Rating:  Summary: Classic Australian Story Review: It's no surprise that many Americans do not 'get' this film: it is made for and by Australians. It is not a parody on middle class families, it is simply a great story about the great Aussie Battler. This dvd version apparently is the US version, and will be changed from the original so I would not recommen buying it in this form, but the film itself is gold. European Australians relate to this kind of humour because it is a reflection of themselves. It's not British humour, and defiently not American 'let's make it obvious' humour; it's Australian humour, you can't get much better than that.
Rating:  Summary: I film about the Aussie Battler Review: I watched this movie with Australian friends on a recent trip to Melbourne. If you love Australia, its people and its way of life, you'll enjoy this movie. In its depiction it's as over the top in places as Prescilla and other Oz cult movies. What made it poignant to me is that currently (as of late 2002) Melbourne (and Sydney, for that matter) are going through a real estate bubble that rivals San Francisco or Boston. The Battlers are finding themselves unable to buy their own "castles".I'm grateful for the Aussie reviewer who warned that this edition is edited for an American audience. I was going to buy it, but will now see if I can find an Australian DVD edition.
Rating:  Summary: A great Aussie film Review: The castle is a great Australian film placed in the surrounding areas of an international airport in the city of Melbourne (pronounced Mel-ben). The family are stereotypes of the typical aussie family with their accents and way of life. This film is not poking fun at the lower class aussie, instead it is showing everyone the meaning of family love in it's most simplest form. it is disapointing to read the very few reviews of this film who refer to the castle as not being the slightest bit funny. To those of you who do only laugh at Jim Carey gags, the subtley may be missed on you.This movie is hilarious, and those of you who have even a basic understanding of Australian comedy will appreciate this film even more. This is a great, touching, very funy movie that was produced on an extremely low budget and in less than a week. This explains what some reveiwers call bad picture quality. Although I think this aspect only add's to what the movie is trying to get across to the rest of us anyway. A very nice film that you'll want to own.
Rating:  Summary: Why is it rated 'R'? Review: I love this movie. My wife picked it up off of the "recommended" shelf. It looked like it was filmed in the early 80's, which added charm to the film. What I cannot understand is why it is rated 'R'. There is no sexual content of any kind, no illegal drug use, no violence, (unless you count tearing down a iron fence with a tow truck as violent), or even any blood! I can count on one hand the number of times foul language was used. And most of those times it was the same word! I would go as far as to say that if it were not for the very few swear words this would make a great family movie. We truly enjoyed this movie and would recommend it again and again. The Castle. Rated PG (for mild use of strong language)
Rating:  Summary: Left a lot to be desired Review: This movie aimed a what Ayn Rand dubbed as "a selective concretization of man's metaphysical values." In essenece, the storyline aimed to depict a position of an issue that was very admirable -- the forcable expropriation of private property by the government. However, this is in direct contrast with the actual philosophical purpose of the government -- the protection of property. In that respect, I believed that the movie fulfilled the goal of projecting a very serious problem. However, while its intended projection might be admirable, the execution of this ideal was shoddy, sloppy and incomplete. From the very poor cinematography (I thought this movie was from the 80's if not for the reference to the full monty) to the laughably terrible jokes (no pun intended), this movie, in essence, mocks that which it aims to defend. The movie was too short, and didnt come through in humor or seriousness. The Castle is more like a slum.
Rating:  Summary: Deserves a Cult Following Review: My wife picked this up at the local public library for our weekend viewing pleasure. I initially wasn't enthused because the movie is described on the sleeve as "This Year's Full Monty." I didn't like Full Monty that much. Anyway, it was a Friday evening and it seemed the night for either a porno or a comedy and (as our daughter was still awake) the comedy prevailed and this was all we had in that category. Two minutes into the movie I knew it was going to be great. This is a great family movie. That might make you think it is boring, but I mean it is a great movie about a GREAT FAMILY. This is about a family that doesn't know they are middle class (if not poor). This is a family that is rich in love, loyalty, spirit, respect and dreams. They are kind-hearted yet fearless in the face of unfairness and oppression. The wife character recounts how she fell in love with the husband and it related to his sense of principle. This is a great movie about PRINCIPLES. And these lofty subjects are somehow couched in a humorous setting for which it is hard to come up with an exact comparison, but suffice it to say I found every character very endearing, dimensional, rich. I laughed so hard my eyes were tearing up. This is the type of movie that "they" ought to make often. It promotes only good and healthy outlooks. This is not a prudish movie by any means, but it is wholesome and positive and it makes you glad you share the planet with people in the hope that at least some of them are as good as the people portrayed in this movie. I had never even heard of this movie before seeing it. Hopefully word will get out and the makers of this film will get the recognition they deserve, but nothing less than an Academy Award for Best Picture seems sufficient. This is not a cute little "sleeper" of a film. It is a brilliant portrayal of an ideal family fighting together for principle. It doesn't take itself too seriously, but I think it is profound and will forever be a classic.
Rating:  Summary: Oh, that's a great -- what do you call it? -- a movie! Review: They're not the brightest bulbs on the string. But if you enjoy subtle humor and irony, this loving and lovable family will keep you laughing throughout the movie. Their enthusiasm for finding something special in the mundane is incessantly amusing. Dad is proud of the giant power lines going through his property, and sees them as an inspirational "reminder of man's ability to generate electricity," and is constantly amazed at Mom's talent for cooking special dishes, such as chicken... WITH SEASONINGS! I would compare this movie to Raising Arizona or Cold Comfort Farm. The laughs are numerous, but you are not force-fed. I certainly found things I had missed the first time during my second viewing, and expect to pick up more the next time. Just listening to their Australian voices is hilarious. The language gets a little rough, which is the only reason I would not recommend this movie for my mother-in-law or my early-teen nieces and nephews.
Rating:  Summary: The Castle - Not for Everyone Review: I understand why some feel this movie gets high ratings for its parody of modern family relations. The previous reviews provide pretty good details of why they think so. But if you like the types of jokes and humour in the movie, be prepared to hear them again, and again and again......I got tired of the repetition 20 minutes into the show. My Australian relations could see the potential draw for watching such a movie, but were not themselves amused by it. If you're thinking of purchasing this movie, rent it first to make sure you like the humour. If you don't like the humour (and I found it tiresome) , you'll be sorry you bought it. The level of acting and general fiming of the movie is not a reason to make the purchase.
Rating:  Summary: One of my all-time favorites Review: This movie is one of the funniest I've ever seen, and it also contains a deeper meaning. The family featured is, albeit odd, but they are so close, and love each other so much, it served as an inspiration in my family life. The Australian accents necessitated me watching it twice to get all the dialogue.
Rating:  Summary: Very Witty, Fun Film That Will Make An Enjoyable Night Review: This is a film that I'd definitely rent and not buy because although it is very good and very funny, once is more than enough. The premise is that the family lives literally adjacent to the airport in a house no one else could stand due to the noise level. The government wants to take the house to add on to the airport, a piece of news 99% of the people who were in this situation would be overjoyed to receive. Not this bunch. This home is their castle and they are not about to give it up without a fight, all the way to the Australian Supreme Court. This is very much British humor, which I can have a hard time "getting", but in this case it worked even for me. If you are a huge fan of British humor, this film might be a 5 star one for you and worth buying.