better than number 4. Harris and Procter steal the show in this one big time. Too bad Steve Guttenberg didn't make any more. "Now I have to kill you, nothing personal". 8/10 Rated PG for mild language, humor, and some violence. Police Academy 6: City Under Seige- This is the second best in the series. Fackler returns, but House is gone. This has a cool car chase at the end of the film. It's cool when Jones does Terminator. "Target, HUMAN". So get ready to laugh in this slapstick. 10/10 Rated PG for crude humor, language, and violence. Police Academy 7: Mission To Moscow- This is an ok movie but is a bit too slow and not funny. I guess it's not a terrible movie and is good for a chuckle on a boring Sunday afternoon. "We're in deep borse." 4/10 Rated PG for mild sensuality. So, this is a great box set and most of the movies are hilarious. Watch out, cause they might be making a 8th Police Academy movie.
Rating:  Summary: Awsome Review: This is a hilarious set and I love all of the movies in it. I'm glad the Police Academy pack is finally on dvd. GET IT!
Rating:  Summary: I like it Review: This is an awsome box set and I love this box set and everyone should get it.
Rating:  Summary: Police Academy: Inaccurate but very funny Review: Well ok let's face it. This series is perhaps the worst in the world if you want to get police references. However, I really don't think that the true daily police life was the point to the film. If you listen to the commentary for the first movie, the director, and cast members admit that really was not the point of the movies. The point was to make people laugh and try something different during the time. It's great because no one dies and it really is just for laughs. So if you don't think you'll be offended by the most insane police deceptive work and wacky one liners. Then this is a great box set for you. But if your the exact opposite. Then just simply don't buy it.
Rating:  Summary: Great Price for all 6 Review: What a terrific low price for 6 great films! Plus one thrown in for free. The Police Acadamy box set contains all 7 movies. But I dont like the packaging, they come in a box, with 7 individual CARDBOARD case's. I hate those carboard ones, there too easy to damage, the cheapo's making those thing's should be shot. And I think the box set should have came with, maybe 3 discs? All the bonus material of the commentary and stuff on one disc as the original and best Police Academy 1. And parts 2 + 3 + 4 on one disc, and parts 5 + 6 + 7 on another disc! I'm sure theyd fit! POLICE ACADEMY - The original and the best. The movie you either love or hate, the movie that started it all off. Introducing us to beleoved charactors such as Mahoney , Jones, Callihan, Harris, Hightower, Spakler, Takleberry, Lassard and many, many more. As the new recruits of an Academy are brought in, to go into one comedic ride of fun. If you dont laugh at the movie's jokes, then you just cannot have a sense of humor then?! And to those of you who said that the movie is so far fetched ,and isnt realistic enough liek real life cops? Ummmm... Its a comedy... Thats like saying the Wizard of Oz was a bad movie because this place over the rainbow dosent really exsist, and the trees and scarcrows and tin men and lions dont talk! It's a comedy...and its probably based more on reality then youd think! PART 2 - There first Asignment kicks of when Cmndt Lassards brother is the cheif of a prescint thats going down the drain and the streets are beeing run wild with crime and gangs. So when his brother asks Lassard for assistance. He sends just the right men for the job! Also introducing the funny and hillarious animal of a man Mr Zed (Bob Cat Goldwaith) who is just crazy and funny. Also lassards brother is... eh, that guy from "Head of the class" before Billy Connely took over. Alos introduces the man to hate, Mauser and his more populer side kick, the goofy guy Proctor. A man who isnt playing with a full deck! Part 3 - Back In training: It's time for one of the states 2 academys to be shut down. And it's a decicion from a commity to be made which is the better acadamy? which will be the one that remains open. But with [now] Cmndt Mauser up to his unfair play, he's sabataging Lassards acadmey to win. Part 4 - Citizens on Patrol: this is my favorite of them all, Lassard has put a comunity based prgram together to help get the comuinty involved in helping stop crime. But as he vacations, the return of Captin Harris is a little jelous and agaisnt the program, and attempts to make it fail. But with new recruits and the old ones, the underdogs are to the rescue. Also it introduces David Spade and Sharon Stone. They only appeared in this film. But I beleive it was Spades first? Part 5: Miami Beach: A favorite of mine, but not to others for some reason? I guess they just dont like the fact Steve Guttenberg didnt return to play Mahoney. Lassard has been honured as the police cheif of the decade. And his award will be presented in Miami Beach Florida. And of coarse, he brings he's find team with him on a vacation, but soon trouble lurks as a gang of theives get mixed up with a diamond problem, and Lassard is kidnapped. And the boys n girls in blue are out to the rescue! Part 6: Also one that got put down, but I love it. A crime syndicate has arrupted in the area by a master mind. And it's up to the Police Acadmey to join Captin Harris's precint to figure out, and stop the crime wave. Also shows the return of monster truck Big Foot, who was also in part 2, for some useless information for you. Part 7: Mission to Moscow - Minamal laughs to me. Even with a bit more of a budget and filming one of the first american comedys in Russia, I didnt feel like the movie had the same spirit as the other 6. The new lead guy, whatever his name is? (in 18 again/Diagnoses murder) didnt really seem like the type of new leader role. Also missing from the group is High Tower (Bubba Smith) and Proctor. A few laughs here and there, and even tho P.A movies have always been kind of goofy, I felt the 7th one was just too cartoon wacky to be liked. If I was buying the Movies individualy, I would have skipped buying 7. But seeing as how its such a great price for all 7, I'll consider the 7th to be a thrown in for free movie with the other 6! The bonus features are decent. on the first disc you get commentary by a few of the charactors and producer ect... and around about a 30 minute interveiw with cast and crew in a kind of re-union. And its sad to find out that Tackleberry has passed away in recent years. It would be nice to know what he thought about playing his manicly ,gun crazy and loony role? All discs come with a short interveiw, and some with a little bit of on location, or on location interveiw footage. Not much to please tho. The only one that was really nice to see was part 4 Citizens on Patrol has "Deleted Scenes"!!!! It was great to see some unseen footage from the movies! In the commetary they talk about cut scenes, and it would have been great to see them on the first one; but I guess the footage doesnt exsist anymore? too bad. Overall: Excellent price for all 6 movies, plus you get part 7 thrown in for free (probably the only way to get any one to buy it?) Even tho 4 and 5 arnt in widescreen. It dosent bother me, There great movies. And definitly without a doubht, one of the very few movies that has had succsesfull seaqulls!