Rating:  Summary: funny, weird movie Review: this is a great comidy, but im still not sure i intirely understand the plot. oh well. very funny movie. that you might want to watch some time.
Rating:  Summary: Only the Coens... Review: Wow. What a film. What a marvelous, glorious film. While there is essentially no plot, and what little there is makes little sense, this PERFECTLY cast movie is crammed with so much good stuff, so much inspired lunacy, that you will find yourself not caring a bit.Though Jeff Bridges is the main character, and a fine job he does, the real star is John Goodman, that big jolly man who frequents SNLs and other Coen Brothers movies. Absolutely NO ONE ELSE could pull off the role of Walter, the militaristic Vietnam vet obsessed with his ex-wife, to the point of converting to Judaism and refusing to do anything, including bowling, on the Sabbath. The energy conveyed by Goodman in this role, in particular when fighting the German nihilists, is truly inspiring. Also in fine form is Steve Buscemi as Donnie, the misfit third wheel who is constantly out of his element. Bridges portrays the philosophical slacker with laid back ease. Julianne Moore is unflinchingly brilliant as the ultra-artsy feminist Maude Lebowski. Young Tara Reid, pre- AMERICAN PIE, plays a perfectly idiotic trophy wife, a role she seems born for. And do let us not forget Jesus the Bowler, played with sexual, perverse flair by John Turturro. And the seasoned veteran Sam Elliot does not disappoint as the narrating cowboy. In more minor areas, the millionaire Lebowski is excellent; the German nihilists, including Flea of the Red Hot Chili Peppers, are menacingly silly; the porn kingpin Jackie Gleeson is an effective slimeball; and the Malibu police officer ("stay out of my beach community, you bum...") could not be better. Filled with skillful shots, including one from a bowling ball, repeated references ("It really tied the room together"), and surreal nonsense ("Gutterballs"), this is not to be missed. By any means. The Dude Abides.
Rating:  Summary: The dude, his dudeness, el duderino Review: One of thoce movie that is just funny in so many ways. Jeff Bridges stars as a dope smoking refugee who gets his carpet urinated on because they were looking for the other Jeff Lebowski who is a millionare. He is friends with John Goodman who is convinced that everything has to do with Vietnam, and Steve Buscemi who can't get a word in because of Goodman. Not to mention John Turturro as Jesus, Julliane Moore as Maude, and Peter Storemare from "Fargo" as the nihlist. I will even give props to Tara Reid, ( who hasn't made one good movie in her life) as Bunny. The dude is the highlight though, the opening scene where he writes a check for .69 cents, plus the dream sequences, especially "Gutterballs". There is so many laughs in this flick, The Cohen brothers keep outdoing themselves. The soundtrack is a good one as well.
Rating:  Summary: what is wrong with me?? Review: All of my friends have raved to me about this movie, and I finally watched it. It was just awful! There is no plotline, no likeable characters, and absolutely no point to this huge mess of a movie. None of the eccentric characters are even close to funny, and I found myself wondering why in the world they agreed to make this picture. Julianne Moore is a great actress, but she has absolutely no function in this film. John Goodman is great at what he does, but in this all he does is run around yelling, bowling, and screaming about Vietnam. Jeff Bridges just wanders around in his bathrobe for 2 hours muttering "man, ya know, man". And then there's poor Steve Buscemi - a wonderful character actor normally, but his character here is only allowed to say half his lines before Goodman's character tells him to shut up. And the plot...what plot? This movie had no development or climax...it just kind of ended, leaving me wondering what other worthwhile things I've could've done in the 2 hours I used to watch it. But maybe it's just me...my friends sat around and laughed throughout the entire movie, why I will never understand...
Rating:  Summary: AWESOME, FUNNY, NEVER GET'S OLD Review: This movie is amazing, I recomend it for everyone, Jeff Bridges does a great job in it and it is AWESOME, if you don't already have this movie then order it right now!!!, I've watched it so many times. GREAT MOVIE!!!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: AN INSTANT CLASSIC, not one second of film wasted here Review: this has to be one of the most funniest movies u will ever see i cant believe there are people out there that think this is the worst movie dont listen to them at all well actually if u are a sqaure u will hate this movie if u have a life, u will understand what this movie is about ... its a dark twisted comedy but its really funny and it gets better each time u watch it theres even a annual festival for this movie it some states how cool is that IF U ENJOYED MOVIES LIKE: The WOnder Boys Fear and Loathing Las Vegas u will LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE this movie what more can i say this has to be in the top 10 for best comedy ever all those people that gave this movie a bad review if u read their reviews they dont like any good movies this one guy hated Forest Gump, and Dumb and Dumber how the f*** can u trust a person that doesnt like those movies IF U LIKE MOVIES AND IF YOU AREN'T A SQAURE AND ACTUALLY HAVE A LIFE YOU WILL BE ABLE TO UNDERSTAND THE HUMOR HIDDEN IN THIS MOVIE THAT ONLY INTELLIGENT PEOPLE CAN FIND
Rating:  Summary: WELL THAT'S JUST LIKE, MY OPINION MAN Review: this has got to be one of the best comedies ever. it's the kind of movie you can always come back to and watch over and over again. great performances all around, especialy jhon goodman who seems like he was born to play the part.it also contains some of the best soundtracks in a while.great, great movie. and remember:IT'S NOT JUST A MOVIE, IT'S A WAY OF LIFE.
Rating:  Summary: the big review Review: the big lebowski is a very funny movie.lots of swear words a small amount of nudity. may want to put the kids in bed for this one. good bit rate and a great picture.the dvd gives you full and widescreen. If you like the big lubowski i sogest all the friday's and o' brother.
Rating:  Summary: !--!--!--! Review: The Big Lebowski and Miller's Crossing are my favourite Coen movies. Since every Coen movie is perfect, if not in story, at least in execution, this means its one of the best movies ever. It's also one of the most humorous movies ever - visually, verbally, situationally (?), and character-wise. It also features the best character in any movie, ever - Jesus - and the tied-for-best song/moment ever in any movie - the Gypsy Kings cover of 'Hotel California' (the other tied-for-best song ever in any movie being Electric Prunes' rendetion of 'Kyrie Eleison' in Easy Rider). This is another buy... i've watched it many many times and still not sick of it...
Rating:  Summary: The Coens And 'California Crazy'! Review: In what has to be the most brilliantly disjointed and anarchic look at the alienation, apathetic stupor, and pedestrian self-absorption of the pathetic Southern California lifestyle ever filmed, the two Coen brothers ('Fargo') produced and directed this near 'cult' film to explore the plethora of cultural cop-outs parading as lifestyles in this zany yet affectionate look at a totally burned out and yet eminently likeable basket case by the name of Jeff Lebowski, who is played masterfully by Jeff Bridges, in yet another of his consistently underestimated character portrayals. Lebowski prefers to go by his street name of "Dude", and seems to be the ultimate California case of a one-time fairly intelligent 'n'er-do-well' now perpetually down on his luck and reduced to only occasional flashes of clarity and full functioning after way too many years of sex, drugs, and rock and roll, and then some more drugs tossed in on the side. The Coens' penchant for offbeat characters is having a field day here, with everyone in the cast allowed to vent in a kind of wacko 'Disneyland on the strip' approach to making the endless days of gorgeous LA sunshine pass, as our protagonist finds trouble in the promised land. Particularly memorable here is John Goodman weighing in as the paranoid and unpredictably violent Walter Sobchak, the 'Dude's' best friend and perpetual bowling partner. The holy ceremony of bowling and the seriousness that it plays in the lives of the several losers like the Dude, Sobchak, and the preening eccentric Jesus Quintana (a wonderfully over-the-top John Turturro) and the rest of the motley crew on the Dude's team provides a kind of key that unlocks the mystery of their uniformly alienated, pointless, and directionless lives, as each tumbles from crisis to crisis, and with each attempt that Dude makes to cope with the circumstances that mysteriously start to swirl around his drug addled self-absorption and wake him into a groggy yet sober recognition that something very serious and potentially deadly is going on around him, he is repeatedly sabotaged and blind-sided by the myopic and near-psychotic antics of his friends. Dude seems to approach crisis management as an exercise in spin control, and tries, sometimes quite ingeniously, to talk his way out of the staccato violence that punctuates his days with increasingly urgent frequency. But as the mystery deepens and Lebowski is sucked farther into the quicksand of coincidences, mistaken identities, and sheer madness that lurks just beneath the cover of these friendly skies, we are introduced to the powers and the principalities that are driving the madcap antics and the increasing shrill intensities of everyone but the Dude. The plot often seems disjointed, yet in a macabre way that seems to shout that not only is truth sometimes stranger than fiction, it is sometimes absolutely insane. Yet it eventually resolves itself into a semi-rational resemblance to plausible reality, or at least almost. And one walks way from the outstanding ensemble cast's performance thinking that something magic and allegorical has happened here, and it is perhaps exactly the insanity of the proceeding activity that is the point. They are indeed, every last one of them, just California crazy! This is a wild roller coaster of a film experience, but one absolutely worth the taking. Buckle up, kids, you're in for a bumpy ride! Enjoy!