Rating:  Summary: No Dearer Mommie Review: This is beyond comedy. It's ability to coalesce the absurd with a perfectly rational, believe character (and mother no doubt) is unparalleled. Kathleen Turner is simply marvelous. She cooks, she cleans, she's attentive and, oh yeah, she's a killer. Ricki Lake is vulnerable and cute. Mathew Lillard shows the signs of his all-around quirky coolness. You can ask for nothing more from a dark comedy: ruthless parody of our obsession with recycling, self-righteousness, courtroom fascination, celebrity fanaticism, sex and more. Watch as the family squirms as a pack of police cars trail them to church to keep an eye on the suspicious mommy. Listen as Turner taunts a neighbor with a prank phone calls and actually makes "pussy-willow" a bad term. This is a raucous, fall-on-the-floor comedy you will never forget. In fact, you could not forget it if you tried.
Rating:  Summary: funniest movie Review: I rated this movie a 5 bacause it is a very funny movie.it is about a mom that is abot to breack sain when she does she goes crazy and does stuff to other people.I like this movie because she does some stuff that is bad but she does alot of stuff that is funny that is why it is called a comedy
Rating:  Summary: One of the best comedies ever made!! Review: This classic John Waters film is one the best comedies ever made! Katheleen Turner is excellent as the June Cleaver-type "Serial Mom" who becomes a celebrity once she starts killing off anyone who annoys her. She is the perfect wife, and a loving mother who ALWAYS recycles, and if you don't do what she thinks is right, she kills you. But it is hilarious at the same time! Sam Waterson (Man in the Moon) stars as the husband, and Matthew Lillard (Scream) and Ricki Lake (The Ricki Lake Show) star as the children. This, along with the FABULOUS "Death Becomes Her", is my favorite comedy. But beware, this IS a John Waters film, so it is expected to be strange. But it is a FUN film, and you are sure to love it. It is gory in some parts though, and is probably the only film to contain a murder by leg of lamb (yes, you heard me, a leg of lamb!). Highly recommended!!
Rating:  Summary: Serious fun Review: The story of the woman defending her family results in the best movie of John Waters and the best role of Kathleen Turner, one of the 80's big actresses.Without spoiling the fun the movie makes, it contains the most hilarious murder ever committed, the best courtroom scene ever and the aftermath of it (even more funny), and the most idiotic story in the world that works. All the actors are great but Kathleen Turner is absolutely fantastic (or frenetic ?). She should have got an AA for this role. She is totally psychotic, anyway you can't help but love her. She is the perfect mother but she is too perfect and this results in some "accidents". Anyone who tries to harm her family is... in danger (to say the least) John Waters is known for some movies in the past (Pink Flamingos, a cult trash movie for instance) but this is the best movie he's ever directed. It is a comedy as dark as the night and a superb satire. It IS trash but the best trash I've ever seen. So it is highly recommended for anyone who doesn't moralize over some silly things. Because this story is silly. If it wouldn't be then... anyway who knows what their neighbours are doing :). Maybe serial mom lives next to you but you haven't recognised her yet...
Rating:  Summary: Rewind!!!!.... Review: This is a John Waters film. I think that pretty much says everything. You hear that, you know your not gonna get a normal, sane movie. This oddball film is no exception. Kathleen Turner delivers a knockout performance as a suburban housewife with a great husband and family(Sam Waterston, Ricki Lake, Matthew "Scream" Lillard). But, this happy homemaker is no Mrs. Brady. Dear old mom is a murdering psychopath!!. You wear white after Labor Day, your in big trouble. The movie is twisted and hilariously demented. Did you expect anything less from John Waters?. The jokes are offensive and many gags are not for the squeamish. Obviously, Waters' movies are not for everybody. This one, while it might appear to be otherwise, is not for everyone. Not by a long shot. Many scenes I exploded in laughter. I think you will too. If not, then you get a great performance by Turner, who hasn't been this good in eons.
Rating:  Summary: SERIAL MOM Review: SERIAL MOM is a halarious horror/comedy about a wife and mother who will kill anybody that treats the members of her family wrong or anybody that doesn't live a perfect life. She kills her son's math teacher for giving him a bad grade, she kills her daughters boyfriend after he dumps her, she kills a neighbor for not rewinding her rented videotape, and she also kills a woman for wearing white shoes on Labor Day! ... This is one of the best films that John Waters has made so far --- anyone who is a fan of Waters films or of black comedy in general should pick this one up!
Rating:  Summary: John Waters at his best Review: This is one of my most favorite movies. It was thi smovie that made me a fan of John Waters and his campy style of filmmaking. This movie is extremely funny and outlandish. I love the way that he takes the seemigly perfect family and make the pisture perfect "June CLeaver" mom into a serial killer. My favorite part has got to be the reason that she wants to kill Dottie Hinkle and how she torments her. You have got to see this movie. You will be laughing from beginning to end.
Rating:  Summary: One of Water's Best Review: This movie is just hilarious. It is one of my favorites of all time and probably my favorite John Waters movie. Kathleen Turner gives a tour-de-force performance. It keeps you interested the whole movie. A truly twisted masterpiece.
Rating:  Summary: You'll never watch "Annie" the same way again... Review: John Waters is the true gross-out artist, perfecting the craft before those two obnoxious brats who created "South Park" learned their first dirty words. While in the past 20 years his films have not been as visually shocking as "Pink Flamingos" or his other early films, he's never lost his wonderfully twisted sense of humor. "Serial Mom" is, perhaps, his greatest achievement of his later works starting with "Polyester" and going from there. A brilliant twist on bland sitcom suburbia (Kathleen Turner fits the title role perfectly) mixed with biting commentary about the media hype surrounding trials (and especially since it came out shortly before the OJ Simpson trial). Waters' DVD commentary is always funny and insightful, especially herein. The other extras are okay, but the commentary is what makes the DVD a good buy.
Rating:  Summary: A movie that delivers a strong moral message. Review: There is the legal thing to do and the moral thing to do. Once in a while they may conflict. Mothers have an instinct for this sort of conflict. And this mother has the unique (final) solution. Only Kathleen Turner can carry this out as the demure conscience mother we wish we all had. I really liked the courtroom scene where she puts on a classic defense. An added bonus is the appearance of Traci Lords (Roger Corman's "Not of This Earth" B00005ALMB) as Carl's Date. DO NOT FORGET TO REWIND THIS TAPE.